Flickering issue with antd - reactjs

I am using the Ant Design components for some interfaces in a React App but I'm noticing an issue with Modals and Tooltips. Usually when the modal is empty or is simple - e.g has only a text it is going to show properly but in case there are more elements on it (on production scenario) it flickers.
You can visually watch the flickering issue here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ODsj-aGz6saHJLXLI7sJaesgHKKPrvD2/view
Hope to get some answers :-) Thank you!
The visibleRequest state variable is triggered true by a button in the interface.
EDIT: As requested here's my code:
const data = [
{name:"Request #1",description:"Request description",status:"0"},
{name:"Request #1",description:"Request description",status:"1"},
{name:"Request #1",description:"Request description",status:"2"}
const handleOk = ()=>{
const handleCancel = ()=>{
<div style={{overflowY:"scroll"}}>
title="Submit new request"
<Input placeholder="Title"/>
<Input.TextArea placeholder="Description"/>
{item.status==1?<Tooltip title="Request approved">
<Icon type="check-circle" theme="twoTone" twoToneColor="#52c41a" />
item.status==2?<Icon type="close-circle" theme="twoTone" twoToneColor="#7F1C43" />:<Icon type="ellipsis" theme="outlined" />}
<Pagination total={20}/>


React slick slide not clickable

I am using react slick for making slides of poll. I am facing issue while clicking the poll option. Click gets fired after two clicks.
I think touch start is the issue here.
Not sure if it's like your code but the console logs the text when I click on the first image:
const ReactSlick = (props) => {
var settings = {
dots: true
return (
<div className="container">
<Slider {...settings}>
<img onClick={() => console.log("Clicked !")} src="http://placekitten.com/g/400/200" />
<img src="http://placekitten.com/g/400/200" />

React Boostrap Modal Container not working

I'm trying to get a React Booststrap Modal working inside a container I've tried in many different ways but I'm not getting it to work inside the container (div), I honestly don't know why.
The code is a little long, so I will let you a snippet of the code.
function MisListas() {
const listContainer=useRef(null)
return (
<div ref={listContainer}> //Here is the ref
// Some Code
<Row xs={2} sm={3} md={4} lg={4} xl={5}>
{search && search.map(product =>{
return (
BasePrice: product.Price,
FinalPrice: product.Price
This is the Modal:
function Product({product,container}) {
//Some Code
This is a simplified version of the code. As you can see I am passing the ref (listContainer) as the container of the modal as container.ref. But the modal keeps taking the whole screen when it opens.
Any idea how can I make it work?

Flag setting issue in React

So basically I'm trying to tie in the Login and Sign Up component to the Main component by making use of onClick action of a button.
Given below is the code segment
function Dev({value}){
const [isButton, ButtonClicked ] = useState(false);
const handleClick=()=> ButtonClicked(!isButton);
<CardImg top width="100%" src={value.src} alt="Card image cap" />
<CardTitle className='text-card'>{value.title}</CardTitle>
<CardText className='text-text'>{value.text}</CardText>
<Button className='text-button' onClick={handleClick}>{value.button}<i class={value.icon} aria-hidden="true"></i></Button>
{isButton && (value.id ? <Login open={true} /> : <Sign open={true}/>)}
The code works fine, but there is an issue.
When I first click on the button, isButton will be set to true and the Login component will pop up. After closing it, I have to click twice on the button to render the Login component again.
I know the reason behind this; when I click on the button the second time isButton will be toggled to false and I should click again to toggle it to true. This is kind of inappropriate, is there any way to work around this issue?
The code for Login Component
const Login = (props) => {
const [modal, setModal] = useState(props.open);
const toggle = () => setModal(!modal);
return (
<Modal isOpen={modal} toggle={toggle}>
<ModalHeader toggle={toggle}>Login</ModalHeader>
export default Login;

How do I update state to specific value?

I hope you're all well.
I would be so grateful if any of you can shed some light on the following question..
There are two relevant components:
Parent component which fetches data using GraphQL
let authors = "";
const { loading, data } = useQuery(FETCH_AUTHORS_QUERY);
console.log(`Loading: ${loading}`);
if (data) {
authors = { data: data.getAuthors };
return (
<Grid columns={3}>
<Grid.Row className="page-title">
<h1>Recent Essays</h1>
{loading ? (
<h1>Loading essays..</h1>
) : (
authors.data &&
authors.data.map(author => (
<Grid.Column key={author.id} style={{ marginBottom: 20 }}>
<AuthorCard author={author} />
getAuthors {
Child component called 'AuthorCard' (you can see placed in the parent component above):
function AuthorCard({ author: { Author, Description_1, id } }) {
const [writer, setWriter] = useState();
return (
<Card fluid>
<Card.Meta as={Link} to={`/essays`}></Card.Meta>
<Card.Content extra>
<Button as="div" labelPosition="right">
<Button color="teal" basic>
<Icon name="heart" />
<Label basic color="teal" pointing="left"></Label>
<Button labelPosition="right" as={Link} to={`/essays`}>
onClick={() => setWriter(Author)}
<Icon name="comments" />
export default AuthorCard;
The issue is as follows:
When I click the as={Link} to={/essays} button in the child component, I would like to 'setWriter' state to the individual Author whose button I am clicking on.
However, I am not able to specify the individual author whose button is being clicked on. React thinks I want to 'setWriter' for the entire list of authors. For example, when I console.log(Author) within the button, I can see every author in the list printed in the console.
I have tried adding id, using event.target .value, and onChange instead of onClick.
I just haven't been able to target the individual author in order to update the state (which will be needed in a different component).
Please let me know if anything isn't clear or if it would be helpful to provide more details.
Thanks in advance and happy coding!!!
You should use a destructuring assignment expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables.
I think you should declare your child component like this:
function AuthorCard({ Author, Description_1, id }) {
Thanks for the reply.
I finally solved the issue. I had to use:
onClick={e => setWriter(e.currentTarget.Author)}
I hadn't known about using 'current target.'
I can then transfer the state to other components through useContext.
Hopefully this can help someone else!

React - Material-UI Modal causing an error with the tabindex

I am getting this error when I open a modal on my React app but I can't figure out what it means or how to fix it.
"Warning: Material-UI: the modal content node does not accept focus.
For the benefit of assistive technologies, the tabIndex of the node is being set to "-1"."
<SettingsModal event={this.state.eventDetails} id={this.state.eventDetails.id} delete={this.handleRemoveEvent}/>
<Paper className={classes.SettingsModal}>
<Button onClick={(e) => this.props.delete(this.props.event)}>Delete Event</Button>
I've found fix! To remove this error you should wrap your Modal content with DialogContent component like this
import DialogContent from '#material-ui/core/DialogContent';
// ...
render () {
return (
<Modal open={this.state.modalOpened} onClose={() => this.setState({ modalOpened: false, modalContent: null })}>
All the credit goes to #Idos's comment above since he found the reference to the GitHub Issue. I found that this specific comment was useful.
The wrapping element of the Modal Contents needs to have a prop of
tabIndex: {-1}
In your case looks like you need to do the following:
<Paper tabIndex:{-1} ...>
i had the same problem. apparently wrapping a div around SettingsModal should fix it.
Following #Wolfman comment, I just used Fragment from React, because it doesn't add any DOM element:
render () {
return (
<Modal open={this.state.modalOpened} onClose={() => this.setState({ modalOpened: false, modalContent: null })}>
Even though, I still don't understand that issue :/
