how to make that when the data on the server changed independently of the reducer application also changed - reactjs

For example, there is an application. The user sits on the main page and needs to understand that there are new orders.
I download data only at the beginning of app using redux-thunk. It seems I can not subscribe to the update with a server change change.
If it's impossible to do this on redux-thunk, what libraries do you use or approaches?


React | working with remote data advise ( a conversation )

I've taken the program at Udacity for react and react native, and it taught me well id say.
Now that I am equipped with the skills and have a good knowledge of the environment and redux etc. Im trying to build my first test app that handles data living remotely.
In the React tutorials we would use local mock data, and try to fetch it and even simulating the delay with a setTimeout call. But the problem is the tutorials worked excellent only for the types of apps they were building. I'll get to this in a bit...
My app description:
At the moment i'm making a test app and so far I can : retrieve a collection of food items ( remote data), render the data, and press "LIKE" on anyone. After pressing Like that food item URL gets saved into another remote file under the authedUser's account under a "favorites" property.
The food data at the moment is in a json file hosted on a github repository.
and so is the users account data.
The thing I noticed in the react course was, Data would be received into the redux store.
from there anytime you dispatched an action which involved data changes like "Favoriting" something, the app would first dispatch an action to server. Once that resolves it would dispatch to the redux store and affect it there.
Now from what I understand... this is a way to keep the data in sync? Is this how other applications do it? or is it when data is changed, you only dispatch the change to the server, and request/fetch the new data into redux once the action resolves? The tutorials would receive the initial data, and like this it would be set and stone and then rely on the dispatches to keep it in sync. would it be better to simply use local state, fetch the data we want. vs using the store?
Im not exactly sure whats best, but to me the idea of receiving the entire data file into the app seems not scalable? like when you use instagram for example, your phone doesn't download the entire instagram database. Im thinking it downloads only your profile? and url's to your friends? etc?
so for this test app that I am trying to make ( described in italic font above ^ )
I'm not sure how to go about it. I definitely don't think its appropriate to receive the entire data file. I know that I want the user to receive food items onto the screen, but only a handful at a time, maybe through a search it modifies the results on screen. then the user can like a food item.
This is the first time i'm working on an application of this sort, and I do think i'm missing something.
It would be a good idea to not integrate Redux at first. Just build the application in plain React.
Now talking about your app. As you said, is a bad idea to download the entire database. When you have to fetch a lot of data a common pattern is to use pagination. It works like this: your app asks for 10 food items. The server returns those 10 and tells you that there is more data and you should make another request if you want to fetch more. It doesn't make sense to fetch 1000 products if the user can see only 10 at a time, right ?
Let's say you like a food item. After you press "like" it is not enough to update your app state, you also need to make the change on the server. How you do this ? Usually you have a food item id(let's say 123) and you maybe you make a POST to Now that request may fail for various reasons and the server will not register your like. This is way you update the local state only after you successfully updated in the database. In addition you may want to update the number of the likes(maybe other users liked that food item since you fetch) so the server will return the updated number of likes.
Where does Redux fit here ? In React every component has its own state. They can share data between them using props. But this doesn't scale and you will usually end up in a situation called Prop Drilling. Redux store is some kind of global state. For instance:
<FoodItem key=1/>
<FoodItem key=2/>
Let's say somehow you update the description for the first FoodItem. How do you tell that to other components ? In Redux you dispatch an action and modify the store. Now other components can connect to the store and get the value from there.

How should redux store be used in large react applications?

I'm currently building an e-commerce react application, where users can sell pre owned stuff to each other. A typical workflow from a user perspective for creating and managing ads can look like this: A user creates an Ad -> The Ad is uploaded to a database -> The user fetches his ads from a database and views them in a list -> He decide to change something in an Ad, clicks it and gets a form with the ad data (fetched from database) that can be edited.
My problem here is that I'm really confused about what to keep in redux? The purpose of redux is to simplify data flow, data that is needed in multiple components should be stored there. But if I always fetch the data i need from database (as for example when a user fetch a list of his ads or the ad data that can be edited), isn't redux just an unnecessary step then?
I want to be consistent throughout my code about how I'm fetching data. Right now I've been using redux to store all my data fetched from database, keeping all my API calls in different actions. The data fetching however get really troublesome when it comes to fetching data from the database that then should be editable by the user. To make fetched data editable, it has to be stored in the components local state, so storing the data both in redux and local state feels very inconvenient.
I've searched the web for specific guidelines for the but I'm not getting any wiser. To be honest I don't think I've understood how to use redux properly. I would be really grateful for some advice on this matter.
Primarily its used for application state management. You need to consider your usecase and yourself simple questions i.e
Do you need that state for rest of the applications?
Will other components get affected by these states?
How often your data will
Are there other users using the same data and can update it?
Do you need to cache the data to prevent refetching?
The view built on top of it is a reflection of that state, but does not have to exclusively use that state container for everything it does.
For example, in your case, you will need to keep your api's responses into redux state if you want to pass that state to other components and you dont want to do the same API call again and again.
But, if your data changes so often and you need refreshed data everytime you should not keep it in the redux. Otherwise you will end up having stale data on different screens.
Note :
There could also be other possibilities that can be consider but this is some very basic info that I thought will be useful for you to take a decision

Server data change in Single Page Application

I am creating a SPA using react-redux and dot net core web api.
I am calling get data in the componentDidMount. I have search functionality as well to implement. So i can do a real time search or search in the redux state that we fetched previously.
Is there any way for the application to be notified about any data changes on the server so that the state data can be up to date?
What is the best approach for such scenario. I need to implement ticketing system as where tickets needs to be updated so that if a ticket is picked up by one user, it should not be visible to other user.

How to make redux-form (or Redux in general) work nice with a local database?

It's days or maybe weeks (reading articles, watching videos/talks) that I'm trying to understand how to use Redux and redux-form correctly but it's really hard for me to fully grasp the concept. Maybe my usecase is not well suited for Redux or maybe I'm simply missing something obvious.
What I'm trying to find is a good foundation for a large application. I'm fairly convinced about React, but Redux (and in consequence, redux-form) seems like a good solution for a problem that I'm not having. Still, everybody praises the Redux (or flux) concept, so I want to make sure that I'm not missing something.
Well, the application is heavily database-driven with all data readily available in the browser (it's a offline-first application).
I'm using a in-browser database very similar to NeDB plus a Mongoose-like ODM, but actually the database is a(nother) custom project that I want to open-source once it is stable enough (I do have implemented it already and it works very good so far).
The key points of that database (relevant to this question) are probably that it has all data readily available in the browser and that it supports "live queries" - that means that I can subscribe to database changes and up-to-date query results are pushed directly to any consuming component/handler. Furthermore, the database automatically synchronizes all data with a server in background (two-way), meaning that collections may change contents in any moment.
As UI frontend I'm using Material UI.
The application itself will manage quite a number of different collections and I need to implement a number of forms for the user so that he can edit single documents in certain collections. Depending on the context in the application the user will see a list of all documents in the current collection and alongside a form showing the details of the currently selected document in that list. That form will of course also allow changes of the document. The user will probably only edit (see) one collection/form at a time.
See this quick Mockup for easier understanding:
The list on the left is ridiculously easy to do with React and the live queries described above. It's also "reactive" in that it is always in-sync with the database. However, it doesn't currently use Redux at all. I'm not sure if that's bad or not.
When clicking any item in that list, the details should show up in the form on the right.
I like the redux-form (v6) concept, but I can't figure out how to feed the document data to the form. I know there is initialValues but I could not understand how to use it properly.
I guess I need to push the document data somehow into Redux so that it is reflected in the form. Do I need to "start" a Redux action to push the data into the store?
On the other hand, using classic React state to pass the document (a simple JS object) from the list to my form component seems radically simple to me. At the moment I don't see any benefit from having a global form state in the Redux store. But then, I probably need something else than redux-form (couldn't find anything comparable).
Redux with my database seems also redundant to me since in the end both are global data stores.
I do use Redux already for a handful states that have nothing to do with database contents, like application status indicators and to toggle a global drawer. I'm also using redux-router (and ultimately would like to link the current list selection an unique URI). Yet I'm having a hard time to find a harmonic link between Redux and the database/database-related components.
So, my question in the end is: What's a reasonable way to implement these parts of the application? Redux or not Redux? In either case: how can it implemented?
If all your data is available more or less synchronously locally, Redux might not be that great a fit for your application.
However, if you want to use Redux Form, which provides a lot of form state management out of the box, you will need to use Redux, even if you only use it for the Redux Form reducer.
To initialize your form, you can either pass the values in via an initialValues prop to the decorated form component, or you may also call dispatch(initialize(formName, formValues)) yourself.
you can use the following package I've written:
the base idea is to:
1) save redux to browser storage and rehydrate (reload from storage to redux store)
2) add a new branch to redux store to implement an outgoing queue for requests. any async XHR action will add a request to queue. Queue requests will be sent when user is online or comes back online and will be retried if failed because of network conditions

Using react to reflect external changes from the data layer

I'm not a frontend developer and have not used react or any flux implementations as I'm not sure if they will do what I want. I'm trying to wrap my head around how to use react to render backend changes that are external to the client, ie changes by another user. I see how react works to handle the view when the client takes an action, but I'd like to render changes from the server/other users without long polling (similar to how meteor works with two-way data binding).
My solution was to create a pub/sub system on the backend that will push changes to the clients if they're subscribed to the appropriate channel. This could be accomplished by analyzing database queries/backend actions and their resulting changes as is done with Asana's Luna. My friend told me that I can simply do this with only using an implementation of flux. If he's correct, I must be misunderstanding what flux actually does. To me, it seemed that it only reflects changes based on the actions of the 'current' client.
You are right. Flux is simply a way to manage application state in response to different actions. How you would trigger those actions is out of its concern. pub/sub server in this situation is a right way to go. You can take a look at Firebase - google non relational database that has lots of SDKs for different platforms and can notify client of changes done by other users. But anyway it works as a pub/sub server =)
