Filter Microsoft Graph Drive Search Results where Modified By is Current User - azure-active-directory

I'm attempting to get Drive results using Microsoft Graph that are filtered by the current user.
This is as far I have gotten, which is return results sorted by last modified date, but it's returning results modified by other users.
I want it to only return results where last modified or preferably modified at all by the current user. Is there a way to do that?
So far, I have tried throwing in {User.Name} around the place, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere'')?$orderby=lastModifiedDateTime desc
Or is this fruitless, and I should use the insights/used endpoint even though it's in beta?

According to your description, you want to filter Drive by last modified date and current user.
In order to get lastModifiedBy field, we need to able track changes to the file. Please try following API:
GET /me/drive/root/delta
Please note that in OneDrive for Business and SharePoint, delta is only supported on the root folder.It does not apply to subfolders other than root folder.
For more detail, we can refer this document. Unfortunately, there isn’t a perfect solution to solve your case.

Yes, you could use the to get results where last modified or preferably modified at all by the current user.
But APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph is in preview and are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported.
For the details, please refer to here.


Gmail api messages/list Q after:{timestamp} doe not work properly

Good time!
I'm trying to get the list of message and to filter them I use Q after:{timestamp}
I do the following query
After getting the message id I do a query to get the details of the message:
As you can see timestamp in the query and internalDate of the message are the same.
When I increment timestamp value to 1559717792 and do a query I get the same result:
In my view, the result should be empty because the internalDate less than 1559717792. Is it an issue or is it my mistake?
Thank you!
Gmail API uses the same search syntax as web interface and it's documented here:
Specifically it never says "after:<epochSeconds>" works but it only gives an option for a formatted date "after:YYYY/MM/DD". Emperically the <epochSeconds> does seem to work, but it's not documented (so beware that it's not guaranteed to be supported and may break at any time) and also it seems that there may be some rounding issues within the same second (so you may have to add or remove a second to always get the results you want if you need that level of accuracy).

Active Directory Query using LDAP Query in custom search

Some of the users in the domain I'm working on have no manager assigned or no Job title so I tried to create a new query with this LDAP query in the definequery>customsearch>advanced tab:
This returns zero results even though I know they exist. Using the Custom Search creates the same search string and also returns zero results. I tried this, based on research elsewhere, which also returns zero results.
What am I doing wrong?
Also I want to search only in specific folders and their subfolders, should I pre-pend this:
where these are immediately below the domain and each location has its own sub folders of Computers, Groups, Users.
Your query is just invalid. That window doesn't tell you that - it just gives zero results.
You're missing closing parentheses and you need to put the OR condition inside the AND condition. And you also need to use (objectCategory=person), not (objectCategory=user). You don't really need (objectCategory=person) since (objectClass=user) is good enough to limit the search to user objects, but it doesn't hurt.
This is what it should look like:
I will usually paste my query into Notepad++, which highlights matching parentheses, so it's easy to find missing ones. Or you can break it up over multiple lines to make it easier to read and easier to spot errors:
Regardless of how you search (through the Users and Computers UI or through code) you can only search one OU at a time. There is no OU attribute or any other attribute that you can use in a query to limit to specific OUs.
In the UI, you can click 'Browse' in the top right to pick the OU you want to search.
If you were doing this in code, you can do a couple things to limit it to specific OUs:
Search each OU separately (you can optionally set the Search Scope to not search sub-OUs if you want), or
Search the whole domain, then look at the distinguishedName attribute of each result and discard the results from OUs you don't want.
Option #2 will probably perform faster since it's less network requests.
It seems to me that the filter is not compliant with RFC 4515: LDAP String Representation of Search Filters.
May be AD and the tool you are using is accepting it, but NOT filters should be in the form of (!(manager=*)).

How pull a select html formatted chunk of a google spreadsheet using a URL

I have a tree farm.
I have a Google spreadsheet that has my inventory in the form that I took it.
I have pivot table that summarizes that sheet.
How can I run a query from the Jack Pine description page on my website that pulls the appropriate blob off the pivot table on the spreadsheet?
Here's what I've done so far:
Create a new spreadsheet that does an importrange() from the individual sheet with my pivot table.
Share to the world, published to the web. Using another browser where I am not logged in with my google ID I can see the file, and it is view only.
I'm basing this on this article: [][1]
Now, in a query (split line for reading convenience)
And I get the following message:
denied","detailed_message":"Access denied"}]});
Obviously I'm missing something here. How do I troubleshoot this?
Google has changed something. This answer no longer works
Added Sunday.
The following now will fetch the entire sheet:
But while it fetches, the select statement returns the entire sheet, or rather the query is ignored.
(I originally had %20's for all the +'s, but Google rewrote them, or my browser does.)
This method
returns a file json.txt. I don't read JSON, but sliding over the brackets and punctuation the content is there.
Note the difference around gviz/tq...
Google rewrites the URL removing tq? from it.
I cannot leave the tqx=out.html in place. I get no JSON file and a 'file unavailable error.'
Turns out what I need is tqx=out:html Colon, not period.
Found the information in a table labeled "Request Format" in the document

Cell.cross() returns error in Google Refine projects

I'm trying to create a new column based on my main project's Date column that pulls timeline events from another Google Refine project:
cell.cross("Clean5 Timeline", "TimelineDate").cells["TimelineEvent"].value[0]
The dates are in the same format in both Google Refine projects. But it fills no cells, and I get this error:
Error: Cannot retrieve field from null
This — 
cell.cross("Clean5 Timeline", "TimelineDate")
— returns [ ] for rows where there should be a match.
And this —
cell.cross("Clean5 Timeline", "TimelineDate").cells["TimelineEvent"]
— returns null for those rows.
I copied the syntax directly from the GREL help files: Can anyone suggest what I may be overlooking?
Without access to your projects it's going to be difficult to answer this, but the first thing I'd suggest is that you trim back your expression to find out exactly where the null is coming from.
cell.cross("Clean5 Timeline", "TimelineDate")
is returning an empty array ([]), nothing based on that result is going to work.
There are three possible problems that I can think of: 1) the project name is wrong, 2) the column name is wrong, 3) the data values don't match (or Refine doesn't think they do), or 4) you are running into a caching bug with cross() that exists in Refine 2.5.
Restarting the Refine server should clear the cache if you're running into the bug and it's also fixed in the current source repository. The fix will be included in OpenRefine 2.6.

Windows API way to search subfolders with wildcards and other criteria in C++?

I think I saw once that it was possible to use the functionality of windows' search feature(s) in code. That it was possible to search for files using a sql query (something like "select filename from filestore where directory = 'c:\somedir' and extention in ('.doc','.txt','.me') and datemodified >= '2009-01-01 00:00:00'"
Anyway, even if there isn't a way to do it with a query, is there any functionality in the Windows API OR any simple code for doing exactly this type of thing?
It seems such an obvious thing for there not to be an easy way to do it.
I have a function that finds all files in a dir (with subdirs) but it's basically dumb. It can't search with wildcards and it can't search with other criteria such as date newer than a given date.
If possible I don't want to download any 3rd party shareware libraries to do this. I'm using C++ builder in vista, and if there are any vista-only functionality for this then that's ok.
Actually, you can use FindFirstFileEx() to implement your search criteria. Unfortunately, most of the time you have to implement this yourself.. It isn't too hard..
Basically you can check the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure for criteria that you want to search for. For example, if you wanted to find only files with a creation date greater than a certain date, you would check if the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure member ftCreationTime or ftLastWriteTime, depending on your needs..
You can use FindFirstFileEx() to search with wildcards and attributes.
The C code has been posted thousands of times on Google Groups since 90's
( news:// and others )
