Is setState() inside componentDidMount() considered an anti-pattern - reactjs

I've just had a look at this discussion about setState() inside componentDidMount().
You can see that after the render() function, the componentDidMount() function will be called by React. When you put a setState() call in componentDidMount() then you are causing the entire component tree be re-rendered not only the current component - not to forget, the current component did just finished with rendering.
And some people suggested to put setState() call inside componentWillMount(). In some cases, I want to get the height of a rendered element and store it as state, and the above method wouldn't work. I also had a look at the React official website, and it suggests to do Ajax call inside componentDidMount(), which again goes against the above idea.
So, am I wrong about putting setState() inside componentDidMount()? If yes, what should I apply as an alternative?

You may call setState() immediately in componentDidMount(). It will
trigger an extra rendering, but it will happen before the browser
updates the screen. This guarantees that even though the render() will
be called twice in this case, the user won’t see the intermediate
state. Use this pattern with caution because it often causes
performance issues. In most cases, you should be able to assign the
initial state in the constructor() instead. It can, however, be
necessary for cases like modals and tooltips when you need to measure
a DOM node before rendering something that depends on its size or
React docs
Using DidMount makes it clear that data won’t be loaded until after
the initial render. This reminds you to set up initial state properly,
so you don’t end up with undefined state that causes errors.
- If you have all needed data in constructor - assign state there
constructor(props) {
// Don't call this.setState() here!
this.state = { counter: 0 };
Call async action, touch DOM in componentDidMount()

Your case with unknowing the height of a rendered element might be a valid excuse to use setState inside componentDidMount. However in such a case I would definitely add another lifecycle method,shouldComponentUpdate, to control the rerender issue.

Normally you don't want to do synchronous state setting inside componentDidMount, you should just put it in the constructor. However element height is a bit unique, since you can't actually get the height of an element until it's mounted and rendered into the DOM.
So normally not, but in the case of element height it's ok to do it in componentDidMount.

You can do Async call and you must do it inside the componentDidMount() lifecycle hook. But this will call the render method again.
If you don't want the re-render to happen again, use the shouldComponentUpdate() method to prevent re-rendering the DOM. Example as follows:
shouldComponentUpdate (nextProps, nextState) {
// check the condition here
if (nextState.something !== 'value') {
// stop re-rendering
return false;
// continue rendering
return true;


Why are browser api event subscribed to in componentDidMount in React?

In this talk the speaker write codes that resemble this :
class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
//do something with window.innerWidth
Why is the window.addEventListener part in componentDidMount ? Does it have to be ?
From the tone of the talk, I felt that this situation was pretty common.
I'm fairly new to react, and I would have put the browser api event subscription in the constructor just as well.
Is there any advantage that would have elude be as to why put this window.addEventListener in componentDidMount ? Or is it juste for readability purposes ?
To me it's quite simple.
First, you only want api call or event listeners to be called/initialised only once, componentDidMount() and constructor is guaranteed to run only once per mounted component.
However, I won't put api in constructor because if you want a UI update after your data is returned from the api, you need a state change, while you cannot set state in constructor. The only place that only run once and allow you to setState is componentDidMount().
For Event listeners I think it can be put in constructor/componentDidMount. However, the official docs do recommend that to be put in componentDidMount(). Have a look at this.
componentDidMount is called after the component is mounted and has a DOM representation. This is often a place where you would attach generic DOM events.
In general, constructors must not have any side effects.
And also React documentation already mentioned this:
Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in the constructor. For those use cases, use componentDidMount() instead.
The window.addEventListener define in the componentDidMount life cycle, because code defined inside componentDidMount is executed after the DOM have been rendered. And that would be the right moment to try to attach any event handler to element which is part of the DOM.
But if you did so inside constructor, there are many chance for that to be called before the DOM had been rendered completely.
Read more here
There are multiple reasons about componentDidMount()
In practice, componentDidMount is the best place to put calls to fetch data, for multiple reasons.
1- If you want to subscribe and unsubscribe your function then you need to call that function in componentDidMount() and to unsubscribe(after all operation) call in componentWillUnmount()
2-Using didMount makes it clear that data won’t be loaded until after the initial render. This reminds you to set up initial state properly, so you don’t end up with undefined state that causes errors.
3-componentDidMount() lifecycle method is called after render() to make sure successful DOM loading.
You can call in constructor as well but later if you need to
unsubscribe, can't do because it's initial phase(called initially

this.setState() not working properly - react.js

componentWillMount() {
let dID=this.props.match.params.datumID;
this.setState({datumID: dID});
I'm just trying use setState() method.
But the problem is it is not working.
Here is what I get as output:
First console.log() : 66
Second console.log(): null
this.setState accepts a second argument as callback which is fired after the state is successfully changed.
componentWillMount() {
let dID=this.props.match.params.datumID;
this.setState({datumID: dID},()=>console.log(this.state.datumID));
side note : Move your code to componentDidMount.
componentWillMount() is invoked immediately before mounting occurs. It
is called before render(), therefore setting state in this method
will not trigger a re-render. Avoid introducing any side-effects or
subscriptions in this method.
Think of setState() as a request rather than an immediate command to update the component. For better perceived performance, React may delay it, and then update several components in a single pass. React does not guarantee that the state changes are applied immediately.
If you need to set the state based on the previous state,
read about the updater argument below.
this.setState((prevState, props) => {
return {datumID: props.match.params.datumID};
Because SetState() is an asynchronous function, use below code
componentWillMount() {
let dID=this.props.match.params.datumID;
this.setState({datumID: dID},
and if possible try to avoid compenentWillMount since it would be deprecated soon
setState() being an asynchronous function it is in progress of updating the state and javascript being single-threaded language it will execute the next line of code. So if you want to see the state value set you have to do something like this.
componentDidMount=()=> {
let dID=this.props.match.params.datumID;
datumID: dID
Also I would recommend you to use componentDidMount as willMount won't work in the future as it is deprecated
this.setState is an asynchronous function that takes time and passes the newly assigned
state value over all of the React's life-cycle functions in order to update a state and trigger the re rendering of a component. Your first console logs out the value that is assigned to set state and the next console logs out the value that is currently residing in the state this.state.datumID. if you need to perform operations after setting state you can pass a callback that is triggered after a state is successfully updated.
this.setState({datumID: dID}, () => console.log(this.state.datumID) ); // this will log the updated value
Another thing I want to point out is componentWillMount will wont work in the future release. If you want to do something after DOM is rendered, use componentDidMount or you can perform pre-render task in the constructor of your Class Component.

Async behavior of React this.setState

I see that setState is async. So if I were to call:
this.setState({ variable: true });
and immediately call:
this.setState({ variable: false });
before render is called, am I guaranteed that 'variable' will be false when React is finished processing? In other words, are the async operations sync? Will render be called twice, or will 'variable' be overwritten and render called once with variable=false?
From the react docs for setState:
setState() does not always immediately update the component. It may
batch or defer the update until later. This makes reading this.state
right after calling setState() a potential pitfall. Instead, use
componentDidUpdate or a setState callback (setState(updater,
callback)), either of which are guaranteed to fire after the update
has been applied. If you need to set the state based on the previous
state, read about the updater argument below.
So your logic should not rely on setState execution time. If you like to control render you should consider using shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState).
Use shouldComponentUpdate() to let React know if a component’s
output is not affected by the current change in state or props. The
default behavior is to re-render on every state change, and in the
vast majority of cases you should rely on the default behavior.
It is best not to rely upon this behavior. It will only work sometimes and not others.
To reliably set multiple state properties, gather all the updates and set them in a single call:
const changes = {};
if (some logic) { changes.variable = true; }
if (some more logic) { changes.variable = false; }
Great question! Made me curious as well, so I whipped up this JSFiddle demonstrating this behavior.
React calls render synchronously after your event handler.
Meaning that because your are doing two updates in the same function, it won't re-render until after the function completes. That means that in each render, this.state.variable will be false.

Does my component need force update to scrollIntoView?

I'm making my first react + redux app and I have a question. I have a component that render a input field and, as some content is added above it, I need it to scrollIntoVIew.
So, I just added the scrollIntoView in the component componentDidUpdate() lifecycle method :
componentDidUpdate() {
The only problem is that this component does not re render each time (as nothing change in it) so the scrollIntoVIew is called only one time.
I could force update to component but this is not really good practice isn't it ? What can I do in this case ?
You could call setState and update some object in the component's state every time content is added to re-render the component, and componentDidUpdate will be invoked.
You could also use the second argument (callback) to setState, but the React docs say the following about second argument of setState:
The second parameter is an optional callback function that will be
executed once setState is completed and the component is re-rendered.
Generally we recommend using componentDidUpdate() for such logic

React - how to use the lifecycle methods

I keep encountering the same problem with React. I feel I should be using the lifecycle methods. (Other than just componentWillMount and componentWillReceiveProps). But they never seem to meet my purpose. Here are 2 examples:
Asynchronous loading
My parent component loads some data with AJAX. A grandchild component needs this data - which is passed down via props. Because of the timing the data may be available when the child component is mounted or not. I don't know whether to put the code in my grandchild component which depends on these props in componentWillMount() or in componentWillReceiveProps(). I end up having to put it in both. (Or in a method they both call).
Lifecycle methods are either called on the initial render or not. I want them to be called on both.
My component gets some data. (Using getStateFromFlux - a mixin provided by Fluxxor). This occurs several times during the cycle of loading the data with various flags set onto the retrieved data object: unloaded, loading and loaded let's say. This change of state causes a re-render.
I only want to render and show the data if there is something to show. So - my render method has the first line:
if data.loadState != 'loaded'
return '<span />'
Ok. Well. I thought - there must be a lifecycle method to fix this. So I've done this:
shouldComponentUpdate: function (nextProps, nextState) {
if nextState.loadState == 'loaded'
return true
return false //stops the render. Good.
At last I thought - I have used a lifecycle method.
But, alas, while this does stop the render being called in some cases - when there is no data - I still can't remove the hacky looking line about
if data.loadState != 'loaded'
return '<span />'
This is because shouldComponentUpdate is not called for the initial render. When this component first renders there is no data. loadState is 'unloaded'. The render method is still called. And I still need to avoid displaying the UI (with empty data fields).
In general terms - the lifecyle methods are either called only on the initial render or only on subsequent renders. For most of my uses cases this is singularly unhelpful. I want a method which is agnostic to whether it is the first render or a subsequent one.
What am I missing about React? (The only thing I can think of is is that it is designed to be used with an initial render server-side when you can be sure of your data - then once in the browser the lifecycle methods are about detecting changes).
Don't know about loading but with unloading I would suggest;
if ( == 'unloaded') return null;
Have that as the first line of the render. As you noted shouldComponentUpdate only applies to updates.
You're right that you should be using the lifecycle methods, they're awesome and let you hook into your components in a much more in depth way. But I don't think this is the case for your current situation
You could just conditionally render the grandchild only when the data is loaded by the parent and passed to the child. Then you'd only need the check in the child. It would look something like this:
// Child render method that has been passed data loaded by the parent
render: function() {
var grandChild = null;
if ( {
grandchild = <GrandChild data={} />
return (
In this case, you only pass a data prop to the child component once the data has loaded. Thus, you're guaranteed that when the grandchild component does render, it will have the data that it needs. Although I'm not sure why you are so averse to displaying empty data fields, this should solve the problem.
You're correct, there is no React lifecycle method that fires regardless of whether it's the initial render or not. That being said, if you have to do both, you can always a combination of componentDidMount and either componentDidUpdate or componentWillReceiveProps. I'm not 100% sure why they did this, but a couple reasons that come to mind:
Ensures that React will not need to re-render a component before the initial render (ie. changing state in componentWillReceiveProps, triggering an update before the initial render). I'm not too familiar with the code-base, but I can easily see that causing problems.
Performance boost for the initial render to let your content load faster while the virtual DOM is initialized
I hope this helps solve your problem and sheds some light on the lifecycle methods!
