vim substitute strange chars on printf after rsync - c

I edited (macvim) file.c here and then rsync it to the server. When I ssh in the linux machine and vim file.c I notived strange chars. In all printf, " changed to ?~#~\ in the left side and to ?~#~] in the right side.
appears as
I tried to :substitute
But it didn't changed and I got
E486: Pattern not found: \<?~#~\\>
What might be the approach to that substitution?

In vim, ~ is a symbol for the last given substitute string, see here. You need to escape it.
The following will replace ?~#~\:
And for the 2nd expression ?~#~]:
NB use :%s to substitute in the whole file.


c-file cannot be execute in ssh

I work on vsc with remote-ssh. On local side the code works fine, but in ssh I can only compile the code (gcc program.c -o program -std=c11) but when I run it with .\program
I get the error message: bash: .program: command not found
What could be the reason and how can I fix it?
Use ./program. In Bash, and Unix systems generally, the character to separate file system components is the forward slash, “/”. The backward slash, “\” is used to “escape” characters normal purposes and treat the character literally. So \p says to treat “p” as an ordinary “p”, which it already is. So .\program is equivalent to .program, which requests the shell to execute a file named .program. Since there is no such file, it gives you an error message.

M-< and M-> doesn't work as it should in emacs

Using M-< gives me "Marker stack is empty"
and M-> gives me "Find definitions of:" in the mini buffer,
instead of taking me to the beginning and end of a file.
How do I use them so that they work properly?
The actual commands are M-shift-< and M-shift->. In other words, you actually need to type the characters '<' or '>'. Testing with my own version of emacs, it seems that you are currently entering the commands M-. and M-,.

Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

Problem in short - In Linux, whenever we get the following error
"Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")", what does it generally mean?
Problem in details - I have been trying to cross-compile Qt 4.6 as per the Sourcery tool chain on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx). I followed the exact steps mentioned at the link compiling Qt-4.6. But I get the following error right in the ./configure step -
/home/weds/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.1/bin/qmake: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Searching on the Internet I found lots of posts regarding this error and read all of them. What is this error and how can I solve it?
P.S 1 - the Sourcery toolchain is present inside /opt/ folder and my PATH variable is correctly pointing to it.
P.S 2 - This toolchain was not installed manually by me. Rather it was provided by a vendor as a .tgz file which I extracted inside the /opt/ folder.
That's an error reported by the Almquist shell or any of its derivatives like Dash (and Dash happened to be the default implementation of /bin/sh on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)) when a word is found while parsing the syntax of a script where a ) is expected instead, for instance like in this case statement:
dash -c 'case a in b c) :; esac'
dash: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
That's because after b , the only thing that is expected after is ), (though actually | would also be allowed) so that c word is unexpected.
dash -c 'myfunc( something'
dash: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
One case where that can happen is if the script has been written on or transferred through a Microsoft OS where text line endings are CRLF instead of just LF.
case a in b) cmd1;;
c) cmd2
script written on MS-DOS would appear as:
case a in b) cmd1;;<CR>
c) cmd2<CR>
on Unix and that c would be an extra word after the <CR> word.
Here that's unlikely as your error reports the problem being on the first line of the script and most scripts start with the #! /path/to/interpreter shebang line.
Another possibility is that that script you're trying to run has been written on the assumption that sh was bash and uses constructs that are not portable to other sh implementations.
Since you're using an outdated and no longer maintained OS, it's also possible that you're running into a bug in that version of Dash. You could run dpkg-reconfigure dash and tell the system not to use Dash for sh (but Bash instead) to see if that helps.
Again, it is unlikely to be on the first line.
What sounds more likely is that that qmake file is not a script, but a binary executable that is not recognised as such by the system, for instance because it is of a binary format for the wrong architecture or it has been corrupted in transfer.
In that case, when the system fails to recognise it as a native executable, the invoking application would try to run sh on it as if it was a shell script, and the presence of a ( character in the file could cause Dash to fail with such an error.
On my system:
dash /bin/touch
/bin/touch: 1: /bin/touch: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
And if you look at the content of /bin/touch as if it were a script, you see:
An answer to this seems to be posted in the instructions to which you linked.
Admittedly it's a long way down in the comments but it didn't take long to search for qmake: Syntax error: word unexpected.
Tej says: January 4, 2013 at 12:20 pm
Ok, I have solved the Problem. Its very unfortunate that ppl did not
tell what actually is the problem. Problem is we have to use Host
qmake. For that whatever Export (export
PATH=/usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin:$PATH etc.) we did in step during tslib
installation, we have to undo all of that. Thats it.
Hope that help someone
In case that's not clear, Tej suggests that it would seem that you're trying to run the cross-compiled qmake on the host system.
In 99% of the cases it is a wrong file transfer mode, ASCII or binary.
Try to extract the toolchain directly on the target system.
I was writing a C++ program on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) when this problem came around. The cause was that the file name of the program contained the characters "(" and ")". After renaming the files, it worked for me.
This error can also be thrown when calling a NodeJS script from a shell script, without providing the correct shebang line in NodeJS:
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Rest of your NodeJS script
A weird fix for me was deleting file package-lock.json and the node_modules folder, and then building the Docker image again.
Sometimes this error occurs just because the directory in which you are currently working has "wrong naming convention" .. like it could be
demo_project (copy)
my_project_1 (another copy)
The correct naming convention says
1. demo_project_copy
2. my_project_1_another_copy

[Makefile]Adding colors doesn't work on OS X

I recently switched to a Macbook Air and thus to OS X.
I imported some of my current projects to it and tried to compile them with my Makefile.
My Makefile has some custom imput adding colors with /bin/echo -e "\033[0;31m" for example + the text. It's working great on my old computer (OpenSuse distrib) but it doesn't even compile my binary anymore on my Mac.
Here's what I get when I try to prompt a custom line through my Makefile :
-e \033[0;31m (MY TEXT) \033[00m
As I use custom imput when compiling my .o files, none of them are get compiled so my project build fail.
My Makefile work great without these custom output but I'd like to know why they don't work on OS X.
I can post my Makefile code if some people request it for further investigation.
This is similar, but not quite a duplicate of Color termcaps Konsole?. The problem is that -e is not an option of OSX echo (which follows POSIX). If you take out the -e, it will work as you expect.
The -e option is used in some implementations to allow \e as a synonym for \033 (but your example uses the latter anyway).
Whether you use echo or printf for POSIX scripts is largely a matter of taste, since both accept the same set of backslash sequences. For example printf, of course, accepts % sequences for formatting numbers, but C++ programmers have gotten into the habit of (cout vs echo) not using the printf-style calls.
For reference.
printf - write formatted output
echo - write arguments to standard output

Syntax error near unexpected token '('

As a beginner, I am trying to write a simple c program to learn and execute the "write" function.
I am trying to execute a simple c program simple_write.c
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
if ((write(1, “Here is some data\n”, 18)) != 18)
write(2, “A write error has occurred on file descriptor 1\n”,46);
I also execute chmod +x simple_write.c
But when i execute ./simple_write.c, it gives me syntax error near unexpected token '('
Couldn't figure out why this happens ??
P.S: The expected output is:-
$ ./simple_write
Here is some data
You did
$ chmod +x simple_write.c
$ ./simple_write.c
when you should have done
$ cc simple_write.c -o simple_write
$ chmod +x simple_write # On second thought, you probably don’t need this.
$ ./simple_write
In words: compile the program to create an executable simple_write
(without .c) file, and then run that. 
What you did was attempt to execute your C source code file
as a shell script.
The simple_write file will be a binary file. 
Do not look at it with tools meant for text files
(e.g., cat, less, or text editors such as gedit).
cc is the historical name for the C compiler. 
If you get cc: not found (or something equivalent),
try the command again with gcc (GNU C compiler). 
If that doesn’t work,
If you’re on a shared system (e.g., school or library),
ask a system administrator how to compile a C program.
If you’re on your personal computer (i.e., you’re the administrator),
you will need to install the compiler yourself (or get a friend to do it). 
There’s lots of guidance written about this; just search for it.
When you get to writing more complicated programs,
you are going to want to use
make simple_write
which has the advantages of
being able to orchestrate a multi-step build,
which is typical for complex programs, and
it knows the standard ways of compiling programs on that system
(for example, it will probably “know” whether to use cc or gcc).
And, in fact, you should be able to use the above command now. 
This may (or may not) simplify your life.
P.S. Now that this question is on Stack Overflow,
I’m allowed to talk about the programming aspect of it. 
It looks to me like it should compile, but
The first write line has more parentheses than it needs.
if (write(1, "Here is some data\n", 18) != 18)
should work.
In the second write line,
I count the string as being 48 characters long, not 46.
By the way, do you know how to make the first write fail,
so the second one will execute?  Try
./simple_write >&-
You cannot execute C source code in Linux (or other systems) directly.
C is a language that requires compilation to binary format.
You need to install C compiler (the actual procedure differs depending on your system), compile your program and only then you can execute it.
Currently it was interpreted by shell. The first two lines starting with # were ignored as comments. The third line caused a syntax error.
I got what i was doing wrong.
These are the steps that I took to get my problem corrected:-
$ gedit simple_write.c
Write the code into this file and save it (with .c extension).
$ make simple_write
$ ./simple_write
And I got the desired output.
