React click is not detected - reactjs

I have a component where I want to listen to its click event by using an onClick attribute. Simple stuff. However, when I click the component the click event doesn't fire.
My component structure is as follows (I use styled-components, but that should not be related):
// this comes from my UI library
const Icon = styled.div`
/* some css properties */
const Search = () => (
/* this is an svg imported from the react-icons library */
<MdSearch />
// this is where I use the stuff from my UI library
class SomeComponent extends Component {
handleClick = () => {
// do something
render() {
return (
/* some other stuff */
<Search onClick={this.handleClick} />
The click is only detected when I spread the props down in the Search component, like this:
const Search = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
/* this is an svg imported from the react-icons library */
<MdSearch />
However, I am totally confused by this behaviour. Why can I not just make any component directly clickable? But instead have to manually pass the onClick prop down to the next DOM element? If that's just how it is, is there a more elegant solution than spreading the props? Because that would kind of mess up my whole UI library... :-)

The {...props} is required in this way:
<Icon {...props}>
/* this is an svg imported from the react-icons library */
<MdSearch />
so that the props you are passing in to Search (ie the onClick={this.handleClick}) actually get passed and attached to, a component inside of the (functional) component. Without the ...props, those props are passed in but are then not actually "attached" to anything, or used in anyway.
To not use the spread operator as shown above is roughly equivalent to creating a the following function:
foo(x) { return 1 }
and wondering why different values for x don't affect the behaviour/result of foo.
Hope that clarifies and helps :-)


Why do (some) CSS styles break when I defined a React functional component inside another functional component?

Why does defining a React functional component inside another functional component break CSS transitions?
function Doohick({isOpen}: {isOpen: boolean}) {
const style = {
transition: 'opacity 2s ease',
...(isOpen ? {opacity: 1} : {opacity: 0})
return (
<div style={style}>
function Parent() {
const [open, isOpen] = useState(false)
return (
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>Toggle Doohick</button>
<Doohick isOpen={isOpen} />
If I define Doohick outside of Parent, as above, everything works great. If I move the definition inside Parent, with no other changes, my CSS transitions break. Other CSS properties are fine.
Why does defining a functional component inside another functional component break CSS transitions?
Complicated Explanation of Why I Want To Do This
I hear you asking: why would I want to do that? I'll tell you, but bear in mind you don't need to know any of this to understand the specific problem.
I want to encapsulate the Doohick state in a custom hook:
function useDoohick() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
const ToggleButton =
<Button onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>Toggle Doohick</Button>
const Doohick = <MyDoohick show={isOpen}/>
return {ToggleButton, Doohick}
function Parent() {
const {Doohick, ToggleButton} = useDoohick()
return (
But I also want the Parent to be able to pass its own props into Doohick or ToggleButton. I can almost achieve that that like this:
function useDoohick() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
const ToggleButton = ({text}) =>
onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}
const Doohick = () =>
<MyDoohick show={isOpen} />
return {ToggleButton, Doohick}
function Parent() {
return (
<ToggleButton text='Burninate' />
<Doohick />
This works as advertised: ToggleButton renders with the expected label and controls whether or not Doohick is shown. But this pattern breaks some CSS styles (specifically, transitions) I have defined on Doohick. Other styles are fine.
I can still call it like this:
function Parent() {
return (
{ToggleButton({text: 'Burninate'})}
...and the transitions work correctly. But I would much prefer the standard JSX syntax here:
<ToggleButton text='Burninate />
Clearly, <Doohick /> and Doohick() are different. But what is it about the former that breaks CSS transitions here?
The root of the problem boils down to defining the custom components inside the Parent. The hook itself is irrelevant. But this pattern of encapsulating state in a custom hook while returning a customizable component is really powerful and almost works, so I'm hoping there's a way it can be saved.
Why does defining a component within another component break my CSS transitions (and possibly other styles I haven't found yet)? How can I get around this while still calling my nested component with JSX-style syntax?
Defining a component inside another component will always result in issues like this. Every time the outer component renders, you create a brand new definition of the inner component. It may have the same text as the one from the previous render, but it's a different function in memory, so as far as react can tell it's a different type of component.
The component type is the main thing that react looks for when reconciling changes. Since the type changed, react is forced to unmount the old component and then mount the new one. So rather than having a <div> on the page who's style is changing, you have a div with some style, then it gets deleted and an unrelated div gets put onto the page. It may have a different style, but since this is a brand new div, the transition property won't do anything.

Using Stateful React classes in typescipt

I am trying to create a Stateful class in which you can call methods such as createHeaderButton() where after calling it would update the state and re-render with these new updates in the component.
Im using Material-UI and so most of their styling utilizes Reacts hook API which of course classes cant use. Ive tried to get around this by using;
export default withStyles(useStyles)(HeaderBar)
Which exports the class separately with the Styles(withStyles(useStyles) useStyles as the defined styles) And the class(HeaderBar). Now the only issue is that i need to access the styles in my class. Ive found a JS example online that wont work for me because of the strong typed syntax of TS. Additionally When initializing my Class component in other places i try to get the ref=(ref:any)=>{} And with that call the create button methods when i get a response from my server, Which doesnt work because of this new way of exporting the class component!
Thanks for the help, Heres my component class:
And where i try to call it:
My personal opinion is that you should convert HeaderBar to a function component. The reason that it needs to be a class right now is so you can use a ref to call a class method to modify the buttons. But this is not a good design to begin with. Refs should be avoided in cases where you can use props instead. In this case, you can pass down the buttons as a prop. I think the cleanest way to pass them down is by using the special children prop.
Let's create a BarButton component to externalize the rendering of each button. This is basically your this.state.barButtons.forEach callback, but we are moving it outside of the HeaderBar component to keep our code flexible since the button doesn't depend on the HeaderBar (the header bar depends on the buttons).
What is a bar button and what does it need? It needs to have a label text and a callback function which we will call on click. I also allowed it to pass through any valid props of the material-ui Button component. Note that we could have used children instead of label and that's just down to personal preference.
You defined your ButtonState as a callback which takes the HTMLButtonElement as a prop, but none of the buttons shown here use this prop at all. But I did leave this be to keep your options open so that you have the possibility of using the button in the callback if you need it. Using e.currentTarget instead of gets the right type for the element.
import Button, {ButtonProps as MaterialButtonProps} from "#material-ui/core/Button";
type ButtonState = (button: HTMLButtonElement) => void;
type BarButtonProps = {
label: string;
callback: ButtonState;
} & Omit<MaterialButtonProps, 'onClick'>
const BarButton = ({ label, callback, ...props }: BarButtonProps) => {
return (
color="inherit" // place first so it can be overwritten by props
onClick={(e) => callback(e.currentTarget)}
Our HeaderBar becomes a lot simpler. We need to render the home page button, and the rest of the buttons will come from props.childen. If we define the type of HeaderBar as FunctionComponent that includes children in the props (through a PropsWithChildren<T> type which you can also use directly).
Since it's now a function component, we can get the CSS classes from a material-ui hook.
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
flexGrow: 1
menuButton: {
marginRight: 0
title: {
flexGrow: 1
const HeaderBar: FunctionComponent = ({ children }) => {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
<AppBar position="static">
<HeaderMenu classes={classes} />
<Typography variant="h6" className={classes.title}>
callback={() => renderModule(<HomePage />)}
style={{ color: "white" }}
label="Sundt Memes"
Nothing up to this point has used state at all, BarButton and HeaderBar are purely for rendering. But we do need to determine whether to display "Log In" or "Log Out" based on the current login state.
I had said in my comment that the buttons would need to be stateful in the Layout component, but in fact we can just use state to store an isLoggedIn boolean flag which we get from the response of AuthVerifier (this could be made into its own hook). We decide which buttons to show based on this isLoggedIn state.
I don't know what this handle prop is all about, so I haven't optimized this at all. If this is tied to renderModule, we could use a state in Layout to store the contents, and pass down a setContents method to be called by the buttons instead of renderModule.
interface LayoutProp {
handle: ReactElement<any, any>;
export default function Layout(props: LayoutProp) {
// use a state to respond to an asynchronous response from AuthVerifier
// could start with a third state of null or undefined when we haven't gotten a response yet
const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
// You might want to put this inside a useEffect but I'm not sure when this
// needs to be re-run. On every re-render or just once?
AuthVerifier.verifySession((res) => setIsLoggedIn(res._isAuthenticated));
return (
{isLoggedIn ? (
label="Log Out"
callback={() => new CookieManager("session").setCookie("")}
) : (
label="Log In"
callback={() => renderModule(<LogInPage />)}
label="Sign Up"
callback={() => renderModule(<SignUpPage />)}
I believe that this rewrite will allow you to use the material-ui styles that you want as well as improving code style, but I haven't actually been able to test it since it relies on so many other pieces of your app. So let me know if you have issues.

Passing components into another in react

I have an app with a number of components. One of the components I need be to able to pass different variations of another two components into, based on a layout. I believe it can be passed in like a data attribute, but I'm unsure of the exact syntax to push the other components in.
Given two components <List /> and <Box /> which are currently in another component being imported into my main App.js file as such:
export const CallOut = () => {
<div style={styles.sectionInner}>
<List />
where <CallOut /> is being imported into App.js, I'd like to pass those two components into the <CallOut /> component.
What is the correct syntax to pass those two in and have them placed in the same spot they're currently in within the CallOut component?
I believe it should be something similar to
<CallOut param={List} param={BoxRight} />
but I know this isn't right.
You can use capital names for props, and use these to instantiate react components like this:
export const CallOut = ({List, Box}) => (
<div style={styles.sectionInner}>
List and Box are the properties of this component. You can instantiate it like this:
<CallOut List={SomeComponent} Box={SomeOtherComponent}/>
I don't know if we're on the same page but maybe you're looking for children property ?
So your component will look like that:
export const CallOut = ({children}) => (
<div style={styles.sectionInner}>
And usage:
<CallOut >
You can pass any component as CallOut child or even do some filtering using children API
It's common usage when components don’t know their children ahead of time and it's used just for some kind of boxing/wrapping.

REACT Warning Unknown props parsing to child component [duplicate]

I've built my own custom react-bootstrap Popover component:
export default class MyPopover extends Component {
// ...
render() {
return (
<Popover {...this.props} >
// ....
The component is rendered like so:
// ... my different class ...
render() {
const popoverExample = (
<MyPopover id="my-first-popover" title="My Title">
my text
</MyPopover >
return (
<OverlayTrigger trigger="click" placement="top" overlay={popoverExample}>
<Button>Click Me</Button>
Now, I want to add custom props to MyPopover component like that:
my text
And to use the new props to set some things in the popover
for example -
<Popover {...this.props} className={this.getClassName()}>
but then I get this warning in the browser:
Warning: Unknown props popoverType on tag. Remove these props from the element.
Now, I guess that I can just remove the {...this.props} part and insert all the original props one by one without the custom props, but In this way I lose the "fade" effect and also it's an ugly way to handle this problem. Is there an easier way to do it?
Updated answer (React v16 and older):
As of React v16, you can pass custom DOM attributes to a React Component. The problem/warning generated is no longer relevant. More info.
Original answer (React v15):
The easiest solution here is to simply remove the extra prop before sending it to the Popover component, and there's a convenient solution for doing that.
export default class MyPopover extends Component {
// ...
render() {
let newProps = Object.assign({}, this.props); //shallow copy the props
delete newProps.popoverType; //remove the "illegal" prop from our copy.
return (
<Popover {...newProps} >
// ....
Obviously you can (and probably should) create that variable outside your render() function as well.
Basically you can send any props you want to your own component, but you'd have to "clean" it before passing it through. All react-bootstrap components are cleansed from "illegal" props before being passed as attributes to the DOM, however it doesn't handle any custom props that you may have provided, hence why you have to do your own bit of housekeeping.
React started throwing this warning as of version 15.2.0. Here's what the documentation says about this:
The unknown-prop warning will fire if you attempt to render a DOM element with a prop that is not recognized by React as a legal DOM attribute/property. You should ensure that your DOM elements do not have spurious props floating around.
To fix this, composite components should "consume" any prop that is intended for the composite component and not intended for the child component.
For further reading, check this page from the official react site.

Add custom props to a custom component

I've built my own custom react-bootstrap Popover component:
export default class MyPopover extends Component {
// ...
render() {
return (
<Popover {...this.props} >
// ....
The component is rendered like so:
// ... my different class ...
render() {
const popoverExample = (
<MyPopover id="my-first-popover" title="My Title">
my text
</MyPopover >
return (
<OverlayTrigger trigger="click" placement="top" overlay={popoverExample}>
<Button>Click Me</Button>
Now, I want to add custom props to MyPopover component like that:
my text
And to use the new props to set some things in the popover
for example -
<Popover {...this.props} className={this.getClassName()}>
but then I get this warning in the browser:
Warning: Unknown props popoverType on tag. Remove these props from the element.
Now, I guess that I can just remove the {...this.props} part and insert all the original props one by one without the custom props, but In this way I lose the "fade" effect and also it's an ugly way to handle this problem. Is there an easier way to do it?
Updated answer (React v16 and older):
As of React v16, you can pass custom DOM attributes to a React Component. The problem/warning generated is no longer relevant. More info.
Original answer (React v15):
The easiest solution here is to simply remove the extra prop before sending it to the Popover component, and there's a convenient solution for doing that.
export default class MyPopover extends Component {
// ...
render() {
let newProps = Object.assign({}, this.props); //shallow copy the props
delete newProps.popoverType; //remove the "illegal" prop from our copy.
return (
<Popover {...newProps} >
// ....
Obviously you can (and probably should) create that variable outside your render() function as well.
Basically you can send any props you want to your own component, but you'd have to "clean" it before passing it through. All react-bootstrap components are cleansed from "illegal" props before being passed as attributes to the DOM, however it doesn't handle any custom props that you may have provided, hence why you have to do your own bit of housekeeping.
React started throwing this warning as of version 15.2.0. Here's what the documentation says about this:
The unknown-prop warning will fire if you attempt to render a DOM element with a prop that is not recognized by React as a legal DOM attribute/property. You should ensure that your DOM elements do not have spurious props floating around.
To fix this, composite components should "consume" any prop that is intended for the composite component and not intended for the child component.
For further reading, check this page from the official react site.
