Import Excel into SQL Server - sql-server

I'm trying to build an import utility for users to import Excel files into SQL Server 2017.
I've hit the 32bit/64bit roadblock with OLEDB providers.
I'm using a 32 bit Microsoft Access front end, and SQL Server is 64 bit. You can't install both 64bit and 32bit ACE OLEDB providers. Microsoft have even built two different import/export wizards for this problem (one for 32bit, one for 64bit).
Does anyone know a way around this problem, or an alternative method of getting Excel data into SQL Server from a Microsoft Access front end that doesn't rely on OLEDB providers? (saving as a text file is not an option, neither is installing 64bit Office)

i think BULK INSERT will help you solve this. See here link

We supply an Excel Add-In which you can use to build solutions to let end users insert and update data in SQL Server directly from Excel.
You can download a fully functional trial here.
Disclaimer: I am the founder of the company.

You can use SSIS package to load EXCEL file into SQL Server. You can have data flow task and have Excel source and Sql server target.
If you are having 64 BIT, 32 BIT related issues, you can execute SSIS package in 32 bit runtime using dtexec.exe.Read more dtexec
You can execute SSIS package from C#
Generally, Servers and Desktop machines will have 32 BIT OFFICE drivers installed already. So, you should not have issues. If required, you would need to run dtexec.exe in 64 BIT. You can download dtexec.exe accordingly.
More information on using dtexec.exe


Creating a ssis package using sql server data tools

I am new to ssis.I have a task where i need to import data from table to excel and table contains nearly 500K records.My problem is when opt for excel file destination and create a connection manager and use excel 2007 then i cannot see tables under name of excel sheet.when i tried to install access database engine
i struck with error saying you cannot install 32 bit because you have installed 64 bit of Microsoft products.Please suggest
Here is a link to your access database engine driver. You can choose 32bit and 64bit. Remember to reboot.
Microsoft Excel ACE Driver
You could also choose a flatfile destination as CSV instead, and then load that in Excel. That is easier imo.

SSIS: version of ODBC source is not compatible with this version of the dataflow

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 to create a simple SSIS package. The data source is a DB2 database, and I'm using an ODBC driver on my workstation to connect to DB2. The target is SQL Server 2014.
The package runs fine locally, but whenever I run it on the server, I'm having trouble with the ODBC data source. The driver on the server is the exact same one with the exact same name as the one on my workstation.
To get the package into the server, I've imported the dtsx file into SSIS in Stored Packages. I've also tried to deploy the project to the Integration Service Catalog, but I get one of these failures related to the ODBC source when doing so --
The version of ODBC File Source, clsid {xxx} is not compatible with this version of the Data Flow.
The component is missing, not registered, not upgradeable, or missing required interfaces. The contact information for this component is "ODBC Source;Connector for Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) by Attunity; Attunity Ltd.; All Rights Reserved;
I've also tried using a file based ODBC source instead of a system one with that file in a shared folder on the server. Again, it runs fine in VS but not on the server.
I've looked at the dtsx file (xml based) and I suspect that there is a conflict with the DTSID for the ODBC driver. I'm not sure how that works but it seems like that ID would be unique for each computer and that SSIS is getting is trying to use the workstation's DTSID on the server.
I'm a bit new to SSIS and Visual Studio so I'm hoping I'm assuming there is a straightforward way to run packages developed on a workstation at the server without these hangups. I just can't find anything specific to this problem anywhere.
We do not have VS or SSDT installed on the server.
EDIT: I added a second sentence in the 2nd error message above. It refers a connector provided by Attunity, which is something I don't understand. The ODBC driver installed on the system is from Data Direct. The CLSID returned in the error message is also associated with an Attunity connector in the server's registry.
There are no ODBC drivers from Attunity showing up in either of the ODBC managers, so it's possible that these are somehow part of a default install or were installed when our server used to have SSDT and VS installed directly on it and were never uninstalled. Or, something else?
I have resolved this issue by changing the Deployment Target Version of Integration Services project in VS in my case from SQL Server 2017 to SQL Server 2016 (the target SQL version). Hope this helps. Old quesition, but came up first in google when I tried to solve my problem.
In my case this issue was caused by deploying an SSIS project to a 2016 server using SQL Mgmt Studio 2017. Once I redeployed using SSMS 2016, it resolved the error.
VS or SSDT by default uses 32-bit drivers, so check there is option when you execute for 32-bit. Or install both 32-bit and 64-bit driver and create ODBC with same name.
This is what i do usually for ODBC connections in SSIS -- create connection in both 32-bit and 64-bit.
So create one with
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe (32-bit)
and one with
C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe (64-bit).
I had this same problem when executing my package in SQL Server Agent. I resolved it by turning on the Execution Options "Use 32 Bit Runtime" flag in the agent step. Drove me nuts for a few days, hope this helps.
check the version of your solution vs the SQL version of where you are deploying. I had this issue and matching up versions fixed the problem. My solution was 2017 but the SQL box was 2016. I had to change the solution to 2016. cheers!
In my situation I was having this error and I switched to using the 32-bit version. My initial test worked, then I redeployed using a the project I was working with and I got this error again, even though I had switched Execution Options "Use 32 Bit Runtime" flag.
It ended up that I was having problems with my ODBC Data Source. I was using IBM Informix driver and it was having an issue with the chosen locale. I changed it to use the server's specific local and tested its connection. That then worked and my SSIS package worked on the server.
In another situation with this same Informix driver, I had the database name, slightly incorrect and that gave me this same error.

SQL Server 2012 connectivity to Oracle

I am trying to copy data from Oracle to SQL Server 2012, and I get the following message when selecting Data Source as Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle:
Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.
Oracle client and network components were not found. These components
are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version
7.3.3 or later client software installation.
I tried using .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle and I get:
Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException.
This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit
Oracle client components installed (
In SQL Server 2000 (which I am trying to move to SQL Server 2012/2014), I have the option of selection Oracle in OraClienthome directly.
Some additional information that may help diagnose the problem:
Using Toad 64 bit, it points to the 64 bit Oracle download; however, I can not tell if it is using a 32 bit driver or 64 bit driver. I can also run queries, etc. without issue.
ODBC, I can see Oracle when making a 32 (I am guessing) bit ODBC connection named Oracle in OraClienthome, but not in SysWOW64 odbc connection.
I successfully established a linked server connection on a server running 64 Bit SQL Server 2012. shows up under Server Objects  Linked_Server  Providers
While creating an SSIS package, I am unable to establish a connection to Oracle.
I can successfully run queries in MS Access and Excel.
(NEW) I can copy files using Import Export Data 64 bit, but not 32 Bit.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
In many cases the 64 bit drivers are not compatible and you have to install the 32 bit drivers then be sure you are selecting to use the 32 bit drivers if you create a job to run the package which is in the command options as the last check box. I also use toad to pull data from oracle on my desktop and it works fine with the 64 bit driver but on our new server I had to install the 32 bit drivers even though I was able to create odbc connection with connection manager. Also had to reboot win server after instal before I could get it to take.
Try to install and use Oracle Client on the MS site, and transfer the data using SSIS.
I got same problems, but when i've used connection using oracle client (you will see it in connection selection options) all worked ok.
Good luck!

Loading data into teradata using SSIS

I want to load data from SQL to Teradata using SSIS. As per my R&D I got to know that we can use third party tool which is provided in the link,
IS there any other way to load the data into Teradata using SSIS??
You can use the Teradata OLE DB Provider. With this driver you can connect as you'd do with SQL Server or any other DB, and load the data as usual.
Be aware that there's only a 32 bit version for this driver. So, you'll rather install a 32 bit version of SSIS, or you'll have to take this into account:
Quick Reference: SSIS in 32- and 64-bits

Using Excel source on a machine without excel installed in SSIS

I have made an SSIS package that uses the Excel source to extract data from an Excel 2003 file and inserts it into SQL Server. When executed on production machine it gives and error of 'productleveltoolow'. Excel is not installed on the server. Can this error be due to this reason?
'productleveltoolow' means the server does not have SSIS installed.
Do you use a 64 bit operating system? In that case you have to use the 32bit version of SSIS due to the fact that there is no 64bit driver for Excel (Jet engine), and there never will be.
I do not think this is the answer to your question, but you need to keep this in mind.
/Håkan Winther
