routing in angularjs with nodejs - angularjs

I am building an application with AngularJS 1.7 for the frontend and using NodeJS for the backend. I am facing troubles implementing the routes. What I'm trying to do is set up routes in angular as well as in Node.
For eg:
I have '/contacts' route in angular which server the index page for me. It works just fine.
Now when i want to load data into the page, I'm trying to make a http request to '/contacts' which should ideally get me data from the Node backend. I am actually confused on how the routing will work in this case. Will there be any conflicts?
Node code :
const contacts = require('./routes/contacts');
I have routing set up in contact file which i have included on top.
Angular code:

You didn't provide whole code, maybe the problem is in the beginning of your configuration. I did work with angularJs and I have a simple project on my github which may help you how to manage routes.
See github-angularjs-springboot-project.


Single App with Symfony 3 and Angular 2 (Routes)

Currently I have an application built with Angular 2 (all the front-end side) and Symfony 3 (web framework) . I have defined each view as an Angular application.
I think it's the time to migrate to a Single App but I have some questions before I venture into the lion's den.
If a user change manually the URL, of course, they, should enter to the requested URL, but how can angular know which url is trying to open?
I should create multiple controllers or only one that catch all the requests?
If none of above are the right way, please, can you suggest any way to do it?
Thank you so much.
If you're trying to build a Single Page application, it means that your routes will be managed by your front-end, here by Angular 2 via #angular/router.
Symfony can then be only used as a back-end web service (i.e. a Restful API) that will answer to your front-end calls via JSON responses. Depending on the size of your API, you may wish to use FOSRestBundle for that purpose.
So you don't have to worry about Symfony routing interpretation since your urls will be managed by Angular router. Symfony routes will be called directly by your Angular application to get/post/put/delete/patch your back-end data.
To answer you comment, a user who directly enters a URL will simply see the page you linked to this url via Angular routing, there is (almost) no difference between front-end and back-end routing.
If you want to dive deeply in how hash routing works in javascript, you can check this article.
To see a real-life example of a SPA with full Angular routing, is a good start.

How does Angular and Express routing work together in a mean.js app?

I'm struggling about Angular and Express Routing (by the way, i'm somehow new to Express), i've been handling routes with Angular — with ui-router — but now that i'm starting to build a MEAN.js Application i notice that i can handle server-side routing and client-side routing... and that's what makes me get confused, here are some of my questions:
How are they different?
If i switch to Express routing will i still have a SPA?
Can i use both at same time? How? Is it good practice? Does it has any benefit?
When should i use only one of them?
How will i handle route parameters?
If someone can explain with detail these questions, and other extra things people need to know i'll be totally thankful.
Also, something that i want to know is: Do i only have to setup server things in Express or do i need to code in Node?
Routing in Express is sightly different then what it is in angular
In express
Routing refers to the definition of end points (URIs) to an
application and how it responds to client requests.
So if you are doing the routing using angularjs then you do not need to set the route for your html template using express.
you simply use express in a way to create your RESTAPI and then consume those API using angularjs $http or $resource
Routing in Angular supports the idea behind a SPA. Ultimately you want to handle UI based route changes (i.e. no server call/logic needed) via Angular. Any route change that hits the backend, and ultimately requires server logic, should use Express routing.
This is express routing to create rest API.
app = express();
/... code to do your work .../
now in angularjs call do work
Just two cents here. Other expert should correct me and explain further :
Routing at frontend usually means routing management in url after #.
This is because anything after # is ignored by browser. So this is utilized by angular to make on the fly ajax calls and fetch resources depending on route path after #.
What express handles is url before #. This is used to make actual request from browser to server.
How are they different : answered
If i switch to Express routing will i still have a SPA :
You can always have SPA if you manage urls manually at front end side while making ajax calls to populate your single page. managing urls at front end should be with intention of readability.
Can i use both at same time? How? :
Everyone uses both. A SPA also uses both. Usually authentication based thing is handled by express routing while authorization and other routing based interaction like requesting for resources and others, front end routing is used. Even if you use front end routing, for ajax request behind the scene, you are still relying on express's routing.
Is it good practice? Does it has any benefit? :
Using express's routing for authentication and providing resources AND using angular routing for front end to keep SPA in action is always a good practice.
When should i use only one of them? : answered
How will i handle route parameters? :
There are parameters handling both for front end side using route params ( if using ng-route) and at the back end using slug, bodyparser and others.
You need to spare some time learning those.
Can we use both
of-course you can use both. Depending on your application requirement, what portion of your app need to be spa for better user experience and what portion views need to be render by your express app.
If i switch to Express routing will i still have a SPA?
if a particular routing is not handled by angular and you want to generate a view by express app you can do that. if you want to develop a complete spa then you need to develop a api (http end points) in you express app to respond to AJAX requests of your angular app. Angular routing is all bout clint side routing that is used to generate template and fetch data from server (in your case express) and render a view. Over all your angular routing calls to your express routing to fetch json data or any template to give the impression of a spa
in express we have
app.get("/", function (req, res) {
you home page must include all the angular script files to initialize the angular app
in clint side code you can have
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ui.router"])
.config(function ($stateProvider, ) {
$stateProvider.state("home", {
url: "/"
.state("manas", {
url: "/manas",
templateUrl: "/templates/manas.html"
// when the state or url is manas its fetch the static manas.html from server and inject that to ui view
// i am using angular UI router here
Can i use both at same time? How? Is it good practice? Does it has any benefit?
Ya we can use both at same time. It depends on your application logic their is no harm or benefit of using both.
When should i use only one of them?
Go with express routing only if you are more concerned about search engine optimization. Because SPA are not by-default search engine friendly you need to take some extra action to make it search engine friendly.
How will i handle route parameters?
it depends on what angular routing you are using. I mean vanilla angular routing or UI routing. But the concept is same for both
passing parameters
For passing parameters to server with UI routing go through
for UI routing follow this link
if you app is not more complex you don't care about nested views child views etc
my suggetion go with angular plain routing.
No doubt UI router gives more advance routing concepts but learning curve is steep as well. if you app is simple in nature go with angular routing

Node Angular authentication

I want to use frontend routing with angular js (with $routeProvider), and login using passport js. I found out that there are many problems while redirecting, communication between frontend and backend, showing messages and etc. Does there exist any complete tutorial on this?
I learned it here but it's long. Maybe it helps. They use what you need.

Removing the hashtag from AngularJS when working with SailsJS

I'm getting really frustrated with configuring the Routing on our app, which is using sailsJS and angularJS.
The problem is, that the browser doesn't know about angular, so any request like /login returns a 404 Error from sails. I need a solution, to keep the sails routes from the angular ones,
One solution would be to disable html5Mode, but i really don't like the look of URLs with the /#/ which is typical for angular.
I have researched a lot on this and haven't yet found a good answer or maybe a working project for this.
Is what I am trying to do even possible right now?
If you're using HTML5 mode with Angular, then you need to configure your web server (in this case SailsJS) to respond with your index.html file for requests to /login or any arbitrary routes.
If you navigate directly to http://localhost:3000/login in your web browser (assuming you're running Sails on localhost:3000), Sails needs to respond with your index.html so that your Angular app can bootstrap and then display the appropriate route. Then, subsequent links that the user clicks on in your app will be intercepted directly by the Angular router instead of Sails directly.
Angular has documentation about making HTML5 mode work correctly here.
Using this mode requires URL rewriting on server side, basically you have to rewrite all your links to entry point of your application (e.g. index.html). Requiring a <base> tag is also important for this case, as it allows Angular to differentiate between the part of the url that is the application base and the path that should be handeled by the application.

Is there a case scenario where routing thru AngularJS and thru ExpressJS are both required?

Routing functionality is defined in both ExpressJS thru app.get('/*') and in AngularJS thru
What is the case scenario for needing to define routes thru both?
Part 2.
Server and Client Communication in AngularJS takes place thru REST API ? ( can it be handled thru
Part 1
Angular is only on the front end, so if you need to make calls to your database (getting data or posting data), it'll likely go through a route that the backend (Express) created (app.get,
If all your data is coming from someone else's site (API) and you don't need to store anything, then in that case you might not need any routes on the back end.
It really depends on what you're building. If I build a 'to do' list, I can have a 'Tasks' and 'Completed Tasks' page using Angular routes and then post and get routes in ExpressJS. You can also have multiple SPA (single page applications) on Express in turn you may need another Angular module that will have it's own routes.
Answer to your Part 2.
AngularJS using SocketIO
AngularJS is an SPA (Single Page Application) framework. For SPAs which need pages to be loaded can be used to route thru Angular so
to define particular SPA which may be subset of your total app can be routed thru Angular. Where as your regular routes app.get('/home ... can be done thru ExpressJS.
