How to send multiple diagRequest messages in Vector CAPL? - request

I'm currently writing some CAPL code that is executed when clicking a button. It shall send multiple Diagnostic Requests. But CANoe is always telling me, that it can only send one request at a time. So I need to delay the requests. The diagSetRequestInterval function did not work. And since it is NOT a testcase, the testWaitForDiagResponse doesn't work either.

You have to wait until the request has been handled (either by a response from the target or by a timeout).
Since you are not in a test node you have to give back the control to the system, i.e. your function which did diagSendRequest shall end and you wait for some events on the bus to occur before you continue (otherwise the simulation would stall).
Once the request has been handled on diagRequest ... is called. Inside this event procedure, you could send the next request and so on.
Instead of:
diagRequest ECU.ProgrammingSession req1;
diagRequest ECU.SecuritySeed req2:
You would do something like this:
diagRequest ECU.ProgrammingSession req1;
on diagResponse ECU.ProgrammingSession
diagRequest ECU.SecuritySeed req2:
Timeout handling is a different topic, and left as an exercise :-)

You practically want to implement multiple TP connection simultaneously in CANoe. I presume you have only one Diagnostic Description in the Diagnostic/ISO TP configuration, which lets you to use only 1 TP connection at a time.
You can implement multiple diag layers in Diagnostic ISO/TP on the same Communication channel, as much as you want, but with different namings.
In simulation node, you will only have to declare the request you want with a different namespace, corresponding to one of the diag layer name you earlier created.
This way you can virtualize the multiple TP connection in UDS for the CANoe environment.
OR, you do not use diagnostic layer support by CANoe, and you construct the whole message with UDS payload on your data link layer (CAN, FR).
Depends what kind of Data link layer (CAN,FR) and how many comm channels with diag layer you have set.
In Flexray, for example ,you can send multiple diag requests in the same frcycle, if your frschedule provides multiple frslots in dynamic segment which the Diaglayer (or you) can use.


What's the purpose of the serial parameter in the Wayland API?

I've been working with the Wayland protocol lately and many functions include a unit32_t serial parameter. Here's an example from wayland-client-protocol.h:
struct wl_shell_surface_listener {
* ping client
* Ping a client to check if it is receiving events and sending
* requests. A client is expected to reply with a pong request.
void (*ping)(void *data,
struct wl_shell_surface *wl_shell_surface,
uint32_t serial);
// ...
The intent of this parameter is such that a client would respond with a pong to the display server, passing it the value of serial. The server would compare the serial it received via the pong with the serial it sent with the ping.
There are numerous other functions that include such a serial parameter. Furthermore, implementations of other functions within the API often increment the global wl_display->serial property to obtain a new serial value before doing some work. My question is, what is the rationale for this serial parameter, in a general sense? Does it have a name? For example, is this an IPC thing, or a common practice in event-driven / asynchronous programming? Is it kind of like the XCB "cookie" concept for asynchronous method calls? Is this technique found in other programs (cite examples please)?
Another example is in glut, see glutTimerFunc discussed here as a "common idiom for asynchronous invocation." I'd love to know if this idiom has a name, and where (good citations please) it's discussed as a best practice or technique in asynchronous / even-driven programming, such as continuations or "signals and slots." Or, for example, how shared resource counts are just integers, but we consider them to be "semaphores."
You may find this helpful
Some actions that a Wayland client may perform require a trivial form
of authentication in the form of input event serials. For example, a
client which opens a popup (a context menu summoned with a right click
is one kind of popup) may want to "grab" all input events server-side
from the affected seat until the popup is dismissed. To prevent abuse
of this feature, the server can assign serials to each input event it
sends, and require the client to include one of these serials in the
When the server receives such a request, it looks up the input event
associated with the given serial and makes a judgement call. If the
event was too long ago, or for the wrong surface, or wasn't the right
kind of event — for example, it could reject grabs when you wiggle the
mouse, but allow them when you click — it can reject the request.
From the server's perspective, they can simply send a incrementing
integer with each input event, and record the serials which are
considered valid for a particular use-case for later validation. The
client receives these serials from their input event handlers, and can
simply pass them back right away to perform the desired action.
As Hans Passant and Tom Zych state in the comments, the argument is distinguishes one asynchronous invocation from another.
I'm still curious about the deeper question, which is if this technique is one commonly used in asynchronous / event-driven software, and if it has a well-known name.

Camel Multicast Subroutes out of order

I have a scenario where I get as input Message A. Message A must then be split into 3 different types of message, and forwarded to other routes. It is important that the messages arrive in a precise order, Ie. A-1 must be sent before A-2, which must be sent before A-3.
To do this I have done the following (outline):
//split incoming message and prepare output document for A-1
//split incoming message and prepare output document for A-2
//split incoming message and prepare output document for A-3
And in another context, responsible for sending out the info to the external system, I have
// do different stuff based on which type we are called with then end with
Now, my problem is, that when I get to the receiver, I get the messages in random order. Sometimes A-1,A-3,A-2, sometimes right, A-1,A-2,A-3.
I have tried adding JMSXGroupID and JMSXGroupSeq to the messages, but without any luck.
I have also tried skipping the MQ part entirely, and use direct-vm: to call the shared receiver, but then it looks like I have three simultanious invocations of the receiver at once, and still in random execution order.
I was under the impression that multicast would run sequential, unless otherwise prompted to?
Is there something fundamentally wrong with the approach taken?
I am using Camel version 2.12.
Or, said more plainly:
I would like a route that creates three different output messages, and executes a batch file on them, in order. How do I go about that?
If you use the Splitter pattern, have you checked to see if the streaming property is set to false.
If enabled then Camel will split in a streaming fashion, which means it will split the input message in chunks. This reduces the memory overhead. For example if you split big messages its recommended to enable streaming. If streaming is enabled then the sub-message replies will be aggregated out-of-order, eg in the order they come back. If disabled, Camel will process sub-message replies in the same order as they where splitted.
So, it turned out to not be a problem with multicast after all.
Rather, in each of my sub-routes, I did this:
.aggregate(constant("1"), new MyAggregator())
Which, I assumed meant "Process all elements in the split, and if you aren't finished in 5 seconds or after 1000 elements, break out".
I changed it to
.split(..stax(SpecialClass), , new MyAggregator()).streaming()
Coming to think of it, it makes perfect sense, as the first version couldn't really know when we were done, while the last (I assume) just iterate over all elements in the split and calls the Aggregator for each.
Also, I had to .end() in the first version. So I guess the whole thing was just acting random.

Is FilterSendNetBufferLists handler a must for an NDIS filter to use NdisFSendNetBufferLists?

everyone, I am porting the WinPcap from NDIS6 protocol to NDIS6 filter. It is nearly finished, but I still have a bit of questions:
The comment of ndislwf said "A filter that doesn't provide a FilerSendNetBufferList handler can not originate a send on its own." Does it mean if I used the NdisFSendNetBufferLists function, I have to provide the FilerSendNetBufferList handler? My driver will send self-constructed packets by NdisFSendNetBufferLists, but I don't want to filter other programs' sent packets.
The same as the FilterReturnNetBufferLists, it said "A filter that doesn't provide a FilterReturnNetBufferLists handler cannot originate a receive indication on its own.". What does "originate a receive indication" mean? NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists or NdisFReturnNetBufferLists or both? Also, for my driver, I only want to capture received packets instead of the returned packets. So if possible, I don't want to provide the FilterReturnNetBufferLists function for performance purpose.
Another ressembled case is FilterOidRequestComplete and NdisFOidRequest, in fact my filter driver only want to send Oid requests itself by NdisFOidRequest instead of filtering Oid requests sent by others. Can I leave the FilterOidRequest, FilterCancelOidRequest and FilterOidRequestComplete to NULL? Or which one is a must to use NdisFOidRequest?
Send and Receive
A LWF can either be:
completely excluded from the send path, unable to see other protocols' send traffic, and unable to send any of its own traffic; or
integrated into the send path, able to see and filter other protocols' send and send-complete traffic, and able to inject its own traffic
It's an all-or-nothing model. Since you want to send your own self-constructed packets, you must install a FilterSendNetBufferLists handler and a FilterSendNetBufferListsComplete handler. If you're not interested in other protocols' traffic, then your send handler can be as simple as the sample's send handler — just dump everything into NdisFSendNetBufferLists without looking at it.
The FilterSendNetBufferListsComplete handler needs to be a little more careful. Iterate over all the completed NBLs and pick out the ones that you sent. You can identify the packets you sent by looking at NET_BUFFER_LIST::SourceHandle. Remove those from the stream (possibly reusing them, or just NdisFreeNetBufferList them). All the other packets then go up the stack via NdisFSendNetBufferListsComplete.
The above discussion also applies to the receive path. The only difference between send and receive is that on the receive path, you must pay close attention to the NDIS_RECEIVE_FLAGS_RESOURCES flag.
OID requests
Like the datapath, if you want to participate in OID requests at all (either filtering or issuing your own), you must be integrated into the entire OID stack. That means that you provide FilterOidRequest, FilterOidRequestComplete, and FilterCancelOidRequest handlers. You don't need to do anything special in these handlers beyond what the sample does, except again detecting OID requests that your filter originated in the oid-complete handler, and removing those from the stream (call NdisFreeCloneOidRequest on them).
Do not worry about performance here. The first step is to get it working. Even though the sample filter inserts itself into the send, receive, and OID paths; it's almost impossible to come up with any sort of benchmark that can detect the presence of the sample filter. It's extremely cheap to have do-nothing handlers in a filter.
If you feel very strongly about this, you can selectively remove your filter from the datapath with calls to NdisFRestartFilter and NdisSetOptionalHandlers(NDIS_FILTER_PARTIAL_CHARACTERISTICS). But I absolutely don't think you need the complexity. If you're coming from an NDIS 5 protocol that was capturing in promiscuous mode, you've already gotten a big perf improvement by switching to the native networking data structures (NDIS_PACKET->NBL) and eliminating the loopback path. You can leave additional fine-tuning to the next version.

Multithreaded c program design help

I don't have much experience with multithreading and I'm writing a c program which I believe is suited to running in two threads. The program will listen on the serial port for data, read and process new data when it's available, and publish the newest processed data to other (irrelevant) modules via a third party IPC api (it's confusingly named IPC) when requested.
In order to receive the request to publish data via IPC, the program must call IPC_listenwait(wait_time);. Then if a request to publish is received while "listenwaiting" a handler is invoked to publish the newest data.
One option is to do this in one thread like:
for(;;) {
process_data(inputBuffer, processedData); //Process and store
IPC_listenwait(wait_time); //If a request to publish is received during this,
} //then a handler will be invoked and the newest piece of
//processedData will be published to other modules
publishRequestHandler() { //Invoked when a message is received during IPC_listenwait
And this works, but for the application it is important that the program is very responsive to the request to publish new data, and that the data published is the newest available. These goals are not satisfied with the above because data may arrive after the process begins listenwaiting and before a request to publish message is received. Or the process may be reading/processing when a request to publish message is incoming, but won't be able to service it until the next IPC_listenwait call.
The only design I can think of is to have one thread to read, which will just do something like:
readThread() {
for(;;) { //pseudocode
process(inputBuffer, processedData);
And have the main thread just listening for incoming messages:
mainThread() {
publishRequestHandler() { //Invoked when a message is received during IPC_listenwait
Is this the design you would use? If so, will I need to use a semaphore when accessing or writing processedData?
Will this give me good responsiveness?
You're mostly on the right track.
The one thing you have to watch out for is concurrent access to the publishable data, because you don't want one thread clobbering it while another is trying to read it. To prevent that, use a pair of buffers and a mutex-protected pointer to whichever one is considered current. When process_data() has something ready, it should dump its results in the non-current buffer, lock the pointer mutex, repoint the pointer to the buffer containing the new data and then release the mutex. Similarly, the publisher should lock the pointer mutex while it reads the current data, which will force anything that might want to clobber it to wait. This is a bit more complex than having a single, mutex-protected buffer but will assure that you always have something current to publish while new data is being prepared.
If your processing step takes long enough that you could get multiple sets of data to read, you might split the read/process thread into two and let the reader make sure the processor only ever gets the latest and greatest so you don't end up processing stuff you won't ever publish.
Excellent first question, by the way. Have an upvote.

Is Socket.SendAsync thread safe effectively?

I was fiddling with Silverlight's TCP communication and I was forced to use the System.Net.Sockets.Socket class which, on the Silverlight runtime has only asynchronous methods.
I was wondering what happens if two threads call SendAsync on a Socket instance in a very short time one from the other?
My single worry is to not have intermixed bytes going through the TCP channel.
Being an asynchronous method I suppose the message gets placed in a queue from which a single thread dequeues so no such things will happen (intermixing content of the message on the wire).
But I am not sure and the MSDN does not state anything in the method's description. Is anyone sure of this?
EDIT1 : No, locking on an object before calling SendAsync such as :
will not help since this serializes the requests to send data not the data actually sent.
In order to call the SendAsync you need first to have called ConnectAsync with an instance of SocketAsyncEventArgs. Its the instance of SocketAsyncEventArgs which represents the connection between the client and server. Calling SendAsync with the same instance of SocketAsyncEventArgs that has just been used for an outstanding call to SendAsync will result in an exception.
It is possible to make multiple outstanding calls to SendAsync of the same Socket object but only using different instances of SocketAsyncEventArgs. For example (in a parallel universe where this might be necessay) you could be making multiple HTTP posts to the same server at the same time but on different connections. This is perfectly acceptable and normal neither client nor server will get confused about which packet is which.
