What does True mean in this Wolfram output? - wolfram-language

Here's a simple WolframCloud computation:
The answer is 1 when 0 < x < 1 is True and 0 when 0 < x < 1 is False, so why in the world does the output associate True with 0?
(In WolframAlpha, executing Limit[Boole[0<x<1] (1 + 1/a) ,a->Infinity] displays the correct answer, i.e., Boole[0<x<1], but the strange result is still found when you click "Open code".)
EDIT: An alternative form that gives the same result is
f[x_,a_]:=Boole[0<x<1] (1 + 1/a)
The output should be Boole[0<x<1], but instead is the strangeness involving True.

Seems that where is a bug in WolframAlpha sandbox - it probably can't deduce that your analyzed Boole[0 < x < 1] expression is independent of limit calculation and thus computes incorrectly. To get correct results - put Boole function in front of limit:
Boole[0 < x < 1] Limit[(1 + a^(-1)), a -> Infinity]
BTW, WolframAlpha online calculation shows answer correctly

Your expression makes little sense. It is not an equation and x is undefined.
what are you trying to calculate?
Boole[expr] (* yields 1 if expr is True and 0 if it is False. *)
Limit[expr,x->Subscript[x, 0]] (* finds the limiting value of expr when x approaches Subscript[x, 0]. *)
Thus, Boole[0<x<1] will always yield 1 or 0 and is independent of a. However, Limit[1+1/a, a-> Infinity] is independent of x and will always yield 1.
Simplifying this expression you get n * 1 where n belong to [0,1], and is fully dependant on x.
My guess is that your input confuses the Mathematica, hence the weird output. btw. on Mathematica desktop the output is
Boole[0 < x < 1]
Showing that the value of the expression fully depends on the x as I described above..

Although at first it seems quite strange (or, indeed, a bug), in Wolfram language this is a standard usage of True in the output of piecewise functions, where it has the meaning of "otherwise" (when all the other listed conditions, which are to be evaluated in order, are False).
In other words, such an output expression is to be understood as a list of {value, condition} pairs, which evaluates to the first listed value whose condition is True, as in the following examples:


ASCII Values coinciding with each other [duplicate]

In an if statement I want to include a range, e.g.:
if(10 < a < 0)
but by doing so, I get a warning "Pointless comparison". However, this works fine without any warning:
if(a<10 && a>0)
Is the first case possible to implement in C?
Note that the original version if(10 < a < 0) is perfectly legal. It just doesn't do what you might (reasonably) think it does. You're fortunate that the compiler recognized it as a probable mistake and warned you about it.
The < operator associates left-to-right, just like the + operator. So just as a + b + c really means (a + b) + c, a < b < c really means (a < b) < c. The < operator yields an int value of 0 if the condition is false, 1 if it's true. So you're either testing whether 0 is less than c, or whether 1 is less than c.
In the unlikely case that that's really what you want to do, adding parentheses will probably silence the warning. It will also reassure anyone reading your code later that you know what you're doing, so they don't "fix" it. (Again, this applies only in the unlikely event that you really want (a < b) < c).)
The way to check whether a is less than b and b is less than c is:
a < b && b < c
(There are languages, including Python, where a < b < c means a<b && b<c, as it commonly does in mathematics. C just doesn't happen to be one of those languages.)
It's not possible, you have to split the check as you did in case 2.
No it is not possible.
You have to use the second way by splitting the two conditional checks.
The first does one comparison, then compares the result of the first to the second value. In this case, the operators group left to right, so it's equivalent to (10<a) < 0. The warning it's giving you is really because < will always yield 0 or 1. The warning is telling you that the result of the first comparison can never be less than 0, so the second comparison will always yield false.
Even though the compiler won't complain about it, the second isn't really much improvement. How can a number be simultaneously less than 0, but greater than 10? Ideally, the compiler would give you a warning that the condition is always false. Presumably you want 0<a<10 and a>0 && a<10.
You can get the effect of the second using only a single comparison: if ((unsigned)a < 10) will be true only if the number is in the range 0..10. A range comparison can normally be reduced to a single comparison with code like:
if ((unsigned)(x-range_start)<(range_end-range_start))
// in range
// out of range.
At one time this was a staple of decent assembly language programming. I doubt many people do it any more though (I certainly don't as a rule).
As stated above, you have to split the check. Think about it from the compiler's point of view, which looks at one operator at a time. 10 < a = True or False. And then it goes to do True/False < 0, which doesn't make sense.
no,this is not valid syntax of if statement,it should have a valid constant expression,or may have logical operators in them,and is executed only,when the expression in the bracket evaluates to true,or non zero value

How a < x < b is interpreted in C when put in a single statement? [duplicate]

In an if statement I want to include a range, e.g.:
if(10 < a < 0)
but by doing so, I get a warning "Pointless comparison". However, this works fine without any warning:
if(a<10 && a>0)
Is the first case possible to implement in C?
Note that the original version if(10 < a < 0) is perfectly legal. It just doesn't do what you might (reasonably) think it does. You're fortunate that the compiler recognized it as a probable mistake and warned you about it.
The < operator associates left-to-right, just like the + operator. So just as a + b + c really means (a + b) + c, a < b < c really means (a < b) < c. The < operator yields an int value of 0 if the condition is false, 1 if it's true. So you're either testing whether 0 is less than c, or whether 1 is less than c.
In the unlikely case that that's really what you want to do, adding parentheses will probably silence the warning. It will also reassure anyone reading your code later that you know what you're doing, so they don't "fix" it. (Again, this applies only in the unlikely event that you really want (a < b) < c).)
The way to check whether a is less than b and b is less than c is:
a < b && b < c
(There are languages, including Python, where a < b < c means a<b && b<c, as it commonly does in mathematics. C just doesn't happen to be one of those languages.)
It's not possible, you have to split the check as you did in case 2.
No it is not possible.
You have to use the second way by splitting the two conditional checks.
The first does one comparison, then compares the result of the first to the second value. In this case, the operators group left to right, so it's equivalent to (10<a) < 0. The warning it's giving you is really because < will always yield 0 or 1. The warning is telling you that the result of the first comparison can never be less than 0, so the second comparison will always yield false.
Even though the compiler won't complain about it, the second isn't really much improvement. How can a number be simultaneously less than 0, but greater than 10? Ideally, the compiler would give you a warning that the condition is always false. Presumably you want 0<a<10 and a>0 && a<10.
You can get the effect of the second using only a single comparison: if ((unsigned)a < 10) will be true only if the number is in the range 0..10. A range comparison can normally be reduced to a single comparison with code like:
if ((unsigned)(x-range_start)<(range_end-range_start))
// in range
// out of range.
At one time this was a staple of decent assembly language programming. I doubt many people do it any more though (I certainly don't as a rule).
As stated above, you have to split the check. Think about it from the compiler's point of view, which looks at one operator at a time. 10 < a = True or False. And then it goes to do True/False < 0, which doesn't make sense.
no,this is not valid syntax of if statement,it should have a valid constant expression,or may have logical operators in them,and is executed only,when the expression in the bracket evaluates to true,or non zero value

C ternary operator, can I omit one part?

I wanted to know if there's a way to omit second or third part of the ternary operator?
I already read this and similar ones but they didn't help.
What I specifically want is something like:
x == y ? x*=2;
however this gives me error as gcc expects another expression also. So are:
x == y ? x *=2 : continue;
x == y ?: x /=2;
What can I do in these situations except:
if(x == y) do_something;
Edit for further clarification:
As my question seems to be confusing and got all kinds of comments/answers my point was when thinking logically, an else is required after if , so is the default statement in a switch however, neither are mandatory. I was asking if it's the case with ?: also and if so, how.
I wanted to know if there's a way to omit second or third part of the ternary operator?
No, not in standard C.
You can substitute expressions or statements that do not use the conditional operator at all, but in standard C, the conditional operator requires three operands, just like the division operator (/) requires two. You cannot omit any.
Nor is it clear why you want to do. The primary thing that distinguishes the conditional operator from an if [/ else] statement is that expressions using the conditional operator are evaluated to produce values. If you're not interested in that value then using a conditional expression instead of a conditional statement is poor style. A standard if statement is much clearer, and clarity is king. This is a consideration even when you do want the value.
What can I do in these situations except:
if(x == y) do_something;
You can go have a coffee and hope the mood passes.
But if it doesn't, then the logical operators && and || have short-circuiting behavior that might suit, as #EricPostpischil already observed:
a && b is an expression analogous to if (a) b;. It evaluates a, after which there is a sequence point. If a was truthy then it evaluates b and that is the result of the expression; otherwise it does not evaluate b and the value of a is the value of the expression. That is the C version of the hypothetical a ? b : (nothing), and why C does not need the latter.
Similarly, a || b is an expression analogous to if (!a) b;. b is evaluated and yields the result of the expression if and only if a is falsey. That is the C version of the hypothetical a ? (nothing) : b.
But here again, it is poor C style to use && and || expressions exclusively for their side effects. If you don't care about the result of the operation, then use an if statement.
Or perhaps poor style is the point? If you're shooting for an entry in the International Obfuscated C Code Contest then abusing operators is par for the course. In that case, you could consider rewriting your expressions to use the ternary operator after all. For example,
x == y ? x *=2 : continue;
could be written as x *= ((x == y) ? 2 : 1), provided that you weren't actually trying to get loop-cycling behavior out of that continue. And
x == y ?: x /=2;
could be rewritten similarly. Though if you were actually looking toward IOCCC, then there are better obfuscation options available.
For the purpose asked about in this question, in which the result value of the conditional operator would not be used:
For a ? b : c without b you can use a && b, which will evaluate b if and only if a is true.
For a ? b : c without c you can use a || c, which will evaluate c if and only if a is false.
These expressions will have different values than a ? b : c, but that does not matter when the value is not used.
Without some exceptional circumstance to justify this, most experienced programmers would consider it bad practice.
GCC has an extension that uses the first operand for a missing second operand without evaluating it a second time. E.g. f(x) ? : y is equivalent to f(x) ? f(x) : y except that f is only called once.
Similar to the 'hyphen-ish' character of "-1" being called "unary minus", "?:" is called "trenary" because it requires 3 parts: the condition, the "true" case statement and the "false" case statement. To use "?:" you must supply 3 "terms".
Answering the question in the title, no, you cannot omit one part.
The following responds to "What can I do in these situations except:"
Given that your two examples show an interest in performing (or not) a mathematical operation on the variable 'x', here is a "branchless" approach toward that (limited) objective. ("Branchless" coding techniques seek to reduce the impact of "branch prediction misses", an efficiency consideration to reduce processing time.)
Note: the for() loop is only a "test harness" that presents 3 different values for 'y' to be compared to the value of 'x'. The variable 'n' makes more obvious your OP constant '2'. Further, as you are aware, performing multiplication OR division are two completely different operations. This example shows multiplication only. (Replace the '*' with '/' for division with the standard caveat regarding "division by zero" being undefined.) Depending on the probability of "cache misses" and "branch prediction" in modern CPUs, this seemingly complex calculation may require much less processing time than a 'true/false branch' that may bypass processing.
int n = 2; // multiplier
for( int y = 4; y <= 6; y++ ) { // three values for 'y'
int xr = 5; // one value for 'xr'egular
int xb = 5; // same value for 'xb'ranch
(xr == y) ? xr *= n : 1; // to be legitimate C
// when x == y the rhs becomes (n-1)*(1)+1 which equals n
// when x != y the rhs becomes (n-1)*(0)+1 which equals 1 (identity)
// Notice the rhs includes a conditional
// and that the entire statement WILL be evaluated, never bypassed.
xb *= ((n-1)*(xb==y))+1;
printf( "trenaryX = %2d, branchlessX = %2d\n", xr, xb );
trenaryX = 5, branchlessX = 5
trenaryX = 10, branchlessX = 10
trenaryX = 5, branchlessX = 5
I hope this makes clear that "trenary" means "3 part" and that this digression into "branchless coding" may have broadened your horizons.
You can use the fact that the result of comparison operators is an int with value 0 or 1...
x == y ? x*=2;
x *= (x == y) + 1; // multiply by either 1 or 2
But a plain if is way more readable
if (x == y) x *= 2;
x == y ? x*=2 : 1;
The syntax requires all three parts... But, if you write code like this, you will lose popularity at the office...
Repeating for those who might have missed it: The syntax requires all three parts.
Actually, you shouldn't do this because as #user229044 commented, "if (x==y) do_something; is exactly what you should do here, not abuse the ternary operator to produce surprising, difficult-to-read code that can only cause problems down the line. You say "I need to know if that's possible", but why? This is exactly what if is for."
As in ternary operator without else in C, you can just have the third/second part of the ternary operator set x to itself, for example, you can just do:
x = (x == y ? x *= 2 : x);
x == (y ? x : x /= 2);

C function condition [duplicate]

In an if statement I want to include a range, e.g.:
if(10 < a < 0)
but by doing so, I get a warning "Pointless comparison". However, this works fine without any warning:
if(a<10 && a>0)
Is the first case possible to implement in C?
Note that the original version if(10 < a < 0) is perfectly legal. It just doesn't do what you might (reasonably) think it does. You're fortunate that the compiler recognized it as a probable mistake and warned you about it.
The < operator associates left-to-right, just like the + operator. So just as a + b + c really means (a + b) + c, a < b < c really means (a < b) < c. The < operator yields an int value of 0 if the condition is false, 1 if it's true. So you're either testing whether 0 is less than c, or whether 1 is less than c.
In the unlikely case that that's really what you want to do, adding parentheses will probably silence the warning. It will also reassure anyone reading your code later that you know what you're doing, so they don't "fix" it. (Again, this applies only in the unlikely event that you really want (a < b) < c).)
The way to check whether a is less than b and b is less than c is:
a < b && b < c
(There are languages, including Python, where a < b < c means a<b && b<c, as it commonly does in mathematics. C just doesn't happen to be one of those languages.)
It's not possible, you have to split the check as you did in case 2.
No it is not possible.
You have to use the second way by splitting the two conditional checks.
The first does one comparison, then compares the result of the first to the second value. In this case, the operators group left to right, so it's equivalent to (10<a) < 0. The warning it's giving you is really because < will always yield 0 or 1. The warning is telling you that the result of the first comparison can never be less than 0, so the second comparison will always yield false.
Even though the compiler won't complain about it, the second isn't really much improvement. How can a number be simultaneously less than 0, but greater than 10? Ideally, the compiler would give you a warning that the condition is always false. Presumably you want 0<a<10 and a>0 && a<10.
You can get the effect of the second using only a single comparison: if ((unsigned)a < 10) will be true only if the number is in the range 0..10. A range comparison can normally be reduced to a single comparison with code like:
if ((unsigned)(x-range_start)<(range_end-range_start))
// in range
// out of range.
At one time this was a staple of decent assembly language programming. I doubt many people do it any more though (I certainly don't as a rule).
As stated above, you have to split the check. Think about it from the compiler's point of view, which looks at one operator at a time. 10 < a = True or False. And then it goes to do True/False < 0, which doesn't make sense.
no,this is not valid syntax of if statement,it should have a valid constant expression,or may have logical operators in them,and is executed only,when the expression in the bracket evaluates to true,or non zero value

Chaining multiple greater than/less than operators

In an if statement I want to include a range, e.g.:
if(10 < a < 0)
but by doing so, I get a warning "Pointless comparison". However, this works fine without any warning:
if(a<10 && a>0)
Is the first case possible to implement in C?
Note that the original version if(10 < a < 0) is perfectly legal. It just doesn't do what you might (reasonably) think it does. You're fortunate that the compiler recognized it as a probable mistake and warned you about it.
The < operator associates left-to-right, just like the + operator. So just as a + b + c really means (a + b) + c, a < b < c really means (a < b) < c. The < operator yields an int value of 0 if the condition is false, 1 if it's true. So you're either testing whether 0 is less than c, or whether 1 is less than c.
In the unlikely case that that's really what you want to do, adding parentheses will probably silence the warning. It will also reassure anyone reading your code later that you know what you're doing, so they don't "fix" it. (Again, this applies only in the unlikely event that you really want (a < b) < c).)
The way to check whether a is less than b and b is less than c is:
a < b && b < c
(There are languages, including Python, where a < b < c means a<b && b<c, as it commonly does in mathematics. C just doesn't happen to be one of those languages.)
It's not possible, you have to split the check as you did in case 2.
No it is not possible.
You have to use the second way by splitting the two conditional checks.
The first does one comparison, then compares the result of the first to the second value. In this case, the operators group left to right, so it's equivalent to (10<a) < 0. The warning it's giving you is really because < will always yield 0 or 1. The warning is telling you that the result of the first comparison can never be less than 0, so the second comparison will always yield false.
Even though the compiler won't complain about it, the second isn't really much improvement. How can a number be simultaneously less than 0, but greater than 10? Ideally, the compiler would give you a warning that the condition is always false. Presumably you want 0<a<10 and a>0 && a<10.
You can get the effect of the second using only a single comparison: if ((unsigned)a < 10) will be true only if the number is in the range 0..10. A range comparison can normally be reduced to a single comparison with code like:
if ((unsigned)(x-range_start)<(range_end-range_start))
// in range
// out of range.
At one time this was a staple of decent assembly language programming. I doubt many people do it any more though (I certainly don't as a rule).
As stated above, you have to split the check. Think about it from the compiler's point of view, which looks at one operator at a time. 10 < a = True or False. And then it goes to do True/False < 0, which doesn't make sense.
no,this is not valid syntax of if statement,it should have a valid constant expression,or may have logical operators in them,and is executed only,when the expression in the bracket evaluates to true,or non zero value
