Alignment in linker scripts - arm

I am looking at trezor's bootloader linker script:
/* TREZORv2 bootloader linker script */
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08020000, LENGTH = 128K
CCMRAM (wal) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 64K
SRAM (wal) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 192K
main_stack_base = ORIGIN(CCMRAM) + LENGTH(CCMRAM); /* 8-byte aligned full descending stack */
/* used by the startup code to populate variables used by the C code */
data_lma = LOADADDR(.data);
data_vma = ADDR(.data);
data_size = SIZEOF(.data);
/* used by the startup code to wipe memory */
ccmram_start = ORIGIN(CCMRAM);
/* used by the startup code to wipe memory */
sram_start = ORIGIN(SRAM);
_codelen = SIZEOF(.flash) + SIZEOF(.data);
.header : ALIGN(4) {
.flash : ALIGN(512) {
. = ALIGN(4);
. = ALIGN(4);
. = ALIGN(512);
.data : ALIGN(4) {
. = ALIGN(512);
.bss : ALIGN(4) {
. = ALIGN(4);
.stack : ALIGN(8) {
. = 4K; /* this acts as a build time assertion that at least this much memory is available for stack use */
It can be found here.
I understand that the code needs to be 32bit ( ALIGN(4) ) aligned, because the ARM processor can crash if it tries to access unaligned address, but I do not understand why the stack alignment is 8 bytes and furthermore why the hell do you need to waste(?) 512 bytes for alignment of the flash section?!
I would like to understand how the alignment is decided when writing a linker script.
Thank you in advance for your answers!
I think i answered my own question:
1. .flash section:
It is aligned like that, because the vector table, that is inside it always needs to be "32-word aligned". This can also be seen be the case in Trezor's boardloader linker script. As you can see the vector table is 512 byte (4 x 32-word) aligned.
2. .stack section:
According to ARM's own documentation the stack section needs to always be 8 byte aligned.
P.S. Of course if this is not the case, please correct me.

Okay, so since cooperised confirmed my theory I can now close this question.
1. .flash section:
It is aligned like that, because the vector table, that is inside it always needs to be "32-word aligned". This can also be seen be the case in Trezor's boardloader linker script. As you can see the vector table is 512 byte (4 x 32-word) aligned.
2. .stack section:
According to ARM's own documentation the stack section needs to always be 8 byte aligned.
Thank you cooperised for the confirmation!


Load Address (LMA) for a ld link script when using non volatile memory (NVRAM)

I am working on baremetal application for an MSP430 MCU from TI. This MCU uses FRAM, a non volatile memory. The following script for SRAM works well:
__data_load_start = .;
.data : AT ( __data_load_start )
. = ALIGN(2);
__data_start = .;
__data_end = .;
} >RAM
__data_load_start gets the load memory address in flash (implicitly?), and reserves some space in RAM.
Now, I want to use it for non volatile memory. This memory zone, under certain circumstances will be re-initialized to their initial value, so the Load Address (LMA) and Virtual Address (VMA) will be different, as explained in the ld documentation.
__nvdata_load_start = .;
.NVdata : AT ( __nvdata_load_start ) {
. = ALIGN(2);
__nvdata_start = .;
__nvdata_end = .;
However, it doesn't work. A look to the .map output file shows that the load address has been set out of any memory section :/
.NVdata 0x0000000000004400 0x4 load address 0x0000000000010000
I would like to specify explicitly the location of the initial value of this memory region. Do anyone can help?
I have tried to update the script not to have any implicit rule:
.NVdata : AT ( __nvdata_load_start ) {
. = ALIGN(2);
__nvdata_start = .;
__nvdata_end = .;
.NVdataInit : {
. = ALIGN(2);
__nvdata_load_start = .;
/* reserve space for non volatile data init value */
. += SIZEOF(.NVdata);
But in this case, each section that is declared after gets an offset between the VMA and LMA. For instance, the section that just follows gives (.map file):
.textInit 0x0000000000004408 0x416 load address 0x000000000000440c
But both adresses should be same :/
I found a workaround.
When I have declared the section .NVdata and .NVdataInit (just above), there was an offset between the LMA and VMA and the binary code was incorrect.
In the section that just follows, I have forced LMA and VMA to be the same:
/* we make sure that both
* - VMA (virtual memory address) and
* - LMA (load memory address)
* are the same */
.textInit __nvdata_load_end : AT(__nvdata_load_end) {
KEEP(*(.init)) /* start here after reset */
} > FRAM
It now works perfectly, even if I don't understand why this offset has appeared :/

AVR-GCC Linker: "Data"-Section overflows

I am using the Atmel AVR-GCC for compiling a project based on Atmel's Zigbee Bitcloud. On the Atmega256rfr2( 256k Flash, 32k RAM)
After adding more code, I am approaching the limit of the memory (seems like it).
I figured out, that if the linker added too much to the "data-section", it leads to unpredictable behaviour of the program. The problem is the linker does not help me to find this point. So I am struggling to find a stable solution.
I am using the following linker file provided by Atmel:
text (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 256K
boot (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x0003F000, LENGTH = 4K
access (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x0003FFF0, LENGTH = 16
data (rw!x) : ORIGIN = 0x00800200, LENGTH = 32K - 500 /* leave 500 bytes for stack */
eeprom (rw!x) : ORIGIN = 0x00810000, LENGTH = 8K
.text :
PROVIDE(__text_start = .);
. = ALIGN(0x400);
/* PDS NV memory section */
PROVIDE(__d_nv_mem_start = .);
. = ALIGN(0x4400);
PROVIDE(__d_nv_mem_end = .);
/* Non-volatile file system PDS_FF section */
PROVIDE(__pds_ff_start = .);
PROVIDE(__pds_ff_end = .);
/* Non-volatile file system PDS_FD section */
PROVIDE(__pds_fd_start = .);
PROVIDE(__pds_fd_end = .);
. = ALIGN(2);
KEEP (*(.init0))
KEEP (*(.init1))
KEEP (*(.init2))
KEEP (*(.init3))
KEEP (*(.init4))
KEEP (*(.init5))
KEEP (*(.init6))
KEEP (*(.init7))
KEEP (*(.init8))
KEEP (*(.text*main))
PROVIDE(__text_end = .);
} > text
.data : AT (ADDR(.text) + SIZEOF(.text))
PROVIDE(__data_start = .);
. = ALIGN(2);
PROVIDE(__data_end = .);
} > data
.bss __data_end :
PROVIDE(__bss_start = .);
PROVIDE(__bss_end = .);
} > data
.noinit __bss_end :
PROVIDE(__heap_start = .);
} > data
__stack_start = .;
__data_load_start = LOADADDR(.data);
__data_load_end = __data_load_start + SIZEOF(.data);
.access_section :
} > access
.boot_section :
} > boot
.eeprom :
. = . + LENGTH(eeprom)-1;
} > eeprom
I managed to figure out at which amount of data the code is definitely not working any more and until which amount I do not have an obvious malfunction.
The program is working for a size output of:
text data bss dec hex filename
210260 10914 25427 246601 3c349 (TOTALS)
avr-gcc-size -A:
section size addr
.data 2722 8389120
.text 209468 0
.bss 25426 8391842
.noinit 1 8417268
.access_section 4 262128
.boot_section 798 258048
.eeprom 8192 8454144
.debug_info 538541 0
.debug_abbrev 46706 0
.debug_loc 73227 0
.debug_aranges 5704 0
.debug_ranges 6032 0
.debug_line 108276 0
.debug_str 89073 0
.comment 92 0
.debug_frame 14252 0
Total 1128514
I have obvious malfunction at a size of:
210260 10918 25427 246605 3c34d (TOTALS)
Increasing only the text, but not the data, does not lead to any though:
210270 10914 25427 246611 3c353 (TOTALS)
Does anyone has an idea, why the program fails at this point? And how can I predict the limit in the future or make the linker give me a warning, when this might happen?
I do not get any linker error message or Warning. The program just crashes at this point.
Everything in the .data section takes up Flash and RAM. The part in Flash is used to initialize the part in RAM. You're probably running out of RAM. So my suggestion is to mark as much as possible as const. Doing that thing will be moved into the .text segment, where it occupies just Flash and leaves RAM for better things.
There's some serious misconceptions going on here.
0x00800200, LENGTH = 32K - 500. 200h is not the same as 500, but the same as 512. Also, 0x00810000 - 0x00800000 is not 32k but 64kib. There are lots of such errors all over, whoever setup this linker file didn't quite know what they were doing and they didn't know hexadecimal numbers.
"The Program is working for a size output of..." 10914 + 25427 = 36341 bytes. How can it work fine, you just said that you have 32kib of physical RAM available on the chip. And you also reserve 512 bytes for the stack. It does not work fine, it might seem to work for now, by pure chance.
If you think that your program can work fine when you allocate more memory than what is physically available, there is no hope for you to ever recover this program. Memory cannot be allocated in thin air. Similarly, you cannot have RW sections that are larger than 256k added together unless there's some special boot area ROM on this chip.
The reason why you don't get any linker warnings might be because you have told the linker that you have 64kib available, while the physical chip only got 32kib.
Your bss+data sections (both probably go to data region) exceed your data region for few kB.
Probably due to some random behavior, you write over your stack at some point, which crashes your program.
Linker should warn you if section does not fit the region.
I think only way to be sure no issues will occur is to extend data region (if yor board has more RAM), or decrease size of your initialized + uninitialized data.
Or maybe some of your initialized data goes to eprom region, and only after you add few bytes you overflow data. To be sure use avr-something-size -A yourexecutable, which should show more detail.

Define ARM MCU memory boundaries

I'm working on a project that involves getting the CMSIS-RTOS packaging of FreeRTOS working on an STM32F051C6. I'm writing and debugging the code with VisualGDB inside of Visual Studio, and generating the project code using the STM32CubeMX tool provided by ST. The RTOS is running incredibly well and I'm all smiles, however, I added a queue and a memory pool to handle sending and receiving messages between tasks and the compiler complained that the .bss memory section that was compiled/generated would not fit in the memory section set out in the linker. This was resolved by decreasing the heap size in the FreeRTOS configuration header.
I'm a little unhappy about where this may take me when I want to make the project more complex (more tasks, queues etc) since I may start having to decrease the stack even further to allow the .bss section to fit.
So my question is - would a solution to this be to extend the .bss section into the .data section (the section above) to allow for more heap and uninitialized data in the .bss section? After some looking around and experimenting, I found that only about 1% (if not, less) of the .data section is actually being used, according to VisualGDB's Memory Explorer window at build time, and it seems crazy to have all that unused RAM.
In an attempt to do this myself, I had a thorough look through both the linker scripts and the startup code and I could not find where to define the start and end of the .bss. Is it possible to define these boundaries, how would I be able to do so if possible? If not possible, how does the linker know where these boundaries are on the target chip?
Below are what I think are the relevant sections in the linker script:
.data :
. = ALIGN(4);
_sidata = .;
_sdata = _sidata;
PROVIDE(__data_start__ = _sdata);
. = ALIGN(4);
_edata = .;
PROVIDE(__data_end__ = _edata);
} > SRAM
.bss :
. = ALIGN(4);
_sbss = .;
PROVIDE(__bss_start__ = _sbss);
. = ALIGN(4);
_ebss = .;
PROVIDE(__bss_end__ = _ebss);
} > SRAM
PROVIDE(end = .);
...and the startup file:
extern void *_sidata, *_sdata, *_edata;
extern void *_sbss, *_ebss;
void __attribute__((naked, noreturn)) Reset_Handler()
//Normally the CPU should will setup the based on the value from the first entry in the vector table.
//If you encounter problems with accessing stack variables during initialization, ensure
//asm ("ldr sp, =_estack");
void **pSource, **pDest;
for (pSource = &_sidata, pDest = &_sdata; pDest != &_edata; pSource++, pDest++)
*pDest = *pSource;
for (pDest = &_sbss; pDest != &_ebss; pDest++)
*pDest = 0;
for (;;) ;
I think you can not set size of .bss or .data section explicitly. It is only defined by your program. You can view how much memory each variable consumes from map-file.
.bss.xHeap 0x0000000020000690 0xa000 obj/heap_2.o
In my setup FreeRTOS configured with
#define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ( ( size_t ) ( 40 * 1024 ) )
and I see all this 40 KB in my map-file.
Linker knows how much memory your MCU has and tries to place all memory objects to it. If it doesn't fit you see an error.
You can not "extend" .bss into .data section because the former is occupied by uninitialized statically-allocated variables and the latter by initialized statically-allocated variables. If you can get rid of some of statically-allocated variables (e.g. globals) your .bss or/and .data section sizes will reduce. 8 KB of RAM is not very much.
Maybe you should look for ._user_heap_stack section (or similar name) in you linker script and optimize heap (don't confuse with FreeRTOS heap) and stack size values. E.g. if you use only FreeRTOS memory allocation then you can set heap size as 0 and this will allow more space for .bss section.
From my project:
_Min_Heap_Size = 0; /* required amount of heap */
_Min_Stack_Size = 0x400; /* required amount of stack */
._user_heap_stack :
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE ( end = . );
PROVIDE ( _end = . );
. = . + _Min_Heap_Size;
. = . + _Min_Stack_Size;
. = ALIGN(4);
} >RAM

GNU linker marking section with no initialized data for LOAD - Raw binary huge

I'm writing a bare metal ARM boot loader and am trying to use some internal SRAM as a scratch pad to communicate to the application code. For my needs I don't need to initialise or zero the memory. Using this script I can place my desired variables in the memory just fine.
* Linker script for secondary bootloader.
* Allocatest the first 1Mb of DRAM for its use.
* Scratchpad in internal SRAM.
SRAM : o = 0x402F0400, l = 0x0000FC00 /* 63kB available internal SRAM */
DDR0 : o = 0x80000000, l = 1M /* 1Mb external DDR Bank 0 */
OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm")
.startcode :
__AppBase = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
*init.o (.text)
} >DDR0
.text :
. = ALIGN(4);
} >DDR0
.data :
. = ALIGN(4);
} >DDR0
.bss :
. = ALIGN(4);
_bss_start = .;
_bss_end = .;
} >DDR0
.stack :
. = ALIGN(4);
__StackLimit = . ;
. = __AppBase + 1M;
__StackTop = .;
} >DDR0
_stack = __StackTop;
.internal_ram :
. = ALIGN(4);
When using objcopy to create the raw binary, I'm getting huge files. I'm assuming this is because the first bytes of the raw binary are actually the internal memory with megabytes of padding up to the start of the .text section. Objdump -h shows that the internal_ram section being marked with the CONTENTS, LOAD, and DATA flags even though the variables placed there are not initialised.
I can clean this up in objcopy using --remove-section=.internal_ram but it seems there should be a way to get the linker to recognise that the data is not initialised.
Is there a way to mark the section appropriately?
The correct section declaration is:
.internal_ram (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
The NOLOAD section attribute is documented but speaks in terms of program loaders handling the section at load time. At first this doesn't seem to apply to bare metal images but, for that purpose, objcopy acts like a program loader and honors the flag settings in the object file, omitting the section from the raw image.
The other answer mentions this as well - the key is to make the section NOLOAD so that the data remains uninitialized.
The `(NOLOAD)’ directive will mark a section to not be loaded at run time. The linker will process the section normally, but will mark it so that a program loader will not load it into memory.
A quote from Ashley Duncan that you might find useful:
NOLOAD is useful in embedded projects for making sure a block of RAM is not initialised or zeroed. For example if you want the contents of that RAM to not lose its values during a software reset (e.g. if you want to set a variable with the reason you are resetting). Another useful application is to pass information from a boot loader to application without the application startup code overwriting the values of that memory area. Of course in this case both the boot loader and application linker files need to declare the exact same memory area location and size.
Some more explanation/story can be found here

Understanding the Location Counter of GNU Linker Scripts

I'm working on a university project where I'm writing software for an Atmel SAM7S256 microcontroller from the ground up. This is more in depth than other MCUs I've worked with before, as a knowledge of linker scripts and assembly language is necessary this time around.
I've been really scrutinizing example projects for the SAM7S chips in order to fully understand how to start a SAM7/ARM project from scratch. A notable example is Miro Samek's "Building Bare-Metal ARM Systems with GNU" tutorial found here (where the code in this question is from). I've also spent a lot of time reading the linker and assembler documentation from
I'm quite happy that I understand the following linker script for the most part. There's just one thing involving the location counter that doesn't make sense to me. Below is the linker script provided with the above tutorial:
OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-bigarm", "elf32-littlearm")
MEMORY { /* memory map of AT91SAM7S64 */
ROM (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00100000, LENGTH = 64k
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 16k
/* The sizes of the stacks used by the application. NOTE: you need to adjust */
/* The size of the heap used by the application. NOTE: you need to adjust */
.reset : {
*startup.o (.text) /* startup code (ARM vectors and reset handler) */
. = ALIGN(0x4);
} >ROM
.ramvect : { /* used for vectors remapped to RAM */
__ram_start = .;
. = 0x40;
} >RAM
.fastcode : {
__fastcode_load = LOADADDR (.fastcode);
__fastcode_start = .;
*(.glue_7t) *(.glue_7)
*isr.o (.text.*)
/* add other modules here ... */
. = ALIGN (4);
__fastcode_end = .;
.text : {
. = ALIGN(4);
*(.text) /* .text sections (code) */
*(.text*) /* .text* sections (code) */
*(.rodata) /* .rodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
*(.rodata*) /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
*(.glue_7) /* glue arm to thumb (NOTE: placed already in .fastcode) */
*(.glue_7t)/* glue thumb to arm (NOTE: placed already in .fastcode) */
KEEP (*(.init))
KEEP (*(.fini))
. = ALIGN(4);
_etext = .; /* global symbol at end of code */
} >ROM
.preinit_array : {
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.preinit_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.preinit_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);
} >ROM
.init_array : {
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.init_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);
} >ROM
.fini_array : {
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.fini_array*))
KEEP (*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);
} >ROM
.data : {
__data_load = LOADADDR (.data);
__data_start = .;
*(.data) /* .data sections */
*(.data*) /* .data* sections */
. = ALIGN(4);
_edata = .;
.bss : {
__bss_start__ = . ;
. = ALIGN(4);
_ebss = .; /* define a global symbol at bss end */
__bss_end__ = .;
} >RAM
PROVIDE ( end = _ebss );
PROVIDE ( _end = _ebss );
PROVIDE ( __end__ = _ebss );
.heap : {
__heap_start__ = . ;
. = . + HEAP_SIZE;
. = ALIGN(4);
__heap_end__ = . ;
} >RAM
.stack : {
__stack_start__ = . ;
. = ALIGN (4);
__irq_stack_top__ = . ;
. = ALIGN (4);
__fiq_stack_top__ = . ;
. = ALIGN (4);
__svc_stack_top__ = . ;
. = ALIGN (4);
__abt_stack_top__ = . ;
. = ALIGN (4);
__und_stack_top__ = . ;
. = ALIGN (4);
__c_stack_top__ = . ;
__stack_end__ = .;
} >RAM
/* Remove information from the standard libraries */
libc.a ( * )
libm.a ( * )
libgcc.a ( * )
Throughout the example (such as in the .ramvect, .fastcode and .stack sections) there are symbol definitions such as __ram_start = .;. These addresses are used by the startup assembly code and initialization C code in order to initialize the correct locations in the MCU's RAM.
What I have a problem understanding, is how these symbol definitions result in the correct values being assigned. This does happen, the script is correct, I just don't understand how.
The way I understand it, when you use the location counter within a section, it only contains a relative offset from the virtual memory address (VMA) of the section itself.
So for example, in the line __ram_start = .;, I would expect __ram_start to be assigned a value of 0x0 - as it is assigned the value of the location counter at the very beginning of the .ramvect section. However, for the initialization code to work correctly (which it does), __ram_start must be getting assigned as 0x00200000 (the address for the beginning of RAM).
I would have thought this would only work as intended if the line was instead __ram_start = ABSOLUTE(.); or __ram_start = ADDR(.ramvect);.
The same goes for __fastcode_start and __stack_start__. They can't all be getting defined as address 0x0, otherwise the program wouldn't work. But the documentation linked here seems to suggest that that's what should be happening. Here's the quote from the documentation:
Note: . actually refers to the byte offset from the start of the current containing object. Normally this is the SECTIONS statement, whose start address is 0, hence . can be used as an absolute address. If . is used inside a section description however, it refers to the byte offset from the start of that section, not an absolute address.
So the location counter values during those symbol assignments should be offsets from the corresponding section VMAs. So those "_start" symbols should all be getting set to 0x0. Which would break the program.
So obviously I'm missing something. I suppose it could simply be that assigning the location counter value to a symbol (within a section) results in ABSOLUTE() being used by default. But I haven't been able to find a clear explanation anywhere that confirms this.
Thanks in advance if anybody can clear this up.
I think I may have figured out the answer to my own question. I'm not sure I'm right, but it's the first explanation I've been able to think of that actually makes sense. What made me rethink things was this page of the documentation. Particularly this quote:
Addresses and symbols may be section relative, or absolute. A section
relative symbol is relocatable. If you request relocatable output
using the `-r' option, a further link operation may change the value
of a section relative symbol. On the other hand, an absolute symbol
will retain the same value throughout any further link operations.
and this quote:
You can use the builtin function ABSOLUTE to force an expression to be
absolute when it would otherwise be relative. For example, to create
an absolute symbol set to the address of the end of the output section
.data : { *(.data) _edata = ABSOLUTE(.); }
If ABSOLUTE were not used, _edata would be relative to the .data
I had read them before, but this time I saw them from a new perspective.
So I think my misinterpretation was thinking that a symbol, when assigned a relative byte offset address, is simply set to the value of that offset while the base address information is lost.
That was based on this quote from my original question:
Note: . actually refers to the byte offset from the start of the
current containing object. Normally this is the SECTIONS statement,
whose start address is 0, hence . can be used as an absolute address.
If . is used inside a section description however, it refers to the
byte offset from the start of that section, not an absolute address.
Instead what I now understand to be happening is that the base address information is not lost. The symbol does not simply get assigned the value of the offset from the base address. The symbol will still eventually resolves to an absolute address, but only when there's no chance its base address can change.
So where I thought that something like __stack_start__ = . ; should have to be changed to __stack_start__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ;, which does work, I now think it is unnecessary. What's more, I understand from the first quote in this response that you can relink an ELF file?
So if I used __stack_start__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ;, ran the linker script to create the ELF executable, then tried to relink it and moved the .stack section somewhere else, the __stack_start__ symbol would still be pointing to the same absolute address from the first link, and thus be incorrect.
This is probably hard to follow, but I've written it as articulately as I could. I suspect I've got close to the right idea, but I still need someone who actually knows about this stuff to confirm or deny this.
The placement of the section is determined by the memory region after the closing brace (>RAM AT>ROM). So the execution address is in RAM at 0x00200000 and following, but the load address is in ROM (flash) at 0x00100000. The startup code must copy the .fastcode output section from its load to its execution address, that's what the symbols are for.
Note that these need not be at address 0, because the AT91SAM7S remaps either RAM or ROM to address 0. Usually it starts up with ROM mapped, and the startup code switches that to RAM.
This question also troubled me, Give my understanding:
.ramvect : { /* used for vectors remapped to RAM */
__ram_start = .;
. = 0x40;
} >RAM
The above statement tells the linker to place the __ram_start symbol at location counter, that is at the start of the .ramvect segment.
Since the __ram_start symbol is located at the head of the .ramvect segment, when the C code is used to get the __ramvect address, it will get the starting address of the.ramvect segment, i.e. its absolute address.
