Standalones label element settings in JSON - anychart

How do you save standalones label elements settings in JSON? Or is it even possible?
I have all the standard chart settings, i.e., chart type, style, etc., but I am have not figured out a way to do the label constructor.

Unfortunately, the current version of AnyChart 8.3.0 supports serializing only chart instances, but not a stage or standalone objects.


Add custom shape object properties based on svg in react-three-fiber

I'm trying to render a map of a small room based on the svg image I have, just as shown in here. I can see every shape being listed and rendered properly, but since I want those objects to be interactive, I need to somehow relate them to the ids I have in the db. I'm aware that svgs can contain data-* properties, but is it possible to make them included in the objects listed? For example my custom data-id?

Specify a design-time image source?

I am using SharpVectors to display SVG images in my WPF project.
One way to do this is to specify the SvgImage markup extension for the image source, such as:
<Image Source="{svgc:SvgImage Source=Images/test.svg}"/>
This works great at runtime.
However at design-time the image shows up blank. Is there any way to specify a design-time-only image? Ideally it would be the same image used at runtime, but even an alternative placeholder image would be better than nothing. That way at least the relative positions of objects would be clear, etc.
Note - although there are other ways of displaying an SVG image (namely, the SvgViewBox object) there are cases where you can only do it by specifying an image source. Namely, the LargeImageSource or SmallImageSource attributes of WPF Ribbon controls.
Providing the same answer here just for the records!
Please try using the newly added property; AppName, which is used to try and resolve the URI of the resource file at design-time.
See the samples for the SvgImage and newly added SvgImageConverter, especially the toolbar demo using the SVG icons.
SvgImageConverter provides binding support, if you need it unlike the SvgImage.

Maintain semantic Information in WPF FlowDocument

How can i add semantic information to e.g. Run and Paragraph Elements e.g. to mark as headlines or code?
This tagging should also survive save and reload of documents in preferable RTF.
I finally decided to use The Tag Attribute and to Store The document in xaml instead of rtf

WPF Toolkit Propertybox does not display nullable Enums

I'm currently using the Extended WPF Toolkit and from that i'm using the Propertybox. This box displays all properties of a bound element. While this works great, there is one problem. I'm using Nullable... so it does not display this enum correctly (it just gives a textbox). If i changed the enum to a normal enum (not nullable), then it displays the items correctly in a combobox.
To solve this, i tried the IItemsSource interface as described in the documentation, but this won't allow me to add a "null" value either.
I know i could solve this by adding a fake "null" value to my enumlist, but i would like to avoid this. Does anyone here know how i could make my nullable display correctly?
Kind regards
Control documentation:
I "solved" it by using a different control. This grid supports it out of the box.
SOLUTION: I "solved" it by using a different control. This grid supports Nullable out of the box, and has some filtering functions for the properties you want to display that are not included in the Community Edition of the WPF Toolkit.
Update 2020: Added link to current webpage.

Winform .NET enhanced treeview?

What is a good TreeView replacement with added features over the standard one that comes with 2008? please include both a free and commercial options.
TreeViewAdv has always been my favorite.
You could to take a look into RadTreeView for WinForms.
I know this is an old question, but here is a free and comprehensive list/tree view control I found on code project by Phillip Piper called ObjectListView.
It has all the standard features and more. It is well thought out and professionally made. I my opinion it easily stands up to the popular commercial solutions available. I would recommend it to any developer looking for a free feature-rich list/tree view control for their winforms application.
Here's a list of features from the documentation.
It easily transforms a collection of model objects in a fully functional ListView, including automatically sorting and grouping.
It can easily edit the values shown in the ListView.
It supports tri-state check-boxes (on, off, indeterminate), even in virtual mode, and on subitems.
It supports heavily customisable tool tips for both cells and column headers.
It can trivially produce nice reports from the ListView.
It supports all ListView views (report, tile, large and small icons).
It supports owner drawing, including rendering animated GIFs.
Its columns can be fixed-width or limited to a minimum/maximum.
It shows a highly customisable "list is empty" message when the list is empty (obviously).
Its row height can be explicitly set.
It supports user selection of visible columns by right clicking on the header.
It supports columns that automatically resize to fill any unoccupied width.
It supports hot tracking, with text font/color changes and with decorations.
It supports image and text overlays, as well as arbitrary overlays (the personal information box) and decorations (the love hearts).
It has extensive support for drag and drop.
It supports hyperlinks in cells.
It supports column headers being styled (normal, hot and pressed states), plus having images and even vertical text.
It supports many group formatting options, including collapsible groups. Groups can be shown on virtual lists!
It has a version (TreeListView) which combines a tree structure with the columns of a ListView.
It has a version (VirtualObjectListView) that supports millions of rows.
It has a version (FastObjectListView) that can build a list of 100,000 objects in less than 0.1 seconds.
It has a version (DataListView) that supports data binding, and another (FastDataListView) that supports data binding on large (100,000+) data sets.
It makes implementing your own virtual list simple through the IVirtualListDataSource interface.
It supports filtering, including showing and highlighting rows that match a given string (including regex and prefix match).
It supports animations on a cell, row or the whole list. [v2.4]
It supports Excel-style filtering. [v2.5]
Another name for such a component is TreeListView. If you need a WinForms TreeListView control that can be populate from a data table, look at iGrid.NET in TreeListView mode. You can do what you need with just one method call using this control.
