Driver to User-Mode Communication - c

I am trying to write a tool to monitor processes. Whenever a high privileged process with SYSTEM privileges is created it will alert the user.
I'm doing this with a driver that monitors every process creation and a user mode app to check if it runs under SYSTEM and if so to make the alert.
For doing this the user-mode app should listen to the driver. I'm trying to do it with event. Whenever a process is created the driver will signal the event with IoCreateNotificationEvent (which the use-mode app listens to with WaitForSingleObject) and then the app will send an IRP to the driver to get the pid.
That doesn't work well for me and I was looking for other methods to do that communication from the driver to a listening user-mode app and I couldn't find so..
How can I make it work?
Thanks for helping

The usual method would be to use an asynchronous IOCTL, forget the event entirely, just have the driver save the IOCTL if there is no outstanding process creation to read and then complete the IOCTL when you get a new process. This does require that the client submit the IOCTL requests ahead of process creation. For best results I would say bind your device handle to an IOCP (I find IOCP far easier to deal with than needing to track which event goes with which OVERLAPPED).

Another way to communicate from Driver to User mode process is for the user mode process to open a pipe in message mode and listen to messages from kernel. It is simpler than implementing asynchronous IOCTL as you do not have to deal with pending IOCTL that may need to be cancelled. Make sure that when you open the pipe, it is ACL'd correctly so that only the kernel can talk to the pipe opened by the user mode process.


upgrade server executable without losing user's connections

I need to develop a mechanism to upgrade a running daemon in production environment to a new version without losing client's (TCP) connections. Something similar to what nginx does when you upgrade it to a new version. I need this for bug removal or to release minor version changes, which may be once a day. The daemon is developed in C for Linux platform.
The process for the upgrade would be like this:
The new_daemon would be ran from the command line specifying the process id of the old_daemon
The new_daemon would connect via socket to the old daemon to send/receive data and mesages.
The new_daemon would send the old_daemon a message to stop listening on the PORT which is used to receive client's connections. After confirming the detention of the listening service, the new_daemon would start listening on PORT
The new_daemon would send the message to old_daemon to send currently open file descriptors of the user's connections. Using the system call sendmsg() the old_daemon would pass the new_daemon all resources it has allocated with the kernel, not only the connections, but also all open files.
The new_daemon would send the message to old_daemon to pass all global memory variables and the old_daemon would send it over the socket connection between both processes.
This process is very complex, so I would like to ask if someone can suggest a better process or maybe there is some methodology to do this easily? The goal is to have the least downtime during the upgrade process.
Another alternative is to force the old_daemon to fork()/exec() the new_daemon and immediately stop accepting. The new_daemon would inherit the listening socket, existing connections, and open files (unless they are fcntl'd to FD_CLOEXEC) automagically.
That said, I don't think there is a clean way to hand over incomplete jobs (as I understand steps 4 and 5 try to accomplish). If possible, let the old_daemon complete them.
One alternative is to write most of your demon as a shared library and use dlopen to link the new functions into the running process. This means some parts can't be changed and you might have concurrency issues but it removes the need for IPC.

How does Linux kernel interrupt the application?

First of all, I am a device driver guy. This is my first time to handle an user mode program.
I used to have an interrupt service routine to response a hardware interrupt.
In other word, the hardware uses interrupt service routine to notify the driver to service.
I use ioctl to be a channel to communicate between the application and device driver now and poll it to wait the response.
Are there other ways that a device driver can notify an application when it finishes some task?
Any comments are welcome.
There are several mechanisms for this. First approach: user-space application makes poll() or select() system call, waiting for some event from kernel. Second approach is to use Netlink sockets. There are also others like mmap() or signals. Google by kernel user-space IPC and you will see the whole list.
As for your case (drivers development), I'd say go with next approach. Create sysfs file in your driver, and do sysfs_notify() (and maybe wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout() or something like that). In user-space do select() system call for your driver sysfs file. See how line discipline installed from user-space for example.
Typically, the kernel never notifies an application unless the application requests the notification and is waiting for the notification. On unix systems, this will typically be done using the select or similar routines. One supplies select with a set of file descriptors and select will then wait until there is activity on one of the file descriptors at which time it returns.
Given that on unix all devices are files, you should be able to make use of this mechanism to wake an application when an interrupt comes in on some hardware device.
There are plenty of kernel-userspace communication interfaces in addition to ioctl (signals, sockets, etc). Please, refer to Kernel Space - User Space Interfaces tutorial for detailed explanation.

Way to watch network activity of another linux process in C

I'm need to start some helper processes when web interface of mine router is being used, and shut them down after some time, if activity in webface was stopped (to save RAM when webface isn't used).
Is there any way (except prace() ) to know, when another process (server) accepted any network connection?
I'm tried to parse /proc/net/tcp for socket inodes placed in /proc/pidof httpd/fd but it is very unrelaible, and catch only full webface reloading, but not navigating over it.
Here is source I written this way:
OR: is there any way to catch only accept() syscall using ptrace() and not disturb traced process if it's called another syscall?
I would recommend that you use libpcap with a filter such as tcp port X, where X is the port hosting the web interface. Whenever you receive a packet, you can reset your timer. If the timer fires before you receive a packet, you can shut down the services. You can also reduce the overhead of this by not capturing the whole packet. libpcap allows you to specify the maximum number of bytes to capture per packet.

Multi threaded embedded linux application state machine design

Problem definition:
We are designing an application for an industrial embedded system running Linux.
The system is driven by events from the outside world. The inputs to the system could be any of the following:
Few inputs to the system in the form of Digital IO lines(connected
to the GPIOs of the processor like e-stop).
The system runs a web-server which allows for the system to be
controlled via the web browser.
The system runs a TCP server. Any PC or HMI device could send commands over TCP/IP.
The system needs to drive or control RS485 slave devices over UART using Modbus. The system also need to control few IO lines like Cooler ON/OFF etc.We believe that a state machine is essential to define this application. The core application shall be a multi threaded application which shall have the following threads...
Main thread
Thread to control the RS485 slaves.
Thread to handle events from the Web interface.
Thread to handle digital I/O events.
Thread to handle commands over TCP/IP(Sockets)
For inter-thread communication, we are using Pthread condition signal & wait. As per our initial design approach(one state machine in main thread), any input event to the system(web or tcp/ip or digital I/O) shall be relayed to the main thread and it shall communicate to the appropriate thread for which the event is destined. A typical scenario would be to get the status of the RS485 slave through the web interface. In this case, the web interface thread shall relay the event to the main thread which shall change the state and then communicate the event to the thread that control's the RS485 slaves & respond back. The main thread shall send the response back to the web interface thread.
Should each thread have its own state machine thereby reducing the
complexity of the main thread ? In such a case, should we still need
to have a state machine in main thread ?
Any thread processing input event can communicate directly to the
thread that handles the event bypassing the main thread ? For e.g
web interface thread could communicate directly with the thread
controlling the RS485 slaves ?
Is it fine to use pthread condition signals & wait for inter thread
communication or is there a better approach ?
How can we have one thread wait for event from outside & response
from other threads ? For e.g. the web interface thread usually waits
for events on a POSIX message queue for Inter process communication
from web server CGI bins. The CGI bin's send events to the web
interface thread through this message queue. When processing this
event, the web interface thread would wait for response from other
threads. In such a situation, it couldn't process any new event from
the web interface until it has completed processing the previous
event and gets back to the wait on the POSIX message queues.
sorry for the too big explanation...I hope I have put forward my explanation in the best possible way for others to understand and help me.
I could give more inputs if needed.
What I always try to do with such requirements is to use one state machine, run by one 'SM' thread, which could be the main thread. This thread waits on an 'EventQueue' input producer-cosumer queue with a timeout. The timeout is used to run an internal delta-queue that can provide timeout events into the state-machine when they are required.
All other threads communicate their events to the state engine by pushing messages onto the EventQueue, and the SM thread processes them serial manner.
If an action routine in the SM decides that it must do something, it must not synchronously wait for anything and so it must request the action by pushing a request message to an input queue of whatever thread/susbsystem can perform it.
My message class, (OK, *struct in your C case), typically contains a 'command' enum, 'result' enum, a data buffer pointer, (in case it needs to transport bulk data), an error-message pointer, (null if no error), and as much other state as is necessary to allow the asynchronous queueing up of any kind of request and returning the complete result, (whether success or fail).
This message-passing, one SM design is the only one I have found that is capable of doing such tasks in a flexible, expandable manner without entering into a nightmare world of deadlocks, uncontrolled communications and unrepeatable, undebuggable interactions.
The first question that should be asked about any design is 'OK, how can the system be debugged if there is some strange problem?'. In my design above, I can answer straightaway: 'we log all events dequeued in the SM thread - they all come in serially so we always know exactly what actions are taken based on them'. If any other design is suggested, ask the above question and, if a good answer is not immediately forthcoming, it will never be got working.
If a thread, or threaded subsystem, can use a separate state-machine to do its own INTERNAL functionality, OK, fine. These SM's should be invisible from the rest of the system.
Use the pthread condition signals & wait to implement producer-consumer blocking queues.
One input queue per thread/subsystem. All inputs go to this queue in the form of messages. Commands/state in each message identify the message and what should be done with it.
BTW, I would 100% do this in C++ unless shotgun-at-head :)
I have implemented a legacy embedded library that was originally written for a clone (EC115/EC270) of Siemens ES122C terminal controller. This library and OS included more or less what you describe. The original hardware was based on 80186 cpu. The OS, RMOS for Siemens, FXMOS for us (don't google it was never published) had all the stuff needed for basic controller work.
It had preemptive multi-tasking, task-to-task communication, semaphores, timers and I/O events, but no memory protection.
I ported that stuff to RaspberryPi (i.e. Linux).
I used the pthreads to simulate our legacy "tasks" because we hadn't memory protection, so threads are semantically the closest.
The rest of the implementation then turned around the epoll API. This means that everything generates an event. An event is when something happens, a timer expires, another thread sends data, a TCP socket is connected, an IO pin changes state, etc.
This requires that all the event sources be transformed in file descriptors. Linux provides several syscalls that do exactly that:
for task to task communication I used classic Unix pipes.
for timer events I used timerfd API.
for TCP communication I used normal sockets.
for serial I/O I simply opened the right device /dev/???.
signals are not necessary in my case but Linux provides 'signalfd' if necessary.
I have then epoll_wait wrapped around to simulate the original semantic.
I works like a charm.
take a deep look at the epoll API it does what you probably need.
EDIT: Yes and the advices of Martin James are very good especially 4. Each thread should only ever be in a loop waiting on an event via epoll_wait.

Designing using fork() and TCP connection in C

I have a question regarding on how to design the following system:
My system is built of several clients listening to an environment. When a audio threshold is breached they send their information to a server, that has children listening on each connection. The server needs information from all the clients to make the necessary calculations.
Currently the server is working in UNIX and has forked out connections. They are working independently.
What I want to do is to tell the parent (in the server) that information has been sent and it's now time to process it. How should I do it?
I'm thinking of possible different ways to do it:
Using signal()in Unix to somehow tell the parent that something has happened
Convert to Threads and use some wait and notify functions
The signaling is preferable but I cannot figure out how to do it efficiently. Because the following can happen in my system:
If all the clients successfully sent information to their children of the server, how can I tell the parent that I'm ready in a efficient way? Don't know/I'm uncertain of how it will process them.
The server may not receive information from all clients. So the parent must wait for awhile for all the children but not too long. So I'm guessing some sort of timer?
Doen't use fork, and don't use signals. Use a thread pool.
What about a Unix Domain Socket for an inter-processes communication between children and father?
As soon as a child receives data through the TCP connection, the same data will be forwarded to the father process through the Unix Domain Socket and the latter process will be instantly notified
