Having Difficulty Integrating JSON Library with My AVR Microcontroller Code - c

I am a relatively inexperienced C developer with no previous experience in integrating libraries made by other developers into existing projects.
Basically, I need a means of parsing JSON data in an AVR microcontroller for a university project. To this end I attempted to download and integrate jansson (https://github.com/akheron/jansson) into my existing build of the microcontroller code. I am working with Atmel Studio in Windows 10, but I have also installed Code::Blocks with MinGW GCC (on the same Windows 10 installation) for the purpose of building the library, and to attempt to integrate the library into a native Windows application. So far, neither has been successful, and I get the same errors. All of the online resources I've found so far have been to basic to be useful, or well beyond my comprehension.
This is what I have done thus far:
I began by attempting to build the software and then integrate it into an existing project per the instructions in https://jansson.readthedocs.io/en/2.11/gettingstarted.html. I installed CMake, built the project files for Code::Blocks with cmake.exe -G “CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles”, then opened the project and built everything. A few of the targets (I believe related to testing) failed to build, but jansson itself built and output libjansson.a to the \lib\ directory, so I didn’t think too much of it.
That is as far as I’ve been able to get. In both Atmel Studio and Code::Blocks, I do the same thing: add jansson.h to the relevant include paths, add #include “jansson.h” to all of the relevant files, and add libjansson.a as a library in each IDE’s respective linker options. I’ve tried various things like adding and removing flags to the linker, but the output is always “cannot find -ljansson”, “undefined reference to ‘json_object_seed’” (which is a function in the API I’m calling for no reason other than to see if the project has built properly) and/or “ld returned 1 exit status”.
I cannot help but feel as if the issue is with the line “cc -o prog prog.c -ljansson” in the documentation linked above. I really just don’t understand how to set up the linker properly to get the project to build.
If anyone could give some insight into what I’m doing wrong/the correct way to link this library I would appreciate it a lot.

The library itself should be built with appropriate toolchain. I assume that you built your library twice, one version using MinGW toolchain and other with avr-gcc toolchain.
If you compile target application and linker cannot find library, then try to add path of directory that contains *.a file of library to linker settings (linker search path). Let's say you have: /path/to/lib/libjansson.a
In Code::Blocks: Project → Build options → Search directories → Linker add /path/to/lib/. Then it should link with include path set, for example: cc -o prog prog.c -ljansson -L/path/to/lib/
In Atmel Studio when you add a library in Solution Explorer → Libraries → Add Library it should automatically add library search path to linker options. If you check Project → Properties → AVR/GNU Linker there should be (between other options): -Wl,-ljansson -Wl,-L"/path/to/lib/"
If you copied library files (libjansson.a and jansson.h) to your application's project directory, it will be convenient to use relative paths to library files.


Codeblocks not recognizing tcl library

I am attempting to run an old program that uses tcl as well as legacy opengl. I managed to link the opengl libraries successfully; however, I cannot seem to get the tcl linker to work. For context, the program I am using came with include and lib folder. The lib folder contains tclstub86_32.lib, tclstub86_64.lib, and tkstub86.lib as well as opengl .libs. The include folder contains two folders: tcl_include and tk_include, which obviously contain all the .c and .h files for tcl and tk. The following pictures show my settings from using project -> build options:
The error I receive when compiling is:
C:\Users\amlut\Downloads\C\tkogl\curve.c|18|undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_Free'|
And here is the bit of code that is throwing the error:
if (*line != NULL) Tcl_Free((char*)*line);
I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, any help is appreciated. Thank you.
The problem is that the code is apparently linking against the Tcl stub library (an ABI/API adaptor library) but isn't compiling to use that library but rather to use a full Tcl library instead. When building an extension package, using the stub library is a good thing as it means that the resulting code is not bound to an exact version of the Tcl (and Tk) library but rather to a version of the Tcl ABI which has a much longer support cycle.
The fix is to define the USE_TCL_STUBS and USE_TK_STUBS (that has the identical issue; you have just hit the Tcl version of it first) C preprocessor symbols when building; set them both to 1 and recompile. This is done under the Compiler Settings tab in Code::Blocks apparently.

gtk.h missing in Visual Studio for Linux Development

I'm currently trying to write an app for Raspberry Pi 3B under Rasbpian with aid of Linux Development plugin in Visual Studio 2017 Community. I managed to successfully deploy 'Blink' example, nobly attached by Microsoft folks, according to tutorial, and that went well. I even made some transmission over SPI thanks to wiringPi library. Then I would like to add some GUI to my app, so that one could, for example, make some transmission on click of a button on screen.
IntelliSense hinted me, that, in fact, there is gtk-3.0 library present in toolset. It seems that libraries are being copied from target device on every connection or so and I installed gtk on my Raspberry. So I added a simple line to this Blink example:
#include <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h>
On compilation attempt, of course there was nearly 4k errors. Well, enough said, with a little hint from this old tutorial and a bit of trial and error, I managed to add this set of links under Debugging/Project properties/Configuration properties/VC++ directories/Header files directories:
Everything goes in promising direction, as errors number diminished from 4k to just one:
gtk-3.0\gtk\gtk.h: No such file or directory
No matter that this file is ACTUALLY in this location:
Regardless of combination of links in configuration above and using statement composition, compiler (?) can't find this damn file.
Please Halp
I just confirmed, that it is indeed problem with target configuration. This is bad or good, depending on point of view. Good, because there is probably all good with VS setup. Bad, because I don't know a thing about compiling things under Linux.
On target (Raspberry Pi 3B) all ingredients for compilation are copied by Linux Development plugin. So in Terminal I executed line:
g++ main.cpp -o Blink2onRPi
and got
main.cpp:4:21: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: no such file or directory
Now, I altered include line in main.cpp on target RPi, to this:
#include <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h>
And now its missing <gdk/gdk.h>! When this change is made on host windows device - same result, but in VS.
As I dealt with similar problem in VS, upon setting links for IntelliSense (now apparently they're for this purpose), now probably similar dependencies have to be set somewhere on Raspbian. But where?
Upon execution of:
g++ main.cpp -o Blink2onRPi `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0`
on target RPi there is no more GTK-related errors, just wiringPi (also present in project) undefined references. It raises two possible questions:
1) How can I setup wiringPi on RPi so that the project could be manually compiled on target and
2) How/where add above line to Visual Studio, so it execute remotely with all GTK dependencies added properly on target
Researching stock present wiringPi library (as this is Blink led example for cross-compile Linux Development) I've found, that in Project Properties/Linker/Input/Library Dependencies there is mysterious entry:
Just that, nothing more. After removing this entry, on compilation pops out same errors as before on target (which apparently lacks proper wiringPi setup) - undefined references (not mensioned any missing headers). Can this be relevant for the case? If so, how could I add there such entry which would deal with missing GTK dependencies?
Use screenshot below to know where to add pkg-config calls in VS configuration so that it forwards it to the compiler and linker on the target.
Thanks to #zaguoba for providing these.
The list of directories to include is provided by pkg-config. For example pkg-config --cflags-only-I gtk+-3.0 will give you the list of include directories required. Those are the ones you need to add to the directories where VC++ wil look at include files. If you add the relative path you use in the #include, to one of those paths, you are able to find the file.
If you add to the directories C:\Program Files\foo\bar\gtk+-3.0
and have in your C file:
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
then the compiler will look for C:\Program Files\foo\bar\gtk+-3.0\gtk\gtk.h.
This all means the 'file not found' errors are because you're really building on the target and the target has no idea what C:\Program Files\... means. Those should be paths on the target filesystem, where the compiler is called. And this is exactly what pkg-config provides.
The copy of those files on the Windows machine filesystems is merely for Intellisense use, not for compiler use.
So that's that Visual Studio 2017 Community Linux Development plugin is what need to be undestood. It's not for cross compilation from Windows to Linux, istead it merely synchronizes code to the Windows host (for Intellisense use), but builds on the target. This means that all the paths and commands are Linux paths and commands, run on the target.
Here's the OP working configuration:
With that setup, you should
#include <gtk\gtk.h>
instead of
#include <gtk-3.0\gtk\gtk.h>
Alternatively remove all those VC++ directories/Header files directories, and just keep one of them that ends with include/ instead of listing up all the sub directiores.

Compiling in a dynamic C library (dylib) into a program on OS X

I've written a little C program which uses libusb. Now I want to distribute this program to "normal" (not dev) Mac OS X computers. But when I ported the compiled file to a test machine I got the following error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libusb-0.1.4.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/kitty/myprogram
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5
When I copy the files (works only with all the files)
/opt/local/lib/libusb-0.1.4.dylib /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.a
/opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib
from my machine to the target machine the program works flawlessly.
But I really want to create or compile everything into a single executable. How is this possible?
Using -static while compiling does not work since not all libraries can be compiled into the final app statically (see this SO question here).
So how can I make a single neat little application file?
You can convert a static library to a dynamic library, but I'm not aware of a way to do the reverse as you want it.
If you're building an app with a bundle, you need to put the library you want to distribute inside your bundle, in the Frameworks directory, and link against that.
If you are not building a bundle-based app, just a single binary, you may need to provide instructions for your users on how to install the library on their system (e.g. via Homebrew).
Here's how you do it for bundle-based apps:
Apple has a document about run-path dependent libraries but doesn't actually explain how to set this up for a newbie.
Here's how it should work:
Add the libusb.dylib you want to use to your project.
It should automatically get added to your "Link Binary with Libraries" phase in your project's "Build Phases". If not, add it here.
Add a new "Copy Files" build phase.
In the "Destination" drop-down box, select "Frameworks". This is the
Frameworks directory in your app's final bundle.
Then press the "+" icon in that copy build phase and add your library.
If you had any manual linking options like -L/usr/local/lib and -lusb, remove them.
Clean and build.
When you now look into your app bundle, you'll see that the library is copied to <bundle_path>/Contents/Frameworks/. You can now start the app from wherever you want, the dynamic link loader knows it needs to look at <path_to_binary>/../Frameworks/ to find your library.
But: you may need to rebuild your libusb to have the install_name set to #rpath/../Frameworks/libusb.dylib or use the install_name_tool CLI tool fix that path for your copy of libusb.dylib that you added to your project.

Cannot find -lpthread?

I am new to C programming.
I was trying to use the pthread API to write some concurrent program.
I downloaded eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, MinGW. I have put all the library, header files into the corresponding location of the MinGW file.
When I tried to build the project, there is always an error "cannot find -lpthread", what happened?
I have added the "-pthread" to the GCC compiler.
I have searched a lot in Google but seems no one have similar problem as me.
The answer to this question by someone who is also missing MinGW pthread library should help you out! Essentially the issue is that the MinGW installer script might not download the lpthread library upon installation. Quoted from link:
Just run and open MinGW Installation Manager, which should be pre-installed with MinGW, select "All Packages" on the left panel, and on the right panel, search for "mingw32-pthreads-w32" packages and install them.
I downloaded eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, MinGW.
MingGW uses the Windows API. The Windows API does not provide PThreads.
You need to install PThreads for Win32 to have PThreads available under Windows, and with this available under MinGW.
Eclipse is not configured to put the -pthread argument in the gcc compilation. To solve this, go to the Menu:
view sourceprint?
1.Project -> Properties
From the bar on the left:
view sourceprint?
1.c/c++ build -> GCC C Compiler -> Miscellaneous
Add the “-pthread” argument into the beginning of the “Other Flags” Also go to:
view sourceprint?
1.c/c++ build -> Settings -> GCC C Linker -> Libraries
And include the “pthread”library into the other libraries. Click Apply and rebuild the project. Pthreads must work now.
See the question on mingw.org. I ended up with adding 'C:/cygwin/lib' to the settings for the "Library search path (-L)" at properties >> c/c++ build >> settings >> MinGW C Linker >> Libraries.

How do I use "unity" to unit test C code on Mac (Lion)?

Let me start out by saying that I'm not a C developer and I know very little about actually writing real world C code. I've been doing some research to find a xUnit framework that I can use to write tests for C code and based on what I've found it seems like Unity is the one that I want to go with. It seems simple enough, but I really just don't know what to do after I download the zip file from Unity's website. It doesn't seem to have the normal configure/make/make install, and if it did, I'm not sure that is what I should be using anyway. It does, however, ship with some rake tasks, but none of those seemed to be any kind of "install" task. As a last resort I tried to just copy the 3 source files in with my code (which I really hope is not the right thing to do), but when I try that I get an error trying to compile my c file with gcc, but I think this should be working. Here is my set up:
Here is the source for mycode.c
/* mycode.c */
#include "unity.h"
void test_sample(void)
When I run gcc mycode.c I get:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.6.o
"_UnityAssertEqualNumber", referenced from:
_test_sample in ccyHByv6.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
(I get a similar error when I try to compile unity.c with gcc). Which I assume means that the code that ships with unity requires a different compiler than what I have which is:
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)
or that maybe unity is not compatible with a 64 bit processor... (I'm running on Mac OS 10.7.3 with a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor - another thing that may or may not be relavent is that I've got XCode Version 4.3 (4E109) and also Command Line Tools for XCode) At this point I'm just grasping at straws and I'm in way over my head.
My question is, what is the correct process to go through to take a 3rd party C library, such as Unity, and make it available to my C code? Do I need to install something like in Python or Ruby or add something to my path like in Java or something else? Shouldn't just dropping unity's code in with mine work? Am I doing something wrong or is Unity or both? I really just want to be able to test drive C code using Unity. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
First, try 'gcc *.c -o mytest'. This will compile all of the C source files into object files, and then link them together into the binary 'mytest'. Keep in mind that all C source files have to be compiled to object files before they can be linked together. (A library is just a bunch of packaged object files.)
If you had a unity library installed in /usr/lib, you could do something like 'gcc mycode.c -lunity -o mytest'. If you had a unity library sitting in the current directory, you might do 'gcc mycode.c ./unity.a -o mytest'. This tells the compiler to look for a file named 'unity.a' in the current directory. Some libraries build .so files ('shared object' files, similar to DLLs in Windows). Replacing 'unity.a' with 'unity.so' should work if that is the case. (I'm assuming a Unix/Linux environment here.)
As an alternative to Unity, look at Google Test, which can be used with C code. I know it is supported on the Mac as well. The primary benefit is a large and active community. More information on Google Test from another SO question: Is Google Test OK for testing C code?
I figured out my problem. It turns out that unity requires you to define a setup and a teardown function and if you do not, you will get errors similar to the one that I was running into.
