wordpress function with custom database - database

I am writing a WordPress plugin.
In one program, I capture the WordPress user id and write it to a file in a custom database.
Another program connects to the custom database, retrieves multiple rows having the user id:
$connection = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass);
$sql = "SELECT ...";
$prep = $connection->prepare($sql);
and tries to access the wordpress function after retrieving each record:
$user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
As soon as the get_userdata function is executed, the programs dies.
Do I need to connect to the wordpress database?
If so, how?

First of all, Why you have made database connection manually this way as you can able to use global variable "global $wpdb;" and then able to write query based on "$wpdb".
Second thing, you might declare that $user_id variable as global, so can access it globally in file or you should define in functions.php file and check for their availability.
Please let me know if any of this solution does not work for you with details.


Perl CGI::Session, Multiple Sessions with same IDs, MySQL Driver

I have some problem with CGI::Session.
I try to create a new session with an existing session id passed with the cgi object. Normally the session should reuse the existing session in the database, but it doesn't. Instead it creates a new session database entry with the exact same session id.
Here are the relevant parts of my code:
$session = CGI::Session->new('driver:mysql', $cgi,
$sessioncookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name=>'DCGISESSID', -value=>$session->id, -expires=>'+1h', -path=>'/');
The code works as long as I do not set the cookie name with the name() method and use the default value CGISESSID as cookiename. But for some reason, after changing it to DCGISESSID with CGI::Session->name("DCGISESSID"); it doesn't work.
Does someone got the same problem or has any advice for me?
Solved the problem. I configured the table false, that's why id wasn't a primary key too.

How to create database use servlet?

I want to create tables in jsp when user run the jsp file first time,like we install wordpress,it can create table by itself.Can it use the sql file?
PS:just because my friend ask me to make a jsp website,in his computer of course,,but he know nothing about mysql,so I think I should let the program create database,like we install wordpress,we just enter username and password ,it can create everything for us.
This class will execute a script from a file: http://pastebin.com/f10584951
Use something like this inside a JSP page.
ScriptRunner scriptRunner = new ScripRunner(connection);
Reader reader = new FileReader("path to file");

Yii Dynamic DB Connection according to user with master database

My project is on the basis of multi-tenent SaaS.
I have multiple clients (companies) and each client has multiple users - they all will use the same database layout.
Each client has their own database, so during user authentication, I want to Build a master database that associates the user with a company database for that user.
The structure of each database is identical... only the data is different.
So that we can keep the different database for the different company, that will not going to mix in data in database.
The number of clients (and therefor the number of databases) is unknown when the application is written, so it is not possible to include all the connections in the bootstrap script.
Now, what I want to do is, dynamically alter the DB connection that is in the bootstrap or have the ability to dynamically create a new connection for the user signing in. Is there a simple solution for this in Yii and still use AR , query builder ?
I saw this solution but not working for me http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5385-dynamic-db-connection/
This is how my config file looks today for the script running one database, i want to call a master database that controls which database the user belongs to and the app uses in Yii, any idea?
<? php
$language = 'en';
$currencyBaseCode = 'USD';
$theme = 'default';
$connectionString = 'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=master';
$username = 'root';
$password = 'YOUR PASS';
$memcacheServers = array( // An empty array means memcache is not used.
'host' => '',
'port' => 11211, // This is the default memcached port.
'weight' => 100,
$adminEmail = 'EMAIL ADDRESS';
$installed = true; // Set to true by the installation process.
$maintenanceMode = false; // Set to true during upgrade process or other maintenance tasks.
$instanceConfig = array(); //Set any parameters you want to have merged into configuration array.
//#see CustomManagement
$instanceConfig['components']['request']['hostInfo'] = 'website url';
$instanceConfig['components']['request']['scriptUrl'] = '/app/index.php';
$urlManager = array (); // Set any parameters you want to customize url manager.
? >
Define the master database in the config file, and use the normal AR class to connect to it to retrieve the credentials. Then, close the connection.
Then extend the AR class, specifically the getDbConnection() method. Get the relevant credentials, and pass them as a parameters to a new CDbConnection object.
The initial DB request to get the credentials is going to be a huge performance drag, so you should really store them in-memory with Redis or Memcached. Yii doesn't do that natively.
There are a few different ways around this:
Different front controllers loading different config files, each of which is dynamically generated or destroyed by a separate app.
One big database. Each record has a key to define which client it belongs to.
One big database. Tables can be duplicated by using a client name as part of the table name.
None of these will be easy with Yii, as this is not really something Yii was designed to do.

PowerBuilder application login

I am using PowerBuilder PFC library to login to the database.
n_cst_appmanager/ pfc_open:
IF this.of_LogonDlg() > 0 THEN
n_cst_appmanager/ pfc_logon:
SQLCA.AutoCommit = False
SQLCA.DBParm = "ConnectString='DSN=mytestdb;UID=" + as_userid + ";PWD=" + as_password + "'"
connect using SQLCA;
Now, once the user is logged in, there are few situations that I will need to connect to another database (for example, to copy some data there), so I would like to connect to the other database automatically, without displaying the login window again, therefore I would need to save the username and password of the user.
How can I save it? Do I need to save in the registry? Can you give some example please?
For example, I can get the user id in following way:
s_userid = gnv_app.of_GetUserID()
But I can not get the password. Can someone please help me how i can do it? Thanks a lot.
Actually, now that I'm paying attention to what you need instead of what you asked for <g>, and riffing off of Hugh's answer, why not just copy the transaction object?
n_cst_String lnv_String
ltr_NewConnect.DBMS = SQLCA.DBMS
ltr_NewConnect.AutoCommit = SQLCA.AutoCommit
ltr_NewConnect.DBParm = lnv_String.of_GlobalReplace (SQLCA.DBParm, "mytestdb", "myotherdb")
If I were doing this, I'd code a copy of all the transaction object fields, just in case the means of defining the connection changes.
I'm assuming the other database is the same type of database in order for this to make sense (so that it uses the same type of DBParm), but either way the principle may apply.
Good luck,
There's nothing built into PFC and there's nothing automagic in PowerBuilder that will help you with this. Just create an instance variable and a function to access it. Maybe grab the n_cst_LogonAttrib from the Message.PowerObjectParm immediately after the call to of_LogonDlg() and grab the value from there. Or, further extend your n_cst_AppManager.pfc_Logon event. Or extend of_LogonDlg(), and model the capture after the way PFC does the user id.
Note that storing the password anywhere permanent and visible to other processes like the registry would be a security violation that many companies would not allow. Not a direction you want to go.
Good luck,
You can parse them out of SQLCA.DBParm.
string ls_userID, ls_password
n_cst_string stringSrv
ls_userID = stringSrv.of_getKeyValue(SQLCA.DBParm, "UID", ";")
ls_password = stringSrv.of_getKeyValue(SQLCA.DBParm, "PWD", ";")
However, a good case can be made for capturing them in the appmanager if you know you will need them.
Having the same login credentials for different databases is a security concern. It's the sort of thing that leads to your company being in the news for the wrong reasons.

Manage Website Configuration via CMS

I've read questions on Stack Overflow very similar to this question, but not quite the same.
Let's say that I had the following config.inc.php file included on every page of my website:
$site_name = 'Acme Inc.';
$authenticate_with_ldap = true;
$ldap_host = 'ldap.example.com';
$ldap_port = 389;
$ldap_rdn = 'ldap-user';
$ldap_password = 'ldap-pass';
$ldap_dn = 'ou=example,dc=example,dc=com';
$smtp_username = 'smtp-user';
$smtp_password = 'smtp-pass';
$recaptcha_publickey = 'my-recaptcha-publickey';
$recaptcha_privatekey = 'my-recaptcha-privatekey';
Note: I have chosen to keep the website configuration in a file instead of the database because the information is used all over the website and it would be a lot more code and, I'm guessing, a lot more overhead to have to query the database for the same information all the time.
Now let's say that the website administrator is the type of person who would prefer to edit the above information using a CMS as opposed to going in and editing the file manually. My fear is that when the website administrator clicks the "Update" button and the PHP script gets to the file_put_contents function that overwrites the config.inc.php file, something could go wrong and either corrupt the file or make it unusable due to a syntax error or something.
Is this a reasonable concern? Should I tell the website administrator that he should just tough it out and edit the file manually? Should I store the information in the database instead? Or should I store the information in both places so that if the file gets messed up, it can be regenerated using the information in the database?
If you store that info in the DB as a single row of data, wouldn't it be cached anyway?
