"And" Operator not working in graph explorer - azure-active-directory

I'm trying to get a list of guests whith accountenabled eq true:
/v1.0/users?&$filter=userType eq 'Guest' and AccountEnabled eq 'true'
I receive an error because of an Invalid filter clause. What am I doing wrong?

The issue is not caused by and, we need to remove the '' with the 'true', just use GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?&$filter=userType eq 'Guest' and AccountEnabled eq true, then it will work fine.

From your question, parameter type is invalid. We need to pass suitable parameter values for the corresponding argument/parameter. 'true' is string but true should be bool/object.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?&$filter=userType eq 'Guest' and AccountEnabled eq true


Using Spring-Data/MongoDB findBy/IsFalse with reserved keyword

I have a structure that looks kind of like this:
'foo': 'bar',
'isBaz': false
and the following Repository code
I figured that would only return records where isBaz is false, but it's also returning records where isBaz is set to true. My initial guess is that the field starts with the word 'is' which is a reserved keyword in the spring/mongo query.
FWIW I also tried via annotation but no luck
Does anyone know how to make it work without renaming the variable to 'baz'?
Make sure this field is defined as boolean and it should work!
private boolean isBaz;
[main] o.m.d.p.c :Sending command '{"find": "collection", "filter": {"isBaz": false}, ...}'

Exporting Multi-Valued Attributes in PowerShell to Excel - Attempting to Automate Using an Array of Hash Tables

I am trying to automate the unwrapping of multi-valued attributes in PowerShell for the purpose of exporting the information to an excel sheet. The known solution for enabling multi-valued exporting to excel is to manually create a hash table for each multi-valued attribute, which works just well. Example:
Get-ADForest -Server <servername> |
Select-Object #{Name='ApplicationPartitions';Expression={$.ApplicationPartitions}},
#{Name="Sites";Expression={$.Sites}} |
Export-Csv $home'AD Forest Information.csv'
However, I would like to automate this for commands that have many multi-valued attributes. Here is what I have so far (I am using Get-ADForest for testing):
$Objects = #()
$Object = #{}
Get-ADForest | Get-Member | Where-Object {$_.membertype -eq 'property'} |
Select-Object Name |
ForEach-Object {$Object = #{Name=$_.Name;Expression="$" + "_" + "." + $_.Name} ; $Objects +=$Object}
Write-Output $Objects
Get-ADForest -Server <servername> | Select-Object $Objects | Export-Csv $home\'AD Forest Information.csv'
The issue is that the exported .csv has the correct column titles, but the values of the attributes are still Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADPropertyValueCollection like they would be without unwrapping the attribute.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Any suggestions would be awesome.
Thank you!
Try this for your example, let me know if this is what you expect as output for your csv:
cd $Home\Documents
function parseADObject{
$properties=($inputObject|gm -MemberType Property).Name
foreach($prop in $Properties)
if($thisProp -and $thisProp.GetType() -match 'Collection|\[]')
elseif($thisProp -and $thisProp.GetType() -match 'Int|Boolean|Double')
return $parsedObject|%{New-Object PSObject -Property $_}
Get-ADForest|parseADObject|Export-Csv test.csv -NoTypeInformation;ii test.csv
Explanation, I'm gonna use ADForest for this example:
First you get the properties of the object you want to parse:
PS C:\> $properties=($adforest|gm -MemberType Property).Name
PS C:\> $properties
Then you loop on the properties of your object asking for the type of object:
PS C:\> foreach($prop in $properties){$adforest.$prop.gettype()}
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
True True String System.Object
True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
True True ADForestMode System.Enum
True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
True True String System.Object
True True String System.Object
True True String System.Object
True True String System.Object
True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
And then you're just asking what type of object it is:
If the type matches 'Collection or []' then you're passing the value of that property to Out-String this is useful for properties like proxyAddresses on the AD Users.
ElseIf the type matches a Boolean or Integer or Double then you're leaving the value as is without any changes.
ElseIf the the property has any Value, meaning, is not $null, I'm using the ToString() method. This is useful for properties like ObjectGUID or ObjectSID
Notice I'm using Trim() each time I use Out-String or ToString() to eliminate any empty blank spaces at the beginning or the end
The value of each property loop, stored in the $val variable is then being added to the hashTable $parsedObject and then after looping is finished the variable is being converted to a PSObject (if you don't do this the export will not show as you expect it, it will show the type of the values instead of the actual data).

SQL Report Builder Expressions - How do I display value on report as "---" if the data value field does not any data

I have tried using the following expression but receive an error message
IIF(First(Fields!EmploymentDetailsOccupation.Value, "ConsumerIndex") = True, First(Fields!EmploymentDetailsOccupation.Value, "ConsumerIndex"), "---")
Use it-
=IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!EmploymentDetailsOccupation.Value), "---", Fields!EmploymentDetailsOccupation.Value)

AngularJS filter for boolean true or false or all

I use this ngRepeat and now I will filter for communicationUserConnections where communicationUserConnection#executed is true.
IS there a possibility to do this
data-ng-repeat="communicationUserConnection in vm.communicationUserConnections | filter:executed=vm.mySelectedValue.
If vm.mySelectedValue is true than show all communicationUserConnection where executed == true, otherwise show all communicationUserConnection's
Try following:
data-ng-repeat="communicationUserConnection in vm.communicationUserConnections |filter:{'executed':vm.mySelectedValue}"

echo default value with Blade if field is empty

In my view I have many Blade checks to detect if the field is empty or not.
I do know the short way like this:
<textarea rows="14">{{ $contact->Notes or 'Enter some notes.' }}</textarea>
The problem is, the variable Notes is always set.
Also if the database field is empty, simple because all table fields are send to the views.
How can I solve this in the cleanest way?
Just check if a value is empty or not?
{{ !empty($timeline->custom_title) ? $timeline->custom_title : "Default title" }}
I would probably use of ?: Ternary Operator
Using isset() if the variable is set.
{{ (isset($hey)) ? $contact->Notes : 'Enter some notes' }}
If the variable is always set
{{{$contact->Notes != "" ? $contact->Notes :'Enter some notes.'}}}
check both conditions value is set and it is not an empty
{{{isset($contact->Notes) && $contact->Notes != "" ? $contact->Notes :'Enter some notes.'}}}
The cleanest way is to use the
iif (inline if)
statement as follows:
{{ !isset($contact->Notes) ?: $contact->Notes }}
