Kendo React Bootstrap Datepicker year not clickable - reactjs

I am using Kendo DatePicker control in React Bootstrap. It seems to be working fine, but when I try to change the year it is not working. I am using React 16+ and Bootstrap 3.3.
below is the scrrenshot for same

Please try updating the packages. It is clickable with the latest version:


Does react-bootstrap have templates like material ui

I am new to react started using templates from material ui. I had to switch to react-bootstrap.
I wanted to know whether react-bootstrap have readymade templates like material-ui?? If so where can we find them??
Something like this:
Yes.. React bootstrap have templates like material UI.
Refer below URLs for documentation in react bootstrap templates.
Dropdown component:

Show Bootstrap 3 Modal using AngularJS

I am using AngularJS 1.5.0 and Bootstrap 3.3.6.
I am trying to display the Bootstrap Modal Plugin using AngularJS.
It is easy to display using Bootstrap JS Modal
$("#myModal").modal() works with JQuery, but I need to get this working with AngularJS.
I suggest to install the UI Bootstrap which is a Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS. Then you can use the Modal as seen in the Demo here

Using Material UI components inside an Iframe

I've been trying to get Material UI components to work inside an Iframe. Material UI has provided a DemoFrame component for this purpose (, but the styles does not get inserted into the Iframe properly. I've created a code sandbox to demonstrate this. Am I missing something here?
The demo frame seems to be working correctly in the component demos in material-ui web site. If I look at the source I can see the styles have been injected correctly.
But in my demo the styles does not get injected into the iframe.
Got it to work after updating the packages to the latest versions and adding the following lines to install the material ui styles.
import { install } from "#material-ui/styles";

Angular Material Datepicker pop up out of place

I am using Angular Material version 1.1.4 with Angular version 1.5.9, when I add md-datepicker on my page the datepicker's popup is opening out of position.

Angular UI Bootstrap v0.11 datepicker popup not working

Just switched to v0.11 of UI Bootstrap and the datepicker-popup is no longer working.
It works fine with v0.10. Anyone know what has been changed in the new version which might be causing the problem?
Nevermind. I should have checked the github first.
There is a bug report on the datepicker.
