Customize local login page of EditProfile policy in Azure Active Directory B2C - azure-active-directory

Is there a way, to customize the login page for the custom login when executing the edit profile policy? After starting the edit profile police (e.g. with run now), i get the ip selection. Then i click on local account and get the default ui.
I'm currently using the default policy and not the identity experience framework.

Is there a way, to customize the login page for the custom login when executing the edit profile policy?
Yes, we could get the details steps from the this tutorial. Following is the snippet from the tutorial.
To customize the look and feel of your policy, you need to first create HTML and CSS files using the specific conventions of Azure AD B2C. You can then upload your static content to a publicly available location so that Azure AD B2C can access it. This could be your own dedicated web server, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Content Delivery Network, or any other static resource-hosting provider. The only requirements are that your content is available over HTTPS and can be accessed by using CORS.
Detail steps:
Sign in to your tenant on the Azure portal and navigate to the B2C features blade.
Click Sign-up or sign-in policies, click your policy and click on Edit (for example, "b2c_1_sign_up_sign_in").
Click Page UI customization and then Unified sign-up or sign-in page.
Toggle the Use custom page switch to Yes. In the Custom page URI field, enter Click OK.
-Click Local account sign-up page. Toggle the Use custom template switch to Yes. In the Custom page URI field, enter
Repeat the same step for the Social account sign-up page. Click OK twice to close the UI customization blades.
Click Save.


Customize the user interface in Azure Active Directory B2C custom policy

My organization needs passwordless with email authentication in sign in. I tried this sample & it worked for me.I want to customize the UI and add branding page instead of default page. i follow this documentation but not getting the oevrall process.
how can i customize the UI and background image.

Can I have multiple customised login pages with Azure B2C and Azure Active Directory based on criteria other than internationalisation?

I am running a Dot Net web application on App Service in an Azure subscription.
My application uses Azure B2C with an Azure Active Directory for user authentication.
Users are redirected from my application's base URL to the B2C login page, which has been customised to show the company logo.
Now, I'll need to point a second domain to the same application, and when users hit the application through that domain, I will need the login page to display a completely different logo. The choice of the logo is not based on language or location. It is purely based on the domain the user used to get to the application in the first place.
I see the Branding option is at the AD level, not at the B2C level. Therefore, all B2C applications registered under the same AD will be sharing the same login page.
AD only seems to allow me to create additional login page customisations based on language/region pairs.
Is there any way I can have multiple customised login pages using the same AD?
I would be willing to register multiple B2C applications and redirect users to the login page with different application Ids if necessary. I could change my code to identify the domain the user used to get to the application and then use the correct Id, but I couldn't find a way to have different login page customisations for different B2C applications under the same AD.
Following on from the previous answer by #Sunny, you can select the custom page UI based on any of the authentication request parameters, using a custom policy.
Example 1: Select on the standard "client_id" parameter
This following content definition loads the custom page UI where the client_id parameter is part of the URL path to the page resource:
<ContentDefinition Id="api.signuporsignin">
Example 2: Select on a non-standard "brand" parameter
This following content definition loads the custom page UI where the brand parameter is part of the URL path to the page resource:
<ContentDefinition Id="api.signuporsignin">
The main advantage of including parameters as parts of the URL paths to the page resources is that these page resources can be deployed to a storage service, such as Amazon S3 or Azure Storage, where this storage service doesn't support a query string parameter that is described by the "Step 8: Add dynamic content" section in the "Azure Active Directory B2C: Configure the UI with dynamic content by using custom policies" document.
The Azure AD B2C tenant represents a collection of identities to be used with relying party applications, it can use Customize UI dynamically to configure the identity provider selection page for sign in or sign up, but what you want to configure is just for the different Azure AD tenant, all of them are considered as one same kind identity provider in the Azure AD B2C,it cannot make this like the Company Branding in Azure AD.

Is custom login page of Azure Active Directory possible?

I'm working on an .NET web application that uses Azure AD as an identity provider. Azure MFA is also used.
However, the user does not want to use the default Microsoft login page. Instead, they want to use a custom login page (hosted by us). It is possible?
Is there exist any API in Azure AD that authenticate user's credential? I tried this: But I cannot make it work on a web application.
For this scenario, I recommend Add company branding to your sign-in page in Azure AD. It allows you to customize the appearance of the sign-in page with your company logo and custom color schemes.
But Company branding is available only if you upgraded to the Premium or Basic edition of Azure AD, or have an Office 365 license.
Additional: Building login page and save usernames/password to authenticate with Azure AD in your Application is not recommended.
Hope this helps!
As stated above, the documentation recommends using Company Branding feature for customizing the pages provided by Azure AD.
If even then, if you want to show your custom HTML on Azure AD's login page, it is possible to add custom HTML for the login page.
The requirement is your page should have <div id="api"></div>.
Another requirement is this page should be hosted on CORS enabled, HTTPS public site.
Please refer this blogpost where I have shown how the custom HTML can be used.

Azure active directory - When adding a new application from the gallery, it doesnt show 'Manage Manifest' option

We are using Azure AD as identity provider for our SAML SSO enabled application. If we add a new application to azure directory from gallery option, it doesn't show me 'Manage manifest' option. While we add a new app by selecting 'Add an appplication my organization is developing' it shows that option in the bottom.
As a result, we unable to set logout url for application and when we perform a logout for that application, it doesn't redirect back to out service provider application.
Mitesh J.
At this point in time, applications added by selecting 'Add an application my organization is developing' and applications added by selecting 'Add an application from the gallery' have several differences including the ability to edit the manifest, which is only present in the former.
However, you can still set up redirect URIs for both. As you noted, in 'application my organization is developing', you can do that by editing the manifest or via the Configure page.
For 'application from the gallery', you can set up a redirect URI by:
Select the application in the Azure AD page of the classic Azure Management portal.
Click on Configure single sign-on
Select Microsoft Azure AD Single Sign-On
In the Configure App Settings, check the Show advanced settings (optional) checkbox.
Set the Reply URL (optional)

Azure AD B2C Branding - get the email, name info from Google+

We are implementing Azure AD B2C, part of that is the custom branding.
When you select Google+ (or LinkedIn) and are logged in, you are redirected to a page with the email and name info from Google, when the default branding page is used.
(signup policy, Social account sign-up page )
When we create a custom page as described on the B2C customize page, the data from the provider is not shown.
What do we need to change in the html page to get that data?
When I complete the wizard in Google+, about adding friends and/or interests, the names are taken from the Google+ account.
And the following element wes needed (although not all our html is taken with this element).
