How to run a full stack application using kotlin? - reactjs

I want to run a full stack web application with Kotlin + react + reduce. I tried to use the create-react-kotlin-app app but it does not work with reduce.
Now I am trying to use the Thinkter: A Kotlin Full-stack Application Example. I download the zip, unzip it and run:
./gradlew backend:run
./gradlew frontend:run
When I open the browser (http://localhost:8080) I get a blank page and in the browser console:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
I am using Linux Mint, java version "1.8.0_181" and node v8.12.0.


I'm trying to host my react project on firebase but whenever i'm trying to build the project i'm getting this error

enter image description here
I used this command...
npm i -g firebase
firebase login
firebase init
and followed all necessary steps but now before deploying the site when I tried to build get this error... it' will be significantly helpful to me if I get an easy solution.

Building hybrid mobile apps with Cordova, React and Nrwl Nx

I'm working on a proof of concept for my company to demonstrate how our monorepo could benefit from Nx and hybrid mobile apps. So far, I have one Nx project containing some reusable components (as Nx libraries) which I publish to my local npm registry. I have a second React application created through create-react app in which I consume the packages published in the first application. I then need to build a hybrid mobile application based on the second application to demonstrate the app working in various platforms and consuming the common libraries.
So far, in my poc, was able to complete the previous steps and get the hybrid mobile app working with using Capacitor using the nxtend plugin for Nx ( As another task, I also need to build another hybrid mobile app using Cordova. I understand that I can use hooks in Cordova to write a script which could first make a build of the react app and then run it in mobile platforms, and attempted it. However, when I run the app in Cordova (using cordova run ios), the virtual device only displays a blank page. I was wondering if I need to follow different steps to install packages to consume for Cordova to work or if there was a different way to accomplish this.
I followed this article to integrate React with Cordova, but I get this error:
$ cordova run android
Error: Command failed: /.../cordovaProject/node_modules/.bin/react-scripts build
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:383:12)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1058:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:293:5) {
killed: false,
code: 1,
signal: null,
cmd: '.../cordovaProject/node_modules/.bin/react-scripts build'
Command failed: ...cordovaProject/node_modules/.bin/react-scripts build

Expo run:ios generating error PhaseScriptExecution

I have an expo managed app and I want to use a notification library called OneSignal which has an expo plugin. This plugin adds native code not supported by Expo Go, so I'm forced to enter bare workflow and build native iOS and Android folders.
I'm building the iOS package by running expo run:ios. And build fails due to something with PhaseScriptExecution. This is my log:
2022-06-09 15:10:39.377 xcodebuild[35947:834210] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionSentinelHostApplications for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionHosts.watchOS of plug-in
2022-06-09 15:10:39.377 xcodebuild[35947:834210] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionPointIdentifierToBundleIdentifier for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionToBundleIdentifierMap.watchOS of plug-in
The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution [CP-User]\ Generate\ app.config\ for\ prebuilt\ Constants.manifest /Users/celsomattos/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/teste-gcaxmzswwhjxgrfhkfyporjorevj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target 'EXConstants' from project 'Pods')
(1 failure)
Expo version incompatible?

JS Error for Angular and Nativescript project

Current behavior
When I try to run the application using tns run ios , it gives me the following error.
attached picture shows the JS Error in the terminal
Expected behavior
The app should boot up without the JS error just like the web application.
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
git clone "name of the repository"
npm i
cd nativescript
npm i
tns run ios
It installs the app successfully , however, the app doesn't open. On manually opening the app, it gives a JS error.
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
To get the web and mobile running at the same time.
Please tell us about your environment:
Operating system : MAC OS (Tried it on windows too) 16GB RAM
package manager : npm, tns
**Angular Seed Version: 8aae926
Node: node --version = v8.11.3

Got an error while using Sencha touch 2.1.1 CDN

I've built my app using sencha touch 2.0 CDN and now I am trying to migrate to 2.1.1. But, I am getting an error - Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ) in sencha-touch-all.js:21.
Please let me know why I am getting this error?
I recommend you to use the sencha CMD to generate the project. That would provide you with a lot of commands including 'sencha app upgrade' which updates your app with a newer sdk.!/guide/command!/guide/command_app-section-upgrading-your-application
