How to prevent user from inserting a Date that is in a range of dates? - database

I'm using CouchDB for syncing offline and online data. The problem is that since couchDB hasn't a layer between client and server, validation is kinda poor. The only field that can be unique is the _id.
For example if you want to make a sure the field "phone" is unique, you need to make sure that the phone number is somewhere in the _id (555-666-777_username) and the field "phone" is 555-666-777.
My problem is: I have a calendar that makes events that cannot overlap each other. An event has a start time and an end time. How can I make sure that the user won't put a date between the start time and end time.
One idea is instead of making one document with a startTime and endTime. It's to make various documents that have dates within the user's desired range.
Example: User selects a range between 2018-09-02 and 2018-09-10, so I'll create 8 documents with a _id composed of {date}{username}.
If you think couchDB doesn't suit to this kind of stuff, I'm open for suggestions.


Saleforce Admin Sharing Rule

[Note: There is a Teacher Object with the fields such as Teacher Name, DateofJoining, and also a formula field called Experience]
My Task was to create a Public Group consisting of another user
and this user should only see teachers who have experience greater than 2 years
But when i create a sharing rule based on criteria the field name called Experience doesn't show up as it is a formula field.
So i got an idea of creating a new field(maybe a text or number data type) which would have the value of Experience in it. (But i have no idea on how to implement this)
Is there a way to implement this?
Any other solution is also well appreciated!
Hard to say.
Normal trick would be to create a helper field (text, number, whatever) and have piece of functionality that populates it. An "early flow" or "before insert, before update" trigger ideally. Worst case a normal flow, process builder or "after insert, after update" trigger. Something like "if Experience__c != 'your formula here' then Experience__c = 'your formula here'". Consult normal SF help and trailhead if you never used early flows
You'd make an one-off data fix to populate existing records and job done, normal field should be selectable as sharing rule criteria.
But I smell trouble with your formula. What exactly you have there, something like Experience__c = (TODAY() - DateofJoining__c) / 365? That's bit evil. Formulas with TODAY(), NOW() or anything with $ (roughly speaking who's looking at the data, user's name, profile role... not what's actually on the record itself) are "nondeterministic". Unpredictable.
A "today()" changes just like that, without updating the record. Sure, when you watch the record a fresh value will be calculated but other than that LastModifiedDate doesn't change, there's no magical trigger running at midnight that rechecks sharing. (especially that there's no single midnight, you could have users in multiple timezones). SF just doesn't allow nondeterministic fields in many places, see
So if you do rely on TODAY() in your formula you might have to make a "scheduled flow" or read about schedulable, batchable apex. Create nightly job that would run and recalculate your helper field with right experience. You'd probably even need both solutions, a "before save" flow for new data created today and nightly job to advance the clock on existing old data...

Firestore: handling concurrency with booking app

I've currently got a bookings and a bookable collection. Each document in bookings holds a date range (check-out and check-in) and an array of references to bookable documents.
I'm a bit stumped at how to guarantee two overlapping bookings for the same bookables aren't written at the same time. From what I understand I can't technically lock a collection via something like a transaction, so I'm wondering what my options are (perhaps restructuring how I'm storing data, etc).
Any pointers or advice would be much appreciated.
Say User A wants to make a booking for the same two items as User B does and for the same time range. They both load the booking UI at around the same time and confirm their selection.
Prior to creating a new document inside the bookings collection for each of their requests, the app would perform a get query to check for any overlaps and if none exist insert the new booking documents. That fraction of time between the app's check for overlaps across the booking collection and the creation of new documents is what seems to open up a window for inconsistencies (e.g. potentially allowing two documents with overlapping time ranges and items to be created).
Could a transaction help prevent a new document being written to a collection based the existance of other documents in that collection that fit a specific criteria?
To prevent users from accidentally overwriting each other's data, you'll want to use a transaction.
To prevent users from intentionally overwriting each other's data, you'll want to use security rules. Key to this is to use the information that you want to be unique as the ID of the documents.
So say you identify time slots by the date and start time, you could have a document ID "20210420T0900". If a user is trying to write to that document when it already exists, you can reject that write in the security rules of your database.
I am facing the exact same problem, and here is my best option at the moment....
I need a collection of all booking (bookingscollection), regardless of date, time, resource booked etc. This collection is usabale in many parts of my UI, as I list upcoming bookingss etc.
I need to avoid writes being made to this collection, where there is an overlap.
I am considering adding an additional collection, where each document descibes the bookings for a specific resource on a specific day (lockcollection). It could be a doc, with the resource id, the date it covers and an array of start,stop times of booking already made.
Then when considering adding a new booking to my bookingscollection, I would make a transaction to the relevant document in the lockcollection, see if there is an overlap in which case I would fail, and if not, I would add the new intervall to the lock document within the transaction.
Once this succeed, I know that I can just plainly add the booking to the booking collection, as the lock is already there....
Similar logic would be applied to the procedure of deleting or changing bookings.
This idea is new to me, but I wanted to sahre, so I can hear your inputs....?

Updating documents with SOLR

I have a community website with 20.000 members using everyday a search form to find other members. The results are sorted by the last connected members. I'd like to use Solr for my search (right now it's mysql) but I'd like to know first if it's good practice to update the document of every member who would login in order to change their login date and time ? There will be around 20.000 update of documents a day, I don't really know if it's too much updating and could alter performances ? Tank you for your help.
20k updates/day is not unreasonable at all for Solr.
OTOH, for very frequently updating fields (imagine one user could log in multiple times a day so you might want to update it all those times), you can use External Fields to keep that field stored outside the index (in a text file) and still use it for sorting in solr.
Generally, Solr does not be used for this purpose, using your database is still better.
However, if you want to use Solr, you will deal with it in a way like the database. i.e every user document should has a unique field, id for example. When the user make log in, you may use an update query for that user's document last_login_date field by its id. You could able to know more about Partial Update from this link.

couchdb get by value, limit, and order by time

I'm new to CouchDB and I'm trying to get the last 50 most recent entries of a user in an app.
I created a view that pulls out the documents for the entries, and I can use the key parameter to get only the docs of a particular user and the limit query to get only 50 entries.
However, I'd like to order the docs by a "timestamp" field (which stores the new Date().getTime() of when the entry was made) in order to ensure that I only get the most recent entries. Is this possible in CouchDB, and if so how?
You can probably achieve this (at least in the case that you don't have any future dates in your data) by emitting a more complex key like an array of the form [username,datetime].
Then make a view that pulls the documents with a startkey like, for example, ['johndoe',1331388874195] with descending order, and limit to 50. The date should obviously be the current one. CouchDB's collation will make sure the results are first ordered by user and then by date.

Laying out a database schema for a calendar application

I want to write a calendar application. It is really recurring items that throw a wrench in the works for the DB schema. I would love some input on how to organize this.
What if a user creates an event, and inputs that it repeats everyone Monday, forever? How could I store all that in the database? I can't create infinite events. Do I simply put a table in there that holds the relevant info so I can calculate where all the events go? If so, I would have to calculate them every time the user views a new part of the calendar. What if they page through the months, but they have a ton of recurring items?
Also, the schema needs to handle when a user clicks an item and says "Edit this one in the sequence" not all items in the sequence. Do I then split the one item off of the sequence?
Update 1
I have not looked at iCal at all. To be clear, I think saving the info that allows you to calculate the recurring items, and splitting off any that differ from the sequence is a great way to store it to be able to transfer it. But I think that in an application, this would be too slow, to do the date math all over the place.
I have been struggling with the same problem, and I was actually toying with the "cache table" idea suggested above, but then I came across an alternative (suggested here) that doesn't seem to have been represented yet.
Build a table containing all events
EventID (primary key)
PeriodType - days, weeks, months, years
PeriodFreq - # of days, weeks, etc between events
... other attributes that can be modified
Then add a table for exceptions to these events. This table uses a composite key, made up of the EventID that maps to the event table, and an instance ID to pick the particular event in the series.
EventID (key)
InstanceID (key)
InstanceDate - the modified date of the exception
IsCancelled - a flag to skip this date when traversing the series
... other attributes that can be modified
It seems to keep the event table normalised, and avoids splitting up series to handle exceptions.
I recently created a calendar application and this was one of the many challenges that I faced.
I eventually came up with a semi hack-ish solution. I created an event_type column. In that column, I had either: daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. I also had a start_date and an end_date columns. Everything else was handled in the actual backend code.
I never tried to split an event if a user edited only one event. It wasn't necessary in the situation. However, you could split an event by changing the end_date of the first, creating a new event with a new start_date and the end_date of the original, and finally, a new event for the one you just chose to edit. This process would end up creating 3 events.
Hack-ish, I know. I couldn't think of a clever way to handle this problem at the time.
Hold the recurring item in the events table as normal, but flagged as recurring with the appropriate start/ end dates.
If the user modifies a single instance of the appointment, just create a new event, perhaps with a 'parentId' equal to the recurring event's id.
Build logic that causes the calendar to override any recurring events on a particular day with events with matching parent IDs.
Your question about performance is basically the old speed vs. storage issue. I really don't think the calculation required would exceed the space requirement for storing so many appointments. Just read up on database optimization- indexing etc.
Could you bridge the two worlds with a "cache" table, in which you pre-compute the next X days worth of events?
So three tables:
For any part of the calendar within X days of today, your query will UNION one_time_events and cached_recurring_events.
Then you would only have to do on-the-fly date calculations if the user tried to look at a part of the calendar more than X days in the future. I imagine you could find a sane X that would cover the majority of normal use.
The cached_recurring_events table would need to be updated whenever a user adds a new recurring event -- and possibly once a day offline, by a cron-job/scheduled-task. But only on days when no new recurring event has been created.
Why not use Google Calendar as a database for this calendar application by relying on Google Calendar's API for storing and retrieving calendar events?
The Calendar API is a REST API that can be accessed through explicit HTTP calls; the API exposes most of the features available in the Google Calendar Web interface, so your calendar application can as much functionality as Google Calendar does (a lot of functionality!!!).
Your application need only implement OAuth 2.0 for Google APIs, which can be made easy using a single sign-on service like Auth0 to provide the appropriate access tokens. Then, your calendar application can use these tokens in conjunction with the Calendar API to provide seamless storage and retrieval of calendar events in a JSON format.
Users create events within their own "New Calendar." This calendar is shared with you in the form of a gmail account dedicated to this application - the application's gmail account.
Basically, Google Calendar becomes your database, whereby you can have the application's gmail account not only store all of your application's events, but also allow you to view and edit these events with an intuitive interface.
The best way to do this is to store a standards based recurrence pattern string (iCal).. and leave blank if it's a single event. There are a few APIs that can parse the recurrence pattern and create event objects that you can bind to UI elements.... none of the occurrences need ever be stored in the database, only the initial event (occurrence)..
Couldn't you store the events per day with start and end time? It will generate a lot of data for events that happen everyday (maybe go non-relational for this) but it will make querying easier and it will be possible to make exceptions (f.e. the event place burned down, or employees are striking). To generate the days for the event I would suggest to implement that in the front-end derived on some ICal-ish pattern.
