Geometrical extraction from Step file - file

Can anyone help me the proceedure how to extract geometrical data from the Step file in python? I have already tried but the no result.
Thank you


What is the best way to load a large folder of files into Julia to compare the columns of each file?

New to Julia and programming in general so this is a two part question. Suppose I have a Folder with 3,000 CSV files. Each file is roughly 7,000 x 7. (The number of rows may vary from file to file but the number of columns is constant.) I am trying to read each of these files into an 3000 x N x M tensor or other data structure in julia to compare the outputs by column. (This would mostly involve comparing the sum of the lags in each column vector of each file)
Question 1: What is the most efficient data structure to parse through this data? I would essentially be calculating the max of the sum of the lags of each column for all files. I've been told by a more experienced user that I should be using NamedArrays for this. I was wondering if anyone could provide some insights as to why? Would DataFrames be able to perform similar calculations?
Question 2: Is there an efficient way to read all these files into named arrays? I can read these files into Dataframes with Glob using the following code.
Files=glob("*.csv", Folder)
But I don't know how to read it into NamedArrays directly. Any insights would be greatly appreciated thanks!

Getting the most valuable path

our table
one of the best paths
Giving the above matrix, what is in your opinion the best way to get the most valuable path and print it, but the movement that someone can do is down and right.
What i thought is that someone can check the right and above pos of the matrix and whichever is larger then get his position and move.

Excel Search array formula not working for all parts of array

I would appreciate your assistance with a search formula I am working on.
For some reason, the search portion of my formula only works for "Mr.", not the other salutations
What I have currently is:
=IF(OR(SUM(LEN(C8)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C8," ","")))/LEN(" ")<=2,ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"Mr.","Mrs.","Ms."},C8)))
[the formula continues after this, but the part I am having trouble with is above]
Can someone provide an explanation why my Search only works for "Mr." and not the other salutations? I am also open to suggestions for formula improvements.
Many thanks!
Use this bit
instead of

Problems implementing LSH with SIFT feature

I have a problem in ANN Search when using LSH with SIFT Feature. With some feature detector tool (Sift Demo) or some available dataset, I received descriptors with 128 dimension for an image. But I don't know how to store it into a .mat file (database) and query vector to received k-closest images from query image.
Please help me. Thanks a lot.
Have a look at the Matlab demo provided by David Lowe
You can save the descriptors in .mat file. match.m shows how matching is done.

unknown data in access

I have a problem in access. I have an access db with some tables, and I cant read the data stored in that and the characters are some squares. I tried many fonts but I can't read it yet.
can anybody help me?
I found a website which converts characters to Unicode. each code is a kind of group number.
actually they inserted numbers as ascii codes :)
