Reactjs project creating while react-dev-utils not found - reactjs

I had created reactjs project first I had installed globally create react app
npm install -g create-react-app
next, I try to project creation. am using this command
create-react-app react-firebase
while installing i had faced npm ERR! 404 Not Found: react-dev-utils#^5.0.2
npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found: react-dev-utils#^5.0.2
How to fix it...

i tried this yarn add -g react-dev-utils# (remove the "/-/" from the URL) and then run create-react-app my-app and it worked.
or if using npm try:
npm install -g react-dev-utils#

The problem is npm is not able to find react-dev-utils in the registry server.
you can try different registries as mentioned here
Can't install any packages in Node.js using "npm install"
then you can solve this installing that package
npm install react-dev-utils#^5.0.2 -g

Something has changed in the registries. Explicitly adding the package didn't work for me, but flushing the lock files to remove reference to the old registry path did:
Delete yarn.lock
Run yarn
Delete package-lock.json
Run npm install


Error when I run npx create-react-app my-app

I have tried these two commands and am getting the same error.
npm clean cache --force
npx create-react-app client -timeout=120000
$ npx create-react-app client -timeout=120000
npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: create-react-app
npm WARN deprecated tar#2.2.2: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap.
Creating a new React app in C:\web_dev\MERN\projects\booking-app\client.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts with cra-template...
npm ERR! network request to failed, reason: Socket timeout
npm ERR! network This is a problem related to network connectivity.
npm ERR! network In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.
npm ERR! network
npm ERR! network If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
npm ERR! network 'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\web_dev\MERN\projects\booking-app\tmpnodejsnpm-cache\_logs\2021-12-29T13_37_03_989Z-debug-0.log
Aborting installation.
npm install --no-audit --save --save-exact --loglevel error react react-dom react-scripts cra-template has failed.
Deleting generated file... package.json
Deleting client/ from C:\web_dev\MERN\projects\booking-app
I have just faced the same issue when upgrading an old project. What solved, in my case was:
If you use yarn:
yarn global remove create-react-app
yarn cache clean
If you use npm:
npm remove create-react-app
npx clear-npx-cache
Also make sure there is no folder in the directory where you will created the new React project because you can get another warning similar to:
The directory . contains files that could conflict:
<the file(s) name here>/
Either try using a new directory name, or remove the files listed above.
After that, npx create-react-app . ran smoothly.
Those steps described above solved the following subsequent warnings (versions may vary).:
Global warning
You are running "create-react-app" 4.0.3, which is behind the latest release (5.0.0).
We no longer support global installation of Create React App.
tar warning
tar#2.2.2: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap.
Even I was getting the same error and then saw your question I closed all the task and run this command "npx create-react-app my-app" again it got solved!
I had the same problem so I uninstalled it globally then reinstall:-
npm uninstall -g create-react-app
npm uninstall create-react-app
Then I used npx:-
npx create-react-app project-app
Tell me if this works for you
Try this:
npm install -g npm#latest
npm install node
npm install -g yarn
yarn cache clean
npx create-react-app my-app
I had the same error sometime ago,
just make sure you don't have any space between the name of your directories folders
like Desktop/react project/my-react-app ...this is wrong
try this
Desktop/reactproject/my-react-app ... correction

While creating a react app I'm getting following error or errors

I ran create-react-app and get this error message I did the followings like uninstalling global and so no but getting the same again and again.
You are running `create-react-app` 4.0.0, which is behind the latest release (4.0.1).
We no longer support global installation of Create React App.
Please remove any global installs with one of the following commands:
- npm uninstall -g create-react-app
- yarn global remove create-react-app
The latest instructions for creating a new app can be found here:
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path J:\Akhlak_hossain_jim
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c ""create-react-app" "ahj-app" "--use-npm""
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Akhlak Hossain Jim\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2020-11-24T15_16_27_423Z-debug.log
I've also tried the following:
Using npx instead. - but that's not working and is showing the above error message.
Uninstalled create-react-app using npm uninstall -g create-react-app before running npx create-react-app ahj-app - however that also doesn't work.
npm install -g create-react-app
Above worked for me.
Do not use npm to install "create-react-app" instead use npx this way:
npx create-react-app my-app
it will always use the lastest version
I solved this using the following command.
npm uninstall -g create-react-app
then again install
npm install -g create-react-app
PS D:\ReactProjects> npx create-react-app sample-app
Creating a new React app in D:\ReactProjects\sample-app.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts with cra-template...
npx create-react-app#5.0.0 ahj-app
Specify the latest version explicitly when creating new app

Why create-react-app doesn't create new app

I installed the latest version on Node JS with npm and cannot run create-react-app.
The following problem occurs:
Creating a new React app in C:\wamp64\www\bob.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '....tgz"}},"2.3.4":{"nam'
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Ivana\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2019-02-26T21_21_48_727Z-debug.log
Aborting installation.
npm install --save --save-exact --loglevel error react react-dom react-scripts has failed.
Deleting generated file... package.json
Deleting bob/ from C:\wamp64\www
Node v10.15.1
npm 6.7.0
Can somebody help?
After running npm cache clean --force
the another error occurs:
$ create-react-app bob
Creating a new React app in C:\Users\Ivana\bob.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...,"#babel/plugin-synta'
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Ivana\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-02-27T09_18_28_856Z-debug.log
Aborting installation.
npm install --save --save-exact --loglevel error react react-dom react-scripts has failed.
Deleting generated file... package.json
Deleting bob/ from C:\Users\Ivana
npx create-react-app my-app
(npx comes with npm 5.2+ and higher)
But you used
`create-react-app my-app`
If you use npm 5.1 or earlier, you can't use npx. Instead, install create-react-app globally:
npm install -g create-react-app
Now you can run:
create-react-app my-app
I was also not able to create a new app but when I follow these step
then it works for me.
After a few searches, I found this :
If you've previously installed create-react-app globally via npm install -g
create-react-app, we recommend you uninstall the package using npm uninstall -g
create-react-app to ensure that npx always uses the latest version.
So if you installed create-react-app with
npm -g install create-react-app
just run :
npm -g uninstall create-react-app
npx create-react-app
It should do the job
I was able to solve this problem by,
npm cache clean --force
npm create-react-app my-app

How to resolve ':react-native-vector-icons' error for a successful build?

I am trying to build my react-native app but I am getting an error:
What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':react-native-vector-icons'.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':react-native-vector-icons:classpath'.
Could not find any matches for as no versions of are available.
I have tried the following commands:
npm install
npm install npm -g
npm rm --cached
git clean -d -fx
npm cache clean --force
npm update
npm upgrade
npm audit fix
npm install react-native-vector-icons --save
I have tried everything I can find on how to resolve this but I cannot get this error to go away. Does anyone know how to resolve this react-native-vector-icons build fail error?
You have to uninstall the react-native-vector-icons plugin first. Then, reinstall it. Just type:
$ npm uninstall react-native-vector-icons$ npm install --save react-native-vector-icons

NPM error E404 when try to start create-react-app and installing react-dev-utils

I got error when run command create-react-app react-app...
npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found: react-dev-utils#
node version: 8.11.4
npm version: 5.6.0
please help
Try to install below first globally and the run the react create cmd
step 1: npm install -g react-dev-utils#
step 2: npx create-react-app my-app
your application will up and running.
(remove the "/-/" from the URL) and run the command below
npm install -g react-dev-utils#
Then try to run again
create-react-app react-app
on windows os, uninstall node completely then install the latest one again. I solved my issue like that and works like a charm..
