Hello everyone im doing my first steps with RTOS. Im trying to receive an amount of data using UART in an interrupt mode. I have a Display Task where the commands are being written to a global buffer, and i just created a UART Handler Task where i want to read the bytes. The problems im facing are.
The semaphore i use inside the UART Task is unknown, even though i declared it global in the main function, so the xSemaphoreTake() function has errors there. Maybe a helpful Note: the UART Task is in a seperated file.
Is my implemntation of the HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback and the UART Task clean?
here is the code i wrote:
SemaphoreHandle_t uartInterruptSemaphore = NULL;
int main(void)
void mainTask(void* param) {
uartInterruptSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
if(uartInterruptSemaphore != NULL) {
// Display Thread with a 2 priority
xTaskCreate(&displayTask, "Display Thread", 1000, &huart4, 2, NULL);
// deferred Interrupt to be synchronized with the Display Task, must have a higher priority than the display task
xTaskCreate(&UartHandlerTask, "UART Handler Task", 1000, &huart4, 3, NULL);
the callback function i wrote:
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *uart_cb) {
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
if(uart_cb->Instance == USART4) {
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(uartInterruptSemaphore, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
and the handler task:
void UartHandlerTask(void* param) {
huart_cache = param;
const uint8_t tmp = rx_byte; //rx byte is global volatile variable
if(xSemaphoreTake(uartInterruptSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS) {
HAL_UART_Receive_IT((UART_HandleTypeDef *)huart_cache, (uint8_t *)&rx_byte, 1);
// write data to the buffer
I would recommend getting a better handle on C before trying to use an RTOS. This will also show you a better way of unblocking a task form an interrupt than using a binary semaphore: https://www.freertos.org/2020/09/decrease-ram-footprint-and-accelerate-execution-with-freertos-notifications.html
I'm trying to implement uart in interrupt mode, but something go wrong obviously. Here is my problem: I want to send some strings as soon as possible (example: want to send 10 times string "test123") but for some reason that isn't possible (I make some mistake but can't understand where is that mistake). I use STM32CubeIDE, mcu is stm32f407vgt6. After first successful transmit code fall into Error_Handler() which is not acceptable. When I use delays between each transmit all string will be successful transmitted but why that can be done in this way.Here is code
uint8_t TxData[] = "test123\n";
bool flagTxCmpltUsart = true;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){`
if(HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart3, TxData, strlen(TxData)) != HAL_OK)
void Reset_Uart_Tx_Complete_Flag(void)
flagTxCmpltUsart = false;
void Wait_Unit_Uart_Tx_Is_Complete(void)
void HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
if(huart->Instance == USART3)
flagTxCmpltUsart = true;
Since void HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) is called in the interrupt context, you should set your complete flag as
volatile bool flagTxCmpltUsart = true;
To make sure the compiler knows that is could change outside of the normal program flow.
You have to check your UART status, you'll get error if the transmission line is busy. Try to insert the following code between each call;
while (HAL_UART_GetState(&UartHandle) != HAL_UART_STATE_READY){
//Do Something..
Device : F28335 contorolCRAD and Experimenter's Kit - Delfino F28335.
Ported ucos-II.
I use OSTimeGet() function to get OSTime.
But task1 returns '0' everytime and task2 doesn't work.
What is the problem?
How to fix this?
App_Task1's priority = 6u
App_Task2's priority = 7u
static void App_Task1 (void *p_arg)
INT32U t;
while (DEF_TRUE) {
t = OSTimeGet();
printf("Task1 \n");
static void App_Task2 (void *p_arg)
INT32U t;
while (DEF_TRUE) {
t = OSTimeGet();
printf("Task2 \n");
Task1 OSTime=0
It seems that your Systick function isn't running correctly. As I have no experience in the Chip you are using I cannot give you the full answer.
But your systick function should contain something like this.
This is code from a LPC17xx but something similliar should happen for you
void OS_CPU_SysTickHandler (void)
OSIntNestingCtr++; /* Tell uC/OS-II that we are starting an ISR */
OSTimeTick(); /* Call uC/OS-II's OSTimeTick() */
OSIntExit(); /* Tell uC/OS-II that we are leaving the ISR */
The OSTimeTick() is used for your OSTimeDly(), OSTimeGet() and the task switching
I'm new to programming the mouse in C, so can someone please expalin me this basic code?
#include <dos.h>
union REGS in, out;
void detect_mouse ()
in.x.ax = 0;
int86 (0X33,&in,&out); //invoke interrupt
if (out.x.ax == 0)
printf ("\nMouse Failed To Initialize");
printf ("\nMouse was Succesfully Initialized");
int main ()
detect_mouse ();
getch ();
This would be code for old, plain MS DOS which would query if the mouse driver (mouse.com/mouse.sys) is loaded or not.
To talk to mouse.sys, you had to fill some processor registers with specific contents, execute interrupt 0x33, then check the processor registers for return values. That's what the function does. You can find a list of most possible register contents and functions here: http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/rbinter/ix/33/00.html
This will be my poorest question ever...
On an old netbook, I installed an even older version of Debian, and toyed around a bit. One of the rather pleasing results was a very basic MP3 player (using libmpg123), integrated for adding background music to a little application doing something completely different. I grew rather fond of this little solution.
In that program, I dumped the decoded audio (from mpg123_decode()) to /dev/audio via a simple fwrite().
This worked fine - on the netbook.
Now, I came to understand that /dev/audio was something done by OSS, and is no longer supported on newer (ALSA) machines. Sure enough, my laptop (running a current Linux Mint) does not have this device.
So apparently I have to use ALSA instead. Searching the web, I've found a couple of tutorials, and they pretty much blow my mind. Modes, parameters, capabilities, access type, sample format, sample rate, number of channels, number of periods, period size... I understand that ALSA is a powerful API for the ambitious, but that's not what I am looking for (or have the time to grok). All I am looking for is how to play the output of mpg123_decode (the format of which I don't even know, not being an audio geek by a long shot).
Can anybody give me some hints on what needs to be done?
How do I get ALSA to play raw audio data?
There's an OSS compatibility layer for ALSA in the alsa-oss package. Install it and run your program inside the "aoss" program. Or, modprobe the modules listed here:
Then, you'll need to change your program to use "/dev/dsp" or "/dev/dsp0" instead of "/dev/audio". It should work how you remembered... but you might want to cross your fingers just in case.
You could install sox and open a pipe to the play command with the correct samplerate and sample size arguments.
Using ALSA directly is overly complicated, so I hope a Gstreamer solution is fine to you too. Gstreamer gives a nice abstraction to ALSA/OSS/Pulseaudio/you name it -- and is ubiquitous in the Linux world.
I wrote a little library that will open a FILE object where you can fwrite PCM data into:
Gstreamer file. The actual code is less than 100 lines.
Use use it like that:
FILE *output = fopen_gst(rate, channels, bit_depth); // open audio output file
while (have_more_data) fwrite(data, amount, 1, output); // output audio data
fclose(output); // close the output file
I added an mpg123 example, too.
Here is the whole file (in case Github get's out of business ;-) ):
* gstreamer_file.c
* Copyright 2012 René Kijewski <rene.SURNAME#fu-berlin.de>
* License: LGPL 3.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0)
#include "gstreamer_file.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gst/gst.h>
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# error "You need to add -D_GNU_SOURCE to the GCC parameters!"
* Cookie passed to the callbacks.
typedef struct {
/** { file descriptor to read from, fd to write to } */
int pipefd[2];
/** Gstreamer pipeline */
GstElement *pipeline;
} cookie_t;
static ssize_t write_gst(void *cookie_, const char *buf, size_t size) {
cookie_t *cookie = cookie_;
return write(cookie->pipefd[1], buf, size);
static int close_gst(void *cookie_) {
cookie_t *cookie = cookie_;
gst_element_set_state(cookie->pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); /* we are finished */
gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(cookie->pipeline)); /* we won't access the pipeline anymore */
close(cookie->pipefd[0]); /* we won't write anymore */
close(cookie->pipefd[1]); /* we won't read anymore */
free(cookie); /* dispose the cookie */
return 0;
FILE *fopen_gst(long rate, int channels, int depth) {
/* initialize Gstreamer */
if (!gst_is_initialized()) {
GError *error;
if (!gst_init_check(NULL, NULL, &error)) {
return NULL;
/* get a cookie */
cookie_t *cookie = malloc(sizeof(*cookie));
if (!cookie) {
return NULL;
/* open a pipe to be used between the caller and the Gstreamer pipeline */
if (pipe(cookie->pipefd) != 0) {
return NULL;
/* set up the pipeline */
char description[256];
snprintf(description, sizeof(description),
"fdsrc fd=%d ! " /* read from a file descriptor */
"audio/x-raw-int, rate=%ld, channels=%d, " /* get PCM data */
"endianness=1234, width=%d, depth=%d, signed=true ! "
"audioconvert ! audioresample ! " /* convert/resample if needed */
"autoaudiosink", /* output to speakers (using ALSA, OSS, Pulseaudio ...) */
cookie->pipefd[0], rate, channels, depth, depth);
cookie->pipeline = gst_parse_launch_full(description, NULL,
if (!cookie->pipeline) {
return NULL;
/* open a FILE with specialized write and close functions */
cookie_io_functions_t io_funcs = { NULL, write_gst, NULL, close_gst };
FILE *result = fopencookie(cookie, "w", io_funcs);
if (!result) {
return NULL;
/* start the pipeline (of cause it will wait for some data first) */
gst_element_set_state(cookie->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
return result;
And ten years later, the "actual" answer is found: That's the wrong way to do it in the first place.
libmpg123 comes with a companion library, libout123, which abstracts the underlying audio system for you. Based on libmpg123 example code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpg123.h"
#include "out123.h"
int main()
mpg123_handle * _mpg_handle;
out123_handle * _out_handle;
double rate, channels, encoding;
size_t position, buffer_size;
unsigned char * buffer;
char filename[] = "Example.mp3";
mpg123_open( _mpg_handle, filename );
mpg123_getformat( _mpg_handle, &rate, &channels, &encoding );
out123_open( _out_handle, NULL, NULL );
mpg123_format_none( _mpg_handle );
mpg123_format( _mpg_handle, rate, channels, encoding );
out123_start( _out_handle, rate, channels, encoding );
buffer_size = mpg123_outblock( _mpg_handle );
buffer = malloc( buffer_size );
mpg123_read( _mpg_handle, buffer.get(), buffer_size, &position );
out123_play( _out_handle, buffer.get(), position );
} while ( position );
out123_close( _out_handle );
mpg123_close( _mpg_handle );
free( buffer );