T-SQL Max Weight Query - sql-server
I have a table with these columns:
BatchNumber, BagNumber, BagWeight, CumulativeWeight
Each batch can have up to 30 bags and the other columns are self-explanatory.
What I need is a query which finds the maximum cumulative weight for each batch, here is what I have so far.
DECLARE #HighestBagNumber INT;
DECLARE #BatchNumber CHAR(8);
SET #BatchNumber = 37708;
SELECT #HighestBagNumber = MAX(BagNumber)
WHERE BatchNumber = #BatchNumber
SELECT BatchNumber, BagNumber, CumulativeWeight
WHERE BagNumber = #HighestBagNumber
AND BatchNumber = #BatchNumber
This works for one batch at a time but I need it to look at all batches in the table. As you might be able to tell, I am a total beginner so please be as critical as you want, its all good.
Yes GROUP BY seems right, with the proper storage model it should be:
SELECT BatchNumber, COUNT(BagNumber), SUM(BagWeight)
GROUP BY BatchNumber
Result: 100, 30, 600
(Where batch number = 100, there are 30 per batch, and weight of each bag = 20)
But based on you current working query it looks like you are storing denomalizing the data and storing cumulative weight as you go, probably using triggers or some other code that fires when the table is updated.
So if cumulative weight represents the total weight of a given batch, you can get rid of it and use the query above.
If cumulative weight is something else, such as total of all bags up to a certain point in time, you can still get rid of it. In that case you would simple do something like:
SELECT BatchNumber, SUM(BagWeight) AS CumulativeWeight
WHERE ModifiedDate <= '2018-08-11 06:18:00'
Given you are storing ModifiedDate as a column on your table, this will give you the cumulative weight of all bags up to today at 6:18 AM.
Simple GROUP BY should do the job:
SELECT BatchNumber, MAX(CumulativeWeight)
FROM my_table
GROUP BY BatchNumber
with batches_ranked as
select BatchNumber, BagNumber,
CumulativeWeight = sum(Weight) over (partition by BatchNumber order by BagNumber),
[Rank] = row_number() over (partition by BatchNumber order by BagNumber desc)
from FSD3BagLog
select * from batches_ranked where [Rank] = 1
sounds like you have CumulativeWeight stored in the table, if that is always increasing with BagNumber then you can simplify the query to just:
select BatchNumber, max(BagNumber), max(CumulativeWeight)
from FSD3BagLog group by BatchNumber
Calculating Days Between Dates in Separate Rows For Same UnitID
I am trying to calculate the time a commercial real estate space sits vacant. I have move-in & move-out dates for each tenant that has occupied that unit. It is easy to calculate the occupied time of each tenant as that data is within the same row. However, I want to calculate the vacant time: the time between move-out of the previous tenant and move-in of the next tenant. These dates appear in separate rows. Here is a sample of what I have currently: SELECT uni_vch_UnitNo AS UnitNumber, uty_vch_Code AS UnitCode, uty_int_Id AS UnitID, tul_int_FacilityId AS FacilityID, tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date, tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date, DATEDIFF(day, tul_dtm_MoveInDate, tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) AS Occupancy_Days FROM TenantUnitLeases JOIN units ON tul_int_UnitId = uni_int_UnitId JOIN UnitTypes ON uni_int_UnitTypeId = uty_int_Id WHERE tul_int_UnitId = '26490' ORDER BY tul_dtm_MoveInDate ASC Is there a way to assign an id to each row in chronological, sequential order and find the difference between row 2 move-in date less row 1 move-out date and so on? Thank you in advance for the help.
I can't really tell which tables provide which columns for your query. Please alias and dot-qualify them in the future. If you're using SQL 2012 or later, you've got LEAD and LAG functions which do exactly what you want: bring a "leading" or "lagging" row into a current row. See if this works (hopefully it should at least get you started): SELECT uni_vch_UnitNo AS UnitNumber, uty_vch_Code AS UnitCode, uty_int_Id AS UnitID, tul_int_FacilityId AS FacilityID, tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date, tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date, DATEDIFF(day, tul_dtm_MoveInDate, tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) AS Occupancy_Days , LAG(tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) over (partition by uni_vch_UnitNo order by tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) as Previous_Move_Out_Date , DATEDIFF(day,LAG(tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) over (partition by uni_vch_UnitNo order by tul_dtm_MoveOutDate),tul_dtm_MoveInDate) as Days_Vacant FROM TenantUnitLeases JOIN units ON tul_int_UnitId = uni_int_UnitId JOIN UnitTypes ON uni_int_UnitTypeId = uty_int_Id WHERE tul_int_UnitId = '26490' ORDER BY tul_dtm_MoveInDate ASC
Just comparing a value from the current row with a value in the previous row is functionality provided by the lag() function. Try this in your query: select... tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date, tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date, DateDiff(day, Lag(tul_dtm_MoveOutDate,1) over(partition by uty_vch_Code, tul_int_FacilityId order by tul_dtm_MoveInDate), tul_dtm_MoveInDate) DaysVacant, ...
This needs a window function or correlated sub query. The goal is to provide the previous move out date for each row, which is in turn a function of that row. The term 'window' in this context means to apply an aggregate function over a smaller range than the whole set. If you had a function called GetPreviousMoveOutDate, the parameters would be the key to filter on, and the ranges to search within the filter. So we would pass the UnitID as the key and the MoveInDate for this row, and the function should return the most recent MoveOutDate for the same unit that is before the passed in date. By getting the max date before this one, we will ensure we get only the previous occupancy if it exists. To use a sub-query in ANSI-SQL you just add the select as a column. This should work on MS-SQL as well as other DB platforms; however, it requires using aliases for the table names so they can be referenced in the query more than once. I've updated your sample SQL with aliases using the AS syntax, although it looks redundant to your table naming convention. I added a uni_dtm_UnitFirstAvailableDate to your units table to handle the first vacancy, but this can be a default: SELECT uni.uni_vch_UnitNo AS UnitNumber, uty.uty_vch_Code AS UnitCode, uty.uty_int_Id AS UnitID, tul_int_FacilityId AS FacilityID, tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date, tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date, DATEDIFF(day, tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate, tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) AS Occupancy_Days, -- select the date: (SELECT MAX (prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate ) FROM TenantUnitLeases AS prev_tul WHERE prev_tul.tul_int_UnitId = tul.tul_int_UnitId AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate > tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate is not null ) AS previous_moveout, -- use the date in a function: DATEDIFF(day, tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate, ISNULL( (SELECT MAX (prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate ) FROM TenantUnitLeases AS prev_tul WHERE prev_tul.tul_int_UnitId = tul.tul_int_UnitId AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate > tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate is not null ) , uni.uni_dtm_UnitFirstAvailableDate) -- handle first occupancy ) AS Vacancy_Days FROM TenantUnitLeases AS tul JOIN units AS uni ON tul.tul_int_UnitId = uni.uni_int_UnitId JOIN UnitTypes AS uty ON uni.uni_int_UnitTypeId = uty.uty_int_Id WHERE tul.tul_int_UnitId = '26490' ORDER BY tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate ASC
How to determine data distribution in SQL Server columns using T-SQL
Can someone show me how to compile code in T-SQL that will allow me to view the distribution of data in columns? For example in the sample table, there is a column called model. In that column, 50% of the values are Fiestas. I would like to a query that will help determine the distribution of in data in columns. I have included some sample code to help: CREATE TABLE #tmpTable ( registration varchar(50), make varchar(50), model varchar(50), engine_size float ) INSERT INTO #tmpTable VALUES ('JjFw5a0','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.8), ('VkfCDpZ','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('5E93ZEq','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.3), ('L2PPN0m','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('9xKghxp','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('WHShdBm','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('TNRHyy7','NISSAN','QASHQAI',1.2), ('6RNX0XG','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.4), ('tJ9bOD8','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('ablFUSC','FORD','FIESTA',1), ('4B7RLYL','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1.3), ('tlJiwVY','FORD','FIESTA',1), ('Fb9lcvG','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('nW4lqBC','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('LggTmL5','HYUNDAI','I20',1), ('2mGgSjS','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('IDvOzcM','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('JefpXK2','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('0h1uWfZ','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1.4), ('ylBoGbV','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1.7), ('XzoILDK','VAUXHALL','CORSA',1.8), ('Xhocs1Z','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('Lh2yWGa','KIA','RIO',1.5), ('hM5GWA0','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('PbpxkFt','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('SDHWV2r','FORD','FIESTA',1.2), ('n83Je2D','FORD','FIESTA',1.8), ('sDN0gex','FORD','FIESTA',1.2), ('7EICOZY','KIA','RIO',1.5), ('PUuMmIH','FORD','FIESTA',1), ('HiBwSg2','FORD','FIESTA',1.8), ('1yk1vDm','KIA','RIO',1.7), ('cMpH72R','HYUNDAI','I20',1.1), ('ZgQL0gt','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1.3), ('jhpamQG','KIA','RIO',1.1), ('pk0lU2F','VAUXHALL','CORSA',1.4), ('fDCUeq1','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('ono5QFC','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('VohWwGR','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('Hih8dKc','SUZUKI','SWIFT',1.2), ('D2RNn3h','SUZUKI','SWIFT',1.2), ('QaYQulE','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('xmQPxAG','FORD','FIESTA',1.8), ('vmTqkTO','FORD','FIESTA',1.2), ('lvUtVUA','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1), ('SFoj00d','FORD','FIESTA',1), ('9S6wrWV','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1), ('0SBnW0z','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('HnDHdfj','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1), ('RV7q947','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('JZqCtTg','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('XVgBwgi','FORD','FIESTA',1.8), ('iqJDsIF','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('CMbpRFa','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('vF7K5Xg','SUZUKI','SWIFT',1.1), ('3j6XGDH','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('ommqugM','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('LMQkPnw','NISSAN','QASHQAI',1.4), ('1dKgcdd','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('hC8BxiP','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1.1), ('wLTWol7','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('TY8ChYN','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('Gw1CpI8','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('L4OPAJq','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('6TyYpfi','NISSAN','QASHQAI',1.6), ('ozoOcGL','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('6IME19U','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('BxpmJO5','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('0zc2n5A','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('FqbBZE2','FIAT','500',1.7), ('2EkTOTz','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('fNBvIvg','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1.2), ('u5j4R4S','KIA','RIO',1.4), ('zpWaUZo','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('FQPVQYc','NISSAN','QASHQAI',1.7), ('8RBQADq','KIA','RIO',1.7), ('TOz2bcT','HYUNDAI','I20',1.7), ('jebhCex','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('cdHA1gL','FORD','FIESTA',1.2), ('FoaN4AT','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('atGn288','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('es8VNdW','FIAT','500',1.3), ('hDWoMXa','KIA','RIO',1.4), ('Q9C6Br1','KIA','RIO',1.5), ('mFSy4aF','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('bbbKnrM','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.5), ('qY7lz6I','FORD','FIESTA',1), ('8Ch2OeU','VAUXHALL','CORSA',1.3), ('dcWsjJv','VAUXHALL','CORSA',1.3), ('bnnoBPg','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.8), ('mvDyYkK','FORD','FIESTA',1.4), ('KpWDYap','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('7EK9K4z','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('ZPLHtlP','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('4EpYeSB','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('O1eZ20M','FORD','FIESTA',1), ('WfVntKk','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('6VlkBdi','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('hFQfKjk','KIA','RIO',1.4), ('3Y4njNP','KIA','RIO',1), ('3UuNqG0','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('qpvMYAu','FORD','FIESTA',1.1), ('NCYJUqx','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('M0AvWzg','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('XbVmtFf','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('l8qZy0H','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.3), ('EDUbxaU','MERCEDED_BENZ','E CLASS',1.6), ('nWLd82o','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('4AkoyWx','FORD','FIESTA',1), ('nOoO25v','FORD','FIESTA',1.3), ('VAm5aV8','NISSAN','QASHQAI',1.4), ('zbd3cie','FORD','FIESTA',1.5), ('hyAN71W','NISSAN','QASHQAI',1), ('FxACHDf','FIAT','500',1.7), ('wOZdaeV','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('gfxZl99','VAUXHALL','CORSA',1.1), ('06HhwEJ','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.7), ('PCTgYiG','KIA','RIO',1.7), ('U54WXZQ','KIA','RIO',1.6), ('FHgrRiF','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('R3jP73p','SKODA','OCTAVIA',1.5), ('etVPKX9','SUZUKI','SWIFT',1.1), ('BE3yReB','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('zXmX878','FORD','FIESTA',1.6), ('wdM3P2m','FORD','FIESTA',1.7), ('tb727BM','FORD','FIESTA',1.1) SELECT * FROM #tmpTable
You can apply a Windowed Aggregate to get the overall count: SELECT make , model , count(*) as cnt -- count per Model , cast(count(*) * 100.0 -- compared to all counts / sum(count(*)) over () as dec(5,2)) as distribution FROM #tmptable group by make , model order by distribution desc; See fiddle If you want the percentage of the Model for each Make you need to add PARTITION BY: SELECT make , model , count(*) as cnt -- count per Model , cast(count(*) * 100.0 / sum(count(*)) -- compared to all counts per Make over (partition by Make) as dec(5,2)) as distribution FROM #tmptable group by make , model order by make, distribution desc;
You can use conditional aggregation to get the ratio of the count of Ford Fiestas and the total count. SELECT 100.0 * count(CASE WHEN make = 'FORD' AND model = 'FIESTA' THEN 1 END) / count(*) FROM #tmptable; Edit: If you want the figures for all car models you can simply aggregate and group to get the count for each car model and divide that by the total count which you can get via a subquery. SELECT make, model, 100.0 * count(*) / (SELECT count(*) FROM #tmptable) FROM #tmptable GROUP BY make, model;
T-SQL - get only latest row for selected condition
I have table with measurement with column SERIAL_NBR, DATE_TIME, VALUE. There is a lot of data so when I need them to get the last 48 hours for 2000 devices Select * from MY_TABLE where [TIME]> = DATEADD (hh, -48, #TimeNow) takes a very long time. Is there a way not to receive all the rows for each device, but only the latest entry? Would this speed up the query execution time?
Assuming that there is column named deviceId(change as per your needs), you can use top 1 with ties with window function row_number: Select top 1 with ties * from MY_TABLE where [TIME]> = DATEADD (hh, -48, #TimeNow) Order by row_number() over ( partition by deviceId order by Time desc );
You can simply create Common Table Expression that sorts and groups the entries and then pick the latest one from there. ;WITH numbered AS ( SELECT [SERIAL_NBR], [TIME], [VALUE], row_nr = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [SERIAL_NBR] ORDER BY [TIME] DESC) FROM MY_TABLE WHERE [TIME]> = DATEADD (hh, -48, #TimeNow) ) SELECT [SERIAL_NBR], [TIME], [VALUE] FROM numbered WHERE row_nr = 1 -- we want the latest record only Depending on the amount of data and the indexes available this might or might not be faster than Anthony Hancock's answer. Similar to his answer you might also try the following: (from MSSQL's point of view, the below query and Anthony's query are pretty much identical and they'll probably end up with the same query plan) SELECT [SERIAL_NBR] , [TIME], [VALUE] FROM MY_TABLE AS M JOIN (SELECT [SERIAL_NBR] , max_time = MAX([TIME]) FROM MY_TABLE GROUP BY [SERIAL_NBR]) AS L -- latest ON L.[SERIAL_NBR] = M.[SERIAL_NBR] AND L.max_time = M.[TIME] WHERE M.DATE_TIME >= DATEADD(hh,-48,#TimeNow)
Your listed column values and your code don't quite match up so you'll probably have to change this code a little, but it sounds like for each SERIAL_NBR you want the record with the highest DATE_TIME in the last 48 hours. This should achieve that result for you. SELECT SERIAL_NBR,DATE_TIME,VALUE FROM MY_TABLE AS M WHERE M.DATE_TIME >= DATEADD(hh,-48,#TimeNow) AND M.DATE_TIME = (SELECT MAX(_M.DATE_TIME) FROM MY_TABLE AS _M WHERE M.SERIAL_NBR = _M.SERIAL_NBR)
This will get you details of the latest record per serial number: Select t.SERIAL_NBR, q.FieldsYouWant from MY_TABLE t outer apply ( selct top 1 t2.FieldsYouWant from MY_TABLE t2 where t2.SERIAL_NBR = t.SERIAL_NBR order by t2.[TIME] desc )q where t.[TIME]> = DATEADD (hh, -48, #TimeNow) Also, worth sticking DATEADD (hh, -48, #TimeNow) into a variable rather than calculating inline.
Anyway to get a value similar to ##ROWCOUNT when TOP is used?
If I have a SQL statement such as: SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Person WHERE Name LIKE 'Sm%' ORDER BY ID DESC PRINT ##ROWCOUNT -- shows '5' Is there anyway to get a value like ##ROWCOUNT that is the actual count of all of the rows that match the query without re-issuing the query again sans the TOP 5? The actual problem is a much more complex and intensive query that performs beautifully since we can use TOP n or SET ROWCOUNT n but then we cannot get a total count which is required to display paging information in the UI correctly. Presently we have to re-issue the query with a #Count = COUNT(ID) instead of *.
Whilst this doesn't exactly meet your requirement (in that the total count isn't returned as a variable), it can be done in a single statement: ;WITH rowCTE AS ( SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID DESC) AS rn1 ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID ASC) AS rn2 FROM Person WHERE Name LIKE 'Sm%' ) SELECT * ,(rn1 + rn2) - 1 as totalCount FROM rowCTE WHERE rn1 <=5 The totalCount column will have the total number of rows matching the where filter. It would be interesting to see how this stacks up performance-wise against two queries on a decent-sized data-set.
you'll have to run another COUNT() query: SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Person WHERE Name LIKE 'Sm%' ORDER BY ID DESC DECLARE #r int SELECT #r=COUNT(*) FROM Person WHERE Name LIKE 'Sm%' select #r
Something like this may do it: SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Person cross join (select count(*) HowMany from Person WHERE Name LIKE 'Sm%') tot WHERE Name LIKE 'Sm%' ORDER BY ID DESC The subquery returns one row with one column containing the full count; the cross join includes it with all rows returned by the "main" query"; and "SELECT *" would include new column HowMany. Depending on your needs, the next step might be to filter out that column from your return set. One way would be to load the data from the query into a temp table, and then return just the desired columns, and get rowcount from the HowMany column from any row.
How do I select last 5 rows in a table without sorting?
I want to select the last 5 records from a table in SQL Server without arranging the table in ascending or descending order.
This is just about the most bizarre query I've ever written, but I'm pretty sure it gets the "last 5" rows from a table without ordering: select * from issues where issueid not in ( select top ( (select count(*) from issues) - 5 ) issueid from issues ) Note that this makes use of SQL Server 2005's ability to pass a value into the "top" clause - it doesn't work on SQL Server 2000.
Suppose you have an index on id, this will be lightning fast: SELECT * FROM [MyTable] WHERE [id] > (SELECT MAX([id]) - 5 FROM [MyTable])
The way your question is phrased makes it sound like you think you have to physically resort the data in the table in order to get it back in the order you want. If so, this is not the case, the ORDER BY clause exists for this purpose. The physical order in which the records are stored remains unchanged when using ORDER BY. The records are sorted in memory (or in temporary disk space) before they are returned. Note that the order that records get returned is not guaranteed without using an ORDER BY clause. So, while any of the the suggestions here may work, there is no reason to think they will continue to work, nor can you prove that they work in all cases with your current database. This is by design - I am assuming it is to give the database engine the freedom do as it will with the records in order to obtain best performance in the case where there is no explicit order specified. Assuming you wanted the last 5 records sorted by the field Name in ascending order, you could do something like this, which should work in either SQL 2000 or 2005: select Name from ( select top 5 Name from MyTable order by Name desc ) a order by Name asc
You need to count number of rows inside table ( say we have 12 rows ) then subtract 5 rows from them ( we are now in 7 ) select * where index_column > 7 select * from users where user_id > ( (select COUNT(*) from users) - 5) you can order them ASC or DESC But when using this code select TOP 5 from users order by user_id DESC it will not be ordered easily.
select * from table limit 5 offset (select count(*) from table) - 5;
Without an order, this is impossible. What defines the "bottom"? The following will select 5 rows according to how they are stored in the database. SELECT TOP 5 * FROM [TableName]
Well, the "last five rows" are actually the last five rows depending on your clustered index. Your clustered index, by definition, is the way that he rows are ordered. So you really can't get the "last five rows" without some order. You can, however, get the last five rows as it pertains to the clustered index. SELECT TOP 5 * FROM MyTable ORDER BY MyCLusteredIndexColumn1, MyCLusteredIndexColumnq, ..., MyCLusteredIndexColumnN DESC
Search 5 records from last records you can use this, SELECT * FROM Table Name WHERE ID <= IDENT_CURRENT('Table Name') AND ID >= IDENT_CURRENT('Table Name') - 5
If you know how many rows there will be in total you can use the ROW_NUMBER() function. Here's an examble from MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186734.aspx) USE AdventureWorks; GO WITH OrderedOrders AS ( SELECT SalesOrderID, OrderDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderDate) AS 'RowNumber' FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader ) SELECT * FROM OrderedOrders WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN 50 AND 60;
In SQL Server 2012 you can do this : Declare #Count1 int ; Select #Count1 = Count(*) FROM [Log] AS L SELECT * FROM [Log] AS L ORDER BY L.id OFFSET #Count - 5 ROWS FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS ONLY;
Try this, if you don't have a primary key or identical column: select [Stu_Id],[Student_Name] ,[City] ,[Registered], RowNum = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) from student ORDER BY RowNum desc
You can retrieve them from memory. So first you get the rows in a DataSet, and then get the last 5 out of the DataSet.
There is a handy trick that works in some databases for ordering in database order, SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY true Apparently, this can work in conjunction with any of the other suggestions posted here to leave the results in "order they came out of the database" order, which in some databases, is the order they were last modified in.
select * from table order by empno(primary key) desc fetch first 5 rows only
Last 5 rows retrieve in mysql This query working perfectly SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM recharge ORDER BY sno DESC LIMIT 5)sub ORDER BY sno ASC or select sno from(select sno from recharge order by sno desc limit 5) as t where t.sno order by t.sno asc
When number of rows in table is less than 5 the answers of Matt Hamilton and msuvajac is Incorrect. Because a TOP N rowcount value may not be negative. A great example can be found Here.
i am using this code: select * from tweets where placeID = '$placeID' and id > ( (select count(*) from tweets where placeID = '$placeID')-2)
In SQL Server, it does not seem possible without using ordering in the query. This is what I have used. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP 5 * FROM [MyTable] ORDER BY Id DESC /*Primary Key*/ ) AS T ORDER BY T.Id ASC; /*Primary Key*/
Thanks to #Apps Tawale , Based on his answer, here's a bit of another (my) version, To select last 5 records without an identity column, select top 5 *, RowNum = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) from [dbo].[ViewEmployeeMaster] ORDER BY RowNum desc Nevertheless, it has an order by, but on RowNum :) Note(1): The above query will reverse the order of what we get when we run the main select query. So to maintain the order, we can slightly go like: select *, RowNum2 = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) from ( select top 5 *, RowNum = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) from [dbo].[ViewEmployeeMaster] ORDER BY RowNum desc ) as t1 order by RowNum2 desc Note(2): Without an identity column, the query takes a bit of time in case of large data
Get the count of that table select count(*) from TABLE select top count * from TABLE where 'primary key row' NOT IN (select top (count-5) 'primary key row' from TABLE)
If you do not want to arrange the table in ascending or descending order. Use this. select * from table limit 5 offset (select count(*) from table) - 5;