How to not deselect react-select when clicking dev tools to style it - reactjs

My typical workflow when choosing styles for a component is to use the dev-tools in the browser to play around with the styles until I'm happy with the look, and then copy the chosen styles permanently back to the code.
But if I want to see the dropdown in react-select, I need to click it. When I click back to the dev-tool, the dropdown disappears as the component is de-selected.
Is there a way to keep the dropdown open as I style it?
Here's a sandbox if you want to try:

I just found the prop menuIsOpen which will force the dropdown to stay open.
However, if there is a way using the dev-tools or another method I'd be interested in that too and will happily mark that as more robust and correct than this answer.

You would recommend you to use some extension to inspect the code React:
for chrome
for firefox
Then in react-select v1 you can set isOpen and in v2 menuIsOpen to true without changing you code.
I will also suggest to take a look at this page and directly in the source code on the repo github to have an idea of the default style.


Tinymce - React - how to change the editor from readonly to enabled

Having trouble understanding the API docs and how to implement them in React.
When the editor is rendered on the page I have it default to the disabled prop as {true}. How do I programmatically enable the editor. In my case, this would be done from a button the page. Also, I will then be looking on how to extract the data from the editor when a save button is clicked.
Any advise would be appreciated.

React Modal Dialog appearing only while inspection

I am new to react and I am using a modal dialog. It is visible when I am inspecting it on browser but not visible generally. What could be the issue?
(Can't paste code since it is work related)
Are you using css z-index at all ? I would use createPortal() approach see the React docs to learn how to do that

Material UI React-Autosuggest Scrollbar not working on selecting options arrow keys

I am using Material UI and designed a React Auto Suggest component.
Please go to stackblitz example from below link.
To reproduce the issue type "a" in the input, after options are loaded go to the last option from the keyboard's arrow key. option is highlighted but scrollbar does not move.
Unfortunately, I am not able to find anything related to scrolling the container. Any leads please..

Change tab content using router

I am making a react application. Can I change the "tab content area" on a button click using react-router. I have two tabs. I want to change content of one of the tab when I click a button. Everything else on the page should remain same but the content of the tab. How can I do this?
I am not very knowledgeable on react-router but I would recommend using material-ui. It's very neat and extremely easy to implement (albeit, there are some changes you need to make before using it).
If you still want to use react-router for your tabs, I did find a few solutions that might help you.
Possible solution #1
Possible solution #2

react-bootstrap change active tab programmatically

I have a tab setup similar to this code. I need to change the active tab programmatically.
I'm trying to do like it is documented on bootstrap's official documentation but it doesn't work.
Try using the native javascript document.getElementById(tabId).click();.
