How to make tkmessagebox on the top of all windows - tcltk

I run r via rstudio using Windows, however, when I run the following code
tcltk::tk_messageBox(title = "Confirm",
message = "message",
icon = "question", type = "yesno",
default = "yes")
The messagebox is hiding behind the Rstudio, and I need to minimize the Rstudio window to view and click on the messagebox.
I would like to find a way to make the window of messagebox on the top of all windows.
Also the documentation of the package is not helpful. I really appreciate if you share any useful ones.


How to handle Solutions, Projects and their contents in a VisualStudio extension

In short:
I'm new to VisualStudio Extensibility and my goal is to create an extension with a ToolWindow (which already works) showing different views for each context of a VisualStudio solution, i. e. a view for the solution, a view for a project etc.. The window should be opened by clicking on a context menu entry in the context menus of the Solution Explorer, Class View, Object Browser and (ideally) any other window showing contents like projects, namespaces, classes etc..
After searching I found a lot of information, but for some points I couldn't find very helpful information. How do I ...
... create a context menu item for the VisualStudio views?
... get the currently open solution as an instance in code?
... get the projects of the solution and their contens as instances in code?
... add/remove items to/from a solution/project/class/... in code?
... react to selection changes in the Solution Explorer?
What I've done, so far:
I read the docs for Starting to Develop Visual Studio Extensions and downloaded the VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples. Especially the WPF_Toolwindow example was interesting for my purposes, so I built and ran it, which was successful, so far. Another interesting sample would have been the WPFDesigner_XML, but it always throws a NullReferenceException, so I decided to stick with the former ToolWindow, which is completely fine, for now.
Furtermore, I tried to understand the example by having a close look at each file in the project, running it in the debugger and analyzing what happened. I'm confident I understood it, but am also open for corrections of my possibly misguided thoughts following.
Now, I have created a new project, based on the WPF_Toolwindow sample, renamed and adapted to my needs (basically, I created new GUIDs, renamed the namespaces and removed things I won't use). This extension still works in the debugger. I even uninstalled everything from the experimental instance and debugged the extension from scratch.
What I try to achieve:
Have the ToolWindow load a specific view/viewmodel, when the selection changes in the Solution Explorer (or any other VisualStudio view). Alternatively, there should be a context menu item for every node's context menu in the Solution Explorer tree (or any other VisualStudio view).
Get the currently open solution, the containing projects and basically everything from the Solution Explorer's content as instances processable in my viewmodel. I need to properly add/remove
classes/structs/enums to/from
a folder in a project
a namespace
properties/fields to/from a class/struct
Generate code based on information of the solution and add the file properly to a project.
Does anyone know of examples for something like this or can anyone give me some hints, where I can find further information? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
(1) The items already have a context menu and I want to add a new command to this menu.
if you want to add a sub menu to the context menu, the following link provide a complete sample
(3) Yes, basically adding a file to a project without manually manipulating the project file would be nice.
You can add the file to project via Project.ProjectItems.AddFromFile, and the following provide a sample for your reference.
I select a project and a similar event is fired. Are there such events I can subscribe to?
You could use IVsMonitorSelection to implement. here is the code which retrieve related project path for your reference.
IntPtr hierarchyPointer, selectionContainerPointer;
Object selectedObject = null;
IVsMultiItemSelect multiItemSelect;
uint projectItemId;
IVsMonitorSelection monitorSelection =
monitorSelection.GetCurrentSelection(out hierarchyPointer,
out projectItemId,
out multiItemSelect,
out selectionContainerPointer);
IVsHierarchy selectedHierarchy = Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(
typeof(IVsHierarchy)) as IVsHierarchy;
if (selectedHierarchy != null)
out selectedObject));
Project selectedProject = selectedObject as Project;
string projectPath = selectedProject.FullName;
For more information about the usage, please refer to:

Installshield 2011: Take path from one window, take text from second

Good day, everyone. I have that task assigned which consists in creating simple installscript-only project, that should have 2 windows: first will prompt user to enter a path and create text file in this specified location, while second will promt for text input and save anything user writes into this text file.
Funny point is that I have small installshield experience (completed tutorials... well, yeah, that's all) and very little programming experience on top of that. As far as i understand, I should first create two custom dialog windows (for example by cloning them from standard ones), then create .rul files with functions, determining behavior for each. After which, include them into main setup.rul and call functions at specific point of time.
Question is - what exact dialog windows/functions/points of time will be best for such task? For reference i searched into "Serial Number Validation Sample Project" but, honestly, the way it customized default window is just confused me even more... So, please, can anybody help? Thank you.
For future reference, here's working solution.
Asked that same question at flexera forums, and here's what I got:
Off the top of my head (without InstallShield handy to check this) 1)
Create an InstallScript project, just accept all of the defaults in
the new project wizard unless you want to add localization or
something. 2) Your description implies that you do not need
maintenance (repair, modify, uninstall) support. If correct go to
Project\Settings and on the Maintenance tab select 'no uninstall or
maintenance'. 3) You can put your code at the top of the
OnFirstUIBefore function and then call Exit so that the rest of that
default code is never executed, since you are not installing anything.
As part of your InstallShield IDE, in the Start menu (for IS2012
Spring) is a tool that demonstrates all of the built in dialogs. You
can look through those choices and select the dialog that is best for
your situation. It sounds like you want to:
Call AskPath or SdAskDestPath (there are several other possibilities)
Then call AskText and save that string.
If you need to make layout or text changes to the default dialogs look
at your Dialogs view and select which ever dialog you selected above
and edit it. (If you decide to use skins make sure you select the skin
before you make any dialog layout changes.)
Then do something similar to the functional body of the WriteLine
The actual WriteLine example function prototype is for a MSI custom
action which is not what you want. Ignore the function protoype and
just use the code in your project to create the file at the path you
already collected and write the line of text that you collected.
Then call Exit;
(big thanks to user phill_mn for that answer)
And here's the code for setup.rul:
#include "ifx.h"
function OnFirstUIBefore()
number nvFileHandle;
string svResult;
string szTargetPath, szFeatures;
BOOL bLicenseAccepted;
AskPath ("Please choose a path where text file will be saved","c:\\",szTargetPath);
MessageBox("File yourtext.txt wiil be created or overwritten at " +szTargetPath, INFORMATION);
AskText ("Please enter some text to save into that file", "Text goes here", svResult);
if (CreateFile (nvFileHandle, szTargetPath, "yourtext.txt") < 0) then
MessageBox ("Creating failed.", SEVERE);
if (WriteLine(nvFileHandle, svResult) < 0) then
MessageBox ("Writing failed.", SEVERE);
MessageBox ("Success.", INFORMATION);
CloseFile (nvFileHandle);
return 0;

Capture a window inside my form

I want to capture a window inside my form, how can I do that? I remember seeing a code that did this. It worked with the window handle. It behaves kind of like WinRAR's extraction window:
Sorry, English isn't my main language. I actually found what I wanted (but it didn't exactly work):
hWindow: hwnd;
hWindow := FindWindow(nil,PChar(Edit1.Text)); //Edit1.Text is the window's handle
if hWindow <> 0 then
Form1.ParentWindow := hWindow;
end else
ShowMessage('Window not found!');
The reason I wanted something like this is because some applications that run on fullscreen present glitches because of the wrong refresh rate on my monitor. By doing this I'd force the application to run on the known "borderless" mode. But it didn't work with DirectX apps. Sorry for the inconvenience.

is it possible to fill in a windows credential prompt programmatically?

Issues of robustness, stability and you shouldn't do this aside, has anyone ever filled in a windows credential prompt via code (so that's one that looks like this:)
Is it possible to interact with these dialog boxes through Win32 APIs, or using SendKeys/send mouse / UI Automation? Any ideas / tips anyone has would be greatly appreciated!
I ended up using the UI Automation framework, which allowed me to grab a reference to the credential prompt and then fill it out and complete it that way.
Code snippet:
AutomationElement desktop = AutomationElement.RootElement;
//get all windows on the desktop
AutomationElementCollection windows = desktop.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Window));
foreach (AutomationElement window in windows)
if (window.Current.ClassName.Equals("#32770")) //security dialog
// access the appropriate AutomationElements to enter credentials here
To interact with an element, you grab the appropriate Pattern object and call its methods (eg Textboxes have a ValuePattern which has a .SetValue() method.
I also used UISpy to find all the values for things like ClassNames, AutomationIds, etc to help find the correct item through .FindAll() and PropertyConditions objects.
Use something like AHK (Auto HotKey) it is a simple language that can be compiled to an EXE and is designed for automating the keyboard and mouse.
Or you could do it from WPF:
Or users could simply tick "Remember my credentials"

gtk+ : GtkFileChooserDialog hide some widgets

I have a little problem with the GtkFileChooserDialog.
I Want to hide the favoris panel (widget on the left).
So I start to get the GtkVBox of the GtkFileChooserDialog,
and now I Want to retrive it's child and hite it,
but I don't find it's children.
Here is my code :
my_dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new("Hop", NULL, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,GTK_STOCK_CANCEL);
button = gtk_file_chooser_button_new_with_dialog(my_dialog);
children_dial = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(my_dialog));
v_dial = GTK_VBOX(children_dial->data);
v_children = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(v_dial));
So if anyone has an idea,
The children of the GtkFileChooserDialog and GtkFileChooserWidget are "internal" children which means you can't retrieve them like that. You aren't supposed to mess with them, since they may be implemented differently in a future version. However, you can access them with gtk_container_forall().
Why do you want to hide the favorites panel? Unless you have a really good reason, it is bad user interface design to change the standard file dialog that users expect, just because you don't like the panel on the left.
