SQL Server on Azure VM: How can my application connect? - sql-server

I have an application written in VB, which used to connect with a Microsoft SQL Server, which is placed on a VM in the domain, using Windows Authentication(Local Domain).
But, I have moved my DB to a SQL Server which is placed on an Azure VM.
My problem is that i don't know how i can use Windows Authentication(or somehow to "ask" the Active Directory about the user who tries to connect).
I have seen the modes of SQL Server:
Active Directory - Password
Active Directory - Integrated
but i can't understand how i can use them. Should i have to do trust relation between 2 domain(Local, Azure)?
Can someone help?

I have moved my DB to a SQL Server which is placed on an Azure VM.
SQL on an Azure VM is the same product you might run on-premises, and supports SQL Auth and Windows Integrated Auth. The Azure Active Directory authentication methods supported by Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse are not applicable to SQL Server running in an Azure VM. See:
Azure Active Directory authentication is a mechanism of connecting to
Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse by using identities in Azure
Active Directory (Azure AD).
See Use Azure Active Directory Authentication for authentication with SQL Database, Managed Instance, or SQL Data Warehouse
For SQL Server running in an Azure VM you use either SQL Authentication or Windows Authenticationl, as outlined here Authentication in SQL Server
You can use Windows Auth in your VM with either local accounts (created on the VM), or you can deploy a Domain Controller on a separate VM into your VMs VNET and use identities from the Domain. The Domain Controller you deploy into your Azure VNET can be an isolated Domain, or it can be a replica for your on-premises domain. If you want to deploy a replica of your on-premises domain into an Azure VNET you also will need to use a site-to-site VPN or ExpressRoute, as explained here Guidelines for Deploying Windows Server Active Directory on Azure Virtual Machines


Azure Database Migration Service security questions

Two questions I am not in a position to confirm via deploying to an Azure resource group (due to my account limitations). So far, I have not found resources that answers my questions.
1. AD Users and Groups
Can Active Directory (AD) Users and AD Groups SQL Server Logins or Database users be migrated from On premise SQL databases to Azure SQL?
The environment I will be working on has the on premise AD synced to Azure Active Directory (AAD).
So far, I have only seen that SQL Logins can be migrated.
2. Authentication
I know that SQL Login and Windows Authentication login are options to connect to the Source database. Are both of these option also available in the destination Azure SQL database?
So far I have only seen SQL Login as an option for connection to the destination database (see below screenshot). This might be because there are no AAD accounts associated with the blank Azure SQL target database I am trying to connect to. The Server Admin is set for the target database.
No, unfortunately you can't migrate the Active Directory (AD) Users and AD Groups to Azure SQL Database. Yes, you move SQL logins from the SQL Server source to Azure SQL Database by using Database Migration Service in offline mode.
You can also migrate Windows users and groups using T-SQL DDL syntax with the help of this tutorial.
You can use Azure AD authentication to connect with Azure SQL Database. It is an alternative to SQL Logins Authentication. Please refer Azure Active Directory authentication for more details.
You can simply use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to connect with Azure SQL Database using Azure AD credentials. Install the SSMS on your local windows machine and login with AAD credentials as shown in image below.

Migrating to Azure SQL - how integrate domain service accounts?

I am required to migrate an on-prem ASP.Net web application with its SQL Server 2019 backend to Azure.
The Web application initial migration must be IaaS (Windows VMs running IIS).
The SQL 2019 has to be Azure SQL PaaS (Not Azure SQL Managed instance).
The existing on-prem Web application has several virtual directories, and each application in a virtual directory, is in a separate IIS app pool.
Each app pool is run under the context of a different domain service account.
Connection to the SQL databases is via integrated security.
In the current on-prem solution, the domain service accounts are added as logins to the SQL Server and each has permissions to one or more of the databases (Execute / Connect permissions; addition to datareader role etc).
I believe there will have a domain join to Azure AD, so the on-prem AD service accounts will be accessible in azure (as far as I can understand).
Is there a way I can setup the existing on-prem domain accounts with the access, permissions and roles in the SQL PaaS solution, to mirror the current on-prem setup?
Alternatively, could someone could help me identify resources for best practice for the architecture described.
Thank you
I found a a few good posts that assisted me to understand all available options:

How can I set up a GCP Cloud SQL instance to trust an Active Directory Domain for Windows authentication?

I am currently porting a Desktop application to Google Cloud SQL and need to allow users to login using Windows Active Directory authentication. I cannot seem to join the SQL instance to the domain because SQL instances dont allow system access. Im not sure of any other way to let a sql instance trust a domain.
In short- How can I set up a GCP Cloud SQL instance to trust an Active Directory Domain without system access to the SQL instance?
Google Cloud SQL for SQL Server does not support domain joins to your Active Directory instance.
At this time, instance-level database access is via SQL Server Authentication (username, password).
Google Cloud SQL for SQL Server now supports Active Directory Authentication as a preview feature. Here's the announcement blog post: Cloud SQL for SQL Server—now with Active Directory authentication
A walkthrough of setting up a GCP Cloud SQL instance to trust an Active Directory Domain is covered in this blog post:
Create a SQL Server instance integrated with Active Directory using Google Cloud SQL

Azure VM SQL Server using Windows authentication from another Azure VM ASP.NET application

Currently I have two Azure VM's, one for the ASP.NET application (VM1) and another with SQL Server 2017 (VM2).
At the moment, the application on VM1 connects to VM2's SQL Server using SQL Server authentication, but now I want to change it to Windows authentication. I found this on the Azure website about how to connect:
Virtual networks also enables you to join your Azure VMs to a domain. This is the only way to use Windows authentication to SQL Server. The other connection scenarios require SQL Server authentication with user names and passwords.
But there is also a website forum ask to use Azure Active Directory domain in order to achieve this.
I am confused regarding this, can anyone help me with a description how to connect my VM1 application to VM2 SQL Server using Windows authentication?

Connect Local SQL Server Database using Azure Active Directory Credentials

The SQL Server (version 2016) is located in the local Virtual Machine(Windows Server 2012 R2) and I need to provide authentication for the users in the Azure Active Directory. As I am new to this I am not even sure whether it is possible or not. Can anybody guide me.
No, it is impossible. Please refer to this official document.
Connecting to SQL Server running on an Azure VM is not supported using
an Azure Active Directory account. Use a domain Active Directory
account instead.
It means if your local sql server could not use Azure Active Directory Authentication. You could use local domain Active Directory users.
If you use Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse, you could use Azure Active Directory authentication. Please refer to this link.
