I am taking a shot at writing a wrapper for the S1V30120 dectalk text synthesis IC in C language using the ESP IDF. I am running into a problem in the following code.
printf("Hello world!\n");
esp_err_t ret;
spi_device_handle_t spi;
spi_bus_config_t buscfg={
spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg={
ret=spi_bus_initialize(HSPI_HOST, &buscfg, 1);
ret=spi_bus_add_device(HSPI_HOST, &devcfg, &spi);
uint8_t rec[20];
uint8_t cmd[] = {0xAA, 0x04, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00}; // get information command
printf("waiting for rdy");
while (gpio_get_level(PIN_NUM_RDY) == 0){};
//create 2 transactions 1 for transmitting the GET INFORMATION command
//and 1 for getting the data back from the ic
spi_transaction_t t;
spi_transaction_t r;
memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, &t);
assert( ret == ESP_OK);
ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, &r);
assert(ret == ESP_OK);
/* Print chip information */
printf("Restarting now.\n");
I'm pretty sure connection should be in full duplex mode and I believe that is set up correctly. the information coming back should be 20 bytes but I am getting the error
rxdata transfer > 32 bits without configured DMA
at the moment I am following 2 pieces of code that may help.
an example of using SPI in the esp idf:
an example of using the dectalk ic in Arduino ide:
the dectalk ic protocol sheet:
and the SPI documentation for the esp idf:
the protocol sheet also says something about sending 16 bytes of 0x00 after a transaction I've never seen that before though.
I hope I was thorough enough with all this information and I thank anyone in advance who can help!
You have used "1" for DMA in the line
ret=spi_bus_initialize(HSPI_HOST, &buscfg, 1);
But as mentioned in the docs, the DMA needs to be configured.
For external PSRAM available on these boards that means something like
pvPortMallocCaps(20, MALLOC_CAP_DMA)
Without DMA only 32 bits data are possible per transaction.
Hello i am using an STM32 as the host mcu for a SI4362 radio. the radio uses SPI communication to initialize. although i am stepping through meaning i believe to be receiving correct CTS from the radio it is not working. i would like to transmit everything i send and receive from the SPI out to a UART terminal for debug.
Here is a sample of what i am sending:
uint8_t RF_POWER_UP[7] = { 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0xC9, 0xC3, 0x80};
I would like to send the bytes over SPI as designated in the datasheet, and then promptly send the output over UART for debugging more easily something like this:
uart_buf_len = sprintf(uart_buf, "\r\nSPI Test\r\n");
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*) uart_buf, uart_buf_len, 100)
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, RF_POWER_UP, 7, 50);
//convert RF_POWER_UP to something the UART can transmit in plain text
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, RF_POWER_UP, 7, 50);
do {
HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1, (uint8_t*) spi_buf, 1, 100);
//convert spi buf to something the UART can transmit in plain text
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*) spi_buf, 1, 100);
} while (*spi_buf != 0xFF);
so i feel that writing a function might make the most sense. i found a helpful post using memcopy, but it converted the bytes into the equivalent ascii value basically returning the equal result. i am now actively searching the correct and appropriate return value for the needed function as well as propper code inside. i just wanted to make the edits to the post in the meantime as requested.
thank you
I found some helpful tools on this stack overflow that gave me what i needed. i dont quite understand whats going on with the shifting. if someone would like to bring clarity i would appreciate that.
void btox(char *xp, const char *bb, int n) {
const char xx[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
while (--n >= 0)
xp[n] = xx[(bb[n >> 1] >> ((1 - (n & 1)) << 2)) & 0xF];
from what i gather i am calling the program with a pointer to the first address of an empty string identified in main using xp and likewise the byte aray using bb. also passing the size of the array of bytes as sizeof would only pass the size of the address.
xx[] is the array containing defining characters to be used for the byte to string conversion.
so running through a while loop until n-1 >= to zero
and i start to get very lost very fast.
it is working but i don't fully understand the code.
I have been working on FTDI FT2232H chip to interface with I2C devices. I have started to learn AN_177 application note pdf. I have no EEPROM to expreience,no oscilloscope to see waveforms. My goal is to comprehend the code itself and taking notes for my future projects. Here is the code snippet that i dont completely understand:
FT_STATUS write_byte(uint8 slaveAddress, uint8 registerAddress, uint8 data)
uint32 bytesToTransfer = 0;
uint32 bytesTransfered;
bool writeComplete=0;
uint32 retry=0;
buffer[bytesToTransfer++]=registerAddress; /* Byte addressed inside EEPROM */
status = I2C_DeviceWrite(ftHandle, slaveAddress, bytesToTransfer, buffer, &bytesTransfered, I2C_TRANSFER_OPTIONS_START_BIT|I2C_TRANSFER_OPTIONS_STOP_BIT);
/* poll to check completition */
while((writeComplete==0)&& (retry<I2C_WRITE_COMPLETION_RETRY))
buffer[bytesToTransfer++]=registerAddress; /* Addressed inside EEPROM */
status = I2C_DeviceWrite(ftHandle, slaveAddress, bytesToTransfer,buffer, &bytesTransfered, I2C_TRANSFER_OPTIONS_START_BIT|I2C_TRANSFER_OPTIONS_BREAK_ON_NACK);
if((FT_OK == status) && (bytesToTransfer == bytesTransfered))
printf(" ... Write done\n");
return status;
You can see and understand that the while loop is the polling part.
I checked the datasheet of 24LC024H I2C EEPROM and they mentioned about Acknowladge Polling (Page 10) is a feature of this kind of EEPROMs'. Acknowladge Polling basicly checks when the device is ready to send data. There is a flow diagram too... you could take a look.
Here comes the what i want to point out:
buffer[bytesToTransfer++]=registerAddress; /* Addressed inside EEPROM */
In the 24LC024H datasheet related to Acknowladge Polling they say polling part consist of START + Control Byte (or Slave address) + R/W bit, not include address inside EEPROM (Word address in I2C protocol) . So why FTDI guys included this line of code? Am I missing something?
Best regards...
I have the following weird problem.
I have setup the BBB to activate the spi1 module. The the module is connected to an F-RAM chip (FM25CL64B). I have done all the necessary configuration. The /dev/spidev1.0 is present and I wrote a small program to write to, and read from the chip, by opening the /dev/spidev1.0 and using ioctl with the SPI_IOC_MESSAGE macro command.
Using that program I managed to successfully write 32 bytes of text in to the F-RAM chip. Reading also seemed to be successful... How do I know they both were successful? I used a logic analyzer with an SPI decoder activated to actually see what's going on over all four of the SPI lines. Monitoring all SPI lines I could see that the write and read operations generate the correct signals with the correct timings, and all signals are in sync. The CS enables the chip during the transaction, CLK clocks every byte in 8-bit words (as configured), the data lines show the correct values, which I could see thanks to the SPI decoder which shows the byte value right above each 8-bit signal sequence of both MOSI and MISO lines.
The problem is that even though I can see that correct information is sent over the MISO line during read operation, the buffer I provide to the ioctl(iSPIR, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(2), xfer) is filled with zeros.
I intentionally initialized that buffer with other values, so I can see if the ioctl even writes into it. And it does. Zeros.
Now, the fact that I could see all the bytes sent over the MISO line during the read operation, proves that the writing operation not only looked right in the analyzer but actually wrote the intended data during the previous write operation.
I checked several times whether the MISO line is configured correctly, in the dts file (which I can rebuild and reinstall on demand). I checked if it's the correct pin, and if it's configured as input. Everything seemed to be correctly configured.
I ran the program as root in case there are permission issues - no difference.
I also implemented the spi communication in GPIO mode. I.e. the spi module is disabled, all lines configured as GPIO. CE, CLK, MOSI configured as otuputs and the MISO configured as input. This way I could implement the entire communication in software so I could have full control over the lines. Doing that, this time, I was able to successfully fill a buffer with the correct data from the F-RAM chip. I.e. the sequential read operation went fine from the F-RAM chip all the way to my user space buffer. I was able to print the data into the console. However, that worked way too slow. Also I find it inefficient to use purely software implementation of SPI com when there is a module available for use.
In order to write my sample program I used the spi_test.c open source example available online.
I also built and ran spi_test.c itself with no modification, same result.
Here is listing of my program (Relevant snippets):
// SPI config ...
int InitSPIReadMode(const char* pstrDeviceF)
int file;
__u8 wr_mode = SPI_MODE_0, rd_mode = SPI_MODE_0, lsb = 0, bits = 8;
__u32 speed = CLOCK_FREQ_HZ; // 500kHz
if((file = open(pstrDeviceF, O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf("Failed to open the bus.");
/* ERROR HANDLING; you can check errno to see what went wrong */
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_MODE, &rd_mode) < 0)
printf("SPI rd_mode\n");
return -1;
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_LSB_FIRST, &lsb) < 0)
printf("SPI rd_lsb_fist\n");
return -1;
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_BITS_PER_WORD, &bits) < 0)
printf("SPI bits_per_word\n");
return -1;
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &speed) < 0)
printf("SPI max_speed_hz\n");
return -1;
printf("%s: spi wr-mode=%d, spi rd-mode=%d, %d bits per word, %s, %d Hz max\n", pstrDeviceF, wr_mode, rd_mode, bits, lsb ? "(lsb first) " : "(msb first)", speed);
xfer[0].cs_change = 0; /* Keep CS activated */
xfer[0].delay_usecs = 0; //delay in us
xfer[0].speed_hz = CLOCK_FREQ_HZ; //speed
xfer[0].bits_per_word = 8; // bites per word 8
xfer[1].cs_change = 0; /* Keep CS activated */
xfer[1].delay_usecs = 0;
xfer[1].speed_hz = CLOCK_FREQ_HZ;
xfer[1].bits_per_word = 8;
return file;
In the main function: (as the logic analyzer shows this code correctly sends the command, address and clocks the 32 bytes of data afterwards)
int iSPIR = InitSPIReadMode("/dev/spidev1.0"); //open("/dev/spidev1.0", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
char arrInstruct[3] = { OPCO_READ, 0x00, 0x00 };
char arrFRamData[512];
for(int pos = 0; pos < 512; pos++) arrFRamData[pos] = pos;
xfer[0].tx_buf = (unsigned long)arrInstruct;
xfer[0].len = 3;
xfer[1].rx_buf = (unsigned long)arrFRamData;
xfer[1].len = 32;
if(ioctl(iSPIR, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(2), xfer) < 0) printf("ioctl write error %s.\n", strerror(errno));
// hex dumping of the arrFRamData buffer.
xfer is a global variable defined as:
struct spi_ioc_transfer xfer[2];
Thanks a lot in advance! :)
I found what the problem was with my setup. But even though the whole thing works now, the solution I applied raises more questions than answers.
So I found this solution in an article (https://elinux.org/BeagleBone_Black_Enable_SPIDEV) on the beaglebone wiki.
There I noticed that, in the device-tree overlay they set the CLK as an input. Reading the entire article turned out nothing as to why the CLOCK on the BBBs side has to be an input. Even though it's the master... The article only explains how to build and install the new DTBO in order to activate the SPI1 module.
So, even though it didn't make any sense to me, I though it wouldn't hurt to try changing the CLK line in my DTBO file form output to input to see what happens... And it worked! :O
Now, why is it so strange that the setup works like this. The BBB is supposed to be the SPI master, so its clock line should be an Output in order to drive this synchronous communication. That means the FM25CL64B chip must act as SPI slave. I just checked the datasheet and yes, the CLK on the chips side, is an input. So the CLK on the BBB must be an output. That's how I've configured the CLK pin on the BBB. As an output. And it didn't work.
This is why I'm so puzzled. So it works even though both ends of the CLK line are inputs?! Looking at the logic analyzers output, I can clearly see that the CLK line is being driven correctly. But if both the master an slave have inputs on that line there shouldn't be anything to generate those impulses?! There is nothing else connected to that line....
I try to establish a spi communication from RPi (Master) to an EtherCAT Device (Slave).
The transfer of data got a scheme.
I have to transfer 2 bytes which address registers and the following bytes transfer data till a chip select terminates the communication.
This is my created attempt. With cs_change, i can tell my spi communication to deselect Chip Select before the next transfer starts.
char transfer(UINT8 data, char last)
char last_transfer = last;
int ret;
uint8_t tx[] = { data };
uint8_t rx[ARRAY_SIZE(tx)] = { };
struct spi_ioc_transfer tr = {
.tx_buf = (unsigned long)tx,
.rx_buf = (unsigned long)rx,
.len = ARRAY_SIZE(tx),
.delay_usecs = delay,
.speed_hz = speed,
.bits_per_word = bits,
.cs_change = 0,
if (last_transfer)
tr.cs_change = 1;
ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr);
if (ret < 1)
printf("can't send spi message");
return rx[tr.len-1];
First problem:
I think it is too late to deselect Chip Select first at new transfer.
So my first question: Is there another way to control my Chip Select signal, maybe another library i can use?!
Second problem:
I want to read from spi without writing on it, how can i realise that ( with a simple read(fd...) ?!)
I hope you guys can support me :)
Now this is spidev_test.c application you are referring to. The implementation seems to work as slave SPI device would be deselected after your last transfer. It stays selected until after the last transfer in a message.
Each SPI device is deselected when it's not in active use, allowing other drivers to talk to other devices as may be your SPI bus is shared among other slave SPI devices.
And moreover you are going for full-duplex.
Standard read() operation is obviously only half-duplex.
So whenever your SPI slave device wants to send data to the SPI controller(Master), then it must have some interrupt mechanism so that your driver/app can set the SPI controller to "SPI_IOC_RD_MODE" and can make "SPI_IOC_MESSAGE" providing only rx_buf OR you can go for only simple read() operation as the transfer would be half_duplex after setting the SPI controller to read mode. -Sumeet
You can use SPI_NO_CS mode and toggle the CS pins as GPIO using the wiringPi library... (from http://wiringpi.com/ )
I know that this topic (DMA & SPI) has already been talked about on numerous threads in the microchip forum, actually i've read all the 15 pages in result of the search with keyword "dma" and read all the topics about dma & spi.
And I am still stuck with my problem I hope someone can help me :)
Here is the problem.
My chip is a PIC32MX775F512H.
I am trying to receive (only receive) data using SPI via DMA.
Since you cannot "just" receive in SPI, and that the SPI core starts toggling the SPI clock only if you write into the SPIBUF (SPI1ABUF for me) I am trying to receive my data using 2 DMA channels.
DMA_CHANNEL1 for the transmitting part.
DMA_CHANNEL2 for the receiving part.
I copy pasted the code from http://www.microchip.com/forums/tm.aspx?tree=true&high=&m=562453&mpage=1#
And tried to make it work without any luck. It only receives several bytes (5 or 6).
I've set the Event Enable Flags to DMA_EV_BLOCK_DONE for both dma channels, no interrupt occurs.
Do you have any idea ?
Here is the code I am using :
int Spi_recv_via_DMA(SPI_simple_master_class* SPI_Port, int8u *in_bytes, int16u num_bytes2)
DmaChannel dmaTxChn=DMA_CHANNEL1;
DmaChannel dmaRxChn=DMA_CHANNEL2;
SpiChannel spiTxChn=SPI_Port->channel;
int8u dummy_input;
DmaChnClrEvFlags(dmaTxChn, DMA_EV_ALL_EVNTS);
DmaChnClrEvFlags(dmaRxChn, DMA_EV_ALL_EVNTS);
DmaChnSetEvEnableFlags(dmaRxChn, DMA_EV_BLOCK_DONE);
DmaChnSetEvEnableFlags(dmaTxChn, DMA_EV_BLOCK_DONE);
DmaChnSetTxfer(dmaTxChn, tx_dummy_buffer, (void *)&SPI1ABUF, num_bytes2, 1, 1);
DmaChnSetTxfer(dmaRxChn, (void *)&SPI1ABUF, in_bytes, 1, num_bytes2, 1);
while ( (SPI1ASTAT & SPIRBE) == 0)
dummy_input = SPI1ABUF;
DmaRxIntFlag = 0;
DmaChnStartTxfer(dmaTxChn, DMA_WAIT_NOT, 0);
return 1;
with those two interrupt handlers :
// handler for the DMA channel 1 interrupt
void __ISR(_DMA1_VECTOR, ipl5) DmaHandler1(void)
int evFlags; // event flags when getting the interrupt
INTClearFlag(INT_SOURCE_DMA(DMA_CHANNEL1)); // acknowledge the INT controller, we're servicing int
evFlags=DmaChnGetEvFlags(DMA_CHANNEL1); // get the event flags
{ // just a sanity check. we enabled just the DMA_EV_BLOCK_DONE transfer done interrupt
DmaTxIntFlag = 1;
// LED_Off(LED_CFG);
void __ISR(_DMA2_VECTOR, ipl5) DmaHandler2(void)
int evFlags; // event flags when getting the interrupt
INTClearFlag(INT_SOURCE_DMA(DMA_CHANNEL2)); // acknowledge the INT controller, we're servicing int
evFlags=DmaChnGetEvFlags(DMA_CHANNEL2); // get the event flags
{ // just a sanity check. we enabled just the DMA_EV_BLOCK_DONE transfer done interrupt
DmaRxIntFlag = 1;
So I end up waiting forever at the line : while(!DmaRxIntFlag);
I have put breakpoints in the interrupt vectors, they are never called.
This is the state of several registers during the ever lasting wait :
DMACON 0x0000C800
DMASTAT 0x00000001
I am using SPI1A port, so SPI1ABUF and _SPI1A_RX_IRQ
DCH2CON 0x00008083
DCH2INT 0x00800C4
DCH2SSA 0x1F805820
DCH2DSA 0x00000620
Channel 1 is used to transmit
Channel 2 is used to receive
You are missing these:
rigth before
DmaRxIntFlag = 0;
DmaChnStartTxfer(dmaTxChn, DMA_WAIT_NOT, 0);
Good luck!
Are you using the SPI in slave mode? or you are on master mode, trying to read some response for a command?
Have you check the silicon errata for this chip? The dspic 33fj family had an issue where SPI slave mode simply didn't work.
Other than that, I don't think it is a good idea to busy wait for DmaRxIntFlag change. You should configure the DMA transfer and continue with your main loop. The DMA will trigger the interrupt handler.
Hope this helps.