Python DroneKit - Drone start location - dronekit-python

I have been trying out DroneKit Python and have been working with some of the examples provided. Having got to a point of some knowledge of working with DroneKit I have started writing some python code to perform a single mission. My only problem is that the start location for my missions are always defaulting to Lat = -35.3632605, Lon = 149.1652287 - even though I have set the home location to the following:
start_location = LocationGlobal(51.945102, -2.074558, 10)
vehicle.home_location = start_location
Is there something else in the api I am missing out on doing in order to set the start location of the drone in the simulation environment?

Problem solved by starting the DroneKit SITL using the following command:
dronekit -sitl copter --home=51.945102,-2.074558,0,180
This now starts the simulation of the drone in the desired location and not the default location in Australia!

You can actually start the SITL with custom args from python script by adding the args to the SITL launch code, here a simple example:
from dronekit_sitl import SITL
from dronekit import Vehicle, connect
sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True)
sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=51.945102,-2.074558,0,180']
sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True)
connection_string = 'tcp:'
print("Connecting to vehicle on: %s" % connection_string)
vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True, baud=57600)


Robot Framework Parameterizing using yaml file

Hi can anybody help me parameterize the string word so it will fetch from my yaml. I tried to run however I'm getting an error it shows failed: Using YAML variable files requires PyYAML module to be installed. Typically you can install it by running pip install pyyaml. but I already install pyyaml on my local machine. your response is highly appreciated. Thank you so much
Expected Result: ${String} parameter should get the value from my robot.yaml (Ralph) value
VS Terminal Screenshot:
.robot screenshot
robot.yaml file screenshot:
CMD Screenshot:
In robot.yaml define PYTHONPATH like this:
- .
- string: "RALPH"
Make sure you have installed PyYAML, then include robot.yaml and collections library in the robot file:
Variables path_to_file/robot.yaml
Library Collections
After this you can extract string value inside the test like this:
${value} = pop from dictionary ${PYTHONPATH[1]} string
log to console ${value}
This will print:
Second item in PYTHONPATH list is a dictionary, so you first need to access ${PYTHONPATH[1]} and then pop the needed key (in your case string) in order to return its value.

backend error when put file with python connector

with the connector python, the sql query work fine. However, when i use an instruction (put file file:///localfile), i have an error:
TypeError: init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'backend'
With snowSql on the same Server, it's work.
the code used:
import snowflake.connector
ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
cur = ctx.cursor()
FILE_NAME = "/home/lincoln/DEV/snowflake/100003097-SC.json"
sql="PUT file:///home/lincoln/DEV/snowflake/100003097-SC.json #local_velos_json auto_compress=false"
snowflake-connector-python 2.6.2
can you help me please ?

OperationalError: 250003: Failed to execute request: 'SSLSocket' object has no attribute 'connection' < snowflake.connector trouble

I'm running my script in Spyder/conda... was forced to update one thing, which lead to another. Finally, I am stuck trying to fix this error, which is pretty important, because I cannot get my data or fill tables with the result of my analysis without connecting to snowflake.
To verify my connection I am now simply trying to run their boilerplate connection script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import snowflake.connector
# Gets the version
ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
cs = ctx.cursor()
cs.execute("SELECT current_version()")
one_row = cs.fetchone()
I keep getting the "OperationalError: 250003: Failed to execute request: 'SSLSocket' object has no attribute 'connection'" error, and am not sure what to do after reinstalling sqlalchemy, pyarrow, pandas, snowflake-connector-python
Any help/suggestions welcome! I'm out of ideas today.

Apache Flink: Cannot find compatible factory for specified (=local)

I've decided to experiment with apache flink a bit. I decided to use scala console (or more precisely to read some stuff from csv file and print it locally... just to debug end experiments.
import $ivy.`org.apache.flink:flink-csv:1.10.0`
import $ivy.`org.apache.flink::flink-scala:1.10.0`
import org.apache.flink.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.extensions._
val env = ExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment()
val lines = env.readCsvFile[(String, String, String)]("/home/slovic/Dokumenty/test.csv")
//java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot find compatible factory for specified (=local)
What I need to do to run this code locally? (tested with scala 2.11 & 2.12)
We need additional import:
import $ivy.`org.apache.flink::flink-streaming-scala:1.10.0` //Piyush_Rana's advice. !!!FIX!!!
I also got the same error and figured out that was missing one dependency -
val flinkVersion = "1.10.0"
"org.apache.flink" %% "flink-streaming-scala" % flinkVersion,
or in ammonite repl:
import $ivy.`org.apache.flink::flink-streaming-scala:1.10.0`
You didnt execute the flink program .
Try to add execute command at the end.
env.execute("unique name")

attributeeeror: opencv python on raspberry pi

When I try to run my code on python shell I'm getting following:
Attributeerror:'picamera' object has no attribute 'capature'
please help
import time
import picamera
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = (1024, 768)
# Camera warm-up time
In the recipe from the picamera website, line 5 thru 9 are indented as they are part of the python 'with' statement.
Suggest you check the code is indented and correct. Your error message has a misspelling.
