SSRS Job Custom steps being deleted - sql-server

I have added some custom steps to some of my SSRS jobs however they are being removed after a couple of days every time. I know that if you add custom jobs and then change the report or the subscription in the UI then it overwrites the jobs. However they are not being touched yet they are still disappearing.
Has anyone else come across this problem ?

Although I often customize jobs that run subscriptions - no, I haven't come across that problem. I did not customize the jobs that were created automatically, instead I created my own ones.
For a subscription to successfully fire, the name of the job isn't important. Instead, the SQL code to execute the subscription (to be more specific: the SubscriptionID) is what you need to know. Since you were able to find the jobs that execute specific subscriptions, I think that you don't have a problem in finding this information, neither. The code you need looks like this:
exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent #EventType='TimedSubscription', #EventData='<YourSubscriptionID>'
You can use this code in your own jobs as well, and it will work as long as the subscription is there.
The name of the SSRS-generated job is the ID of the report schedule that you define for the subscription. This name is needed by SSRS to know where to change the schedule when you change the schedule of the subscription. As you found out, SSRS resets these jobs not only when a subscription is changed. But you don't need all these jobs when creating your own jobs that run the subscription.
To get rid of the auto-generated job with that cryptic name, don't just delete it yourself (as SSRS would re-create it), instead change the schedule of the subscription to a shared schedule that will never run. For this, I created a shared schedule (under site settings) named "Disabled Schedule" and disabled that schedule.


Automate the execution of a C# code that uses Entity Framework to treat data?

I have code that uses Entity Framework to treat data (retrieves data from multiple tables then performs operations on it before saving in a SQL database). The code was supposed to run when a button is clicked in an MVC web application that I created. But now the client wants the data treatment to run automatically every day at a set time (like an SSIS package). How do I go about this?
But now the client wants the data treatment to run automatically every day at a set time (like an SSIS package). How do I go about this?
In addition to adding a job scheduler to your MVC application as #Pac0 suggests, here are a couple of other options:
Leave the code in the MVC project and create an API endpoint that you can invoke on some sort of schedule. Give the client a PowerShell script that calls the API and let them take it from there.
Refactor the code into a .DLL or copy/paste it into a console application that can be run on a schedule using the Windows Scheduler, SQL Agent or some other external scheduler.
You could use some tool/lib that does this for you. I could recommend Hangfire, it works fine (there are some others, I have not tried them).
The example on their homepage is pretty explicit :
() => Console.WriteLine("Recurring!"),
The above code needs to be executed once when your application has started up, and you're good to go. Just replace the lambda by a call to your method.
Adapt the time parameter on what you wish, or even better: make it configurable, because we know customers like to change their mind.
Hangfire needs to create its own database, usually it will stay pretty small for this kind of things. You can also monitor if the jobs ran well or not, and check no the hangfire server some useful stats.

Hooks for Active Directory

We have a process during new hire onboarding that requires managers and/or ops teams to spend time creating and giving permissions to employees. Recently, we have been thinking that it would be nice for us to automate this process, i.e., through a script of sorts.
A good indication that someone has recently joined our team (under some organization), would be if it exists, for our Active Directory to post some event to some server.
So my question is, does AD have support for hooks or any sort of automation that developers can tap into?
See this about
Active Directory creating an event upon user creation.
Then you can attach a task to the event. This blog entry explains in a detailed way how to pass parameters to the powershell script defined in the task - it involves manipulating the xml export of the task itself to insert the XPath query of an event detail.
Or, depending on the size of your organization, you could query a dynamic group in which all user objects are retrieved, and work on the delta from a previous run.

After Triggers in sql server

I have created two triggers. One on sysssispackages and another on sysjobs. thse two triggers will simply send a mail whenever anyone modifies a maintenance plan or a job(sans job schedule).
My problem is whenever someone modifies a MP, i get alerts for both the triggers(1 for sysssispackage and 2-4 alerts for sysjobs table).
Is there any way by which I can restirct these alerts to the following cases.
If change is done from MP, I get alert for only sysssispackage table i.e 1 alert only.
If change is done on Jobs, I get alert only for sysjobs table.
One workaround is to alter the trigger on sysjobs table such that it checks in mail queue and sends mail accordingly.
But, I want to know if there is some other way for this.
P.S- My basic requirement is tracking who made changes in MP and Jobs.

Salesforce Schedulable not working

I have several HTTP callouts that are in a schedulable and set to run ever hour or so. After I deployed the app on the app exchange and had a salesforce user download it to test, it seems the jobs are not executing.
I can see the jobs are being scheduled to run accordingly however the database never seems to change. Is there any reason this could be happening or is there a good chance the flaw lies in my code?
I was thinking that it could be permissions however I am not sure (its the first app I am deploying).
Check if the organisation of your end user has added your endpoint to "remote site settings" in the setup. By endpoint I mean an address that's being called (or just the domain).
If the class is scheduled properly (which I believe would be a manual action, not just something that magically happens after installation... unless you've used a post-install script?) you could also examine Setup -> Apex Jobs and check if there are any errors. If I'm right, there will be an error about callout not allowed due to remote site settings. If not - there's still a chance you'll see something that will make you think. For example batch job has executed successfully but there were 0 iterations -> problem?
Last but not least - you can always try the debug logs :) Enable them in Setup (or open the developer console), fire the scheduled class's execute() manually and observe the results? How to fire it manually? Sth like this pasted to "execute anonymous":
MySchedulableClass sched = new MySchedubulableClass();
Or - since you know what's inside the scheduled class - simply experiment.
Please note that if the updates you might be performing somehow violate for example validation rules your client has - yes, the database will be unchanged. But in such case you should still be able to see failures in Setup -> Apex Jobs.

Cleaning Up Temporary SSRS Reports

Our application uses SQL Server Reporting Services and allows users to add custom filters to reports. We do this by modifying the RDL and then uploading the modified RDL to the server to create a new report. The problem is that after the report has run once, it's no longer needed; it's really just a temporary report. Obviously, this would eventually result in a lot of temporary reports laying around. We need a way to clean these up.
We've already thought about external methods like creating a service or job to periodically delete the reports, and that's probably what we'll end up doing if we can't come up with something better. What we're wondering is, does SSRS itself provide a better way to do this? We thought about trying to somehow use a cached instance which would be set to expire, but that seems to only works on an executed instance of a report not the report itself. As far as I can tell there's no way to set a report to expire. Is there some other way to get SSRS to clean up for us?
Immediately deleting the report isn't an option because our execution is asynchronous.
Built-in, there's nothing. But writing something yourself is easy enough.
Try having a process which queries your catalog of reports for ones that are older than half an hour (or so). You could even join to ReportServerTempDB to see if they still have an active session (in which case, you ignore them a bit longer).
Once you've found them, it's easy to grab that using the Web Service interface and delete them from the catalog.
But... I'd actually look at a better way of providing the custom filter, using code. Surely you could provide the filter as a parameter, and use the VB code within the report to convert what the user provides into something which could be evaluated for each row.
