Alexa AMAZON.DATE slot default to past dates - alexa

I am using the AMAZON.DATE slot and I would like it to default to past dates.
For example, if a user says Monday I would like it to automatically select last Monday rather than next Monday.
In the documentation it confirms that it defaults to 'on or after the current date':
"Utterances that map to a specific date (such as "today", "now", or
"november twenty-fifth") convert to a complete date: 2015-11-25. Note
that this defaults to dates on or after the current date (see below
for more examples)."
For my application there is no way a future date would make sense so it wouldn't be too difficult to manually program this in but I just wondered if there was any other way of doing it?

No, you cannot change the behavior of built in slots, so if Alexa resolves user's answer as a date - before passing it to your further processing just subtract 7 from resolved value. It will give you the date in the past.


RRule Repeating monthly calendar event on weekday only

I have an recurring event on the 7th of each month but am struggling to find an RRule that I can put into a text editor and import into google calendar. I need the rule to put the event on the last week day if the 7th falls on a weekend. Thanks in advance.
Due to the fallback condition, I don't think you can achieve this only defining a RRULE, unfortunately.
RRULE in Google Calendar follows RFC 5545 specification.
With RFC 5545, regarding monthly recurrences, you can either set the recurring rule for a specific day of the month (e.g. always on the 7th of the month would be RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=7) or a specific offset of day of the week within a month (e.g. second to last weekday of the month would be RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR;BYSETPOS=-2).
Only using this specification, I don't believe there is a way to select the previous (or next) weekday in reference to the 7th day of the month.
However you can always achieve this by using a script to generate the dates or interpret an existing list you already have before insert them on Google Calendar.

timezone conversion using date-fns

I’m trying to work with date-fns-tz in my react-based webpage and couldn’t make the following use-case to work.
I have a date input in a form that should be submitted to the backend that stores the data in local timezone.
A user in GMT+2 timezone selects 14:00 on 1/Feb/2021 in the UI, which correlates to 1612180800 timestamp (as the UI was opened in GMT+2), but it should eventually get sent to the backend as 14:00 in GMT-8, which is actually 1612216800 timestamp.
What’s the right way to get this conversion (from 1612180800 --> 1612216800 ) to work?
I tried to work with various date-fns functions, but hadn’t found the right one.
You'll need two things to make this work correctly:
An IANA time zone identifier for the intended target time zone, such as 'America/Los_Angeles', rather than just an offset from UTC.
See "Time Zone != Offset" in the timezone tag wiki.
A library that supports providing input in a specific time zone.
Since you asked about date-fns, you should consider using the date-fns-tz add-on library.
Alternatively you could use Luxon for this.
In the past I might have recommended Moment with Moment-TimeZone, but you should review Moment's project status page before choosing this option.
Sticking with date-fns and date-fns-tz, the use case you gave is the very one described in the docs for the zonedTimeToUtc function, which I'll copy here:
Say a user is asked to input the date/time and time zone of an event. A date/time picker will typically return a Date instance with the chosen date, in the user's local time zone, and a select input might provide the actual IANA time zone name.
In order to work with this info effectively it is necessary to find the equivalent UTC time:
import { zonedTimeToUtc } from 'date-fns-tz'
const date = getDatePickerValue() // e.g. 2014-06-25 10:00:00 (picked in any time zone)
const timeZone = getTimeZoneValue() // e.g. America/Los_Angeles
const utcDate = zonedTimeToUtc(date, timeZone) // In June 10am in Los Angeles is 5pm UTC
postToServer(utcDate.toISOString(), timeZone) // post 2014-06-25T17:00:00.000Z, America/Los_Angeles
In your case, the only change is that at the very end instead of calling utcDate.toISOString() you'll call utcDate.getTime().
Note that you'll still want to divide by 1000 if you intend to pass timestamps in seconds rather than the milliseconds precision offered by the Date object.
You can use 'moment' to convert timezone.
1.Create a moment with your date time, specifying that this is expressed as utc, with moment.utc()
2.convert it to your timezone with
For example
moment.utc(t, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')

Set a range limit for the date parameters

I have a report where I defined two parameters to set the starting date and ending date.
However, I want to implement a logic so that the user can choose starting date and ending date unless the range between them pass over 1 year. As an example, if the user chooses "01/01/2017" for the start date, the maximum available end date must be displayed and limited to "01/01/2018". The vice versa also must be applied, when the user chooses the end date first, start date must be limited.
Is that possible to implement this logic into Sql Reporting Services? Thanks in advance.

angularjs - confusion with date formats

I am super confused with date formats and need some clarifications. I am trying to pre-populate a form with a date and have set $scope.selectedDate =;
In my console, is a string:
However, when I set $scope.selectedDate to that, nothing shows up.
Conversely, if I add new Date in front
(new Date(
a date shows up, but it is one day before (April 24, 2018).
In addition to that, when I try to insert the "new Date" version into a function (even though it isn't the correct date), I get a warning in the console saying "Moment construction falls back to js Date. This is discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release."
Can someone explain how I should format the dates so I: 1) get the correct date and not one day prior and 2) am able to plug it into a function without getting that warning?
Since the date is a string with no time zone information (just the date) JavaScript Date parser will treat it as universal(UTC, which is in Greenwich Mean Time) time at 00:00 hours. Then it will subtract the offset of your locale's timezone in hours, and will result in the date being a few hours before or after the day you actually want. This is a common point of confusion.
The best way to solve this is to parse the date manually:
function localDate(dateString) {
var d = dateString.split(/\D/);
return new Date(d[0], d[1]-1, d[2]);
See this question for more information: Javascript: parse a string to Date as LOCAL time zone
Moment.js gives that warning because it's considered bad practice to rely on the string parsing that new Date() does since it will have different results in different browsers (IE\Firefox\Etc.). It's more cross-browser friendly to build the date using this form: new Date(year, month, day). (Note that the month starts at zero, not 1)

Mobiscroll datetime, remove all validation

I'm prototyping this date picker with a client. They are finding it very confusing that you need to pick year first before other months and days become available for selection (which is fair enough).
We do date validation on the backened anyway, so is there anyway to remove the disabling of invalid dates so the user can choose anything they want immediately, instead of following the required pattern of year -> month -> day selections.
I couldn't find anything in the docs.
This was resolved by not including maxDate, even if it was null
