Sitecore branch template for multilingual website - multilingual

I have a branch template which is shared between several websites in different languages.
The branch template itself has a version for each supported language.
One of those website though has two languages; when I create a subtree with the branch template I would like to create both versions or having a way to create them in two steps.
How can I do that?


Reactjs Email Framework

I'm looking for reactjs responsive email framework.
I found MJML, but it is for static templates. I need to generate a dynamics template. I wanna pass data from database to template.
Can you suggest some good solution?
Solutions are available without reactjs.
You're right: MJML handles only static templates.
Lots of email authors are using packages like Handlebars with MJML for the dynamic piece. They write the MJML with Handlebars variables embedded. They run the MJML template through Handlebars, which creates a series of templates, each with the variables replaced from a database, for example. Then, they run the MJML compiler to create the HTML output for all those emails.
Handlebars has competitors. The MJML team has decided not to expand the scope of their project to include variables (as of this writing). That way, their users can pick which of the dynamic packages best meets their particular needs and they're better served.
Some recommend using Gulp to automate the process. The MJML team supports one such Gulp implementation.
A great place to get MJML support is
Good luck.

How to make style library configurable

I'm working with jsps in my workplace. Pages were built using bootstrap2. Though new versions of bootstrap and other frameworks came out, I'm stuck with bootstrap2 as we have hundreds of pages using it.
How do I make the style configurable, in the sense, the configuration should give me the freedom to choose the framework, etc. So going forward I can choose what to be used for new pages
I can relate to your problem as this is the case with many "old" products in the market. They could be built with jQuery, plain js or other tools that considered "old" in today's market.
I assume you could not refactor your whole app as you are saying there hundreds of pages. Some options to consider and to set pros and cons for each with management and product teams.
First, you need to decide your technology you want to use and how.
You can use small bits of react/vue.js/other to inject into your existing pages
you can create full pages from newer technologies and slowly replace older pages in the app one by one
start a full rewrite of the app (hard to sell to management)
I did all three options in my projects but you need to decide with your own team.
Now I'll elaborate on what you can do for each of the options:
I use react so can't recommend other libraries, but this is what I used:
You build react components and then you can use them as HTML snippets in your existing code.
You create another app in whatever new language you want and start building out exiting pages one by one. With each new page, you build you link the old app to them.
This is the easiest one to start but the longest one to achieve. But straightforward of what you need to do.
To make the styles configurable, you can add another stlye.css file underneath the bootstrap2 css file. In that style.css file(name it anything you want, can be bootstrap2_override.css) you can add any styles as well as override bootstrap2's framework styles.
The downside to this is that you are now adding another css file with more CSS just to override bootstrap2 styles.

Location of front code in backend repository

Not sure if this is the right forum to ask such questions.
We have a project which is using spring+gradle for backend and angular for frontend. These two are separate repositories at the moment. We are trying to merge these two different repositories in single repo for ease of development.
The question I have with this merge is whether we should merge these two projects as two separate independent projects or we should embed Angular code as a subdirectory inside backend project?
In my opinion we should have two different disconnected directories, as this code is no way dependent on each other. but in that case we will have to maintain two different build script etc. Also in some of spring+angular tutorials I saw angular code embedded as a "resource" in spring project, so wondering what is the industry practice in such scenarios
Please help.

ExtJS Architect : Is it wise to split a big application across multiple projects?

I'm starting to build a rather big application in ExtJS Architect and I was wondering if it is advisable to split the application into multiple projects (to be precise projects as Architect defines a project)?
At the moment I am the only engineer working on this application, however more engineers may be assigned in the future. What would be the points to consider if you would to like to split up the project in smaller pieces or build one big project?
In addition: as far as I know it is not possible to 'share' a project in Architect over more than one developer. That votes in favor for splitting the project.
Disclaimer: I have not used Architect to build a project.
My thought on the matter is that if you are building an MVC project and you want Architect to manage your controllers and views you should keep all of it together. Especially if you have cross cutting communications between modules. However if you are 100% certain that your modules are completely standalone - meaning they have nothing to do with one another and might as well be separate apps ... (maybe they should?) ... then you could build them out separately and weave them back together after you are ready to ditch the architect. Remember its a one way street not an IDE. Bringing the modules together should just mean that the app.js now lists all of your controllers for all modules instead of just one for your module.

Suggested Language for Web-Based Intranet/Database

Hate to ask a question this borderline generic, but I'm looking to build a web based program that combines our company intranet with a forms-based database. I would be looking at Oracle's database product except that this definitely needs to be web based.
I'm currently investigating using Alfresco (java-based) as a repository, and some PHP engine for the front end. Does anyone know of PHP issues when the task at hand becomes too involved (I'm an amateur, mind you), compared to Python, for example? I would eventually like to be able to scale this project upward, even if I hired someone else to do it.
Pre-built modules would definitely help with the workload. I know Drupal has many, but I've never perused compilations of modules for other languages. I think the availability of modules may be the most important factor!
Alfresco is great for managing content (e.g. documents or static html pages) in a collaborative manner. It has excellent tie-ins to the desktop with WebDav integration. Drupal is better for more dynamic web content and more flexible web pages. Not quite sure what you mean by forms-based content.
With Drupal's CCK module (now mostly built into Drupal 7) and Views - you can create forms (as content types) for people to fill out and then present the results as either lists, tables, grids of nodes or almost any other filterable, list presentation you can think of using Views.
Every page in Drupal is really just a form that collects content to present in a particular way (e.g. the standard page is a Title field and a Body field), but a user profile is just another type of content form with a different set of fields.
Alfresco is currently getting better at Web Content Management (WCM). They recently rewrote the WCM feature set completely, and provide a Quick Start sample to, well, get you started quickly. Alfresco would provide you with a collaborative editing platform, with workflows, ACLs and extensive remoting capabilities (huge, extensible REST API, WebDAV, CMIS). You'll have configurable forms based content creation, plus a platform for your intranet.
The front end for Alfresco WCM would be than written using CMIS to retrieve content from Alfresco, APIs are available for Java, Python and PHP.
