Multi value parameter not working in SSRS report - sql-server

I have a SSRS report. there is a long SQL query on the main query, in the last SELECT I want to filter the results with WHERE expression, the filter should be with a multi value parameter.
I set the parameter in this way:
Create a new Dataset with a query.
Add a new parameter to the Parameters folder (with name NewParam).
Check the "Allow multiple values" checkbox.
Add the parameter to the "Main Query" and set the value with this expression:
At the end of the Main Query I filter the results:
select *
from #FinalStatusTbl
where Test_Number in (#NewParam)
order by Priority
The problem is:
On the report when I choose one value from the list I got expected results, but If I choose multi values the results are empty (not got an error.)
Do you have any idea why?
(When I try this: where Test_Number in ('Test 1', 'Test 2') it works well).

When you create a dataset with a sql query, multi valued parameters work with the in(#ParamName) without any changes.
Replace your =Join(Parameters!NewParam.Value,",") with just =Parameters!NewParam.Value and you should be fine.
That said, the reason you see people using that join expression is because sometimes your query will slow down considerably if your parameter has a lot of potential selections and you data is reasonably large. What is done here is to combine the join expression with a string splitting function in the dataset that converts the resulting Value1,Value2,Value3 string value in a table that can be used in the query via inner join.
This is also a requirement if passing multiple values as a parameter to a stored procedure, as you can't use the in(#ParamName) syntax.

You could try taking the parameter out of the where clause and use the parameter in the filters section of the dataset properties.
This will effectively shift the filtering from the SQL to SSRS.

What you need to do is split your string in the database. What is being passed to your query is 'Test 1, Test 2' as a complete string, NOT 'Test 1' and 'Test 2'. This is why a single value works, and multiple values do not.
Here is a really good link on how to split strings, in preparation for your scenario. The function I most often use is the CTE example, which returns a table of my split strings. Then I change my SQL query to use IN on the returned table.
In your example, you will want to write WHERE Test_Number IN (SELECT Item FROM dbo.ufn_SplitStrings(#NewParam) , where ufn_SplitString is the function you create from the link previously mentioned.

This is what I did and it works well to me. You can try it also.
=sum(if(Fields!Business_Code.Value = "PH"
and (Fields!Vendor_Code.Value = "5563"
and Fields!Vendor_Code.Value = "5564"
and Fields!Vendor_Code.Value = "5565"
and Fields!Vendor_Code.Value = "5551")
, Fields!TDY_Ordered_Value.Value , nothing ))


How to match a substring exactly in a string in SQL server?

I have a column workId in my table which has values like :
W1/2009/12345, G2/2018/2345
Now a user want to get this particular id G2/2018/2345. I am using like operator in my query as below:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' .
It is giving me both above mentioned workids. I tried following query:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' and s.workId not like '_2345'
This query also giving me same result.
If anyone please provide me with the correct query. Thanks!
Why not use the existing delimiters to match with your criteria?
select *
from u_table
where concat('/', workId, '/') like concat('%/', '2345', '/%');
Ideally of course your 3 separate values would be 3 separate columns; delimiting multiple values in a single column goes against first-normal form and prevents the optimizer from performing an efficient index seek, forcing a scan of all rows every time, hurting performance and concurrency.

Is it possible to use an asterisk to display all the values of a single SSRS Parameter

Is it possible to use an asterisk to display all the values of a single SSRS Parameter? So basically you have a parameter for first name. You type * and all the first names display. Or you can use exact name.
This is not really an SSRS issue but how you interpret the parameters in your dataset query.
You could easily achieve this if you dataest query looked something like this simple example.
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE (FirstName = #pFirstName OR #pFirstName = '*')
This assumes your report parameter is called pFirstName

SQL Server function optimization (takes too long)

I have designed a function that works with an SSRS report. I have a drop down parameter that lists multiple items and only one can be selected. This drop down gets its data from a query/data set, and I added one line of data that says 'All' in it. So the dropdown will look like this:
And then in the function, I make one small change in the where clause:
...where (#parameterName = 'All' or = #parameterName)
The problem with this is that has about 50000 rows of data. When the user selects 'All' in the drop down, I would have thought that since the first statement in brackets is true, and that the next statement (after the 'or') should not even be executed. But it causes the query to run for 5-20 minutes and still does not produce any result after that long. If I simply change the where clause to
...where (#parameterName = 'All')
The function runs in less than a second, if the user still selects 'All' from the drop down.
I implement a similar concept with another filter but I guess because the table that that parameter uses is much smaller (about 90 rows), so it doesn't take long.
Is there basically a way to have an optional parameter that is not expensive to calculate?
EDIT: I will add that the parameter is declared as nvarchar(max). Will changing this to something smaller help the query?
What you have there is a catch-all query. Consider adding OPTION (RECOMPILE) to the end of your statement. This'll force the engine to recreate the plan each time it runs the query, meaning it won't use poor choices based on a previous run where your variable has a value like 'Item1'.

Merging two columns into one in sql

I have a table with two columns hora_entrada and hora_saida and when running this select statement:
select hora_entrada, hora_saida
from Controlo_de_Entrada_saidas
it shows this result:
What I want to do is to combine these two columns into one that if Hora_saida = "Não saiu", it shows the data in hora_entrada but if hora_saída has an actual hour in there, it shows the data in hora_saida instead.
So basically this should be my result:
I don't know if I'm making myself clear, I actually don't even know where to start or if its even possible but any help would be appreciated.
Try using a CASE expression:
CASE WHEN hora_saida = 'Não saiu'
THEN hora_entrada ELSE hora_saida END AS new_column
FROM yourTable;
This logic assumes that any value in the hora_saida column which is not Não saiu is a valid timestamp. If not, then we could add additional logic to check for this as well.
If you are open/able to changing your data model, you might want to consider just storing NULL values for the missing data. SQL Server (and most other databases as well) has a built-in function COALESCE, which can be used to replace NULL with a backup value. This would avoid needing to use a lengthy CASE expression as you see above.

Use String parameter for RegEx in query

In my query (the database is a sql server) I use a RegEx for a select command like this:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id LIKE '1[2,3]'
(This query is tested and returns the data I want)
I want to use a paramter for this RegEx. For that I definded the Paramter in iReport $P{id} as a string and the value is "1[2,3]".
In my query I use now this parameter like this:
As result I get a blank page. I think the problem is that the value of the parameter is defined with " ". But with ' ' I get a compiler error that the paramter isn't a string.
I hope someone can help me.
LIKE applies to text values, not to numeric values. Since id is numeric use something like this:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id IN (12, 13)
with the parameter
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id IN ($P!{id_list})
and supply a comma separated list of ids for the parameter. The bang (!) makes sure that the parameter will be inserted as-is, without string delimiters.
Btw: LIKE (Transact-SQL) uses wildcards, not regex.
You can still use LIKE since there exists an implicit conversion from numeric types to text in T-SQL, but this will result in a (table or index) scan, where as the IN clause can take advantage of indexes.
The accepted answer works but it is using String replacement, read more about sql-injection, to understand why this is not good practice.
The correct way to execute this IN query in jasper report (using prepared statement) is:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE $X{IN, id, id_list}
For more information as the use of NOTIN, BETWEEN ecc. see JasperReports sample reference for query
