commercetools state machine customizations - commercetools

Can you interact with the states of objects provided by commercetools?
I have reviewed the documentation here and understand how to create new states and transition through them. Is it possible to change the state flow of a cart or a lineitem? The scenario I'm thinking about is injection an approval workflow after a cart is submitted and once a cart is approved the regular flow is returned.
Thanks in advance.

the scenario you describe could be addressed with an API extension on a cart.
Please have a look at the docs for more information.


in salesforce Dynamic action filters not working for community

Dynamic action filters only work for internal users (admin) but not community view.
Scenario - I am using the dynamic action filters for the conditional rendering of button.
Dynamic Actions are not yet available in Experience Cloud, unfortunately.
There is an idea on the IdeaExchange to add it.

Advice on setting up a marketplace app in React Native

I want to create a marketplace app which displays a different user flow (UI UX) when a customer or seller logs in. How can i achieve this with React Native?
Is this classed as a multi tenant app?
As an absolute beginner, i would appreciate some advice and possibly links to documentation on how to set up the structure using Visual Studio Code. Thanks.
Create a different set of routes for both seller and customer via route authorization.
You can use state management such as mobx or redux,set seller or customer on launch,so every screen or component can request at any time if wether a seller or customer then render the right things
As someone mentioned, redux or different routes after authorization might be what you want. But it sounds like you may have bigger picture issues/questions. The front end could certainly be written in react native, but you need a back-end where the data will live and users will be authorized. If you don't want to write that yourself, you might consider Firebase, as its easy to use and free up to a certain usage level.
Firebase handles authorization easily; then when people are creating accounts, have them specify if they're sellers, etc, and save that to user profiles. When they log in, use the data in their user profile to direct them to different react navigation stacks or just different themes or whatever your needs are.

Salesforce noobie - where are the crud pages for custom objects?

I am a very newbie to SF so pardon my ignorance. I am doing the trailheads and logged into developers org. There I quickly created a custom object with some fields. Now how do I get a CRUD page for the custom object. I have been looking through the documentation and trailheads but I finding everything except this simple step. Can someone please suggest how I can get a CRuD page automatically generated from custom object that I can use to add edit and delete records?
You'll need to Create a Tab for your custom object. This tab can be exposed in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning and allows you to create a new record in the object, view list views, and so on.

How to find the code behind in Apex

I'm new to Salesforce / Apex
There is this guy worked on our salesforce and he left me with many code. My questions, we have a little problem with some of the fields on one of the application form. How do I find where is the code behind this application? Thanks.
There are a few ways in which Apex can be added to perform custom logic in your salesforce application, there's no clear answer which is doing what and you'll need to dig in to discover that if nothing has been documented in your organization.
Check if any triggers exist
Verify if any apex jobs are scheduled, they can be performing apex batches executign logic
verify if your application page are default page layouts or whether they have inline Visualforce elements or are a full Visualforce page. Anything Visualforce is most likely backed up by apex controllers performing business logic.
Beyond Apex, have you checked if there are any configured workflows which are performing field updates ? These too can modify data.

Prepopulate fields in

I have a doubt, i've been working with salesforce for a while and now i have a requirement from a customer.
They need that some custom fields be populated with a value of parent object, making some research on stackoverflow, i found this post, but this isn't working for me because my project is a manage package and when this is installed on a another salesforce instance the id of custom field change.
if someone could help me, I will be grateful.
I can't see any way of doing the same as that post without using the IDs, I was thinking you could route via a VF page and build up the URL in the controller but it doesn't seem as though you can get the IDs of fields, just their type etc..
I think the best you could do in this instance is to override the default new recordpage with a visualforce page. In the constructor of your controller you could then loop through the page parameters and pre-fill the corresponding fields on the new record before it's displayed on screen. Using fieldsets or just an <apex:Detail> component would keep the level of effort down and also maximise the flexibility of the page for the end users.
