Why does WPFMediaKit VideoCaptureElement created by code land ever in MediaFailed? - wpf

I add a VideoCaptureElement to a window in runtime but when I run this code it fires MediaFailed. But if I add the same element in XAML then it works fine, I can see the video from the laptop camera.
Am I doing anything wrong? Please help!
public partial class MainWindow : Window
WPFMediaKit.DirectShow.Controls.VideoCaptureElement VCE;
public MainWindow()
VCE = new WPFMediaKit.DirectShow.Controls.VideoCaptureElement();
Content = VCE;
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
VCE.MediaOpened += VCE_MediaOpened;
VCE.MediaFailed += VCE_MediaFailed;
VCE.VideoCaptureDevice = WPFMediaKit.DirectShow.Controls.MultimediaUtil.VideoInputDevices[0]; // This is my laptop webcam
void VCE_MediaOpened(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ... }
void VCE_MediaFailed(object sender, WPFMediaKit.DirectShow.MediaPlayers.MediaFailedEventArgs e) { ... }

I had a similar problem with a MediaUriElement working in XAML but not working when instantiated in code-behind.
The solution for me was to Init the control:
This would fit between instantiating (VCE = new...) and assigning (Content = VCE). I haven't tested your particular scenario, but it sounds like the same cause - there must be some extra work done in Init that happens automatically when using XAML.


How to make a file download progress bar in WinForms?

I'm making a web browser with CefSharp. I just implemented downloads 2 days ago but there is no progress bar to go along with the download. How do I make the progress bar show download progress?
Edit: Making things clearer
Add a ProgressBar Control to your Form and add a BackgroundWorker Component alongside it to your form. Figure out your file size first:
Int64 bytes_total= Convert.ToInt64(client.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"])
This is code from Alex's amazing answer which can be found here:
public Form1()
backgroundWorker1.DoWork += backgroundWorker1_DoWork;
backgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged += backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged;
backgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
//Replace this code with a way to figure out how much of the file you have already downloaded and then use backgroundworker1.ReportProgress and send the percentage completion of the file download.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;

How can i run hidef XNA from winforms?

I have winforms application and i have texture SimpleTexture.xnb compiled as HiDef. I need to run XNA 3D visualisation from my winforms application in separate window. I try this:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Threading.Thread thStartGame = new System.Threading.Thread(StartGame);
private void StartGame()
using (Game1 game = new Game1())
But i get error:
Error loading "SimpleTexture". This file was compiled for the HiDef profile, and cannot be loaded into a Reach GraphicsDevice.
What can i do to run this??
Change reach to hidef:
YourGraphicsDeviceManager.PreparingDeviceSettings += new EventHandler<PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs (graphics_PreparingDeviceSettings);
void graphics_PreparingDeviceSettings(object sender, PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs e)
e.GraphicsDeviceInformation.GraphicsProfile = GraphicsProfile.HiDef;

how to GetMousePosition anywhere on the screen, outside the bounds of window (or any Visual)

I'd like to track the position of the Mouse cursor, in screen coordinates, anywhere on the screen. So even if the mouse cursor moves outside the bounds of the window, is there a way to get the position of the mouse cursor?
What I'm doing is trying to get a popup to follow the mouse cursor, even if it moves off the main window.
Here is a code snippet of what I've tried (and hasn't worked):
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
bool gotcapture = this.CaptureMouse();
Mouse.AddLostMouseCaptureHandler(this, this.OnMouseLostCapture);
Point mouse_position_relative = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
Point mouse_screen_position = popup.PointToScreen(mouse_position_relative);
private void OnMouseLostCapture(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
bool gotcapture = this.CaptureMouse();
this.textblock.Text = "lost capture.";
What exactly was your problem?
Wait! There is a way to position a Popup relative to the screen. see PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint
This showed little happy face flying around:
private Popup _popup;
public Window1()
this.Loaded += OnLoaded;
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_popup = new Popup
Child = new TextBlock {Text = "=))", Background = Brushes.White},
Placement = PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint,
StaysOpen = true,
IsOpen = true
MouseMove += MouseMoveMethod;
private void MouseMoveMethod(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var relativePosition = e.GetPosition(this);
var point= PointToScreen(relativePosition);
_popup.HorizontalOffset = point.X;
_popup.VerticalOffset = point.Y;
Never mind, I realized there is no way to position a Popup relative to the screen, only relative to the Visual which contains it.
There are a number of ways to get the screen coordinates of the mouse position outside of a WPF Window. Unfortunately, you'll need to add references to use either of them, but it is possible. You can find examples of them both in #FredrikHedblad's answer to the How do I get the current mouse screen coordinates in WPF? question. Coincidentally, that question was answered a few days before you asked this question and gave up within 21 minutes of asking.

Close current UserControl

I have a Window1.xaml main Window; and after some event, I display a UserControl EditFile.xaml.
The code behind is:
public static int whichSelected = -1;
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
whichSelected = listViewFiles.SelectedIndex;
searchEditPanel.Children.Add(_EditFileControle); //this is Grid
And now, how can I close the opened/added UserControl from its content by clicking a Cancel button or something like that?
You don't need to use a new variable, you can use it directly.
In your button click handler try :
Window parentWindow = (Window)this.Parent;
You could set the Visibility property of the control you want to "close" to Collapsed.
This way it will not be displayed anymore but will still be present in the visual tree if you need to reuse it later.
Have you tried this?
Another Suggestion:
Maybe this helps: http://sachabarber.net/?p=162
if it doesn't: Add a property to your UserControl:
public UserControl ParentControl {get;set;}
Now modify your code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
whichSelected = listViewFiles.SelectedIndex;
_EditFileControle.ParentControl = this;
searchEditPanel.Children.Add(_EditFileControle); //this is Grid
Now you should be able to do this:
// Somewhere in your UserControl
if (this.ParentControl != null)
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
(this.Parent as searchEditPanel).Children.Remove(this);

Error with calling event inside another event

I am using silverlight, My code is set up for a usercontrol as follows:
myxaml.xaml (Just showing the toggle button [line 119])
<ToggleButton x:Name="btnToggleResizeMap" Checked="btnToggleResizeMap_Checked" Unchecked="btnToggleResizeMap_Unchecked" IsChecked="True"/>
public partial class MapRadar : UserControl
public delegate void OnMapExpandChange(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event OnMapExpandChange Expanded;
public event OnMapExpandChange NotExpanded;
private void btnToggleResizeMap_Checked(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
NotExpanded(this, null); //If i remove this line, the app runs fine
private void btnToggleResizeMap_Unchecked(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
Expanded(this, null); //If i remove this line, the app runs fine
Visual studio throws this error before the application is completely loaded:
AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE [Line: 119 Position: 285]
System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, new System.Uri("/Xormis.Silverlight.ExSys;component/Views/Map/MapRadar.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
which is located inside a function named public void InitializeComponent()
I have no idea what is happening here, is there something against having event calls inside another event?
The problem is that you have null events. As soon as the checkbox is created, it immediately raises the Unchecked event, which calls your btnToggleResizeMap_Unchecked handler, which tries to call your Expanded event. Since Expanded is null, an exception is thrown, and it never finishes running the XAML.
Your code should look like this:
private void btnToggleResizeMap_Checked(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
if (NotExpanded != null)
NotExpanded(this, null);
private void btnToggleResizeMap_Unchecked(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
if (Expanded != null)
Expanded(this, null);
For a more thorough description of events, see C# Events and Thread Safety
