How do I add new language support to eclipse che - eclipse-che

I'm quite new to eclipse che, and I'm currently trying to figure out how to add a new language support to che. Can anybody help?

You can check on how to add support for a new language server.
In Che a language server is used to provide all the language functionalities such as syntax highlighting, autocompletions etc.
If might also want to create a stack with the required toolchain to compile source code written in your new language.


Using Eclipse IDE as a text editor for my programming language

I created a programming language which currently runs only on command line interface. I would like it to run on Eclipse IDE. I did some research on it but could not really find accurate answers on it.
The programming language was created using flex and bison, hence, it was created using c. Instead of creating a GUI for my programming language, I decided to use Eclipse IDE instead.
After some extensive research on how to teach Eclipse to recognize my programming language, I found some results which indicated I can use CDT in Eclipse to solve this problem.
How do I go about using this CDT in Eclipse to teach it to recognize my programming language?
Depending on how the syntax of your language differs from C/C++, consider also the following options:
For basic language support you can extend the Generic Text editor and add a launcher
With Eclipse Xtext you define your language using a grammar language and let generate Xtext the Eclipse plug-ins for you.
For dynamic languages Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit might also be an option (e. g. used by Eclipse PDT for PHP)
The trend is currently moving to the Language Server Protocol (LSP), see for example Eclipse aCute which is based on Eclipse LSP4E (Eclipse LSP connector/integration) and Eclipse TM4E (for syntax highlighting): essentially, you only need to implement one LSP language server to support the IDEs and editors that understand LSP.

Searching for options to refactor and simplify programming in IAR Embedded Workbench IDE

I've been using eclipse until recently for java. I'm starting out with a embedded c project and there seems to be a lot of functionality missing in IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. I don't want to switch as projects I'm working on are made for this IDE and migrating would be quite a hassle.
Is there a way to enable refactoring and clicking to find declarations of variables etc. ?

Code completion C/C++ on Aptana doesn't work

I'm using aptana studio 3 with C code and when I'm writting an acces to an structure it suggests in each position what variables I can use, but for simple variables it doesn't suggests anything without press control+space.
Any idea how to change that?
Aptana Studio doesn't include code completion for C/C++ by default. I would suggest you'll need to contact the plugin authors for C/C++ with that question.

Good Gui editors for win C programming

I am trying to get back to C programming in windows.
I normally use codeblocks for the code and for the gui I used Resource Editor from radasm, but it seems it's no longer available.
Anyone know of a simple program that will let me create dialogs, edit existing resource files and such easily?
Qt Creator is capable of doing all those things, if you choose to use Qt for your project.
Borland C++
Dev -C++
Eclipse CDT
You could try GTK
You can find the tutorials here
Glade is the preferred RAD tool for resource editting

C in JVM? Show errors during programming

A great feature - I think - is, when languages, running in a virtualized way like C# and Java show errors during you're working on the source. Most often IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans or VisualStudio have the feature to specify errors immediately.
Is there anything like this for C/C++? Just for coding... I'm currently searching for a way to gain the same coding experience with good old C :).
Eclipse has C and C++ support with the CDT project. I've never personally used it but I would assume it has everything you want.
You can program in C++ in Visual Studio and it will give you the same intellisense an error highlighting features you would expect from it's other languages.
Netbeans and Sun Studio have C/C++ support (Sun Studio seems to have more advanced debugging features).
