I am using component space libraries to create SAML request and sign it then post it to URL, However request is not posting successfully because i need to use RSA algorithm key but so far i found that it is not available in SamlKeyAlgorithm also i need to change the Key size to 2048 below are my method that i used to send the request.
private void SendTawtheeqRequest()
string ConsumerServiceUrl = "https://tawtheeq.sa:8443/identity-gateway-test/ReceiveSAMLRequest";
// Create a SAML response object.
Response samlResponse = new Response();
// Assign the consumer service url.
samlResponse.Destination = ConsumerServiceUrl;
Issuer issuer = new Issuer(GetAbsoluteUrl("~/"));
samlResponse.Issuer = issuer;
samlResponse.Status = new Status(SamlPrimaryStatusCode.Success, null);
Assertion samlAssertion = new Assertion();
samlAssertion.Issuer = issuer;
// Use the local user's local identity.
Subject subject = new Subject(new NameId(User.Identity.Name));
SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation = new SubjectConfirmation(SamlSubjectConfirmationMethod.Bearer);
SubjectConfirmationData subjectConfirmationData = new SubjectConfirmationData();
subjectConfirmationData.Recipient = ConsumerServiceUrl;
subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData = subjectConfirmationData;
samlAssertion.Subject = subject;
// Create a new authentication statement.
AuthnStatement authnStatement = new AuthnStatement();
authnStatement.AuthnContext = new AuthnContext();
authnStatement.AuthnContext.AuthnContextClassRef = new AuthnContextClassRef(SamlAuthenticationContext.Password);
X509Certificate2 encryptingCert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "my-bank1-public.cer"));
EncryptedAssertion encryptedSamlAssertion = new EncryptedAssertion(samlAssertion, encryptingCert, new EncryptionMethod(SamlKeyAlgorithm.TripleDesCbc));
samlResponse.SendHttpPost(Response.OutputStream, ConsumerServiceUrl, "10");
i have this code:
public static String currencyConverter() {
allCurrency test = new allCurrency();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
Http http = new Http();
response = http.send(request);
String JSONresponse = response.getBody();
currencyJSON currencyJSON = (currencyJSON)JSON.deserialize(JSONresponse, currencyJSON.class);
test.USD = currencyJSON.rates.USD;
test.CAD = currencyJSON.rates.CAD;
test.EUR = currencyJSON.rates.EUR;
test.GBP = currencyJSON.rates.GBP;
Log__c logObject = new Log__c();
logObject.Status_Code__c = String.valueOf(response.getStatusCode());
logObject.Response_Body__c = response.getBody();
insert logObject;
if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
Exchange_Rate__c ExchangeRateObject = new Exchange_Rate__c();
ExchangeRateObject.CAD__c = currencyJSON.rates.CAD;
ExchangeRateObject.EUR__c = currencyJSON.rates.EUR;
ExchangeRateObject.GBP__c = currencyJSON.rates.GBP;
ExchangeRateObject.USD__c = currencyJSON.rates.USD;
ExchangeRateObject.Log__c = logObject.id;
insert ExchangeRateObject;
return JSON.serialize(test);
Here I am getting different currencies and then calling them in LWC and also I create two objects with values.
I want these objects to be created every day at 12PM.
Tell me how to implement this through the apex scheduler.
You need a class that implements Schedulable. Can be this class, just add that to the header and add execute method. Or can be separate class, doesn't matter much.
Something like
public with sharing MyClass implements Schedulable{
public static String currencyConverter() { ... your method here }
public void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
Once your class saves OK you should be able to schedule it from UI (Setup -> Apex Classes -> button) or with System.schedule 1-liner from Developer Console for example.
Alternative would be to have a scheduled Flow - but that's bit more work with making your Apex callable from Flow.
P.S. Don't name your variables test. Eventually some time later you may need "real" stuff like Test.isRunningTest() and that will be "fun". It's like writing
Integer Account = 5; // happy debugging suckers
I have a SAML response and few other data. Based on this, I need to validate if the response has been tampered or not. How can I do that?
What all I have?
SAML Response with Signed Message & Assertion
IdP EntityId
SP EntityId
SP ACS Endpoint
Target URL
Certificate of the IdP in X509 format.
Language needed: JAVA
Got a solution. If anyone is loking for it.
try {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("<CERTIFICATE FILE>");
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
Certificate cert = cf.generateCertificate(is);
X509Certificate x509Certificate = (X509Certificate) cert;
PublicKey pk = x509Certificate.getPublicKey();
BasicX509Credential publicCredential = new BasicX509Credential();
SignatureValidator signatureValidator = new SignatureValidator(publicCredential);
SignableSAMLObject signableSAMLObject = (SignableSAMLObject) <XML OBJECT>;
Signature signature = signableSAMLObject.getSignature();
}catch(Exception ex){
// fail this.
XML Object can be obtained from SAML Message using marshaller in following way:
String encodedMessage = request.getParameter(PARAM_SAML);
String decodedMessage = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(encodedMessage.getBytes()));
BasicParserPool ppMgr = new BasicParserPool();
Document responseRoot = ppMgr.parse(new StringReader(decodedMessage));
UnmarshallerFactory unmarshallFactory = Configuration.getUnmarshallerFactory();
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = unmarshallFactory.getUnmarshaller(responseRoot.getDocumentElement());
XMLObject obj = unmarshaller.unmarshall(responseRoot.getDocumentElement());
I am trying to implement IDP initiated SSO using OpenSAML and ComponentSpace acts as SP. The SP is configured to accept a SAMLResponse's with an encrypted Assertion.
I am able to encryt the Assertion but the SP requires me to include X509 Certificate within KeyInfo in the EncryptedData.
Is this possible using OpenSAML?
If Yes, Could you please guide me on how to achieve this?
What SP Expects:
<saml:EncryptedAssertion xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
<EncryptedData Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#">
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes256-cbc" />
<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<EncryptedKey xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#">
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p" />
<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
What I am able to generate:
<xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element">
<xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes256-cbc"/>
<dsig:KeyInfo xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p"/>
Check the method signSamlResponseObject2() from http://ideone.com/p4Bhy9.
public void signSamlResponseObject2() {
try {
String keyStoreFileName = "/WEB-INF/classes/saml-data/keystore.jks";
InputStream fis = getServletContext().getResource(keyStoreFileName)
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
ks.load(fis, "abc123456*".toCharArray());
// Get Private Key Entry From keystore
KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry pkEntry = (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) ks
.getEntry("zohosso", new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(
PrivateKey privKey = pkEntry.getPrivateKey();
PublicKey pubKey = ks.getCertificate("zohosso").getPublicKey();
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) ks
* // Getting x509 Certificate from the keystore directly.
* KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry certEntry =
* (KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry) ks .getEntry("zohosso", new
* KeyStore.PasswordProtection( "abc123456*".toCharArray()));
* X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)
* certEntry.getTrustedCertificate();
// Create a DOM XMLSignatureFactory that will be used to generate
// the
// enveloped signature.
// String providerName =
// System.getProperty("jsr105Provider",JSR_105_PROVIDER);
XMLSignatureFactory sigFactory = XMLSignatureFactory
// Create a Reference to the enveloped document (we are
// signing the whole document, so a URI of "" signifies that) and
// also specify the SHA1 digest algorithm and the ENVELOPED
// Transform.
List envelopedTransform = Collections.singletonList(sigFactory
(TransformParameterSpec) null));
Reference ref = sigFactory.newReference("",
sigFactory.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null),
envelopedTransform, null, null);
SignatureMethod signatureMethod = sigFactory.newSignatureMethod(
SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1, null);
CanonicalizationMethod canonicalizationMethod = sigFactory
(C14NMethodParameterSpec) null);
// Create the SignedInfo
SignedInfo signedInfo = sigFactory.newSignedInfo(
canonicalizationMethod, signatureMethod,
// Create a KeyValue containing the DSA PublicKey
KeyInfoFactory keyInfoFactory = sigFactory.getKeyInfoFactory();
KeyValue keyValuePair = keyInfoFactory.newKeyValue(pubKey);
// Creating the x509 certificate data from Certificate object ( cert )
List x509 = new ArrayList();
X509Data x509Data = keyInfoFactory.newX509Data(x509);
// Create a KeyInfo and add the KeyValue to it
// keyInfoItems.add(Collections.singletonList(keyValuePair));
// Adding the certificate data and the key value pair to the keyInfo
List keyInfoItems = new ArrayList();
KeyInfo keyInfo = keyInfoFactory.newKeyInfo(keyInfoItems);
// Building the org.jdom.Document object from the samlResponse
// string
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
org.jdom.Document doc = builder.build(new ByteArrayInputStream(
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convert the rootElement extracted from the doc to w3cElement
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
org.jdom.Element docRootElement = doc.getRootElement();
doc = docRootElement.getDocument();
XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter();
StringWriter elemStrWriter = new StringWriter();
xmlOutputter.output(doc, elemStrWriter);
byte[] xmlBytes = elemStrWriter.toString().getBytes();
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
org.w3c.dom.Element w3cElement = dbf.newDocumentBuilder()
.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlBytes))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a DOMSignContext and specify the DSA PrivateKey and
// location of the resulting XMLSignature's parent element
DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(privKey, w3cElement);
// compute the correct location to insert the signature xml
// (location is important because the SAML xsd's enforce sequence on
// signed
// info.)
org.w3c.dom.Node xmlSigInsertionPoint = null;
String JSR_105_PROVIDER = "org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom.XMLDSigRI";
String SAML_PROTOCOL_NS_URI_V20 = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol";
org.w3c.dom.NodeList nodeList = w3cElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(
SAML_PROTOCOL_NS_URI_V20, "Extensions");
if (nodeList.getLength() != 0) {
xmlSigInsertionPoint = nodeList.item(nodeList.getLength() - 1);
} else {
nodeList = w3cElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(
xmlSigInsertionPoint = nodeList.item(nodeList.getLength() - 1);
// Marshal, generate (and sign) the enveloped signature
XMLSignature signature = sigFactory.newXMLSignature(signedInfo,
// Create the root dom element from the w3cElement using DOMBuilder
DOMBuilder domBuilder = new DOMBuilder();
org.jdom.Element signedElement = domBuilder.build(w3cElement);
doc.setRootElement((org.jdom.Element) signedElement.detach());
xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter();
strFinalResponse = xmlOutputter.outputString(doc);
System.out.println("The signed SAML Response is : "
+ strFinalResponse);
} catch (Exception e) {
.println("Exception while attempting to sign the SAML Response.");
I have written the below Apex class that processes incoming email that are sent to an email service address and creates a new task from the incoming mail and then associates this new task with a matching record in salesforce. The match is done on the record name and incoming email subject. The class also sends an email notifying the "Assigned to" user that they have received a reply on a request they are working on.
This works perfect in Sandbox but I have no experience writing test classes. Can anyone advise how I write the test class for the below?
global class RequestEmailHandler implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler {
global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.InboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope) {
Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailresult();
String myPlainText = email.plainTextBody;
String subject = email.fromName + ' - ' + email.subject;
subject = subject.left(255);
Request__c request;
if (subject != null && subject.trim().length() > 0 && subject.indexOf('(R-') > 0) {
Integer idx = subject.indexOf('(R-');
String requestName = subject.substring(idx+1, subject.indexOf(')', idx));
request = [SELECT Id, Assigned_To__c FROM Request__c WHERE Name = :requestName];
if (request == null) {
result.message = 'We were unable to locate the associated request.This may be due to the unique "R" number being removed from the subject line.\n Please include the original email subject when replying to any emails.';
result.success = false;
return result;
// Add the email plain text into the local variable
Task task = new Task(
WhatId = request.Id,
Description = myPlainText,
Priority = 'Normal',
Status = 'Completed',
Type = 'Email',
Subject = subject,
ActivityDate = System.today(),
RecordTypeId = '01250000000HkEw');
insert task;
//Find the template
EmailTemplate theTemplate = [select id, name from EmailTemplate where DeveloperName = 'New_Email_Reply2'];
//Create a new email right after the task
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
//Add email To addresses to list
List<String> toAddresses = new List<String>();
//Set the list of to addresses
//Set the template id
//The Id of the user
//Set the id of the request
//If you need the email also saved as an activity, otherwise set to false
//Send Email
try {
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail});
catch (EmailException e) {
system.debug('sendEmail error: ' + e.getMessage());
// Save attachments, if any
if (email.textAttachments != null)
for(Messaging.Inboundemail.TextAttachment tAttachment : email.textAttachments)
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = tAttachment.fileName;
attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(tAttachment.body);
attachment.ParentId = request.Id;
insert attachment;
//Save any Binary Attachment
if (email.binaryAttachments != null)
for(Messaging.Inboundemail.BinaryAttachment bAttachment : email.binaryAttachments) {
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = bAttachment.fileName;
attachment.Body = bAttachment.body;
attachment.ParentId = request.Id;
insert attachment;
return result;
return result;
Below is my attempt which is only getting 24% coverage. I know it is missing vital code but I do not know enough about test classes to take it any further.
Can anyone assist?
Test Class
public class testforemail {
static testMethod void insertRequest() {
Request__c requestToCreate = new Request__c();
requestToCreate.Subject__c= 'test';
requestToCreate.Requested_By_Email__c= 'graham.milne#fmr.com';
insert requestToCreate;
Messaging.InboundEmail email = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();
Request__c testRequest = [select Id,Name from Request__c limit 1];
email.subject = (testRequest.Name);
email.fromName = 'test test';
email.plainTextBody = 'Hello, this a test email body. for testing purposes only.Phone:123456 Bye';
Messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment[] binaryAttachments = new Messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment[1];
Messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment binaryAttachment = new Messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment();
binaryAttachment.Filename = 'test.txt';
String algorithmName = 'HMacSHA1';
Blob b = Crypto.generateMac(algorithmName, Blob.valueOf('test'),
binaryAttachment.Body = b;
binaryAttachments[0] = binaryAttachment ;
email.binaryAttachments = binaryAttachments ;
envelope.fromAddress = 'user#fmr.com';
// Add the email plain text into the local variable
Task task = new Task(
WhatId = (testRequest.Id),
Description = email.plainTextBody,
Priority = 'Normal',
Status = 'Completed',
Type = 'Email',
Subject = (testRequest.Name),
ActivityDate = System.today(),
RecordTypeId = '01250000000HkEw');
insert task;
// setup controller object
RequestEmailHandler catcher = new RequestEmailHandler();
Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = catcher.handleInboundEmail(email, envelope);
System.assertEquals( true,result.success );
The first step is to identify what lines of code are not being covered by your test class.
If you're using Eclipse, you can see this from the Apex Test Runner View.
Or, you can see this from the Developer console as well.
Another thing you need to consider is the isolation of your DML operations in a separate utility class.
public class TestUtils
// create request objects method here
// create task objects method here
Also, check your debug logs and make sure your code is not throwing any exceptions (i.e., null pointer exceptions, DML exceptions, etc.)
You must also add assertions to check that your code is behaving as expected.
Hope this helps.
The main thing you need to do is to test as many use cases as you can via unit tests.
So, setup data for specific case and run you email processing. After email, check the result using System.assertEquals(). Make separate tests for each use case.
Then, if you don't hit at least 75%, check what is not covered. You, probably, either don't need that code (in case you covered all use cases), or don't write a test for use case, which uses those lines of code.
I've got a key from http://www.bingmapsportal.com and I've added the following code to my project, as demonstrated all over the web.
In the .xaml file:
my:Map Height="320" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="map1" VerticalAlignment="Top" CredentialsProvider="fa0bb238-62bb-41b9-a1e6-459a5e9564a6"/>
(Key has been slightly edited to avoid abuse)
In the .xaml.cs file:
map1.CredentialsProvider = new ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider("fa0bb238-62bb-41b9-a1e6-459a5e9564a6");
GeocodeRequest gReq = new GeocodeRequest();
GeocodeServiceClient gSrvc = new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
gReq.Credentials = new Credentials();
gReq.Credentials.ApplicationId = "fa0bb238-62bb-41b9-a1e6-459a5e9564a6".ToUpper();
gReq.Query = address;
FilterBase[] filters = new FilterBase[2];
filters[0] = new ConfidenceFilter() { MinimumConfidence = Confidence.High };
GeocodeOptions gOpt = new GeocodeOptions();
gOpt.Filters = filters;
gReq.Options = gOpt;
gSrvc.GeocodeCompleted += new EventHandler<GeocodeCompletedEventArgs>(gSrvc_GeocodeCompleted);
But I can't get it to work, I'm getting an invalid credentials message on the map itself, and an Invalid Credentials exception with the server's response on the GeocodeRequest.
I've visited around 20 forum topics (including WP7 Bing Maps 'Invalid Credentials' Error) and I seem to have done everything they're talking about or have posted as a solution.
Any other ideas?
Here is how i initialize a GeocodeRequest in WP7:
GeocodeService.GeocodeRequest request = new GeocodeService.GeocodeRequest
Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.ToString(),
Credentials = new GeocodeService.Credentials { ApplicationId = applicationId },
UserProfile = new GeocodeService.UserProfile { DeviceType = GeocodeService.DeviceType.Mobile },
Options = new GeocodeService.GeocodeOptions { Count = 1 },
Query = address,
As you can see i don't do ToUpper() on the ApplicationId string, but i'm setting the UserProfile (and also the Culture) property. Perhaps the UserProfile.DeviceType = Mobile setting must correspond to the type of your Bing Map API key, which is certainly Mobile, too.
Maybe this is somehow helpful.