Does changes backgorund in theme file cause problems to images? - codenameone

I made some changes on boackground color to theme.res and all all of sudden my stoped working.
I check the debbuging console and showed me that could not find an images from res.
I tried to open gui builder but it did not open. So I deleted the component that used this image from the xxxx.gui file.
My app start working and crashes again on another point that needs another image.
Gui builder still is not working.
Any help is aprecciated


CodenameOne Cannot Add Image to Button Using GUI Builder

I am using the CodenameOne GUI builder to add an image to a button.
I added the image to the res file and then clicked [Pick Image] in the Property Inspector (see my screenshots). The button image (a plus sign) appears in the GUI.
I hit 'save' in the GUI Builder and then close it, then go back to NetBeans and run a debug simulation, and the icon appears, so far so good. .
But now I run the debug simulation again and the button image is gone!
I open the GUI Builder and it's gone there as well: the button has reverted to [Pick Image] and, when I click [Pick Image], my image is missing from the res file.
What is going on here? I repeated this three times with the same result- I literally ran the Debug sim twice without doing anything in between and the icon disappears, and there is no indication in the Output messages to indicate that there is a problem.
The Form1.gui file shows a reference to the icon image so maybe the resource file is being cleared in between makes?
<component type="Button" icon="resFile:plus.png" name="Up" actionEvent="true">
[EDIT] I found that if I add the images using the CNO Designer on the theme.res file, the images 'stick' and I can get a good build.
HOWEVER, when I make code changes and then open the GUI Builder again the images are removed from the res file.
can you add a code snippet of how you add the image ...
According to the error message, you may have chosen the incorrect path, or maybe you have added the path incorrectly in the code.
Unfortunately, the old CN1 Designer is not compatible with the CSS compiler. If your project uses CSS, you should add images to the resource file directly in CSS (e.g. by adding it as a background-image on some element), or import it via the GUI builder, as, adding it that way will also add a reference to the image inside the .css file.
This stems from the CSS compiler pruning "unused" images in the resource file. If the image isn't referenced in the CSS file anywhere, it will be removed from the output .res file.

Black screen appears when the CEF Winform Browser loads for the 1st time

I am using CEF Sharp - V86
I am getting this strange issue and our users have starting complaining about it.
When the cefsharp winform browser loads for the first time, it shows the black window for few mili-seconds and then it disappears.
If we reload or refresh the webpage, it does not happens.
We have recently upgraded from V79 to V86 and we did not had any issue in earlier version.
What i have tried so far is, tried setting below command line arguements but it didn't work.
I have also tried setting
But it didn't work.
Additional Info :
Checked with Latest Version - CefSharp V88
When we load CefSharp winform browser in wpf application using winform host, a black screen appears on load for the first time for few miliseconds and then disappears.
This was not happening in earlier version.(i checked with V79 till V83).
Steps to reproduce.
Create a sample wpf application ,use windowsformhost to load cefsharp winform browser.
In constructor of winform browser, use any url. I tested with
Run the application.
Notice the initial black screen appears for few miliseconds and then disappears.
Please note this happens only for the first time when the chrome winform load.
his seems to have broken from CEFSharp v84.
Any help will be appreciated. :)
I was able to get rid of the black flash. Once I removed it from the VS Form Designer, things got better. Define it as a form level object:
private ChromiumWebBrowser cwbPage;
Then in the form constructor, instantiate it and add it to a panel in the form:
cwbPage= new ChromiumWebBrowser("");
cwbPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
//...add any event handlers
Finally, pass it the string of Html or navigate to the url:
cwbPage.LoadHtml("<html><body>This is a test.</body></html>");
It still takes about 3 seconds to load the content, but at least there is no black flash.
I experimented and tried going back to using the VS Form Designer, and the black flash came back. I stripped almost all of the properties away from it in the VS Form generated code, but it still flashed blackly. So it does not like using the Form Designer.

React Native Active Image Link Not Working

So I am having a really weird problem. I'm not sure if it's my server thats is causing the problem or it's my react code. Right now I am trying to load an image using this code in my app:
<Image style={styles.image}
The link is a correct link and image displays if you go to the actual link, however in my app it doesn't display the image.
The file permissions on the image are 644 and I have 1 image working, however whenever I try to remove that image from the server or rename it to be the correct image for the 2nd profile it still shows up for the 1st profile and not the 2nd. If I delete the image the app still receives it for the 1st profile even though it shouldn't show up, if I go to the weblink the image doesn't appear.
Does anyone have any ideas?
To fix this problem you just have to reset the simulator.
To do this go to Simulator - > Reset Content and Settings...
This deletes all of the data on the device so beware if there is something on there that you cannot restore.

Wijmo and Dotnetnuke 7. Has anyone tried it? Not working

Has anyone tried using the wijmo widgets in DNN 7.+ ?
For my example I'm trying to use the upload widget.
If I upload to a path on my server and test, it works (As in the dialog appears to choose a file... the popup)
If I load it within a page on the site, the button shows but nothing happens when clicked.
All script files and necessary markup are correct.
No console erros, nothing. Very confusing.
Wijmo widgets work in DNN 7.+.
The “action” option should be changed to the server’s address of upload.ashx file.
Note: the upload sample can’t be opened by file path(d:/……/upload.html), please make sure it is opened on server.

Xilium.CefGlue in Winforms application not working properly with ogg

I'm trying to integrate the Xilium.CefGlue browser into an existing project, but i don't seem to get it working with ogg. I'm using the latest versions of the Xilium.CefGlue(xilium-xilium.cefglue-3caa551bd830) and the Cef binary (cef_binary_3.1384.1045). Everything works great when running the projects in the Xilium.CefGlue solution.
To make sure the problem is not caused by my other project, i started a new Winforms project, added references to Xilium.CefGlue.dll, Xilium.CefGlue.Demo.dll and Xilium.CefGlue.WindowsForms.dll. I use the same code in my Program.cs file as used in CefGlue.Client project in the examples, and in my form i create a new CefBrowser and add it directly to my controls. I also placed the needed ceflib files in the correct location.
Now, when running the application and loading a webpage, everything seems to hang unless i change the SingleProcess to true in the CefSettings in my Program.cs. However, when loading another page which contains html5 video (ogg), the page is not getting rendered. I do notice that the interaction is there, because i can start the video by clicking in the center of the page where a button should be located. I can hear the video playing, but the page simply stays blank.
Loading the same page in the CefGlue.Client does work like it should. Now, when i change the setting SingleProcess to true in the example project CefGlue.client, the same thing occurs, so i guess it must have something to do with this.
Anyone got any ideas on what is going wrong?
Found the answer somewhere else by Sébastien Frippiat:
it seems that using SingleProcess=false doesn't work when debugging with Visual Studio (should be related to Visual Studio using a executable called project_exe.vshost.exe instead of project_exe.exe).
So i changed my CefSettings to this:
var settings = new CefSettings
BrowserSubprocessPath = #"C:\CefGlueBrowser\CefGlueBrowser\bin\x86\Debug\CefGlueBrowser.exe",
SingleProcess = false,
MultiThreadedMessageLoop = true,
LogSeverity = CefLogSeverity.Default,
LogFile = "CefGlue.log",
That seems to fix it for debugging.
Just disable Visual Studio Hosting Process and you wont have problem for debugging
