SQL Server date conversion from string value - sql-server

In my table, I have a string-represented date column in the following format: {^2013/05/29}.
How do I convert this to standard datetime format in SQL Server? This contains string characters that are not part of what a datetime string usually has.

That format is recognizable as a strict format by VFP only. Is that stored in SQL Server as text? If so:
Select cast(substring(myColumn, 3, 10) as date) as myDate from myTable;
would do the conversion.
If you mean it is stored like that in a VFP table and you want to convert a date then:
select ctod(myColumn) as myDate from myTable;

If the data is always in the format {^yyyy/MM/dd} then you could use:
Ideally, however, you should be fixing your column to be the correct datatype:
CREATE TABLE Test (DateColumn varchar(13));
INSERT INTO Test VALUES ('{^2013/05/29}');
FROM Test;
SET DateColumn = CONVERT(date,REPLACE(SUBSTRING(DateColumn,3,10),'/',''));
FROM Test;
ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN DateColumn date;
FROM Test;

SELECT CAST(REPLACE('^2018/05/29','^','') AS DATETIME2)


How to convert UNIX Epoch to date in Snowflake

My table INV_STOCK_TIME with 4000 rows with unix epoch data in snowflake. That data needs to be converted to date. Here is sample data and the desired output should be in 2 columns as given below
1617772221333 2021-04-07
1616217315003 2021-03-20
1601376748863 2020-09-29
I could to convert value in column using either of the below command.
select to_char(to_timestamp_tz(1617772221333,3),'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual;
SELECT to_char(dateadd('ms',timestamp_col,'1970-01-01'),'YYYY-MM-DD') from (select 1617772221333 as timestamp_col) as timetest;
I would like to pass the values of column1 STOCK_RAWTIME (unix epoch value)
to populate column2 STOCK_DATE. I'm unable to pass list of values to convert column1 records with below error
Format argument for function 'TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ' needs to be a string
I believe you can get this requirement with the following:
Resolved with this step in snowflake as to_date or to_timestamp works fine:
alter table inv_stock_time add column stock_date date;
update inv_stock_time set stock_date=to_date(STOCK_RAWTIME);

Date convertion Issue in Ms sql

My table name as tbl_event
Event_ExpiryDate, Event_Date fields data type is varchar, I have using the following query for getting data from the table:
select * from tbl_event
LEFT (CONVERT(VARCHAR,Event_ExpiryDate,103),12)>= LEFT(CONVERT(varchar,GetDate(),103),12) and
LEFT (CONVERT(VARCHAR,Event_Date,103),12)<= LEFT(CONVERT(varchar,GetDate(),103),12)
but I am getting a result like this
1 data to be missing. Why? this issue only on some month's date only. Months are 2,4,8,12
The real problem here is your data, and that you're using the wrong data type. Fix the data type, fix the problem.
You can fix that by firstly changing your varchar representation of a date to an unambiguous Date format, yyyyMMdd (This assumes your dates are in the format dd/MM/yyyy):
UPDATE dbo.tbl_event
SET Event_Date = CONVERT(varchar(8),CONVERT(date,Event_Date,103),112),
Created_Date = CONVERT(varchar(8),CONVERT(date,Created_Date,103),112),
Event_ExpiryDate = CONVERT(varchar(8),CONVERT(date,Event_ExpiryDate,103),112);
Then you can ALTER the table to fix your data types:
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_event ALTER COLUMN Event_Date date NULL; --Use NOT NULL if not NULLable
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_event ALTER COLUMN Created_Date date NULL; --Use NOT NULL if not NULLable
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_event ALTER COLUMN Event_ExpiryDate date NULL; --Use NOT NULL if not NULLable
Note: If any of your dates have bad values, for example '31/04/2019', the above will fail. You can get around this by changing the CONVERT functions to TRY_CONVERT, however any values that fail to convert will have the value NULL. If your columns have the NOT NULL property you will need to ensure you handle that too. If you do have bad values in your table, I strongly suggest taking a backup, or copy of the database/table first, so that you have a historical copy. (Of course, does a date like '31/04/2019' or '12/13/2018' have any meaning anyway?)
You can use only convert() :
where convert(date, Event_ExpiryDate, 103) >= convert(date, getdate()) and
convert(date, Event_Date, 103) <= convert(date, getdate());
However, storing varchar date is really bad idea. It will lead you lots of in trouble.

Clickhouse datetime comparison not working as expected

I am trying to compare the datetime, in clickhouse. But it's seems it's working in some wired way.
I have a column in my table which I want to compare with (now(),'UTC').
If the value of datetime in that column is less then the (now(),'UTC') Time than I wanna select data from that record.
I have created the table like
create table my_table (`mytime` DateTime, `data' [type]) ENGINE= engine
I want the queue like
Select data from my_table where mytime < toDateTime(now(), 'UTC')
Even if mytime > toDateTime(now(), 'UTC') it always considers mytime < toDateTime(now(), 'UTC')
It seems to me that something may up with the way you inserted data or your ClickHouse version has a bug.
The following example shows how to do what you are attempting in a way that works on my server as expected to select only the earlier row. Note the select sleep() to ensure now() invocations are different.
drop table if exists my_table;
create table my_table (mytime DateTime, data String) engine = Memory;
insert into my_table values(now(), 'a');
select sleep(1);
insert into my_table values(toDateTime('2020-01-01 00:00:00', 'UTC'), 'b');
select * from my_table where mytime < now();
select * from my_table where mytime < toDateTime(now(), 'UTC');
On my server it does not matter whether you select now() or convert it. I also tried the way you originally defined the table and that works too. Hence the thought that something is up with your data.
The reason behind this issue was in clickhouse, it takes DateTime and DateTime('UTC') as different objects, therefore the comparison between them does not work as expected. Since I wanted to make the comparison with (now(),'UTC'), I have to change the type of
mytime as DateTime ('UTC').
I have to change the table as
create table my_table (`mytime` DateTime ('UTC'), `data' [type]) ENGINE= engine

save string to a date field in sql server

I have the following string that I need to save to a sql server database column that has a date datatype.
Can I use cast within a insert script to save this value and is this the best way?
yes You can insert the value like this
INSERT INTO YourTable(ColumnName)
You Can cast it as Date,DateTime or any other Date type you need
You can use any of the following options.
insert into myTable
values (CAST('2017-05-25T00:00:00' as datetime))
insert into myTable
values (Convert(varchar(30),'2017-05-25T00:00:00',102))

Convert to mm/dd/yyyy and select max value

Using SQL Server 2014, I have a date field named LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE that is stored as datetime.
I used the CONVERT function to convert to mm/dd/yyyy:
What I want to be able to do is then select the MAX value of BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE without creating a table. Is this even possible?
It's a little unclear from your post what your data is and what you're trying to get out. Here are a couple solutions, hopefully one of which is applicable
Assuming you want your result as a string formatted mm/dd/yyyy you can do this
select convert(varchar(10), max(LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE), 101))
from YourTable
If you just need it as a date, just do
from YourTable
if LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE is already a string (formatted mm/dd/yyyy) and you want it as a date,
select max(convert(date, LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE, 101))
from YourTable
I think you are complicating this. Just do the conversion on the max datetime values.
declare #table table (LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE datetime)
insert into #table
('20160701 12:21'),
('20160705 03:21'),
('20160401 19:21'),
('20161201 04:21')
This method converts your single returned row, which is the max() value of your datetime columns, as opposed to converting every row and then finding the max value.
