Aws ecs service isn't updating new task definations - aws-ecs

I have created new ecs cluster with 2 container instances and running 2 tasks, whenever i update new task defination in service, service is not replacing existing task and it's trying to create new task and i am getting error events like no enough cpu and mem , my question is why ecs service is trying to create new task without stopping existing tasks?

After 2 hrs of research found solution, min and max health check percentage in service causing the issue


flink disk usage in job manager increases after every job submission over rest

I have deployed my own flink setup in AWS ECS. One Service for JobManager and one Service for task Managers. I am running one ECS task for job manager and 3 ecs tasks for TASK managers.
I have a kind of batch job which I upload using flink rest every-day with changing new arguments, when I submit each time disk memory getting increased by ~ 600MB, I have given a checkpoint as S3 . Also I have set historyserver.archive.clean-expired-jobs true .
Since I am running on ECS, not able to find why the memory is getting increased on every jar upload and execution.
What are the flink config params I should look to make sure the memory is not shooting up on every new job upload?
Try this configuration.

Send Dynamic data to Azure Logic app based on fixed schedule

I've a logic app, let's name it as 'LA1' having HTTP trigger. This logic app can accept multiple request types (see Request 1 and Request 2 below) and can call respective nested logic apps based on request fields -
Request 1 -
Request 2 -
Now I wanted the above requests to be sent to LA1 on specific time intervals. Say Request 1 to be sent to LA1 every 1 minute and Request 2 to be sent to LA1 every 2 minutes. This was accomplished successfully using Scheduler Job Collections in Azure portal where I'd create couple of schedulers to run every 1 or 2 minutes and configure Request 1 and Request 2 in them.
Now that as Microsoft has retired Scheduler Job Collections I would like to know different alternate options in hand to send dynamic data (scheduled at specific intervals) to LA1 Logic app.
I understand that creating multiple logic apps with recurrence trigger and passing different JSON is one option however I would like to avoid the same as I would end up creating too many logic apps and in case of any changes this would need a deployment of Logic apps on every environment.
I would like to have something that's configurable (one time configuration on every environment) something that was catered perfectly by Scheduler Job Collections. Any thoughts/ideas are much appreciated!
One choice is Azure Function, it has Timer Trigger binding, it uses CRON expressions to define your schedule. Further more information you could refer to this doc: Timer trigger for Azure Functions.
Also Azure provides Azure Automation and the Azure Automation supports schedule a runbook. You could use powershell to manage schedules. Further more details you could check this doc: Scheduling a runbook in Azure Automation.

Increase the request timeout beyond 30 seconds?

I have a flexible app engine app in which I am running a set of integration tests upon request. I get a sys.exit(1) after 30 seconds every time I run it. I cannot use Task Queue or Deferred library since this is a Flexible(Not Standard) app engine project. Any ideas on how to extend this 30 second deadline?
I also tried to change from auto scaling to manual scaling without any luck :|
In your Flexible environment you can use pub/sub library to create background tasks. You need to create a worker service which listens to a particular queue and you can add tasks in a queue , when the task is ready it will be thrown to worker service and be taken care of by it. Here is the reference you can use to solve it, Hope it will help :)

'Version is not ready' error on update - GAE Python

I am unable to update my frontends nor my backends. I get the error message 'Version is not ready'. This bug has persisted for coming up to 24 hours now. I have a task perpetually running in a queue. My best guess is that this task is stopping the update. I am unable to delete the task as it is perpetually running, nor can I delete the queue as I am unable to upload a new queue.yaml definition. The same task previously failed due to a maximum recursion error as I had a synchronous RPC within an asynchronous tasklet.
I'm pretty sure the fix will require someone from the GAE side forcibly resetting the task queue. Thus, this question would be more suitably directed to the GAE team with details about my app in a less public forum. Though, from what I can see, they do not allow direct support questions and suggest posting the question here. My follow up question, then, is when you have a GAE issue that requires action from the GAE team - how do you get hold of them (other than paying US$500/month for a premium support account)?
The task is/was meant to be running on a backend instance. I intended to shutdown all backend and frontend instances via the console assuming that they would cancel the task and restart themselves. But I found that only one frontend instance was running - no backends. After shutting down that frontend instance, the dashboard has reported that I have 0 instances running, yet the website is still serving and the task remains perpetually running.
Disabling the app stopped the task from running. After reenabling the app, I was able to update it. Though I am left with a ghost task in my queue.
If you have a stuck task queue job, I'd try disabling the queue and killing the instance running that job. If that doesn't work, I'd try disabling the app temporarily.

Creating Web-service for modifying XPO objects by timer

I have several clients that create new objects. When new object is created I need to start a timer that will change some object properties when time is elapsed (each object can be visible only for defined client groups certain time).
I want to use for this purpuses web-service and wrote a method that starts timer.
For example I need to set timer to 5 minutes. Are there any restrictions for executing time? Will a timer keep my web-service alive?
Perhaps, I don't understand your task completely, but your idea about Web Service usage looks strange to me. Web Services are usually used to process requests from remote clients. I.e. a client calls method of a Web Service and Web Service returns a result to this client.
I think, I got your idea :). If you need to just change data in the DB, I think the better solution is to create a windows service which will ping web service when needed.
