React & Reselect selector claims state is the same after update - reactjs

I am implementing Reselect in my project and have a little confusion on how to properly use it. After following multiple tutorials and articles about how to use reselect, I have used same patterns and still somethings dont work as expected.
My selector:
const getBaseInfo = (state) => state.Info;
const getResources = (state) => state.Resources;
export const ASelector = createSelector(
[getBaseInfo, getResources],
(items, resources) => {
let result = {};
for(const item in items) {
result[item] = _.pick(items[item], ['Title', 'Type', 'Beginning', 'minAmount', 'Address'])
for(const item in resources) {
result[item] = {...result[item], firstImage: resources[item].firstImage}
return result;
mapStateToProps component:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
gridInfo: ASelector(state)
Now at first my initial state is:
state = { Info: {}, Resources: {} }
My Reducer:
const Info = ArrayToDictionary.Info(;
const Resources = ArrayToDictionary.Resources(;
let resourcesKeys = Object.keys(Resources);
let infoKeys = Object.keys(Info);
let temp = { ...state };
let newInfo;
for (let item of infoKeys) {
newInfo = {
Title: Info[item].Title,
Type: Info[item].Type,
BeginningOfInvesting: Info[item].BeginningOfInvesting,
DateOfEstablishment: Info[item].DateOfEstablishment,
pricePerUnit: Info[item].PricePerUnit,
minUnits: Info[item].MinUnits,
publicAmount: Info[item].PublicAmount,
minInvestmentAmount: Info[item].MinInvestmentAmount,
EinNumber: Info[item].EinNumber,
Address: Info[item].Address,
Status: Info[item].Status,
Lat: Info[item].Lat,
Lng: Info[item].Lng,
CurrencySymbol: Info[item].CurrencySymbol,
Publicity: Info[item].Publicity
temp.Info[item] = { ...temp.Info[item], ...newInfo }
for (let item of resourcesKeys) {
temp.Resources[item] = { ...temp.Resources[item], ...Resources[item] }
return temp;
As a component renders with the initial state, I have an action pulling data from api and saving it accordingly into the state inside reducers.
Now my state is changed, but after debugging a little into reselects code, I found in the comparison function that the old and new states are the same.
Suddenly my "old" state became already populated with the newState data and it of course failing the comparison as they became the same.
Is there anything wrong with my selectors?
I have really tried to use it as the documentation states, but still cant understand how to solve my little issue.
Thank you very much for reading and helping!

It looks like the temp.Info[item] and temp.Resources[item] lines are mutating the existing state. You've made a shallow copy of the top level, but aren't correctly copying the second level. See the Immutable Update Patterns page in the Redux docs for an explanation of why this is an issue and what to do instead.
You might want to try using the immer library to simplify your immutable update logic. Also, our new redux-starter-kit library uses Immer internally.


React setState doesn't work when mutating the state directly why not

Code, i am trying to copy the list as another list and modifying the name property, I was wondering why would this not work, i know that shallow copying this works/ also when i use a fn updater it works , thanks
import { useState } from "react";
const initList = { name: "abhi" };
export default function List() {
const [list, setList] = useState(initList);
function handleClick() {
const nextList = list; = "anand";
// setList((list) => ({ ...list }));
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>change name</button>
Edit: I understand the what and how, wanted to know why this happens in Reactjs. I have got my answer, thank you so much guys for helping me out
You've got answers already but to be precise here's the piece of source code from react repo that I believe is responsible for what you're seeing:
// Mark that the fiber performed work, but only if the new state is
// different from the current state.
if (!is(newState, hook.memoizedState)) {
You can find the definition of is function here. The important bit is that it compares two passed objects (old state and a new state) by reference. Since you did not make a shallow copy of the new state these are in fact the same and no update is made.
Perhaps an interesting thing is that using functional version of setState does not automatically save you from the same mistake. It also has to return a different reference from the old state.
In other words, this also won't update state:
const nextList = list; = "anand";
setList((list) => nextList);
const nextList = list will not create a new object, it will create a variable nextList that points to the same object as list.
Consequently, when you mutate the object referenced by nextList, you're mutating the same object referenced by list.
Read more here.
And, as you stated, you already know state in react shouldn't be mutated.
I didn't quite understand your question, but you would like to keep the object's initial value { name: "abhi" } and on const nextList change name to "anand", right? getting like this: initList = { name: "abhi" } and list = { name: "anand" }? If so, just do this:
import { useState } from "react";
const initList = { name: "Test 1" };
export default function List() {
const [list, setList] = useState({ ...initList });
function handleClick() {
const nextList = list; = "Test 2";
// setList((list) => ({ ...list }));
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>change name</button>
This happens because you are inserting the object and its pointer to the state of the list, in this case what you need is just the initial values ​​of the object and not the complete one.

How do you access query arguments in getSelectors() when using createEntityAdapter with RTK Query

I've been following along the REDUX essentials guide and I'm at part 8, combining RTK Query with the createEntityAdapter. I'm using the guide to implement it in a personal project where my getUni endpoint has an argument named country, as you can see from the code snippet below.
I'm wondering is there anyway to access the country argument value from the state in universityAdaptor.getSelector(state => ) at the bottom of the snippet, as the query key name keeps changing.
import {
} from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
import {
} from "../api/apiSlice";
const universityAdapter = createEntityAdapter({})
const initialState = universityAdapter.getInitialState();
export const extendedApiSlice = apiSlice.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: builder => ({
getUni: builder.query({
query: country => ({
url: `${country}`,
transformResponse: responseData => {
let resConvert = responseData.slice()
.sort((a, b) =>
.map(each => {
return { ...each,
id: nanoid()
return universityAdapter.setAll(initialState, resConvert)
export const {
} = extendedApiSlice;
export const {
selectAll: getAllUniversity
} = universityAdapter.getSelectors(state => {
return Object.keys({ ...state.api.queries[<DYNAMIC_QUERY_NAME>]data }).length === 0
? initialState : { ...state.api.queries[<DYNAMIC_QUERY_NAME>]data }
UPDATE: I got it working with a turnery operator due to the multiple redux Actions created when RTK Query handles fetching. Wondering if this is best practice as I still haven't figured out how to access the country argument.
export const { selectAll: getAllUniversity } = universityAdapter
.getSelectors(state => {
return !Object.values(state.api.queries)[0]
? initialState : Object.values(state.api.queries)[0].status !== 'fulfilled'
? initialState : Object.values(state.api.queries)[0].data
I wrote that "Essentials" tutorial :)
I'm actually a bit confused what your question is - can you clarify what specifically you're trying to do?
That said, I'll try to offer some hopefully relevant info.
First, you don't need to manually call most of the time - instead, call const { data } = useGetThingQuery("someArg"), and RTKQ will fetch and return it. You only need to call if you're manually constructing a selector for use elsewhere.
Second, if you are manually trying to construct a selector, keep in mind that the point of is to construct "a selector that gives you back the entire cache entry for that cache key". What you usually want from that cache entry is just the received value, which is stored as, and in this case that will contain the normalized { ids : [], entities: {} } lookup table you returned from transformResponse().
Notionally, you might be able to do something like this:
const selectNormalizedPokemonData =;
// These selectors expect the entity state as an arg,
// not the entire Redux root state:
const localizedPokemonSelectors = pokemonAdapter.getSelectors();
const selectPokemonEntryById = createSelector(
selectNormalizedPokemonData ,
(state, pokemonId) => pokemonId,
(pokemonData, pokemonId) => {
return localizedPokemonSelectors.selectById(pokemonData, pokemonId);
Some more info that may help see what's happening with the code in the Essentials tutorial, background - getLists endpoint takes 1 parameter, select in the service:
export const getListsResult = (state: RootState) => {
return state.tribeId ? : [];
And my selector in the slice:
export const selectAllLists = createSelector(getListsResult, (listsResult) => {
console.log('inside of selectAllLists selector = ', listsResult);
// return useSelector(listsResult) ?? [];
Now this console logs listsResult as ƒ memoized() { function! Not something that can have .data property as tutorial suggests. Additionally return useSelector(listsResult) - makes it work, by executing the memoized function.
This is how far I got, but from what I understand, the code in the Essentials tutorial does not work as it is...
However going here and adding same console log:
const selectUsersData = createSelector(selectUsersResult, (usersResult) => {
console.log("usersResult", usersResult);
Shows it is not returning a memorised function, but an object with data on it instead.
Wonder if the difference happening because I have a parameter on my endpoint...
select returns a memoized curry function. Thus, call it with first with corresponding arg aka tribeId in your case and then with state. This will give you the result object back for corresponding chained selectors.
export const getListsResult = (state: RootState) => {
return state.tribeId ? : [];
The intention of the getUni endpoint was to produce an array of university data. To implement the .getSelector function to retrieve that array, I looped over all query values, searching for a getUni query and ensuring they were fulfilled. The bottom turnery operator confirms the getUni endpoint was fired at least once otherwise, it returns the initialState value.
export const { selectAll: getAllUniversity } = universityAdapter
.getSelectors(state => {
let newObj = {};
for (const value of Object.values(state.api.queries)) {
if (value?.endpointName === 'getUni' && value?.status === 'fulfilled') {
newObj =;
return !Object.values(newObj)[0] ? initialState : newObj;

How to write redux selector that handle several levels of nested state?

I would like my container component to be as much reusable as it can be. To achieve that, I want to write reusable selector to use it in mapStateToProps function. I know that this function can accept props of the current component, so I can pass dynamic state key to my selector getAllEntities. The problem appears, when I want from my selector to get first level of state, but in other place - to get some nested state.
Demonstration of state shape:
items: { byId: { ... }, allIds: { ... } }
comparison: {
otherItems: { byId: { ... }, allIds: { ... } }
// and so on
Selector demonstration:
getAllEntities = (state) => => state.byId[id]);
And I use it in my component's mapStateToProps function:
return { items: getAllEntities(state[ownProps.stateKey]) }
The problem with my approach is that it seems that (by keeping reusability of this component) I can only access first level of state. So I cannot pass props to my component that will understand that it should look for state.comparison.otherItems - watch state shape demonstration above.
I tried something like:
getAllEntities = (state, key1) => {
if (has(state, key1) {
return state[key1] => state[key1].byId[id]);
return => state.byId[id]);
So if I pass key1 string - it should look deeper in state. If key1 is not passed to component's props - then behave normally and look for first level of state shape.
I don't even know if it's the correct approach... Can somebody help me with this?
You can recursively reuse selector:
getAllEntities = (state, key1) => {
if (has(state, key1) {
return getAllEntities(state[key1])
return => state.byId[id]);
Thanks #iofjuupasli, that's nice solution. Also, as agreed on discord redux community, it's just better to write two selectors. Then to avoid much code duplication, write something like:
const SomeComponent = () => {};
const WithSomeDataSource = connect(doOneThingHere)(SomeComponent);
const WithAnotherDataSource = connect(doSomethingElseHere)(SomeComponent);

Central State Management without Redux or Mobx?

Recently I contemplated the idea of having central state management in my React apps without using Redux or Mobx, instead opting to create something similar to the application class in Android. In any event, I implemented something similar to this:
Create a store folder and a file called store.js in it whose contents are:
// State
let state = {
users: {},
value: 0
// Stores references to component functions
let triggers = [];
// Subscription Methods
export const subscribe = trigger => {
export const unsubscribe = trigger => {
let pos = -1;
for (let i in triggers) {
if (triggers[i]===trigger) {
pos = i;
if (pos!==-1) {
triggers.splice(pos, 1);
// Trigger Methods
let triggerAll = () => {
for (let trigger of triggers) {
// State Interaction Methods
export const setUser = (name, description) => {
state.users[name] = description;
export const removeUser = name => {
if (name in state.users) {
delete state.users[name];
export const getAllUsers = () => {
return state.users;
export const getUser = name => {
if (!(name in state.users)) {
return null;
return state.users[name];
export const getValue = () => {
return state.value;
export const setValue = value => {
state.value = value;
And connecting to this store in the following manner:
// External Modules
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {Box, Text, Heading} from 'grommet';
// Store
import {subscribe, unsubscribe, getAllUsers} from '../../store/store';
class Users extends Component {
state = {
users: []
componentDidMount() {
subscribe(this.trigger); // push the trigger when the component mounts
componentWillUnmount() {
unsubscribe(this.trigger); // remove the trigger when the component is about to unmount
// function that gets triggered whenever state in store.js changes
trigger = () => {
let Users = getAllUsers();
let users = [];
for (let user in Users) {
name: user,
description: Users[user]
render() {
return <Box align="center">
{ => {
return <Box
style={{cursor: "pointer"}}
background={{color: "#EBE7F3"}}
onClick={() => this.props.history.push("/users/" +}>
<Heading margin={{top: "xsmall", left: "xsmall", right: "xsmall", bottom: "xsmall"}}>{}</Heading>
export default Users;
Note. I've tested this pattern on a website and it works. Check it out here. And I apologize I am trying to keep the question concise for stackoverflow, I've provided a more detailed explanation of the pattern's implementation here
But anyway, my main question, what could be the possible reasons not to use this, since I assume if it was this simple, people wouldn't be using Redux or Mobx. Thanks in advance.
That's what Redux and MobX basically do, you are wrong in thinking that at their core concept they are much different. Their size and complexity came as a result of their effort to neutralize bugs and adapt to a vast variety of application cases. That's it. Although they might be approaching the task from different angles, but the central concept is just that. Maybe you should familiarize your self with what they actually do underneath.
Btw, you do not need to store redundant state in your component, if all you need is to trigger the update. You can just call forceUpdate() directly:
// function that gets triggered whenever state in store.js changes
trigger = () => {
That's similar to what Redux and MobX bindings for react do under the hood.

React Redux, how to properly handle changing object in array?

I have a React Redux app which gets data from my server and displays that data.
I am displaying the data in my parent container with something like:
var dataList = (data)=> <CustomComponent key={}> </CustomComponent>)
return (
When I interact with my app, sometimes, I need to update a specific CustomComponent.
Since each CustomComponent has an id I send that to my server with some data about what the user chose. (ie it's a form)
The server responds with the updated object for that id.
And in my redux module, I iterate through my current data state and find the object whose id's
export function receiveNewData(id){
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const currentData = getState().data
for (var i=0; i < currentData.length; i++){
if (currentData[i] === id) {
const updatedDataObject = Object.assign({},currentData[i], {newParam:"blahBlah"})
allUpdatedData = [
const updateData = createAction("UPDATE_DATA")
createAction comes from redux-actions which basically creates an object of {type, payload}. (It standardizes action creators)
Anyways, from this example you can see that each time I have a change I constantly iterate through my entire array to identify which object is changing.
This seems inefficient to me considering I already have the id of that object.
I'm wondering if there is a better way to handle this for React / Redux? Any suggestions?
Your action creator is doing too much. It's taking on work that belongs in the reducer. All your action creator need do is announce what to change, not how to change it. e.g.
export function updateData(id, data) {
return {
type: 'UPDATE_DATA',
id: id,
data: data
Now move all that logic into the reducer. e.g.
const index = state.items.findIndex((item) => ===;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
items: [
...state.items.slice(0, index),
Object.assign({}, state.items[index],,
...state.items.slice(index + 1)
If you're worried about the O(n) call of Array#findIndex, then consider re-indexing your data with normalizr (or something similar). However only do this if you're experiencing performance problems; it shouldn't be necessary with small data sets.
Why not using an object indexed by id? You'll then only have to access the property of your object using it.
const data = { 1: { id: 1, name: 'one' }, 2: { id: 2, name: 'two' } }
Then your render will look like this:
render () {
return (
{Object.keys( => {
const data =[key]
return <CustomComponent key={}>{}</CustomComponent>
And your receive data action, I updated a bit:
export function receiveNewData (id) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const currentData = getState().data
[id]: {
{ newParam: 'blahBlah' }
Though I agree with David that a lot of the action logic should be moved to your reducer handler.
