WPF - Clear all textboxes in All TabItem of TabControl - wpf

In WPF, I use tabcontrol have tabitems to create new Dynamic content. I have button Reset to clear all textboxes in All TabItems. My code is working with tab focus. But, When I click the other tab and click again old tab, The content show again. Please help me so that I can clear all textboxes in all tabItems
My Code here:
private void ClearControls(DependencyObject root)
System.Windows.Controls.TabControl controls = new System.Windows.Controls.TabControl();
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(root); i++)
var control = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(root, i);
if (control is System.Windows.Controls.TextBox)
(control as System.Windows.Controls.TextBox).Text = String.Empty;
else if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(control) > 0)
private void BtnResetTurnbyTurn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Don't waste your time with tree visualizer
Design your ui in a separately usercontrol and give a name then from
Then head to your main window and give the area that is supposed to display the ui a name or just declare a grid and give it a name
Now head to your tabs and double click the one that is suppoused to show the ui you want and from the code just write the following
Just to clarify the names
I have my separately designd ui in a file called pages and it's name is myui and my usercontrol tag is name child
My viewing area is filled with a grid named
I have double clicked the required tab and it drove me to the cs file inside the click event
My code is
` pages.myui mu =new pages.myui();
It might be the most basic way to accomplish the mission but believe me it is a life saver
Comment for any question
I hope i have helped you
Yusuf naeem


how to select option in context menu c #

hello I'm grabbing a windows form application in c # and have a question about a context menu I have my main form within the main form I have a picturebox and I created an event as the next mouse click
private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();
pictureBox1.ContextMenu = cm;
all going well so far shows me my contextual menu when I right click but when I choose the option to "AVAILABLE" another windows form show me someone who can help me please thanks
I think this is not the way. if you did so you need to call show for the context menu, you can set that menu at the initialization of the form or the control, you create the context menu one time it will be shown automatically, you don't have to create it each time you click the control, Add the following code to the constructor of the form just to check if it works
ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();
pictureBox1.ContextMenu = cm;

Dynamically create ContextMenu in Silverlight 5

I have just started to use Silverlight this few days.
Currently I have generated some panel dynamically in a canvas. Each panel will have a shared MouseLeftButtonUp event which will display a ContextMenu.
The problem now is when I click on a first panel, the ContextMenu is able to show but when I click on a second panel, the first ContextMenu shown up instead of the second. The second panel will show its ContextMenu only when I click another time on the second panel.
Below is my code to generate the panel and the context menu:
void generatePanel()
StackPanel panel = new StackPanel();
panel.MouseLeftButtonUp += panel_MouseLeftButtonUp;
void panel_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu();
menu.IsOpen = true;
Hopefully my problem is clear enough. Is there any way to solve the problem? Or if there are any event that are fired when the menu is hidden, so that I can make sure the previous context menu is disposed or cleared?

How to show a panel dynamically on mouse enter event?

Like in web page using css we can show a div on mouse enter or hover, in the same way i want to show a panel on mouse enter event of a button, but i am unable to do this. I am trying like this.
private void btn2_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btn = (Button)sender;
btn.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.MistyRose; //this is executed on mouse enter
Point locationOnForm = btn.FindForm().PointToClient(
Panel pnl = new Panel();
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.Text = "anything";
pnl.Location = new Point(locationOnForm.X, locationOnForm.Y);
pnl.Size = new Size(500, 500);
pnl.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue;
pnl.Visible = true;
I am not getting how to solve this. I want to know that
1) Is this the right approach or there is any other way of doing this?
2) If this is ok then what is the mistake i am doing here ?
Don't create the panel on mouse enter, rather have the panel created already then just show and hide it.
private void button1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
You have to add the panel to the Form controls
If you plan to have a panel hover over the button like a <div> in Web, you will have to call
BringToFront() to ensure that the panel does not appear behind the button or other controls on the form -
Also like the previous answer, it may be better to have a panel placed on the form already and just set visible to true or false as well as the panel location otherwise you may end up adding multiple panels to the Form controls.
If you plan on just showing plain text in the panel, it may be easier to use Tooltip control -
MSDN - Tooltip Control

WPF ListBox - Detect Scrollbar Up/Down Button click

I'm using a listbox to display a list of numeric values where the selected value get applied to an object and is saved. I had the idea to set the height on on the listbox to be just enough to display a single row. Of course this causes the vertical scollbar to appear, and without a scroll body, which is exactly what I was looking for.
When I click the up/down arrow on the list box scrollbar, it scrolls the next item into view correctly. However, the item is not selected. I immediately had problems with the actual selected value being saved and not the value that is in view. This is because it requires a click on the number after the scrollbar button to actually select the value, which is not very intuitive.
So, after some intel-sense hunting, I began search for possible ways to increment the selected value with clicks on the listbox scrollbar buttons, but I can't find anything that actually uses them.
I have found posts that describe actions when clicking on the scroll bar body, and still others that use designer added buttons to perform the index change on the listbox. However, the scroll bar body is not visible do to the short height of the list box and it seems silly to add more buttons when I already have those two available and doing most of the work.
I have also found a post that described something similar, but using a listview. But, I would hate to have to swap the control out at this point for one feature I really think should be available somewhere on the control I'm currently using.
So, I guess what I'm looking for is a way to address the click event handler of the vertical scrollbar buttons on a listbox control.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(Thanks all, for the 1000 other things I didn't have to post to solve here!)
I had heard about that Phil, and your right. I'm doing a replacement for the numeric up-down.
I just figured that there was probably a viable alternative, since that specific control was not originally part of the framework. I had also gotten much of it working and really like the results, and the way it picked up the theme.
Since the core of this application will become a start point for future applications, I wanted to include this functionality and was prepared to do a little work for it.
What I ended up doing was a little complicated that it was worth, but made easy with a useful helper function. I needed to search the 'Visual Tree' for my target type. From there I was able to access enough functionality to finish up.
Using a helper function I found here (Thanks Bruno) I was able to add this to my Loaded event:
private Double currentVerticalOffset;
private void Page_Loaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ScrollViewer sv = Helpers.ViewHelpers.ListBoxHelper.FindVisualChild<ScrollViewer>(listbox);
sv.ScrollChanged += HandleRankScrollChange;
currentVerticalOffset = sv.VerticalOffset;
Then, I handle the scroll changed event:
private void HandleRankScrollChange(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
ScrollViewer sv = Helpers.ViewHelpers.ListBoxHelper.FindVisualChild<ScrollViewer>(listbox);
if (sv.VerticalOffset > currentVerticalOffset)
if (sv.VerticalOffset < currentVerticalOffset)
currentVerticalOffset = sv.VerticalOffset;
The helpers I call here are pretty simple, but again, this will become a foundation kit, so having the methods will probably come in handy again.
public static void SelectNextItem(ListBox lb)
if (lb.SelectedIndex < lb.Items.Count)
public static void SelectPreviousItem(ListBox lb)
if (lb.SelectedIndex > 0)
Bruno's helper function
public static childItem FindVisualChild<childItem>(DependencyObject obj) where childItem : DependencyObject
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); i++)
DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);
if (child != null && child is childItem)
return (childItem)child;
childItem childOfChild = FindVisualChild<childItem>(child);
if (childOfChild != null)
return childOfChild;
return null;
Thanks again.

WPF DataGrid Button Click in New Line Gets the wrong line in Current Item

I have a WPF DataGrid with a button on one of the columns.
When I click the button I have this function called:
MyClass mySC = (MyClass)(CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(grdMyClass.DataContext).CurrentItem);
This code works perfect, but when I click on the button on the new line (the last on on the grid) I get the msSC of the line before it, and not null, or something that related to the last new line.
how can I check if the button was clicked in the new line ?
If your intention is that clicking on a button should do something with the data bound to that row then just get the data from the button's data context. If null then user clicked on an empty row.
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MyClass data = (sender as FrameworkElement).DataContext as MyClass;
I just got the exact same problem and created my own solution.
I have a DataGrid with ItemsSource binded to a list in my ViewModel, and SelectedIndex binded to an int in the viewmodel, in order to be able to play with the list when we choose something (and for example simulate an event such as "OnSelectionChanged")
So the solution is very simple here:
//App selected on the list
private int _selectedApp;
public int SelectedApp
get { return _selectedApp; }
if (value == _listApps.Count) _selectedApp = -1;
else _selectedApp = value;
I just check that the index isn't out of range: if it is, I set it to -1, so my app considers nothing is actually selected.
Hope this can help, feel free to ask more :)
