Material Ui - Add required attribute to a TextField in "select" mode - reactjs

I am trying to make "required" a TextField in select mode.
I tried to add required prop like in this snippet, but this does not block the submit event if I haven't select anything. Although it adds the '*' to the label.
Please check this sandbox
{ => (
<MenuItem key={option.value} value={option.value}>
UPDATE: (Clarification really)
I am talking about html5 validation. In the sandbox example there are Select and Text fields, setting the text field as required will block the submit event and displays a native html5 error saying "this field is required", this is not the case if the field is "select".

Material Ui provides another component Native Select to handle this kind of native validation.
Please check this example

It was recently implemented in material ui. If you upgrade #material-ui/core to version 4.11.0 it will work

It's not field responsibility to control form behavoiur. It's parent-child relation and top-down data passing.
Form (component) provides current value to component (validity information, change handler) to field component. Field displays content using styles and elements depending on props (* when required, error border etc) but it's form' role to decide about value/validity/submiting.


Autocomplete with custom input in material ui not working

I am able to use the autocomplete by selecting values from the list. Now I want to add a new value in the selection. I tried multiple options including onChange but couldn't implement.
If user types in something and clicks outside the textbox it should convert freetext into a tag. Also, allow user to continue adding more tags from the predefined list/free text.
I am trying out the options here but to no luck. Is this even possible or do I need to look for other options?
In order to add new items with the Autocomplete you should use the freeSolo property of the Autocomplete. This feature gives you an option to automatically use the value from the input and add it into the value of the Autocomplete.
The issue that you have with the freeSolo is when you have complex objects (and not just strings).
There are multiple ways to solve this.
Option #1 - If the complex objects are only the pre-existing values, you can use this in order to display the correct values:
getOptionLabel={option => option.title || option}
If you don't have option.title (which is the case for the default freeSolo because the value is just the text, and not an object) - just show the option.
You can find here a working example:
Option #2 - if you do need complex objects:
You will need to manage adding/removing the objects by yourself.
The onChange prop of the Autocomplete gets a function that you can use for this.
freeSolo allows you to type freely but it does not allow you to register the value as an option ( look for "autoselect" ). Here's the solution:

Select matched option with React Bootstrap Typeahead

In my React Bootstrap Typeahead component, the user can press Tab to select the currently matched option. How can I accept Enter as well?
You can use the selectHintOnEnter prop to achieve this behavior:
options={[ ... ]}
Enabling this prop will allow users to select the hint by pressing Enter as well as Tab. Here's a live example.

Material UI - Replicating the "required" text field error message

I have a simple TextField component from Material UI in React (notice the "required")
label="Last name"
I love the functionality and appearance of the "required" property. It looks like this when it's activated:
Unfortunately, this property is only available on their TextField component and not the RadioGroup or Select components. If I can at least replicate the appearance (and maybe the fact that it scrolls the page to the location of the input), I can apply it to all of my inputs for a consistent UI.
Does anyone know where they are getting the appearance from? It looks like it may be from a different package. Any help in finding it would be appreciated.
If you are referring to the "Please fill out this field" it looks like this might be a browser specific feature rather than a Material feature... Have you checked other browsers to see if this behaviour is reproducible?
Actually is fairly easy to change the styles for the errors that the different browsers show whenever a form is validated. Here your friend is the Constraint API.
There is an invalid event that will be fired before a form is submitted that checks if the elements that have the required attribute satisfy or not its constrains .
What I normally do is to use the onInvalid event handler and pass a callback where you can get a lot of info about the validation.
For example in you'll see the "Please fill out this field" or the will tell you if the element is valid or not. Bear in mind that you have to preventDefault the event.
setInvalid( );
setMessage( );
This is how I've styled the native HTML errors using the <SnackbarContent /> component from material-ui.
Also, just to mention that CSS has a couple of pseudo elements that will help you to style the input. :invalid and :valid but this has nothing to do with the message itself.
Because this styles inconsistency really bugged me a time ago I created a npm plugin that deals with this for you, pretty-form-error it works with React and at least Angular 1.x.x
This is actually a property of input from vanilla html. Textfield is composed of smaller components and Input is one of the components they use. The required property will trigger the dialog to appear.
Username: <input type="text" name="username" required>
<input type="submit">
This snippet will also produce the same message.

Disable single checkbox using react-checkbox-group in react

I am using this to create a checkbox group:
I need to disable the first checkbox generated.
Does anyone know the props to do it?
I have tried:
<label><Checkbox value={i} disabled /> {passo.title}</label>
<label><Checkbox value={i} disabled={true} /> {passo.title}</label>
<label><Checkbox value={i} disabled=true /> {passo.title}</label>
i am guessing you want to check and disable the checkbox at the same time. It can be done by passing the values to be checked as an array to the value property of CheckboxGroup component as follows
<CheckboxGroup name="passos" value={[0,1]} onChange={this.passosChanged}>
I've used a value of {[0,1]} for example . And as statated before you can pass disabled to your <Checkbox> component. Attaching CodeSample link below.
In case i have missed something , kindly clarify more !

With Semantic UI React, how to build a tag input similar to Stack Overflow's?

I'm interested in building a Tag input feature like Stack Overflow where the feature set includes:
Input field which has a autocomplete feature (takes user input, fetches results from the server and displays those results to the user for easy selection.
Input field contains 1 or more selected items as tags.
Suggestions outside of the input which when clicked have the results added to the input field.
Screenshots from Stack Overflow:
I'm using Semantic-UI-React and notice there is a search component which could work:
It does not appear that this Semantic-UI-React search component allows for adding more than one result or adding results via a method outside of the input. Am I missing something?
Should I use Semantic UI for this feature or will I need to build this entirely from scratch in my React app?
It's not properly highlighted in the react semantic-ui dropdown documentation but the allowAdditions field will enable tagging capabilities:
<Dropdown search selection multiple allowAdditions />
You need to add the onAddItem prop to update the options list. In here, I did this:
placeholder='Select Friend'
onAddItem={(event, data) => friendOptions.push({key: data.value, text: data.value, value: data.value})}
And now you can add items to the dropdown list.
