C - Why #pragma pack(1) Consider 6-bit struct member as an 8-bit? - c

I got stuck about #pragma pack(1) wrong behavior when define a 6-bit field and assumes it as 8-bit. I read this question to solving my problem but it doesn't help me at all.
In Visual Studio 2012 I defined bellow struct for saving Base64 characters :
#pragma pack(1)
struct BASE64 {
CHAR cChar1 : 6;
CHAR cChar2 : 6;
CHAR cChar3 : 6;
CHAR cChar4 : 6;
Now I got its size with sizeof, but the result isn't what I expected :
printf("%d", sizeof(BASE64)); // should print 3
Result : 4
I was expect that get 3 (because 6 * 4 = 24, so 24 bit is 3 byte)
Event I tested it with 1-bit field instead and got correct size (1-byte) :
#pragma pack(1)
struct BASE64 {
CHAR cChar1 : 2;
CHAR cChar2 : 2;
CHAR cChar3 : 2;
CHAR cChar4 : 2;
Actually, why 6-bit assumes 8-bit with #pragma pack(1)?

#pragma pack generally packs on byte boundaries, not bit boundaries. It's to prevent the insertion of padding bytes between fields that you want to keep compressed. From Microsoft's documentation (since you provided the winapi tag, and with my emphasis):
n (optional) : Specifies the value, in bytes, to be used for packing.
How an implementation treats bit fields when you try to get them to cross a byte boundary is implementation defined. From the C11 standard (secion Structure and union specifiers /11, again my emphasis):
An implementation may allocate any addressable storage unit large enough to hold a bitfield. If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit. If insufficient space remains, whether a bit-field that does not fit is put into the next unit or overlaps adjacent units is implementation-defined. The order of allocation of bit-fields within a unit (high-order to low-order or low-order to high-order) is implementation-defined. The alignment of the addressable storage unit is unspecified.
More of the MS documentation calls out this specific behaviour:
Adjacent bit fields are packed into the same 1-, 2-, or 4-byte allocation unit if the integral types are the same size and if the next bit field fits into the current allocation unit without crossing the boundary imposed by the common alignment requirements of the bit fields.

The simple answer is: this is NOT wrong behavior.
Packing tries to put separate chunks of data in bytes, but it can't pack two 6-bit chunks in one 8-bit byte. So the compiler puts them in separate bytes, probably because accessing a single byte for retrieving or storing your 6-bit data is easier than accessing two consecutive bytes and handling some trailing part of one byte and some leading part from another one.
This is implementation defined, and you can do little about that. Probably there is an option for an optimizer to prefer size over speed – maybe you can use it to achieve what you expected, but I doubt the optimizer would go that far. Anyway the size optimization usually shortens the code, not data (as far as I know, but I am not an expert and I may well be wrong here).

In some implementations, bit fields cannot span across variable boundaries. You can define multiple bit fields within a variable only if their total number of bits fits within the data type of that variable.
In your first example, there are not enough available bits in a CHAR to hold both cChar1 and cChar2 when they are 6 bits each, so cChar2 has to go in the next CHAR in memory. Same with cChar3 and cChar4. Thus why the total size of BASE64 is 4 bytes, not 3 bytes:
(6 bits + 2 bits padding) = 8 bits
+ (6 bits + 2 bits padding) = 8 bits
+ (6 bits + 2 bits padding) = 8 bits
+ 6 bits
- - - - - - - - - -
= 30 bits
= needs 4 bytes
In your second example, there are enough available bits in a CHAR to hold all of cChar1...cChar4 when they are 1 bit each. Thus why the total size of BASE64 is 1 byte, not 4 bytes:
1 bit
+ 1 bit
+ 1 bit
+ 1 bit
- - - - - - - - - -
= 4 bits
= needs 1 byte


Data layouts used by C compilers (the alignment concept)

Below is an excerpt from the red dragon book.
Example 7.3. Figure 7.9 is a simplification of the data layout used by C compilers for two machines that we call Machine 1 and Machine 2.
Machine 1 : The memory of Machine 1 is organized into bytes consisting of 8 bits each. Even though every byte has an address, the instruction set favors short integers being positioned at bytes whose addresses are even, and integers being positioned at addresses that are divisible by 4. The compiler places short integers at even addresses, even if it has to skip a byte as padding in the process. Thus, four bytes, consisting of 32 bits, may be allocated for a character followed by a short integer.
Machine 2: each word consists of 64 bits, and 24 bits are allowed for the address of a word. There are 64 possibilities for the individual bits inside a word, so 6 additional bits are needed to distinguish between them. By design, a pointer to a character on Machine 2 takes 30 bits — 24 to find the word and 6 for the position of the character inside the word. The strong word orientation of the instruction set of Machine 2 has led the compiler to allocate a complete word at a time, even when fewer bits would suffice to represent all possible values of that type; e.g., only 8 bits are needed to represent a character. Hence, under alignment, Fig. 7.9 shows 64 bits for each type. Within each word, the bits for each basic type are in specified positions. Two words consisting of 128 bits would be allocated for a character followed by a short integer, with the character using only 8 of the bits in the first word and the short integer using only 24 of the bits in the second word. □
I found about the concept of alignment here ,here and here. What I could understand from them is as follows: In word addressable CPUs (where size is more than a byte), there certain paddings are introduced in the data objects, such that CPU can efficiently retrieve data from the memory with minimum no. of memory cycles.
Now the Machine 1 here is actually a byte address one. And the conditions in the Machine 1 specification are probably more difficult than a simple word addressable machine having word size of say 4 bytes. In such a 64 bit machine, we need to make sure that our data items are just word aligned ,no more difficulty. But how to find the alignment in systems like Machine 1 (as given in the table above) where the simple concept of word alignment does not work, because it is byte addressable and has much more difficult specifications.
Moreover I find it quite weird that in the row for double the size of the type is more than what is given in the alignment field. Shouldn't alignment(in bits) ≥ size (in bits) ? Because alignment refers to the memory actually allocated for the data object (?).
"each word consists of 64 bits, and 24 bits are allowed for the address of a word. There are 64 possibilities for the individual bits inside a word, so 6 additional bits are needed to distinguish between them. By design, a pointer to a character on Machine 2 takes 30 bits — 24 to find the word and 6 for the position of the character inside the word." - Moreover how should this statement about the concept of the pointers, based on alignment is to be visualized (2^6 = 64, it is fine but how is this 6 bits correlating with the alignment concept)
First of all, the machine 1 is not special at all - it is exactly like a x86-32 or 32-bit ARM.
Moreover I find it quite weird that in the row for double the size of the type is more than what is given in the alignment field. Shouldn't alignment(in bits) ≥ size (in bits) ? Because alignment refers to the memory actually allocated for the data object (?).
No, this isn't true. Alignment means that the address of the lowest addressable byte in the object must be divisible by the given number of bytes.
Additionally, with C, it is also true that within arrays sizeof (ElementType) will need to be greater than or equal to the alignment of each member and sizeof (ElementType) be divisible by alignment, thus the footnote a. Therefore on the latter computer:
struct { char a, b; }
might have sizeof 16 because the characters are in distinct addressable words, whereas
struct { char a[2]; }
could be squeezed into 8 bytes.
how should this statement about the concept of the pointers, based on alignment is to be visualized (2^6 = 64, it is fine but how is this 6 bits correlating with the alignment concept)
As for the character pointers, the 6 bits is bogus. 3 bits are needed to choose one of the 8 bytes within the 8-byte words, so this is an error in the book. An ordinary byte would select just a word with 24 bits, and a character (a byte) pointer would select the word with 24 bits, and one of the 8-bit bytes inside the word with 3 bits.

C - Type Name : Number?

I was wondering what the following code is doing exactly? I know it's something to do with memory alignment but when I ask for the sizeof(vehicle) it prints 20 but the struct's actual size is 22. I just need to understand how this works, thanks!
struct vehicle {
short wheels:8;
short fuelTank : 6;
short weight;
char license[16];
printf("\n%d", sizeof(struct vehicle));
Memory will be allocated as (assuming memory word size is of 8 bits)
struct vehicle {
short wheels:8; // 1 byte
short fuelTank : 6;
// padd 2 bits to make fuelTank of 1 byte.
short weight; // 2 bytes.
char license[16]; // 16 bytes.
1 + 1 + 2 + 16 = 20 bytes.
Consider a machine with a word size of 32bit. The two first fields fit in a whole 16bit word as they occupy 8 + 6 = 14 bits. The second field, while not a bitfield (doesn't have the :<number> thing to allocate space in bits) can fit another 16 bits word to complete a 32 bit word, so the three first fields can pack in a 32bit word (4 bytes) if the architecture allows to access the memory in 16 bit quantities. Finaly, if you add 16 characters to that, this gives the 20 bytes that sizeof operator sends to printf.
Why do you assume the sizeof (struct vehicle) is 22 bytes? You allowed the compiler to print it and it said it's 20. Compilers are free to pad (or not) the structures to achieve better performance. That's an architecture dependency, and as you have not said architecture and compiler used, it is not possible to go further.
For example, 32bit intel arch allows to pad words at even boundaries without performance penalties, so this is a good selection in order to save memory. On other architectures, perhaps it's not allowed to use 16bit integers and data must be padded to fit the third field (leading to 22 bytes for the whole structure)
The only warranty you have when sizing data is that the compiler must allocate enough space to fit everything in an efficient way, so the only thing you can assume from that declaration is that it will occupy at least the minimum space to represent one field of 8 bit, other of 6, a complete short (I'll assume a short is 16 bit) and 16 characters (assuming 8 bits per char) it ammounts to 8 + 6 + 16 + 16*8 = 158 bits minimum.
Suppose we are writing a compiler for D. Knuth MIX machine. As it's stated in his book Fundamental Algorithms, this machine has an unspecified byte size of 64..100 bytes, requiring five to construct one addressable word (plus a binary sign). If you had a byte size independent compiler (one that compiles for any MIX machine, without assumptions of byte size) you have to use no more than 64 possible values per byte, leading to 6 bit per byte. You then would assume the second field fills one complete byte (and the sign drawn from the word it belongs to) and the first field needs two complete bytes (using half of the values for negative values) The third field might be in the second word, filling three complete bytes (6*3 = 18) and the sign of that word. The next 16 chars can begin on the next word, summing up to five complete words, so the whole structure will have 1 + 1 + 4 = 6 words, or 30 bytes. But if you want to handle effectively three signed fields, you'll need three complete words for the three fields (as each has a sign field only) leading to 7 words or 35 bytes.
I have suggested this example because of the particular characteristics of this architecture, that makes one to think on not so uncommon architectures that some time ago where in common use (the first machines ever built where not binary based, like some of these MIX machines)
You can try to print the actual offsets of the fields, to see where in the structure are located and see where the compiler is padding.
#define OFFSET(Typ, field) ((int)&((Typ *)0)->field)
(Note, edited)
This macro will tell you the offset as an int. Use it as OFFSET(struct vehicle, weight) or OFFSET(struct vehicle, license[3])
I had to edit the last macro definition as it complains on some architectures as the conversion of pointer -> int is not always possible (on 64bit architectures, it looses some bits) so it's better to compute the difference of two pointers, which is a proper size_t value, than to convert it directly from pointer.
#define OFFSET(Typ, field) ((char *)&((Typ *)0)->field - (char *)0)

Memory alignment and size of structure

Let's say that I define the following structure:
struct MyData {
int a;
char b;
int c;
byte d;
byte e;
I vaguely remember reading that the size of that structure not only depends on the data type but also memory alignment. On a 32bits CPU, the MyData structure would be 4 bytes + 1 byte + 4 bytes + 1 byte + 1 byte = 11 bytes. Here's my question, is memory alignement increases the size of the structure: 4 bytes + 1 byte (+3 bytes padding) + 4 bytes + 1 byte (+3 bytes padding) + 1 byte (+3 bytes padding) = 20 bytes.
Is this wrong? Am I missing something? Is this something language specific? Can I pack the structure? If so, what would be the advantages and disadvantages?
The compiler can pad the structure as it sees fit. Typically, the two last bytes would not be separated by padding, so the size would become 4 (int) + 1 (char) + 3 (padding) + 4 (int) + 1 (byte) + 1 (byte) + 2 (padding) = 16.
Many compilers allow packing the struct per a pragma. The advantage of that is less memory usage, the disadvantage slower reads for the non-aligned int members.
You are not wrong in stating that memory alignment can increase the size of the structure; however, any guesses as to how the memory will be aligned are not valid for all platforms. This is strictly platform specific.
Basically, most platforms tend to align on ${WORDSIZE}, or if the data type is smaller than ${WORDSIZE}, then it aligns on the next available fraction of ${WORDSIZE}
For example, if you have a 32 bit word, and you are storing 16 bit shorts, they might align on bits zero and sixteen within a word. But that's not a guarantee, as it is truly platform specific.
To tweak your structs for smaller waste due to padding, order the elements by data type, with the larger data types first. This tends to allow multiple bytes to be packed into the same word (if possible) and the larger than word items will nicely terminate on word boundaries as they tend to be clean multiples of a word (quadword, doubleword, ...)
There is unspecified padding between and after struct members. There is no padding before the first struct member, that is:
struct MyData bla;
int val = (char *) &bla == (char *) &bla.a; // val is 1
A pointer to the structure (suitably converted) points to the first structure member.
The size of the structure object takes into account the padding and is equal to the sum of the size of the members + the sum of the size of the unspecified paddings.
Yes, compilers will naturally align types on boundaries that match their size. You can force structure packing using compiler pragmas such as
#pragma pack(1)
You can also avoid some padding by reordering your declarations to put your ints at the beginning and single bytes after that.
You can easily test this by printing sizeof(struct MyData)

sizeof operator returning strange result

language is C with gcc compiler
if i make a struct like so
struct test {
char item_1[2];
char item_3[4];
char item_4[2];
char item_5[2];
char item_6[4];
and i do a sizeof(struct test) it returns 14(bytes). which is the expected result.
but if i do
struct test {
int16_t item_1;
int32_t item_3;
int16_t item_4;
int16_t item_5;
int32_t item_6;
sizeof(struct test) will return something strange like 44. when i debug using gnu ddd i can see inside the structure and see that it all looks normal and all items have the expected number of bytes.
so why is the sizeof operator returning a unexpected value ?
You have mixed 32/16 bit integers.
int16_t item_1[2]; // 2 * 2 = 4
int32_t item_3[4]; // 4 * 4 = 16
int16_t item_4[2]; // 2 * 2 = 4
int16_t item_5[2]; // 2 * 2 = 4
int32_t item_6[4]; // 4 * 4 = 16
// sum = 44
Compilers may insert padding between struct members, or after the last member. This is normally done to satisfy alignment requirements. For example, an int32_t object might require 4-byte alignment, so the compiler inserts 2 bytes of padding between the first and second members. The details will vary depending on the platform.
compiler is required to insert padding between structure members to align each member on its type's boundary and to order the structure's members as written. If you reorder them such that the largest members are at the beginning of the structure definition, they will be the same size. But since you're trying it with arrays of char, I'm guessing you don't have the structure's original definition, and you're trying to access some externally defined and created object's fields. In that case, I suggest you either obtain the proper headers or use the char[] version and cast char* to whatever type it really is.
The alignment issue is because modern 32-bit CPU's work in 32-bit word sizes on 32-bit address boundaries. If a 32-bit word on a 32-bit boundary contains 2 16-bit values, this results in extra instructions being required to obtain the correct 16-bits (i.e. masking and shifting so that the correct 16-bits are all that remains). If a 32-bit word is split across a 32-bit boundary then there is even more work to do to retrieve it.
By default the trade-off is to have faster programs and not use the memory as efficiently as possible. If an extra couple of instructions are needed everywhere where a structure member is used then this will probably use more memory than tighter packing the structure saves so whilst not obvious at first it's the correct choice.
If you have a requirement to store structures efficiently (at a cost to performance) then "#pragma pack" allows you to tighter pack members, but it results in bigger slower programs.
struct test {
int16_t item_1[2]; // 2 * 16 +
int32_t item_3[4]; // 4 * 32 +
int16_t item_4[2]; // 2 * 16 +
int16_t item_5[2]; // 2 * 16 +
int32_t item_6[4]; // 4 * 32
// total = 352
352 bits divided by 8 (8 bits go into one byte) is 44 bytes.

How the size of this structure comes out to be 4 byte

I do have a structure having bit-fields in it.Its comes out to be 2 bytes according to me but its coming out to be 4 .I have read some question related to this here on stackoverflow but not able to relate to my problem.This is structure i do have
struct s{
char b;
int c:8;
int main()
printf("sizeof struct s = %d bytes \n",sizeof(struct s));
return 0;
if int type has to be on its memory boundary,then output should be 8 bytes but its showing 4 bytes??
Source: http://geeksforgeeks.org/?p=9705
In sum: it is optimizing the packing of bits (that's what bit-fields are meant for) as maximum as possible without compromising on alignment.
A variable’s data alignment deals with the way the data stored in these banks. For example, the natural alignment of int on 32-bit machine is 4 bytes. When a data type is naturally aligned, the CPU fetches it in minimum read cycles.
Similarly, the natural alignment of short int is 2 bytes. It means, a short int can be stored in bank 0 – bank 1 pair or bank 2 – bank 3 pair. A double requires 8 bytes, and occupies two rows in the memory banks. Any misalignment of double will force more than two read cycles to fetch double data.
Note that a double variable will be allocated on 8 byte boundary on 32 bit machine and requires two memory read cycles. On a 64 bit machine, based on number of banks, double variable will be allocated on 8 byte boundary and requires only one memory read cycle.
So the compiler will introduce alignment requirement to every structure. It will be as that of the largest member of the structure. If you remove char from your struct, you will still get 4 bytes.
In your struct, char is 1 byte aligned. It is followed by an int bit-field, which is 4 byte aligned for integers, but you defined a bit-field.
8 bits = 1 byte. Char can be any byte boundary. So Char + Int:8 = 2 bytes. Well, that's an odd byte boundary so the compiler adds an additional 2 bytes to maintain the 4-byte boundary.
For it to be 8 bytes, you would have to declare an actual int (4 bytes) and a char (1 byte). That's 5 bytes. Well that's another odd byte boundary, so the struct is padded to 8 bytes.
What I have commonly done in the past to control the padding is to place fillers in between my struct to always maintain the 4 byte boundary. So if I have a struct like this:
struct s {
int id;
char b;
I am going to insert allocation as follows:
struct d {
int id;
char b;
char temp[3];
That would give me a struct with a size of 4 bytes + 1 byte + 3 bytes = 8 bytes! This way I can ensure that my struct is padded the way I want it, especially if I transmit it somewhere over the network. Also, if I ever change my implementation (such as if I were to maybe save this struct into a binary file, the fillers were there from the beginning and so as long as I maintain my initial structure, all is well!)
Finally, you can read this post on C Structure size with bit-fields for more explanation.
int c:8; means that you are declaring a bit-field with the size of 8 bits. Since the alignemt on 32 bit systems is normally 4 bytes (=32 bits) your object will appear to have 4 bytes instead of 2 bytes (char + 8 bit).
But if you specify that c should occupy 8 bits, it's not really an int, is it? The size of c + b is 2 bytes, but your compiler pads the struct to 4 bytes.
They alignment of fields in a struct is compiler/platform dependent.
Maybe your compiler uses 16-bit integers for bitfields less than or equal to 16 bits in length, maybe it never aligns structs on anything smaller than a 4-byte boundary.
Bottom line: If you want to know how struct fields are aligned you should read the documentation for the compiler and platform you are using.
In generic, platform-independent C, you can never know the size of a struct/union nor the size of a bit-field. The compiler is free to add as many padding bytes as it likes anywhere inside the struct/union/bit-field, except at the very first memory location.
In addition, the compiler is also free to add any number of padding bits to a bit-field, and may put them anywhere it likes, because which bit is msb and lsb is not defined by C.
When it comes to bit-fields, you are left out in the cold by the C language, there is no standard for them. You must read compiler documentation in detail to know how they will behave on your specific platform, and they are completely non-portable.
The sensible solution is to never ever use bit fields, they are a reduntant feature of C. Instead, use bit-wise operators. Bit-wise operators and in-depth documented bit-fields will generate the same machine code (non-documented bit-fields are free to result in quite arbitrary code). But bit-wise operators are guaranteed to work the same on any compiler/system in the world.
