Selenium WebDriver and ZK framework application - selenium-webdriver

On a previous project i worked on, i was able to write selenium scripts conveniently by targeting the HTML attributes either by name, id, cssSelector, xPath etc. Now, i'm working on another project aimed at automating the regression test for the application. This application was built using ZK Framework (mainly because of its security feature). One of the feature of ZK is the dynamic id attribute. It generates a new id upon login or refresh. This is making the selenium development work difficult. This is a huge application. I have tried using xPath but that hasn't been successful. Any idea of other solutions out there that work specifically for ZK typed application from Selenium WebDriver perspective. Often times, the only thing present in the html is the id (which changes) and the type
Java 8
Selenium 3.11.0

You have options when testing a ZK client with selenium.
Basically, you either use an ID generator to set fixed IDs during testing, or you use components IDs with the zk.$('$id') and jq('$id') client-side selectors
You can go further, but that should already cover 99% of the use-cases
more info here:
and there:


How to use chromium engine inside google chrome to render my application

I wonder if it is possible to use chromium engine inside google chrome or the google chrome itself to render a web page inside my WPF application instead of using traditional WebView (because it's the IE engine and it's awful -_-) or implementing CEFSharp (because it uses about 200 MB of space only for the chromium engine)
so in this case I need the target pc to has installed google chrome or any other(firefox or ...)
Soooo ... is there any solution?
thanks in advance
I want to create applications based on web UI, - because of being easy and powerful - I know some providing this feature, e.g. CEF Sharp WPF or electron js but they include a full chromium engine with the app. I don't want this.
I want to create my app as light as possible, and my idea is to use chromium engine of a modern browser, that almost everyone has one.
For example, imagine that the user has installed google chrome.
first I locate the installation folder
I use chromium.exe -render path/to/file.html(imaginary) command to render my application UI.
finally bind the UI events to my native code. (e.g. c#(wpf) or any language that you can create desktop apps with it)
One solution is creating web apps by installing a website with the browser. but with that you cannot for example create or read some files in user pc, or any similar operation.
I'm looking for the most light-weight solution...
There is a new Chromium based WebView2 control that you can use to embed modern web content in your WPF application.
Please refer to the docs for more information about the prerequisites and how to use it:
Getting started with WebView2 in WPF
So, let's say that you want your UI to be rendered in a chromium environment(aka a browser)… right?
let's take a look at electron js:
it uses NodeJS as backend.
it uses an embedded browser for frontend.
the language used is JavaScript due to NodeJS.
So, you want to use the client's browser to render your frontend instead of embedding a browser inside it.
well, don't embed it!!
you can create a web application(e.g. opened by typing localhost:<port> in browser1) using NodeJS and handle your IPC(between frontend and backend) using ajax calls or a socket connection.
that way you are doing exactly what an electron app does, except that, electron uses a bundled browser.
now you made your app lighter, also if your client do have NodeJS installed, you don't need to bundle NodeJS!
--- inspired by jupyter notebooks ---
Possible Solutions
use NodeJS as backend.
use python and combine it with Flask or Django as backend. (I think this would be the most lightweight solution)
use PHP as backend. (the best, personal opinion)
use ASP.NET/Blazor as backend. (as mentioned in the comments; but doesn't seem to be a lightweight solution)
or use any language that you can create a web application with that!
make a runApp.bat or to simply run your server and open the browser automatically.

What is the best way to integrate a small angular.js application into Wordpress?

I am working on adding a small one-page AngularJS application to my friend's Wordpress site. The application will take some user input and generate on-screen output using that input. It will also log the user input for analysis purposes.
I will need to be able to host the files for that page on my friend's site as well as create a back-end script that can capture the user input and store it to a MySQL database.
I have worked with WordPress sites before but have never customized them or written a plugin. How would you go about making this happen?
I will select the answer that leads me down the most efficient / effective path. Thanks!
After poking around for a while, I ran across the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Using this helped me add custom JavaScript to the specific page that needed Angular support.
Here is information on how to use ACF to add JavaScript support:
Here is the plugin itself:

Web Test framework for Mobile as well as Server browsers

Is there any framework available where I can write single set of test code for both Server browsers as well as Mobile browsers.
eg. runs with Chrome on Android as well as Windows
I am planning to use browserstack for my testing until I figure out the infrastructure handling is possible with browserstack or not.
Please help me figure out a way for deciding over the infrastructure as well.
You can try TestCafe. It's an open source project.
TestCafe allows to run tests on desktop and mobile browsers without any additional installations and plugins.
Here you can see how easy to run tests on a mobile phone with TestCafe:
Also it's easy to setup testing on mobile browsers in a cloud service (like BrowserStack or Saucelabs). For example you can find the "testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs" plugin on GitHub to run tests on Saucelabs out-of-the box.
Selenium + Appium should be able to cover what you need to be done. To share code however, you'll need use a mobile browser (Chrome or Safari) or have an app that uses webviews that are the same as the browser version.
The Selenium bindings will handle driving the automation for the browsers. By itself, you could test the desktop browser with a normal size screen, as well as a mobile size, and test various browsers as well (Chrome, Firefox, etc).
Appium will allow you to open the browser (or app) on the mobile device or simulator, and if the web view is the same as the browser, the same locator strategies you used with the desktop browsers and Selenium will work with Appium as well (Appium extends the Selenium spec with browser capabilities).
If you code the framework using the Selenium Grid, you can then almost drop replace a remote managed grid setup (via Saucelabs or Browserstack) to run the browsers for you (otherwise you'd need to setup a local grid or run the tests with a local Selenium server set up)
All this is quite possible
framework available where I can write single set of test code for both Server browsers as well as Mobile browsers
We have build it in our company, since we have a vast diversity of different platforms and browsers to support.
We use combination of Selenium based frameworks on NodeJS
... etc.
The main concept we try to follow is JAVA's WORA. To achieve all this you need a good understanding of DSLs, Application driver layer and design patterns (e.g. Strategy).
It is not that hard to put all this together, since Selenium supports pretty much every binding you need. Just pick the language you are most comfortable with and use it.

Locomotive CMS Detect and Display Views for Mobile

I have a LocomotiveCMS site up and running on Heroku. I can edit my templates locally and push using Wagon. It works great!
However, I'd like to be able to serve a separate set of views for mobile devices (phones really) vs desktop/tablet. Can it be done easily? Will it require large modifications to the engine?
EDIT: I should add that I have done this before for a basic Rails app with no issues. I know how to detect a mobile device by examining the user agent and creating a separate folder (such as views_mobile) to store the mobile views. Would like to be able to do the same for LocomotiveCMS
That's a tough question. For the next version of LocomotiveCMS (v3), we'll use a full stack of middleware so that it will be easy to add your own custom behaviors.
But, for the current version of the engine, it's not that easy. However, I'm thinking about something. Perhaps you could create a Route constraint for the mobile detection (
Then, you would modify your routes.rb by adding this:
match '*path' => 'locomotive/public/pages#show', page_path: 'mobile-index', constraint:
Never tested so it might not work :-) Happy patching!

Browser Automation with Selenium: Fingerprints, recognizability and traceability?

I want to use selenium/webdriver to simulate a browser and scrape some website-content with it. Even if its not the fastest method, for me it has many advantages such as executing scripts etc.
For many websites it is forbidden to access them via an automated method, for example search engines like google or bing.
For one tool i need to scrape the estimated resultstat from google for several keywords. This will look like the following: simulate the browser that visits and types in a keyword and scrapes the results, then after a little pause type in the next keyword, scrape the results and so on...
My question is: Is it possible for a website to recognize that I'm using selenium to simulate the browser instead of using the browser by hand? Especially the google case gives me some doubts. I know selenium is partly developed by google or at least by some guys working for google. So does leave selenium some fingerprints or isn't it possible to decide if I'm using the browser by myself or simulated by selenium, even for google?
No, nobody can actually see that you're using Selenium and not hand-operating the browser yourself with WebDriver. I'm not sure about the old Selenium RC, but it should be the same way. Here's how it works:
Selenium opens up a browser with a clean profile (or with a profile you selected)
Selenium is hooked up to the browser so it can steer it, control it. But the browser still does most of the work. Basically, Selenium replaces the user inputs to the browser, but not more.
You can easily verify this by reading the contents of the HTTP headers sent by your browser.
If you ever actually needed Selenium to be recognized by your server, you can use Browsermob-proxy and add a custom header to your requests.
All that said, there is one thing you must be aware of. While there's no way to detect Selenium directly, there can be some indirect clues picked up by the website you're visiting. Those usually include scanning for too many requests made in virtually no time - this might be an issue for you. Make sure your Selenium is behaving like a user.
EDIT 2016/04:
Apparanetly it is possible as states that a company can do it. My guess - and it is nothing but a guess - is that they can run some JS that Selenium installs into the browser to operate.
Signs point to yes, sites are able to regonize that you are using Selenium.
Counter Example: detects and blocks my browser instance launched using Selenium while "normal" browsing done manually (not using the browser launched by the Selenium web driver) work with out issue.
See this stackoverflow question for additional details
Can a website detect when you are using selenium with chromedriver?
