Unhandled promise issue when dispatching redux thunk action in React Native - reactjs

Hi I am having real difficulty getting a redux thunk action to work as expected in React Native. I have used the exact same method with an application in React which works perfectly, however cannot for the life of me work out why it does not work in my React Native application, throwing an unhandled promise rejection warning, breaking my code.
My login function is as follows:
.catch(err => this.setState({
errors: err.response.data.errors
And has been connected to redux as follows:
export default connect(null, {loginUser})(Login)
loginUser function is as follows:
export const userLoggedIn = (user) => ({
type: LOGGED_IN,
const loginUser = (credentials) => (dispatch) =>
.then(user => dispatch(userLoggedIn(user)))
export default loginUser
And POST request to server:
export default {
user: {
login: (credentials) =>
axios.post('', {credentials})
.then(user => user.data.credentials)
So everything works as expected up until I try to call dispatch with the action. I have included thunk middleware which I assumed would allow all this as per my working React application, however I am getting Unhandled Promise rejection: cannot read property 'data' of undefined in this case, which confuses me.
Thanks for any help in advance


React-native Redux issue with Asynchronous functions

Recently i have change the structure of my react-native app to use Redux, after that all my asynchronous functions have stopped work. I cant use AsyncStorage or take a picture with react-native-camera takePictureAsync. When i debug the code every time i use an await looks like the function is skipped and nothing is returned not even a error. I'm using an middleware ReduxThunk.
Example: This Action is used to take a picture, i'm using react-native-camera component. The issue here is the then and catch is not trigged and yes the function is been called, i can see it on debug
export const takePicture = (camera, options) => {
return async dispatch => {
.then(data => {
getPictureSuccess(data, dispatch);
.catch(error => {
getPictureError(error, dispatch)

Return value of a mocked function does not have `then` property

I have the following async call in one of my React components:
onSubmit = (data) => {
.then(() => {
The goal here is to redirect the user to the index page only once the post has been persisted in Redux (startAddPost is an async action generator that sends the data to an external API using axios and dispatches another action that will save the new post in Redux store; the whole thing is returned, so that I can chain a then call to it in the component itself). It works in the app just fine, but I'm having trouble testing it.
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { AddPost } from '../../components/AddPost';
import posts from '../fixtures/posts';
let startAddPost, history, wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
startAddPost = jest.fn();
history = { push: jest.fn() };
wrapper = shallow(<AddPost startAddPost={startAddPost} history={history} />);
test('handles the onSubmit call correctly', () => {
So I obviously need this test to pass, but it fails with the following output:
● handles the onSubmit call correctly
TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
at AddPost._this.onSubmit (src/components/AddPost.js:9:37)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/tests/components/AddPost.test.js:25:46)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7)
So how can I fix this? I suspect this is a problem with the test itself because everything works well in the actual app. Thank you!
Your code is not testable in the first place. You pass in a callback to the action and execute it after saving the data to the database like so,
export function createPost(values, callback) {
const request = axios.post('http://localhost:8080/api/posts', values)
.then(() => callback());
return {
payload: request
The callback should be responsible for the above redirection in this case. The client code which uses the action should be like this.
onSubmit(values) {
this.props.createPost(values, () => {
This makes your action much more flexible and reusable too.
Then when you test it, you can pass a stub to the action, and verify whether it is called once. Writing a quality, testable code is an art though.
The problem with your code is that the startAddPost function is a mock function which does not return a Promise, but your actual this.props.startAddPost function does return a Promise.
That's why your code works but fails when you try to test it, leading to the cannot read property.... error.
To fix this make your mocked function return a Promise like so -
beforeEach(() => {
startAddPost = jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce(Promise.resolve())
Read more about mockReturnValueOnce here.

Handling AJAX Errors with Redux Form

I'm new to React/Redux so I'm building a simple blog app with Redux Form to help me learn. Right now I'm unclear on how I would handle ajax errors when submitting data from the form to the api in my action. The main issue is that I'm using the onSubmitSuccess config property of Redux Form and it seems to always be called, even when an error occurs. I'm really unclear on what triggers onSubmitSuccess or onSubmitFail. My onSubmitFail function is never executed, but my onSubmitSuccess function always is, regardless of whether an error occurred or not.
I read about SubmissionError in the redux-form docs, but it says that the purpose of it is "to distinguish promise rejection because of validation errors from promise rejection because of AJAX I/O". So, it sounds like that's the opposite of what I need.
I'm using redux-promise as middleware with Redux if that makes any difference.
Here's my code. I'm intentionally throwing an error in my server api to generate the error in my createPost action:
Container with my redux form
PostsNew = reduxForm({
form: 'PostsNewForm',
onSubmit(values, dispatch, props) {
// calling my createPost action when the form is submitted.
// should I catch the error here?
// if so, what would I do to stop onSubmitSuccess from executing?
onSubmitSuccess(result, dispatch, props) {
// this is always called, even when an exeption occurs in createPost()
onSubmitFail(errors, dispatch) {
// this function is never called
Action called by onSubmit
export async function createPost(values) {
try {
const response = await axios.post('/api/posts', values)
return {
payload: response
} catch (err) {
// what would I do here that would trigger onSubmitFail(),
// or stop onSubmitSuccess() from executing?
In your case, redux-form doesn't know whether form submission was succeeded or not, because you are not returning a Promise from onSubmit function.
In your case, it's possible to achieve this, without using redux-promise or any other async handling library:
PostsNew = reduxForm({
form: 'PostsNewForm',
onSubmit(values, dispatch, props) {
// as axios returns a Promise, we are good here
return axios.post('/api/posts', values);
onSubmitSuccess(result, dispatch, props) {
// if request was succeeded(axios will resolve Promise), that function will be called
// and we can dispatch success action
payload: response
onSubmitFail(errors, dispatch) {
// if request was failed(axios will reject Promise), we will reach that function
// and could dispatch failure action
payload: errors
For handling asynchronous actions you should use redux-thunk, redux-saga or an other middleware which makes it possible to run asynchronous code.

Use getState to access key in redux state for API call

I'm a little new to using thunk getState I have been even trying to console.log the method and get nothing. In state I see that loginReducer has they key property which I need to make API calls. status(pin): true
key(pin): "Ls1d0QUIM-r6q1Nb1UsYvSzRoaOrABDdWojgZnDaQyM"
Here I have a service:
import axios from 'axios'
import {thunk, getState} from 'redux-thunk'
import MapConfig from '../components/map/map-config'
const origin = 'https://us.k.com/'
class KService {
getNorthAmericaTimes() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const key = getState().key
console.log('This is time key,', key)
if (key) {
// const url = `${origin}k51/api/datasets/k51_northamerica?key=${urlKey}`
// return axios.get(url)
export default new K51Service()
However in my corresponding action I get that Uncaught TypeError: _kService2.default.getNorthAmericaTimes(...).then is not a function
This is what the action function looks like :
export function getKNorthAmericaTime(dispatch) {
KService.getNorthAmericaTimes().then((response) => {
const northAmericaTimes = response.data[0]
I'm assuming it probably has to do with the if block not getting executed.
You should move your axios.get() method to your action creator and pass the promise to redux thunk, then when the promise is resolved dispatch the action with the response data so it can be processed by the reducer into the app's state.
import axios from "axios";
export function fetchData() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const key = getState().key;
const request = axios.get();// use your request code here
request.then(({ response}) => {
const northAmericaTimes = response.data[0]
dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.SET_NORTH_AMERICA_TIMES, payload: northAmericaTimes});
Here's a very simple example of using axios with redux-thunk:
Sorry, I totally forgot that you need to go to the state before making the request.
As you can see go to the state in your function, get the key from it, make the request and when the promise is resolved, dispatch the action with the response data. I've updated the live sample so you can see it working.
Again sorry...

react-redux not dispatching thunk api call

I'm taking a working web version with redux and Api calls and porting them to a React Native app. However I notice when trying to dispatch a thunk to make an API call, I can't seem to see a console log in my thunk to confirm the dispatch. This makes me think something is not connected properly but I just don't see what that is. What am I missing?
I create a store with an initial state: When I log store.getState() everything looks fine.
const initialState = {
config: fromJS({
apiUrl: "http://localhost:3000/account-data",
const store = createStore(
I use mapDispatchToProps and I see the functions in my list of props
export function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
loadProducts: () => dispatch(loadProducts())
However, when I inspect my loadProducts function, I do not see a console log confirming the dispatch. What's going on here? Why is loadProducts not dispatching? On the web version I'm able to confirm a network request and logs. On React Native I do not see a network request or these console logs.
export function loadProductsCall() {
console.log('in RN loadProductsCall') //don't see this
const opts = constructAxpOpts();
return {
types: [
callAPI: (client, state) =>
client.get(`${state.config.get('apiUrl')}/members`, opts),
shouldForceFetch: () => false,
isLoaded: state => !!(state.core.resources.products.get('productsOrder') &&
getResourceFromState: (state) => state.core.resources.products.toJS(),
isLoading: state => !!state.core.resources.products.get('isLoading'),
getLoadingPromise: state => state.core.resources.products.get('loadingPromise'),
payload: {}
export function loadProducts() {
console.log('in loadProducts') //don't see this
return (dispatch) =>
console.log('in loadProducts dispatched 2') //don't see this either
.then((response) => {
return response;
This code is missing custom API middleware that handles three action types. Also, in mapDispatchToProps a function is wrapping the dispatch. This function need to either be unwrapped and return a promise or called somewhere else in the code.
