StandardJS and React class export Unexpected token = - reactjs

Can anyone shed some light on the notice I am getting back from StandardJS?
Parsing error: Unexpected token =
Code is as follows:
export default class foreignDataFormat extends _base {
static input = class ForeignDataFormatInput extends React.Component {
render () {
The error is referring to the second line input = class

In JavaScript, class cannot be defined as static. But method can be defined as static. You would just define (and probably mean to define) the class like:
export default class foreignDataFormat extends _base {
const input = class ForeignDataFormatInput extends React.Component {
static myMethod() {
//... my static method
render () {
You may be interested to see this post.


what is class extends React.component in React

In this link
where explanation is of higher order component.The code is below has class extends React.component. What is this class keyword here?
function logProps(WrappedComponent) {
return class extends React.Component {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
console.log('Current props: ', this.props);
console.log('Previous props: ', prevProps);
render() {
// Wraps the input component in a container, without mutating it. Good!
return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;
It is an unnamed class expression.
return class extends React.Component {
The above code is creating an unnamed / anonymous class by extending React.Component class, hence, creating a new React Component which wraps (returns) the WrappedComponent passed to the function logProps.
The syntax of class expression is:
const MyClass = class [className] [extends otherClassName] {
// class body
where the name className (and also, extends otherClassName) is optional.
And, in your code in question, it is just returning the result instead of assigning it to a variable:
return class [className] [extends otherClassName] {
// class body
Note that, there are two ways to create a React Component, one is by writing a function and the other is by writing a class.
And, in JavaScript, classes was introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (also knows as ES6).

How to move class functions outside of class and still use the this keyword in React?

In react I have code like this
export class Foo extends React.Component {
function_name() {
this.setState({blah: 'bleh'})
but I really want to have it work like this
function_name() {
this.setState({blah: 'bleh'})
export class Foo extends React.Component {
are there any ways to get this kind of thing to work? Basically I want the functions outside the class to reduce indentation. The problem is I'm getting function_name is not a function.
You can assign to the prototype after declaring/exporting the class:
export class Foo extends React.Component {
Foo.prototype.function_name = function() {
this.setState({blah: 'bleh'})

How to extend React Component prop typing without changing all usages of React.Component

I want to make testID a prop available for all React.Component instances for native testing. Currently, I am adding it to prop type of all the components that are using it. Is there any way where, for example I can define react/index.d.ts and override the Component prop type to include {testID?: string}?
// types/react/index.d.ts
import 'react'
import { Attributes, ClassAttributes } from 'react'
declare namespace react {
interface IntrinsicAttributes extends Attributes {
testID?: string
interface IntrinsicClassAttributes<T> extends ClassAttributes<T> {
testID?: string
I tried the above override, but it's not working, but if I copy the whole react typing file in and then make above changes, it works fine. So I just need proper overriding technique. Can someone please help me in that?
// src/types/react/index.d.ts
import * as React from 'react'
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicAttributes extends React.Attributes {
testID?: string
interface IntrinsicClassAttributes<T> extends React.ClassAttributes<T> {
testID?: string
Above override worked for me. Thanks all!
For class components, create a proxy class and extend it as even static properties are inherited :
class Proxy extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
testId: PropTypes.string
class SomeComponent extends Proxy {
render() {
For functional components, you cannot do this. An alternative would be to create a utility which will add it for you :
function withPropTypes(Component) {
Component.propTypes = {
testId : PropTypes.string
return Component;
function SomeComponent() {
const SomeComponentWithPropTypes = withProps(SomeComponent);
Note: You can use the above util for class components also.

how do I declare additional property for React class component?

I rewrite my React Project with TypeScript. now I know how to declare property interface and state interface for a Class Component, simple like this:
export interface ComponentProps {
propName: string
interface ComponentState {
stateName: number
class myComponent extends React.Component<ComponentProps, ComponentState> {
but error accur when I do something in componentDidMount() lifecycle:
componentDidMount() {
this.customProperty = 26; // here I could save an id returned by setInterval to cancel it in the componentWillUnmount() for example.
[ts] Property 'customProperty' does not exist on type 'MyComponent'. [2339]
What can I do to declare additional property correctly, not just simple silence the error.
I've learned the basic of typescript.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export interface CheckoutProps {
total: number;
customer: string;
interface State {
isChecking: boolean;
class Checkout extends Component<CheckoutProps, State> {
state = {
isChecking: false
componentDidMount() {
this.customProperty = 'sean';
render() {
return <div>hello</div>;
export default Checkout;
Class level properties can be defined after the class declartion,
They can be initialized either at the time of declartion or in constructor.
Change your Class To :-
class Checkout extends Component<CheckoutProps, State> {
customProperty:string=''; //Here,you can define your class level properties
state = {
isChecking: false
componentDidMount() {
this.customProperty = 'sean';
render() {
return <div>hello</div>;
Hope this helps,
Cheers !!
You can declare it within the class:
class myComponent extends React.Component<ComponentProps, ComponentState> {
private customProperty: string = '';
componentDidMount() {
this.customProperty = 'sean';

The this keyword is undefined in React base class

I have a basic React app and I'd like to put some commonly used functionality into a base component class and have all my other components inherit from that class to get access to those features. I have this:
export class BaseComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.commonlyUsedMethod = this.commonlyUsedMethod.bind(this);
commonlyUsedMethod() {
let x = this.someValue; // <--- 'this' is undefined here
export class SomeComponent extends BaseComponent {
onButtonClick() {
render() {
return whatever;
The problem is that when I call super.commonlyUsedMethod() from the derived class, this.someValue blows up inside BaseComponent.commonlyUsedMethod() because this is undefined. I'm calling this.commonlyUsedMethod.bind(this); in the BaseComponent constructor, so I'm not sure what's going on.
First of all I (and most of the React dev community) don't recommend you to use inheritance.
Most of the use cases you have you can solve it using Higher Order Components or writing functions in a JS file and importing it.
If you still want to go ahead and do this.
You need to bind the this when you attach the buttonClick listener
export class SomeComponent extends BaseComponent {
onButtonClick() {
render() {
return <div onClick={this.onButtonClick.bind(this)}>Hello</div>;
Here is the working example for it.
Update: Problem was not with calling super with proper this, problem was with not binding proper this when attaching the onClick listener. Thanks #Mayank for pointing it out.
So I'm not sure if this a Good Practiceâ„¢, but I can get it to work by calling this.someCommonMethod() instead of super.someCommonMethod(), like this:
export class SomeComponent extends BaseComponent {
constructor() {
this.onButtonClick = this.onButtonClick.bind(this);
onButtonClick() {
this.commonlyUsedMethod(); <--- changed 'super' to 'this'
render() {
return whatever;
I'm new enough to React and ES6 not to know if this is how this should work. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
