Codename one-purchased certificate, but can't continue - codenameone

I have developped a Codename one App. It runs normally in Android. I am trying to make it run in Iphone as well.
1) I have purchased a developer apple account, paying the 100$.
2) I have generated a .cert file in windows, using instructions.
3) I used ios signing to use the certificate there.
However, the one issue is "choose a device" from IOS certificate wizard, is empty. Check image.
Whenever i make an IOS build, it says build successful, but displays an error accepting the certificate.
What am i missing? What should i do?

In the menu button on the top right click add device and add the UDID's for the devices you own. On these devices you will be able to install the debug versions of the apps you build.


Unable to record mobile app steps using jmeter

I tried the following in order to record mobile app steps using jmeter:
Start Jmeter on the my laptop and add the necessary recording templates.
Copied and installed the Jmeter cert on the mobile phone.
Connected the mobile phone to the same wifi that my laptop (with Jmeter) is on.
In the proxy hostname, I added the ip address of my laptop (with Jmeter). I also add the same port that was configured in Jmeter for my laptop.
Clicked start on the HTTP(S) Recording controller to start recording.
NB. I ensured my firewall was off during the recording.
I tried these steps several times, but when I use my mobile app on my phone, nothing gets recorded. I then tried navigating to a site using the browser but it does not record these actions either. Instead, it records other steps that I don't recognise. Please see links below for what I am seeing in Jmeter.
Does anyone have a solution to this?
Recorded Steps
Errors Displayed
You're getting this error:
because JMeter is not capable of decrypting the intercepted traffic as you didn't install JMeter's MITM certificate onto your mobile device.
The certificate is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it's being generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation when you start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
I cannot provide exact steps for the certificate installation without knowing the operating system (including version) of your mobile device, however you might find the following material helpful:
Five Tips for Using Self Signed SSL Certificates with iOS
Android: Add & remove certificates
Recording Using Android Devices
Using self-signed SSL in Android (Nougat+)
hey you have to "trust the jmeter certificate in your mobile device". in ios its "trusted certificates-->certificate trust setting--> enable button for jmeter certificate which you took from jmeter machine to the mobile (ios in my case)"

iOS Build fails due to certifications, but they were created in the wizard

I have been using codenameone to develop an app which I have tested on android, and wish to do so on iOS. I have a paid Apple Developer account, and am able to go through the signing wizard correctly and the "iOS Signing" page is filled out with all of the information.
However, when I come to build an iOS development build, during the ant process the console logs
A certificate from Apple with the appropriate password is required for building an iOS native app!
This is odd, as the information that was filled in was created from the wizard with no errors. On th Apple Developer account page I can see all of the certificates and devices etc...
For some reason, (even when I clicked "browse") when I selected the certificate files it would change the path to my JDK installation
/Library......bin/<selected file>
This is odd, but I ended up fixing it by manually creating the certificates (being unaware of the certificate password.) Trying now, it [the certificate creator] works fine (as long as I change the path once it has finished). It wouldn't allow any full path (IE /Users/....), and would only allow relative paths to the project folder. So when I set the location to the "iosCerts" folder, it worked fine.
iosCerts/<selected file>
This possibly may be an IntelliJ / Mac bug?

OTA Device Skin Download Not Working Because Of NTLM Proxy

Most of the time I am working behind a Microsoft NTLM Authenticationg Proxy. For some reason the proxy settings in the Simulator don't work with that.
Most java programs I get to work with the proxy through a program called cntlm, but not the Codename One Simulator or other Codename One features requiring a network connection. Therefore I cannot login to Codename One and ...
I am unable to use the OTA Device Skin Download.
Where would I find the skins to install skins manually?
The skins are here:
However, can you please file an issue on that so we can track this. It should work fine with the standard simulator proxy settings. I'll verify that.

Codename one Send IOS app store build

I have Apple ID. When I am trying to Send IOS app store build in MAC system, I am getting Build Error.
I have created certificates for this, might be this step leads to error{ created certificate with device UDID}.
Please help me on how to create certificates and send IOS store build.
Thanks in advance.
you can directly this all features directly by using netbean. There is wizard "Generate" for ios from which you can create development certificate as well as provision profile. You can also add devices by using the wizard in ios tab.

Silverlight 4 launch a trusted application into the browser?

I just lost 5 hours looking for a answer which i haven't been able to find :p
First, I'd like to force a trusted application (i need to access the file system) to display into the browser. Based on what i found on google a trusted application must be installed and launched as a desktop application (also called out-of-browser application).
So, i want to have an installed application on the client side but meanwhile, the user must also be able to start this same application into a browser window when he goes on my web site. Is this possible ?
Second, I'd like to give to the user the possibility to start the application from the browser. To be clear, the application is installed on the client computer but i want a button on my web site which starts the desktop application. How can i do that ?
The answers are sort of and no.
Yes you can run an application that has been installed on the client also in the browser. However, not all of the installed application features will be available. Anything that requires elevated trust will not work inside the browser.
No you can't launch the installed application programmatically from within code running in the browser. The best you can do is display a polite message to the user to the effect that they have this app already installed and in order to access all of its feature they will need to launch it.
Yes, it is possbile since Silverlight 5, see my answer on silverlight-4-elevated-permission-inside-the-browser
