I trying to use get only values from Mongodb query results in to array.
My query is
db.collection_name.find({"actual_time":{"$gt": start_date, "$lte": end_date}}, {'_id': False})
and my result is
"result": [
"start": 7299.69,
"end": 7299.73,
"low": 7297.38,
"open": 7297.84,
"time": 1536007500,
"volumefrom": 16.98,
"volumeto": 123447.27,
"start": 7307.24,
"end": 7308.11,
"low": 7299.69,
"open": 7299.69,
"time": 1536007680,
"volumefrom": 78.7,
"volumeto": 575049.25,
But I don't want this result. I want to get result as below
"result": [
How to write the query in Mongodb?
You can use below aggregation in 3.4.
Use $let with $objectToArray on $$ROOT to extract the key values.
I have a MongoDB document collection with multiple arrays that looks like this :
"_id": "1235847",
"LineItems": [
"StartDate": ISODate("2017-07-31T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
"EndDate": ISODate("2017-09-19T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
"Amount": {"$numberDecimal": "0.00"}
"StartDate": ISODate("2022-03-20T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
"EndDate": ISODate("2022-10-21T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
"Amount": {"$numberDecimal": "6.38"}
"StartDate": ISODate("2022-09-20T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
"EndDate": ISODate("9999-12-31T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
"Amount": {"$numberDecimal": "6.17"}
Is there a simple way to find documents where the startdate has overlapped with previously startdate, enddate?
The startdate can not be before previous end dates within the array
The start/end can not be between previous start/end dates within the array
The below works but I don't want to hardcode the array index to find all the documents
$match: {
$expr: {
$gt: [
Here's one way you could find docs where "StartDate" is earlier than the immediately previous "EndDate".
"$expr": {
"$getField": {
"field": "overlapped",
"input": {
"$reduce": {
"input": {"$slice": ["$LineItems", 1, {"$size": "$LineItems"}]},
"initialValue": {
"overlapped": false,
"prevEnd": {"$first": "$LineItems.EndDate"}
"in": {
"overlapped": {
"$or": [
{"$lt": ["$$this.StartDate", "$$value.prevEnd"]}
"prevEnd": "$$this.EndDate"
Try it on mongoplayground.net.
I have a collection in a MongoDB with a document like below:
"_id": "63269e0f85bfd011e989d0f7",
"name": "Aravind Krishna",
"mobile": 7309454620,
"email": "akaravindk59#gmail.com",
"password": "$2b$12$0dOE/0wj6uX604h3DZpGxuO/L.fZg7KCm7mOGsNMkarSaeG2C/Wvq",
"orders": [
"paymentIntentId": "pi_3LjFDtSHVloG65Ul0exLkzsO",
"cart": [array],
"amount": 3007,
"created": 1663475717,
"_id": "6326a01344f26617fc1a65d6"
"paymentIntentId": "pi_3LjFFUSHVloG65Ul1FQHlZ9H",
"cart": [array],
"amount": 389,
"created": 1663475816,
"_id": "6326a07744f26617fc1a65d8"
"__v": 0
I wanted to get only the orders array sorted by the created property in both ascending and descending manner. As we can see here that orders field inside this document is an array of objects. Please give a solution if you have one. I tried the sortArray method but it is giving an error. Please help.
For some assistance the output should look something like this:
"_id": "63269e0f85bfd011e989d0f7",
"orders": [
"paymentIntentId": "pi_3LjFDtSHVloG65Ul0exLkzsO",
"cart": [array],
"amount": 3007,
"created": 1663475717,
"_id": "6326a01344f26617fc1a65d6"
"paymentIntentId": "pi_3LjFFUSHVloG65Ul1FQHlZ9H",
"cart": [array],
"amount": 389,
"created": 1663475816,
"_id": "6326a07744f26617fc1a65d8"
See, I got only the orders field but I want it sorted by the created property value both ascending and descending.
As you mentioned the best way to achieve this is to use $sortArray, I'm assuming the error you're getting is a version mismatch as this operator was only recently added at version 5.2.
The other way to achieve the same result as not as pleasant, you need to $unwind the array, $sort the results and then $group to restore structure, then it's easy to add the "other" order by using $reverseArray although I recommend instead of duplicating your data you just handle the "reverse" requirement in code, overall the pipeline will look like so:
$unwind: "$orders"
$sort: {
"orders.created": 1
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
asc_orders: {
$push: "$orders"
$addFields: {
desc_orders: {
"$reverseArray": "$asc_orders"
Mongo Playground
I am trying to convert array of strings to array of ObjectId using map function, map will return me array of ObjectIds that I am using in $match to check if _id matches with any of objectids present in array using $in operator.
Database configuration is
"students": [
"_id": ObjectId("5c1a79f7c98da061141475b7"),
"firstName": "Ibrahim",
"kelasID": ObjectId("5c429f9906f2a805bc6cd494"),
"lastName": "Ali",
"schoolID": ObjectId("5c1a735fc98da061141475a1"),
"year": 2018,
"__v": 0,
"addedOn": ISODate("2018-12-25T04:27:47.909Z"),
"checkIn": false,
"checkInStatus": 1,
"contactNo1": "012225656",
"father": "Ali",
"fatherID": "8852245",
"idType": 0,
"lastModified": ISODate("2018-12-25T04:27:47.909Z"),
"mother": "",
"motherID": ""
"_id": ObjectId("5c3bfea37774fb0b55000cb5"),
"idType": 0,
"checkIn": false,
"checkInStatus": 1,
"year": 2019,
"schoolID": ObjectId("5c1a735fc98da061141475a1"),
"kelasID": ObjectId("5c1a7534c98da061141475a3"),
"firstName": "Umar",
"lastName": "Bin Al-Khattab",
"contactNo1": "601222",
"status": 1,
"addedOn": ISODate("2019-01-14T03:14:43.597Z"),
"lastModified": ISODate("2019-01-14T03:14:43.597Z"),
"__v": 0
"_id": ObjectId("5c1a7c69c98da061141475bb"),
"idType": 0,
"checkIn": false,
"checkInStatus": 1,
"year": 2018,
"schoolID": ObjectId("5c1a735fc98da061141475a1"),
"kelasID": ObjectId("5c1a7540c98da061141475a5"),
"firstName": "Abdul Rahman",
"lastName": "Affan",
"father": "Affan",
"fatherID": "54321",
"contactNo1": "602288",
"status": 1,
"addedOn": ISODate("2018-12-25T04:30:16.130Z"),
"lastModified": ISODate("2018-12-25T04:30:16.130Z"),
"__v": 0
and the query is
"$match": {
"_id": {
$in: {
"stud": {
"$map": {
"input": [
"in": {
"$toObjectId": "$$this"
You can also check this out here- https://mongoplayground.net/p/8tQFHxtrttW
The above doesn't work but if I change the query like below it works.
"$match": {
"_id": {
$in: [
Link to above query- https://mongoplayground.net/p/cjq77KIAcPE
Error i'm getting - query failed: (BadValue) $in needs an array
Can anybody help with the reason to the error , as according to docs map does return an array , so what am I doing wrong?
Not sure why it doesn't work it might have to do with $in operator and $in aggregation. When you use an array that is defined by a variable you can use $in operator but when you are using aggregation result ( in this case $map ) you have to use $in aggregation. But to use $in aggregation you need to work with $expr for $match.
You can try the below code which works fine
$addFields: {
studentIds: {
$map: {
input: [
in: {
$toObjectId: "$$this",
$match: {
$expr: {
$in: ["$_id", "$studentIds"],
or if you want to combine the two of the stages you can do it like this
$match: {
$expr: {
$in: [
$map: {
input: [
in: {
$toObjectId: "$$this",
My documents look like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "60841a6047fda45b6391dbce"
"title": "Week 1",
"dates": [{
"start": {
"$date": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z"
"end": {
"$date": "2021-05-02T00:00:00.000Z"
}, {
"start": {
"$date": "2021-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"
"end": {
"$date": "2021-05-16T00:00:00.000Z"
Now I try to find documents where a given date in in one of these ranges. (Expected result is no documents, but this query is returning my document.)
$and: [
{'dates.start': {$lte: ISODate('2021-05-05')}},
{'dates.end': {$gte: ISODate('2021-05-05')}}
How can I query if the start and end date in one object includes my date?
The $elemMatch operator matches documents that contain an array field with at least one element that matches all the specified query criteria,
dates: {
$elemMatch: {
start: { $lte: ISODate("2021-05-05") },
end: { $gte: ISODate("2021-05-05") }
Let's say I have 2 documents:
"id": "1234",
"things": [
"datetime": "2016-01-01T12:00:00+03:00"
"datetime": "2016-01-06T12:00:00+03:00"
"datetime": "2100-01-01T12:00:00+03:00"
"id": "5678",
"things": [
"datetime": "2016-01-03T12:00:00+03:00"
"datetime": "2100-01-06T12:00:00+03:00"
things.datetime is mapped as { "type": "date", "format": "date_time_no_millis" }.
I want to sort these documents based on the latest things.datetime value that is not in the future.
I.e. sorted by simply the max things.datetime would use the dates 2100-01-01T12:00:00+03:00 and 2100-01-06T12:00:00+03:00. I want the sorting to be based on the values 2016-01-06T12:00:00+03:00 and 2016-01-03T12:00:00+03:00.
How can I achieve this, using ElasticSearch 2.x?
I've tried:
"sort": {
"things.datetime": {
"order": "desc",
"mode": "max"
But that doesn't seem to sort even by the 2100 dates.
I also tried to use nested_filter like so:
"sort": {
"things.datetime": {
"order": "desc",
"mode": "max",
"nested_filter": {
"range": {
"things.datetime": { "lte": "now" }
But it doesn't work as I'd expect.
Also the "sort" value in the response is a negative number. So for a document with dates:
gets a negative sort value:
"sort": [
The correct way to achieve this seems to be:
"sort": {
"things.datetime": {
"order": "desc",
"mode": "max",
"nested_path": "things",
"nested_filter": {
"range": {
"things.datetime": { "lte": "now" }
When there are no more dates left after the nested_filter, the sort value becomes a negative number to ensure the correct order.