Sql Server Weird CASE Statement - sql-server

I am attempting to do something, but I am not sure if it is possible. I don't really know how to look up something like this, so I'm asking a question here.
Say this is my table:
Name | Group
John | Alpha
Dave | Alpha
Dave | Bravo
Alex | Bravo
I want to do something like this:
WHEN Group = 'Alpha' THEN 1
WHEN Group = 'Bravo' THEN 2
WHEN Group = 'Alpha' AND
Group = 'Bravo' THEN 3
FROM table
WHERE Name = 'Dave'
I understand why this won't work, but this was the best way that I could explain what I am trying to do. Basically, I just need to know when one person is a part of both groups. Does anyone have any ideas that I could use?

You should create a column to hold the values you want to sum and sum them, probably easiest to do this via a subquery:
Select Name, SUM(Val) as Rank
FROM (SELECT Name, CASE WHEN Group = 'Alpha' THEN 1
WHEN Group = 'Bravo' THEN 2
FROM table
WHERE Name = 'Dave') T
You can add TOP 1 and ORDER BY SUM(Val) to get the top ranked row if required.
After reading your comment, it could be simplified further to:
Select Name, COUNT([GROUP]) GroupCount
FROM table
That will simply return all names where they have more than 1 group.


SQL GROUP BY with columns which contain mirrored values

Sorry for the bad title. I couldn't think of a better way to describe my issue.
I have the following table:
Category | A | B
A | 1 | 2
A | 2 | 1
B | 3 | 4
B | 4 | 3
I would like to group the data by Category, return only 1 line per category, but provide both values of columns A and B.
So the result should look like this:
category | resultA | resultB
A | 1 | 2
B | 4 | 3
How can this be achieved?
I tried this statement:
SELECT category, a, b
FROM table
GROUP BY category
but obviously, I get the following errors:
Column 'a' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained
in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Column 'b' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an
aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
How can I achieve the desired result?
Try this:
SELECT category, MIN(a) AS resultA, MAX(a) AS resultB
FROM table
GROUP BY category
If the values are mirrored then you can get both values using MIN, MAX applied on a single column like a.
Seams you don't really want to aggregate per category, but rather remove duplicate rows from your result (or rather rows that you consider duplicates).
You consider a pair (x,y) equal to the pair (y,x). To find duplicates, you can put the lower value in the first place and the greater in the second and then apply DISTINCT on the rows:
select distinct
case when a < b then a else b end as attr1,
case when a < b then b else a end as attr2
from mytable;
Considering you want a random record from duplicates for each category.
Here is one trick using table valued constructor and Row_Number window function
;with cte as
(SELECT Min(min_val) FROM (VALUES (a),(b))tc(min_val)) min_val,
(SELECT Max(max_val) FROM (VALUES (a),(b))tc(max_val)) max_val
FROM (VALUES ('A',1,2),
('B',4,3)) tc(Category, A, B)
select Category,A,B from
Select Row_Number()Over(Partition by category,max_val,max_val order by (select NULL)) as Rn,*
From cte
) A
Where Rn = 1

Max Value with unique values in more than one column

I feel like I'm missing something really obvious here.
Using T-SQL/SQL-Server:
I have unique values in more than one column but want to select the max version based on one particular column.
ID | Name| Version | Code
1 | Car | 3 | NULL
1 | Car | 2 | 1000
1 | Car | 1 | 2000
Target status: I want my query to only select the row with the highest version value. Running a MAX on the version column pulls all three because of the distinct values in the 'Code' column:
FROM Table
GROUP BY ID, Name, Code
The net result is that I get all three entries as per the data set due to the unique values in the Code column, but I only want the top row (Version 3).
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to identify the row with the highest version as 1 query and use another outer query to pull out all the fields for that row. Like so:
SELECT t.ID, t.Name, GRP.Version, t.Code
,MAX(Version) as Version
FROM Table
INNER JOIN Table t on GRP.ID = t.ID and GRP.Name = t.Name and GRP.Version = t.Version
You can also use row_number() to do this kind of logic, for example like this:
select ID, Name, Version, Code
from (
select *, row_number() over (order by Version desc) as RN
from Table1
) X where RN = 1
Example in SQL Fiddle
add the top statment to force the return of a single row. Also add the order by notation
FROM Table
GROUP BY ID, Name, Code
order by max(version) desc

Count each unique content

How do I count how many times the content of a field nameappears in my table?
Name | Other
Brad | smth
Brad | smth
Daniel | smth
Matt | smth
Matt | smth
Matt | smth
For example,for the above table I would like to know how many times I have 'Brad',how many times 'Daniel' and how many times 'Matt'.How do I do this with just one select?
I'm interested in this because I want do display only the Names that appear more times than a given value.
My actual code:
select director.LastName,director.FirstName,count(director.FirstName)as counter,film.title
from director,film
where film.Id_Director=director.id
group by director.LastName,director.FirstName,film.title
having count(Director.FirstName)>2
Baz Luhrmann 1 Paranormal activity 4
Baz Luhrmann 1 Struck by lightning
Baz Luhrmann 1 The big bang theory
Baz Luhrmann 1 The family
Baz Luhrmann 1 The Quarterback
Brad Falchuk 1 A Kitty or a Gaga
Brad Falchuk 1 All or nothing
Brad Falchuk 1 Bridesmaids
Brian Dan 1 All or nothing
I was expecting it to count exactly how many times 'Baz' appears in the table(this should be done for every name) and display only if the value of count > the 3 for example.
Group by the name and use a count()
select name, count(*) as name_count
from your_table
group by name
Aggregate functions like count are applied for each group.
To display only names that appear more than 1 time you can do
select name, count(*) as name_count
from your_table
group by name
having count(*) > 1
Having is like a where clause but for groups.
select d.LastName, d.FirstName, count(f.Id_Director) as counter
from director d
inner join film f on f.Id_Director = d.id
group by d.LastName, d.FirstName
having count(f.Id_Director) > 2
You had grouped by the film too. That won't work. You basically queried for directors that are more than 2 times part of a film.
The problem is you are grouping by film. Since there are a director/film is ill away count as 1.
You you want to keep the film names in that select result set I suggest you make a select movies and a subquery to count how many times that director can be joined to other movies.
Just writed a example at SQLFiddle

Apriori algorithm -Find 2 of combination

I have an Order table like this:
1 1230
1 1231
1 1232
2 1231
2 2000
3 1230
3 3567
and a Product table:
1230 A
1231 B
1232 C
My first question, how to get combination of 2 Product Table, then how my new table structure should be?
for example;
{1230,1231}, {1230,1232}, {1231,1232}
but I don't want to this {1231,1230} because it already added.
Second one, in Order table, I keep sold product one session. How will be my new table?
orderid products
1 {1230,1231,1232}
Finally, I want to find product other sold together support value,
exp: {1231,1230} count : 2
{1230,1232 count : 0 }
thanks in advance.
edit: i want to do like this: http://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~zaiane/courses/cmput499/slides/Lect10/sld054.htm
If I have interpreted your requirement correctly?
FROM Product p1
JOIN Product p2
I don't really understand questions 2 or 3, so please clarify in your question.
The first one is tricky, but I think you're looking for something like this:
SELECT * FROM products p1, products p2 GROUP BY ((p1.PRODUCT_ID*p2.PRODUCT_ID)+p1.PRODUCT_ID+p2.PRODUCT_ID)
Because it would group by rows only where the two numbers are the same, without caring about order. There might be a more elegant way to create what's basically a unique id for that combination, but I can't think of any.

TSQL: Get all rows for given ID

I am trying to output all of my database reports into one report. I'm currently using nested select statements to get each line for each ID (the number of ID's is unknown). Now I would like to return all the rows for every ID (e.g. 1-25 if there are 25 rows) in one query. How would I do this?
(SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE id = x) As Col1
(SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE id = x) As Col2
(SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE id = x) As Col3
EDIT: Here's an example:
(select post_id from posts where report_id = 1) As ID,
(select isnull(rank, 0) from results where report_id = 1 and url like '%www.testsite.com%') As Main,
(select isnull(rank, 0) from results where report_id = 1 and url like '%.testsite%' and url not like '%www.testsite%') As Sub
This will return the rank of a result for the main domain and the sub-domain, as well as the ID for the posts table.
ID Main Sub
1 5 0
I'd like to loop through this query and change report_id to 2, then 3, then 4 and carry on until all results are displayed. Nothing else needs to change other than the report_id.
Here's a basic example of what is inside the tables
post_id post report_id
1 "Hello, I am..." 1
2 "This may take..." 2
3 "Bla..." 2
4 "Bla..." 3
5 "Bla..." 4
result_id url title report_id
1 http://... "Intro" 1
2 http://... "Hello!" 1
3 http://... "Question" 2
4 http://... "Help" 3
report_id description
1 Introductions
2 Q&A
3 Starting Questions
4 Beginner Guides
5 Lectures
The query will want to pull the first post, the first result from the main website (www) and the first result from a subdomain by their report_id. These tables are part of a complicated join structure with many other tables but for these purposes these tables are the only ones that are needed.
I've managed to solve the problem by creating a table, setting variables to take all the contents and insert them in a while loop, then selecting them and dropping the table. I'll leave this open for a bit to see if anyone picks up a better way of doing it because I hate doing it this way.
If you need each report id on its own column, take a look at the PIVOT/UNPIVOT commands.
Here's one way of doing it :
SELECT posts.post_id AS ID,
IsNull(tblMain.Rank, 0) AS Main,
IsNull(tblSub.Rank, 0) AS Sub
FROM posts
LEFT JOIN results AS tblMain ON posts.post_id = tblMain.report_id AND tblMain.url like '%www.testsite.com%'
LEFT JOIN results AS tblSub ON posts.post_id = tblSub.report_id AND tblSub.url like '%.testsite%' and tblSub.url not like '%www.testsite%'
That is one query? You've provided your own answer?
If you mean you want to return a series of 'rows' as, for some reason, 'columns', this ability does exist, but I can't remember the exact name. Possible pivot. But it's a little odd.
see if this is what you are looking
CASE WHEN reports.id = 1 THEN reports.Name
ELSE "" AS Col1,
CASE WHEN reports.id = 2 THEN reports.Name
ELSE "" AS Col2
FROM reports
Best Regards,
Assuming you have a "master" table of IDs (if not I suggest you do so for Foreign Key purposes):
(SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE id = m.ID) As Col1
(SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE id = m.ID) As Col2
(SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE id = m.ID) As Col3
FROM MasterIDs m
Depending on how much each report is similar,you may be able to speed that up by moving some of the logic out of the nested statements and into the main body of the query.
Possibly a better way of thinking about this is to alter each report statement to return (ID,value) and do something like:
,report1.Value AS Col1
,report2.Value AS Col2
FROM (SELECT Id, ... AS Value FROM ...) report1
JOIN (SELECT Id, ... AS Value FROM ...) report2 ON report1.Id = report2.Id
again, depending on the similarity of your reports you could probably combine these in someway.
